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題名 歐盟東擴進程及其面臨之挑戰
其他題名 The Process of Eastward Enlargement and Facing the Challenges of the EU
作者 況正吉
Kuang, Cheng-Chi
關鍵詞 歐盟東擴; 哥本哈根標準; 尼斯條約; 共同農業政策; 歐洲憲法
EU Enlargement;Copenhagen Criteria;Treaty of Nice;Common Agricultural Policy;European Constitution
日期 2003-09
上傳時間 4-May-2016 16:21:06 (UTC+8)
摘要 世紀之交,由於歐洲聯盟向東擴大的影嚮和歐元進入歐元區12個會員國家的流通,歐洲未來在後冷戰國際秩序架構中將扮演重要的角色。今日的歐盟常被世人認為在非軍事事務的方面能與美國相互抗衡,這是因為歐盟正處於經濟力量不斷上升以及逐漸朝向歐洲統合的終極目標邁進。歐盟朝向中、東歐國家擴大是一個高度複雜的問題和挑戰,這個過程最終能夠引導10個甚至更多的前東歐集團國家,來要求加入成為歐盟的會員國。現在與歐盟展開入盟談判的10個中、東歐國家分別為 : 保加利亞、捷克、愛沙尼亞、兇牙利、拉脫維亞、立陶宛、波蘭、羅馬尼亞、斯洛伐克和斯洛文尼亞。受到共同農業政策的影嚮,農業領域的問題一直是歐盟15個與中、東歐國家在入盟談判上的爭議焦點。為了吸引中、東歐國家進入共同農業政策的規範中,目前歐盟應當以一九九二年共同農業政策的改革措施為準,以更加寬鬆的方式來處理。現今,歐盟正位於交叉路口上,10個新的候選國家 (8個中、東歐國家、馬爾他和塞普路斯)將於二○○四年五月加入歐盟,而且還有3個國家(保力利亞、羅馬尼亞和土耳其)可能再晚幾年之後也將入盟。歐盟未來辯論大會就是由這28個歐盟會員國的代表,共同來討論歐洲未來的發展以及制定一部新的歐洲憲法。
Due to European Union enlargement (EU) to the east and the introduction of the Euro for the 12 Member States of the Euro-zone, Europe has begun to play a more important role in the new Post Cold-War international order. People nowadays believe that the EU and the US are in non-military affairs competition. This is mainly due to continuous increases in EU economic power and the gradual forging ahead towards European Integration. The enlargemento of the EU, Including Central and a Easten European Countries ( CEECs), is a complex issue and formidable challenge. The process may eventually leade to EU accession of ten or more states from the former Estern bloc, including Bulagaric, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovak Republic, and Sloveania.With the implications of Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and the accession negotiation of “EU 15”countries, CEECs continue to dispute the problems of agriculture. The assimilation of CEECs into CAP of the EU should be easier now thanks to the CAP reform in 1992. Today Europe is at a crossroad : ten new candidates countries (8 countries in CEECs, Malta, and Cyprus) will join EU in May 2004 and perhaps three (Bulgaria, Romania, and Turkey) more in a few years. The European Convention, representating tghese 28 EU members, will discuss the future of Europe, including the writing of a new European Constitution.
關聯 問題與研究42(5),25-54頁
Issues & studies
資料類型 article
dc.creator (作者) 況正吉-
dc.creator (作者) Kuang, Cheng-Chi- (日期) 2003-09- 4-May-2016 16:21:06 (UTC+8)- 4-May-2016 16:21:06 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 4-May-2016 16:21:06 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 世紀之交,由於歐洲聯盟向東擴大的影嚮和歐元進入歐元區12個會員國家的流通,歐洲未來在後冷戰國際秩序架構中將扮演重要的角色。今日的歐盟常被世人認為在非軍事事務的方面能與美國相互抗衡,這是因為歐盟正處於經濟力量不斷上升以及逐漸朝向歐洲統合的終極目標邁進。歐盟朝向中、東歐國家擴大是一個高度複雜的問題和挑戰,這個過程最終能夠引導10個甚至更多的前東歐集團國家,來要求加入成為歐盟的會員國。現在與歐盟展開入盟談判的10個中、東歐國家分別為 : 保加利亞、捷克、愛沙尼亞、兇牙利、拉脫維亞、立陶宛、波蘭、羅馬尼亞、斯洛伐克和斯洛文尼亞。受到共同農業政策的影嚮,農業領域的問題一直是歐盟15個與中、東歐國家在入盟談判上的爭議焦點。為了吸引中、東歐國家進入共同農業政策的規範中,目前歐盟應當以一九九二年共同農業政策的改革措施為準,以更加寬鬆的方式來處理。現今,歐盟正位於交叉路口上,10個新的候選國家 (8個中、東歐國家、馬爾他和塞普路斯)將於二○○四年五月加入歐盟,而且還有3個國家(保力利亞、羅馬尼亞和土耳其)可能再晚幾年之後也將入盟。歐盟未來辯論大會就是由這28個歐盟會員國的代表,共同來討論歐洲未來的發展以及制定一部新的歐洲憲法。-
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Due to European Union enlargement (EU) to the east and the introduction of the Euro for the 12 Member States of the Euro-zone, Europe has begun to play a more important role in the new Post Cold-War international order. People nowadays believe that the EU and the US are in non-military affairs competition. This is mainly due to continuous increases in EU economic power and the gradual forging ahead towards European Integration. The enlargemento of the EU, Including Central and a Easten European Countries ( CEECs), is a complex issue and formidable challenge. The process may eventually leade to EU accession of ten or more states from the former Estern bloc, including Bulagaric, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovak Republic, and Sloveania.With the implications of Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and the accession negotiation of “EU 15”countries, CEECs continue to dispute the problems of agriculture. The assimilation of CEECs into CAP of the EU should be easier now thanks to the CAP reform in 1992. Today Europe is at a crossroad : ten new candidates countries (8 countries in CEECs, Malta, and Cyprus) will join EU in May 2004 and perhaps three (Bulgaria, Romania, and Turkey) more in a few years. The European Convention, representating tghese 28 EU members, will discuss the future of Europe, including the writing of a new European Constitution.-
dc.relation (關聯) 問題與研究42(5),25-54頁-
dc.relation (關聯) Issues & studies-
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 歐盟東擴; 哥本哈根標準; 尼斯條約; 共同農業政策; 歐洲憲法-
dc.subject (關鍵詞) EU Enlargement;Copenhagen Criteria;Treaty of Nice;Common Agricultural Policy;European Constitution-
dc.title (題名) 歐盟東擴進程及其面臨之挑戰-
dc.title.alternative (其他題名) The Process of Eastward Enlargement and Facing the Challenges of the EU-
dc.type (資料類型) article-