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題名 我國社會保險之財源籌措
作者 簡立忠
貢獻者 鄭文輝
日期 1987
上傳時間 4-May-2016 17:14:03 (UTC+8)
摘要 摘要
參考文獻 參考書目

1. Aaron,H.J. Economic Effects of Social Security, N.Y.: The Brookings Institution, 1982.
2.Ballantyne, H.C. "Present Policies and Methods Regarding the Long-Term Adjustment of Benefits", Social Security Bull. (S.S.B.) , Vol.47 No.10, 1984.
3.Bartlett III, D.K. "Current Developments in social Security Financing" , S.S.B., Vol.43 No.9, 1980, pp.10-20.
4.Boskin ,M.J. ed., The Crisis in Social Security Problem and Prospects, U.S.: the Institute for Contemporary Studies, 1977.
5.Brittain , J.A. The Payroll Tax for Social Security, Washington, D.C. :The Brookings Institution , 1972.
6.Browning , E. K. & Browning, J.M. Public Finance and the Price System,台北:華泰書局, 2nd ed., 1983.
7.Buchanan , J.M. "Social Insurance in a Growing Economy: A Proposal for Radical Reform", National Tax Journal (N.T.J . ) , Vol.21 No.4, 1968, pp.386-395 .
8.Chan, Hou-sheng, "Perspectives of Social Security System in Taiwan", coference on Economic Development and Social Welfare in Taiwan, 1987 .
9.Chen, Yung-Ping, Chen, Social Security in a Chanqing Society, Pennsylvania:
Bryn Mawr: McCahan Foundation, 1983.
10.Cheng, Wen-Hui Peter , "Financing Social Insurance in Taiwan`, Coference on Economic Development and Social Welfare in Taiwan, 1987 .
11.Chernick,H. & Reschovsky,A. "The TAxation of Social Security", N.T.J. , Vol.38
No.2, 1985 , pp.141-151 .
12.Chiang, Tung-Liang, "Health Care Delivery in Taiwan: Progress and Problems", Taipei: Conference on Economic Development and Social Welfare in Taiwan, 1987
13.Clarke,C.E. Social Insurance in Britain, Cambrige University Press, 1950.
14.Cox,S.R. & Wooten,P.R. "The Long Run Prob liem of Financing the Social Security System", American Journal of Economics and Sociology(A.J.E.S.), Vol .37
No.4, 1978 , pp.397-412.
15.Derthick,M. Policymaking for Social Security, The Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C., 1979.
16.Dilnot, A.W., Kay,J.A. & Morris The Reform of Social Security, London: The Institute for Fiscal Studies, 1984.
17.Ehrenberg, R.G. "Retirement Policies, Employment, and Unemployment", American Economic Review (A.E.R.), Vol .69 No.3, 1979, pp.131-136 .
18.Feldstein, M.S. "Social security, Induced Retirement, and Aggregate Capital Accumulation", Joural of Public Economics(J.P.E.), Vol.85 No.5, 1974 .
19.Flemming,J.S. "Optimal Payeoll Taxes and Social Security Funding", J.P.E., Vol.7 No.4,1977, pp.329-349 .
20.Furstenberg,G.M. Social Security Versus Private Saving, Massachusetts: Ballinger Publishing company, 1979 .
21.Hu, Sheng Cheng, "On the Dynamic Behaviour of the Consumer and the Optimal
Provision of Social Security",Review of Economic Study(R.E.S.), Vol.45,1978,
pp.437-445 .
22.__________ , "Social Security, the supply of Labor, and Capital Accumulation", A.E.R. , Vol.69 No.3, 1979, pp. 274-283 .
23.International Labour Office (ILO), Financing Social Security: the Options-An International Analysis Geneva: ILO, 1984 .
24. ______ , Into the Twenty-First Century: the Development of Social Security, Geneva: ILO, 1984 .
25. ______ , The cost of Social Security 1975~1977, Geneva: ILO,1981 .
26. ______ , Introduction to Social Security , Geneva: ILO, 1984 .
