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題名 國小六年級學童之成就目標與其內在動機以及使用認知策略,自我阻礙策略的關係
作者 施淑慎
關鍵詞 成就目標;多元目標觀;內在動機;認知與後設認知策略;自我阻礙策略
Achievement goals;Multiple goal perspective;Intrinsic motivation;Cognitive and metacognitive strategies;Self-Handicapping
日期 2003
上傳時間 18-Apr-2007 18:30:27 (UTC+8)
Publisher 臺北市:國立政治大學教育學程中心
摘要 本研究以成就目標三元架構為基礎,探討 242 位臺北市國小六年級學童的成 就目標導向如何影響其學習歷程 (內在動機、認知與後設認知策略、以及自我阻 礙策略的使用 )與學業成就。修訂後的成就目標理論主張「趨向的表現目標」在 個體的學習上有其「獨特的正向潛能」 ,然而仍有其他學者對此一類型的目標在 學習中所扮演的角色持不同看法。本研究乃從此一觀點的歧異入手,檢驗修訂後 的成就目標三元架構在不同文化脈絡下之效度。研究結果顯示發韌於西方社會之 成就目標模式具有其跨文化之效度:台灣學童所抱持之不同類型成就目標與其成 就相關歷程間關係大體符合成就目標理論之預測。首先,精熟目標仍為對台灣學 童之學習歷程最具正向影響力之目標類型。多元目標組型之檢驗結果發現:不論 學童是否同時追求趨向的表現目標,精熟目標取向之學童均擁有較高之內在動 機、較能運用有效的認知策略幫助學習、較少使用自我阻礙策略、其成績表現亦 較為理想。至於在表現目標方面,本研究結果亦支持修訂後的理論將此一目標類 型再加以區分為「趨向的表現目標」與「避免的表現目標」之主張。此二類目標 確實會激發個體不同的動機與認知歷程,進而導致不同之學業成就。具體而言, 趨向的表現目標有助於認知策略的使用與學業成就的提昇;再者,同時追求該類 目標與精熟目標並無損於精熟目標本身所具備之正向效應。反之,避免的表現目 標則與學童在自我阻礙策略的使用上有關。此一目標取向之水準愈高者,愈傾向 使用自我阻策略來保護自我價值。根據上述結果,本研究針對教學實務工作與未 來研究提出建議與討論。
On the basis of the trichotomous framework of achievement goals, the present study attempted to investigate the effects of different combinations of achievement goals on Taiwanese children`s motivation, strategy use, and performance. Two hundred and forty-two sixth-grade students completed a self-report survey assessing their achievement goal orientations and a range of outcomes including intrinsic motivation, self-handicapping, the use of cognitive and metacognitive strategies, and grade. Results suggest that the relations between goals and these outcomes were fairly stable across different cultural contexts. Mastery goals exerted significant positive effects on Taiwanese students` motivation, cognitive engagement, and actual achievement, regardless of their level of performance-approach orientation. Also, results of the present research validate the theoretical distinction within performance goals proposed by the recently revised goal theory. Performance-approach and performance-avoidance goals led to different consequences for motivation, cognition, and achievement. Specifically, performance-approach goals were adaptive in terms of children`s use of cognitive strategies and grades, whereas performance-avoidance goals were related to students` maladaptive motivation, namely, self-handicapping. Implications for education and future research are discussed.
描述 核定金額:338200元
資料類型 report
dc.coverage.temporal 計畫年度:92 起迄日期:20030801~20040731en_US
dc.creator (作者) 施淑慎zh_TW (日期) 2003en_US 18-Apr-2007 18:30:27 (UTC+8)en_US 8-Sep-2008 15:33:28 (UTC+8)- 18-Apr-2007 18:30:27 (UTC+8)en_US 8-Sep-2008 15:33:28 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 18-Apr-2007 18:30:27 (UTC+8)en_US
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) 922413H004007.pdfen_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 核定金額:338200元en_US
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本研究以成就目標三元架構為基礎,探討 242 位臺北市國小六年級學童的成 就目標導向如何影響其學習歷程 (內在動機、認知與後設認知策略、以及自我阻 礙策略的使用 )與學業成就。修訂後的成就目標理論主張「趨向的表現目標」在 個體的學習上有其「獨特的正向潛能」 ,然而仍有其他學者對此一類型的目標在 學習中所扮演的角色持不同看法。本研究乃從此一觀點的歧異入手,檢驗修訂後 的成就目標三元架構在不同文化脈絡下之效度。研究結果顯示發韌於西方社會之 成就目標模式具有其跨文化之效度:台灣學童所抱持之不同類型成就目標與其成 就相關歷程間關係大體符合成就目標理論之預測。首先,精熟目標仍為對台灣學 童之學習歷程最具正向影響力之目標類型。多元目標組型之檢驗結果發現:不論 學童是否同時追求趨向的表現目標,精熟目標取向之學童均擁有較高之內在動 機、較能運用有效的認知策略幫助學習、較少使用自我阻礙策略、其成績表現亦 較為理想。至於在表現目標方面,本研究結果亦支持修訂後的理論將此一目標類 型再加以區分為「趨向的表現目標」與「避免的表現目標」之主張。此二類目標 確實會激發個體不同的動機與認知歷程,進而導致不同之學業成就。具體而言, 趨向的表現目標有助於認知策略的使用與學業成就的提昇;再者,同時追求該類 目標與精熟目標並無損於精熟目標本身所具備之正向效應。反之,避免的表現目 標則與學童在自我阻礙策略的使用上有關。此一目標取向之水準愈高者,愈傾向 使用自我阻策略來保護自我價值。根據上述結果,本研究針對教學實務工作與未 來研究提出建議與討論。-
dc.description.abstract (摘要) On the basis of the trichotomous framework of achievement goals, the present study attempted to investigate the effects of different combinations of achievement goals on Taiwanese children`s motivation, strategy use, and performance. Two hundred and forty-two sixth-grade students completed a self-report survey assessing their achievement goal orientations and a range of outcomes including intrinsic motivation, self-handicapping, the use of cognitive and metacognitive strategies, and grade. Results suggest that the relations between goals and these outcomes were fairly stable across different cultural contexts. Mastery goals exerted significant positive effects on Taiwanese students` motivation, cognitive engagement, and actual achievement, regardless of their level of performance-approach orientation. Also, results of the present research validate the theoretical distinction within performance goals proposed by the recently revised goal theory. Performance-approach and performance-avoidance goals led to different consequences for motivation, cognition, and achievement. Specifically, performance-approach goals were adaptive in terms of children`s use of cognitive strategies and grades, whereas performance-avoidance goals were related to students` maladaptive motivation, namely, self-handicapping. Implications for education and future research are discussed.-
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dc.language zh-TWen_US
dc.language.iso zh-TWen_US
dc.publisher (Publisher) 臺北市:國立政治大學教育學程中心en_US
dc.rights (Rights) 行政院國家科學委員會en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 成就目標;多元目標觀;內在動機;認知與後設認知策略;自我阻礙策略-
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Achievement goals;Multiple goal perspective;Intrinsic motivation;Cognitive and metacognitive strategies;Self-Handicapping-
dc.title (題名) 國小六年級學童之成就目標與其內在動機以及使用認知策略,自我阻礙策略的關係zh_TW
dc.type (資料類型) reporten