27.Jenkins,S. Social Security in International Perspective N.Y.:Columbia University, 1969 .
28.Johnston, J. Econometric Methods , 3rd ed., N.Y.:McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1984 .
29.Just, R.E., Hueth, D. L. & Schmitz, A. Applied Welfare, Economics and Public Policy, 台北:華泰書局, 1982.
30.Kaim-Caudle, P.R. Comparative Social Policy and Social Security , London: Martin Robertson, 1973 .
31. Kaplan, R.S. Financial Crisis in the Social Security System Washington,D.C. :American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, 1976 .
32.Munnell,A.H. The Future of Social Security , Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution, 1977 .
33. _______ , "The Current Status of Social Security Financing", New England Economic
Review, May-June, 1983, pp.46-62 .
34.Musgrave,R.A. & Musgrave,P.B. Public Finance in Theory and Practive, N.Y.: McGraw-Hill Book Comapny, 4th ed., 1984.
35.Myers,R.J. Social Security, Pennsylvania: Richard D. Irwin, Inc., Homewoods, Illinois,1985.
36.Naqib,F.M. "Some Redistributive Aspects of Social Security and their Impact on the Supply of Labor", Public Finace(P.F.),Vol.40 No.2, 1985,pp.230-246 .
37.National Commission on Social Security Reform, "report of the National on Social Secuity Reform`, S.S.B.. , Vol.46 No.2, 1983, pp.3-38.
38. O`Neill,J.A. "social Security-Fundamental Economic Problems and Alternative Financing Methods", N.T.J., Vol.33 No.3, 1980, pp.359-369.
39.Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), The Welfare State
in Crisis , Paris: OECD, 1981 .
40.Pazner,E.A. "merit Wants and the Theory of Taxation", P.F., Vol.27 No.4, 1972 . PP. 460-472
41.Perman,J.A. & Aaron, H.J. & Taussig, M.K. Social Security, Washington, D.C.: The
Brookings Instition, 1968 .
42.Pechman,J.A. & Timpane P.M. Work Incentives and Income Guarantees , Washington
D.C.: The Brookings Institution, 1975.
43.Pellechio,A.J. "Social Security Financing and Retirement Behavior", A.E.R., Vol.69 No.2, 1979, pp.284-287 .
44.Raynes, H.E. Social Security in Britain , London: Greenwood Press, Publishers, 1976 .
45.Reinhardt, U.E. "Medicare: Its Financing and Future`, A.E.R., Vol.69 No.2, 1979, pp.279-283
46.Rejda, G.E. Social Insurance and Economic Security , New Jersey : Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1976 .
47.Reviglio, F. "The Social Security Sector and Its Financing in Development Counties", International Monetary Fund Staff Papers, Vol.14 No.3, 1967, pp. 500-540 .
48.Ron,A. "Government Participation in Social Security Health Insurance Budgets", International Social Security Review, No.2, 1986, PP. 52-63.
49.Samuelson,P.A. "Optimum Social Security in a life-cycle Growth Model", International Economic Review(I.E.R.) , Vol.16 No.3, 1975, pp.539-544.
50.Shome,P. & Squire, L . "Alternative Mechanisms for Financing Social Security", Staff Working Paper No.625, World Bank,1983 .
51.Skidmore, Felicity E.,ed. Social Security Financing, Cambridge, Massachusetts : MIT Press, 1981 .
52.Thompson,L.H. "The Social Security Reform Debate", Journal of Economic Literature(J.E.L.), Vol.21, 1983, pp.1425-1467 .
53.Turner , J.A. "Financing Social Security", Review of Social Economics(R.S.E.) Vol.46 No.2, 1984, pp.105-116 .
54.U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services-Social Security Administration-Office of Policy-Office of Research, Statistics, and International Policy Social Security Programs Throughout the World-1985 , Washington, D.C. 1986 .
55.Verbon, H.A.A. "On the Independence of Financing Methods and Redistributive Aspects of Pension Plans", P.F., Vol.40 No.2 , 1985, PP.281-290.
56.Wu, Chung-Lih, "Economic Aspects of Health Inssurance in the Republic of China A Proposed National Health Insurance", Conference on Economic Development and Social Welfare in Taiwan, 1987 .
描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 鄭文輝zh_TW (Authors) 簡立忠zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) 簡立忠zh_TW (日期) 1987en_US 4-May-2016 17:14:03 (UTC+8)- 4-May-2016 17:14:03 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 4-May-2016 17:14:03 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) B2002006186en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 財政學系zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 摘要zh_TW
dc.description.tableofcontents 目錄
第一章 緒論………1
第一節 研究動機與目的………1
第二節 研究架構………2
第三節 研究範圍與限制………3
第二章 各國社會保險財源籌措方法之分析………5
第一節 各國現行財源籌措方法與分攤比例………5
第二節 各種財源籌措方法的發展歷史………9
第三節 本章結語………19
第三章 各種財源籌措方法之理論分析………23
第一節 社會保險的財源收付結構………23
第二節 不同財源收付結構的效果………25
第三節 社會保險的最適財源籌措方法………33
第四節 本章結語………41
第四章 我國社會保險的財源籌措之現況分析………44
第一節 我國社會保險的政策目標與現行制度………44
第二節 我國社會保險財源籌措的檢討………46
第三節 我國歷年社會保險財務收支的分析………60
第四節 本章結語………64
第五章 我國社會保險財源籌措之未來展望………68
第一節 適合我國社會保險的各種財源籌措方法………68
第二節 預估未來各種財源籌措方法的負擔………70
第三節 本章結語………88
第六章 結論與建議………94

表2-1 社會保險的財源分攤表──老年、殘廢、遺屬保險部份………6
表2-2 社會保險的財源分攤表──醫療保險部份………7
表2-3 社會保險發展過程之比較──丹麥與德國………14
表2-4 社會保險發展過程之比較──英國與日本………16
表4-1 我國社會保險制度………45
表4-2 我國社會保險的規模………47
表4-3 公務人員保險暨勞工保險各項給付金額及其佔總給付的比例之對照表………49
表4-4 公務人員暨勞工保險平均每件老年及醫療給付金額對照表………49
表4-5 公務人員保險,政府一般基金、雇主、公務員實際分擔成本的比率………51
表4-6 公務人員保險計劃、醫療次數與所得的交叉對照表………53
表4-7 公務人員保險:依投保年數,估計老年給付部份之保費現值佔給付現值的比率及內部報酬率………54
表4-8 勞工保險:依投保年數,估計老年給付部份之保費現值佔給付現值之比率及內部報酬率………55
表4-9 製造業勞工薪資結構性變動之檢定………59
表4-10 (一)勞工保險計劃的財務分析………62
表5-1 預估我國全民健康保險參加人數1985~2000年………73
表5-2 全民健康保險計劃各預估組合的分攤情形………74,75
表5-3 全民健康保險計劃平均每人總成本預估表………77
表5-4 全民健康保險計劃總支出預估表………78
表5-5 全民健康保險計劃,政府負擔成本與民間負擔成本預估表………79,80
表5-6 西元2000年受雇者(勞工)平均負擔之醫療保險費率預估表………82
表5-7 預估我國就業人口老年保險的參加人數1985~2000年………84
表5-8 就業人口老年保險計劃(包括殘廢、死亡)平均每人總成本預估表………86
表5-9 就業人口老年保險計劃(包括殘廢、死亡)總成本預估表………87
表5-10 我國社會保險計劃的財源總負擔:西元2000年………89
表5-11 我國社會保險計劃,受雇者的平均負擔情形:西元2000年………89
圖3-1 Lindahl自願交易模型………39
圖4-1 儲蓄及社會保險保費收入佔GNP的比率………56
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.title (題名) 我國社會保險之財源籌措zh_TW
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 參考書目

1. Aaron,H.J. Economic Effects of Social Security, N.Y.: The Brookings Institution, 1982.
2.Ballantyne, H.C. "Present Policies and Methods Regarding the Long-Term Adjustment of Benefits", Social Security Bull. (S.S.B.) , Vol.47 No.10, 1984.
3.Bartlett III, D.K. "Current Developments in social Security Financing" , S.S.B., Vol.43 No.9, 1980, pp.10-20.
4.Boskin ,M.J. ed., The Crisis in Social Security Problem and Prospects, U.S.: the Institute for Contemporary Studies, 1977.
5.Brittain , J.A. The Payroll Tax for Social Security, Washington, D.C. :The Brookings Institution , 1972.
6.Browning , E. K. & Browning, J.M. Public Finance and the Price System,台北:華泰書局, 2nd ed., 1983.
7.Buchanan , J.M. "Social Insurance in a Growing Economy: A Proposal for Radical Reform", National Tax Journal (N.T.J . ) , Vol.21 No.4, 1968, pp.386-395 .
8.Chan, Hou-sheng, "Perspectives of Social Security System in Taiwan", coference on Economic Development and Social Welfare in Taiwan, 1987 .
9.Chen, Yung-Ping, Chen, Social Security in a Chanqing Society, Pennsylvania:
Bryn Mawr: McCahan Foundation, 1983.
10.Cheng, Wen-Hui Peter , "Financing Social Insurance in Taiwan`, Coference on Economic Development and Social Welfare in Taiwan, 1987 .
11.Chernick,H. & Reschovsky,A. "The TAxation of Social Security", N.T.J. , Vol.38
No.2, 1985 , pp.141-151 .
12.Chiang, Tung-Liang, "Health Care Delivery in Taiwan: Progress and Problems", Taipei: Conference on Economic Development and Social Welfare in Taiwan, 1987
13.Clarke,C.E. Social Insurance in Britain, Cambrige University Press, 1950.
14.Cox,S.R. & Wooten,P.R. "The Long Run Prob liem of Financing the Social Security System", American Journal of Economics and Sociology(A.J.E.S.), Vol .37
No.4, 1978 , pp.397-412.
15.Derthick,M. Policymaking for Social Security, The Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C., 1979.
16.Dilnot, A.W., Kay,J.A. & Morris The Reform of Social Security, London: The Institute for Fiscal Studies, 1984.
17.Ehrenberg, R.G. "Retirement Policies, Employment, and Unemployment", American Economic Review (A.E.R.), Vol .69 No.3, 1979, pp.131-136 .
18.Feldstein, M.S. "Social security, Induced Retirement, and Aggregate Capital Accumulation", Joural of Public Economics(J.P.E.), Vol.85 No.5, 1974 .
19.Flemming,J.S. "Optimal Payeoll Taxes and Social Security Funding", J.P.E., Vol.7 No.4,1977, pp.329-349 .
20.Furstenberg,G.M. Social Security Versus Private Saving, Massachusetts: Ballinger Publishing company, 1979 .
21.Hu, Sheng Cheng, "On the Dynamic Behaviour of the Consumer and the Optimal
Provision of Social Security",Review of Economic Study(R.E.S.), Vol.45,1978,
pp.437-445 .
22.__________ , "Social Security, the supply of Labor, and Capital Accumulation", A.E.R. , Vol.69 No.3, 1979, pp. 274-283 .
23.International Labour Office (ILO), Financing Social Security: the Options-An International Analysis Geneva: ILO, 1984 .
24. ______ , Into the Twenty-First Century: the Development of Social Security, Geneva: ILO, 1984 .
25. ______ , The cost of Social Security 1975~1977, Geneva: ILO,1981 .
26. ______ , Introduction to Social Security , Geneva: ILO, 1984 .
27.Jenkins,S. Social Security in International Perspective N.Y.:Columbia University, 1969 .
28.Johnston, J. Econometric Methods , 3rd ed., N.Y.:McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1984 .
29.Just, R.E., Hueth, D. L. & Schmitz, A. Applied Welfare, Economics and Public Policy, 台北:華泰書局, 1982.
30.Kaim-Caudle, P.R. Comparative Social Policy and Social Security , London: Martin Robertson, 1973 .
31. Kaplan, R.S. Financial Crisis in the Social Security System Washington,D.C. :American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, 1976 .
32.Munnell,A.H. The Future of Social Security , Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution, 1977 .
33. _______ , "The Current Status of Social Security Financing", New England Economic
Review, May-June, 1983, pp.46-62 .
34.Musgrave,R.A. & Musgrave,P.B. Public Finance in Theory and Practive, N.Y.: McGraw-Hill Book Comapny, 4th ed., 1984.
35.Myers,R.J. Social Security, Pennsylvania: Richard D. Irwin, Inc., Homewoods, Illinois,1985.
36.Naqib,F.M. "Some Redistributive Aspects of Social Security and their Impact on the Supply of Labor", Public Finace(P.F.),Vol.40 No.2, 1985,pp.230-246 .
37.National Commission on Social Security Reform, "report of the National on Social Secuity Reform`, S.S.B.. , Vol.46 No.2, 1983, pp.3-38.
38. O`Neill,J.A. "social Security-Fundamental Economic Problems and Alternative Financing Methods", N.T.J., Vol.33 No.3, 1980, pp.359-369.
39.Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), The Welfare State
in Crisis , Paris: OECD, 1981 .
40.Pazner,E.A. "merit Wants and the Theory of Taxation", P.F., Vol.27 No.4, 1972 . PP. 460-472
41.Perman,J.A. & Aaron, H.J. & Taussig, M.K. Social Security, Washington, D.C.: The
Brookings Instition, 1968 .
42.Pechman,J.A. & Timpane P.M. Work Incentives and Income Guarantees , Washington
D.C.: The Brookings Institution, 1975.
43.Pellechio,A.J. "Social Security Financing and Retirement Behavior", A.E.R., Vol.69 No.2, 1979, pp.284-287 .
44.Raynes, H.E. Social Security in Britain , London: Greenwood Press, Publishers, 1976 .
45.Reinhardt, U.E. "Medicare: Its Financing and Future`, A.E.R., Vol.69 No.2, 1979, pp.279-283
46.Rejda, G.E. Social Insurance and Economic Security , New Jersey : Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1976 .
47.Reviglio, F. "The Social Security Sector and Its Financing in Development Counties", International Monetary Fund Staff Papers, Vol.14 No.3, 1967, pp. 500-540 .
48.Ron,A. "Government Participation in Social Security Health Insurance Budgets", International Social Security Review, No.2, 1986, PP. 52-63.
49.Samuelson,P.A. "Optimum Social Security in a life-cycle Growth Model", International Economic Review(I.E.R.) , Vol.16 No.3, 1975, pp.539-544.
50.Shome,P. & Squire, L . "Alternative Mechanisms for Financing Social Security", Staff Working Paper No.625, World Bank,1983 .
51.Skidmore, Felicity E.,ed. Social Security Financing, Cambridge, Massachusetts : MIT Press, 1981 .
52.Thompson,L.H. "The Social Security Reform Debate", Journal of Economic Literature(J.E.L.), Vol.21, 1983, pp.1425-1467 .
53.Turner , J.A. "Financing Social Security", Review of Social Economics(R.S.E.) Vol.46 No.2, 1984, pp.105-116 .
54.U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services-Social Security Administration-Office of Policy-Office of Research, Statistics, and International Policy Social Security Programs Throughout the World-1985 , Washington, D.C. 1986 .
55.Verbon, H.A.A. "On the Independence of Financing Methods and Redistributive Aspects of Pension Plans", P.F., Vol.40 No.2 , 1985, PP.281-290.
56.Wu, Chung-Lih, "Economic Aspects of Health Inssurance in the Republic of China A Proposed National Health Insurance", Conference on Economic Development and Social Welfare in Taiwan, 1987 .