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題名 我國租稅負擔與水平公平之研究 作者 黃細清 貢獻者 林全
黃細清日期 1987 上傳時間 4-May-2016 17:14:08 (UTC+8) 參考文獻 參考文獻中文部份:一、王建?編著,租稅法,台北:文笙書局,民國七十二年八版。二、林華德著,財政理論與政策,台北:東華書局,民國七十三年六版。三、陳佳文撰,我國菸酒專賣政策及專賣制度之研究,台北:國立政大財政研究所碩士論文,民國七十五年六月。四、董瑞斌撰,賦稅改革與賦稅負擔-民國43年至70年台灣省實證研究一,台北:國立台大經濟研究所碩士論文,民國七十二年七月。五、劉永憲編著,財政學原理,台北:文笙書局,民國七十五年六版。六、劉其昌著,「論國民稅負的分配」,台北市銀行月刊,第13卷第12期,台北:台北市銀行。七、賴永吉撰,台灣地區財政收支所得分配效果之研析,台北:國立政大財政研究所碩士論文,民國六十九年六月。八、Henry J. Aaron(Who Pays the Property tax? 1975),吳家聲譯,誰來支付財產稅,台北:財政部財稅人員訓練所,民國七十三年。九、游坤敏著,「我國財政收支的所得重分配效果」,中央研究院三民主義研究所選刊,No. 13,1978年。十、行政院主計處,中華民國台灣地區個人所得分配調查報告,民國七十四年。十一、財政部統計處,賦稅統計年報,民國七十五年。十二、財政部證券管理委員會,證券統計要覽(第十七輯),民國七十五年。十三、台北市國稅局,台北市國稅統計(第十八期)民國七十四年。十四、台灣省公賣局,台灣地區菸酒事業統計年報,民國七十四年。英文部份1. Aaron, H. “A New View of the Property Tax. “ A.E.R. (May 1974) : 212-31.2. Atkinson, A.B. “ On the Measurement of Inequality.“ Journal of Economic Theory 2 (1970):244-63.3. ──────“ Horizontal Equity and the Distribution of the Tax Burden. “ in TheEconomics of Taxation. ed. Aaron, H.J. & M.J. Boskin, Washington, D.C. : The BrookingsInstitution, 1980.4.“ Atkinson, A.B., and J.E. Stiglitz. “The Design of Tax Structure : Direct Versus Indirect Taxation. “ J.Pub.E. (1976) : 55-75.5. ────────────── Lecture on Public Economics . 台北:華泰書局,1980.6. Boadway, R.W., and D.E. Wildasin. Public Sector Economics. 台北:華泰書局, 1984.7. Brennan, G. “ Horizontal Equity : An Extension of an Extension. “Public Finance 26 (1971):437-55.8. Browning, E.K., and W.R. Johnson. The Distribution of the Tax Burden. Washington, D.C. :American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, 1979.9. Calvo, G.A., L.J. Kotlikoff, and C.A. Rodriguez.“ The Incidence of a Tax on Pure Rent : A New (?)Reason for an Old Answer. “ J. Pol. E. 87 (1979) : 869-74 .10. Cowell , F . A. `` Generalized Entropy and the Measurement of Distributional Chance. “ European Economic Review 13 (1980): 147-59.11. Cragg, J. G., A. C. Harberger, and P. Mieszkowski. “ Empirical Evidence on the Incidene of the Corpor ation Income Tax. “ J. Pol . E. 75 (1967): 811-21.12 Davies , J., F. St-Hilaire , and J . Whalleyo “Some Calculations of Life-time Tax Incidence. “ A. E.R 74 (1984): 633-49.13. Feldstein , M.S. `` Tax Incidence in a Growing Economy with Variable Factor Supply. “ Q.J.E. 88 (1974): 551-73.14. Feldstein, M. `` On the Theory of Tax Reform. `` J. Pub. E. 6(1976): 77-104.15. `` The Surprising Incidence of a Tax on Pure Rent :A New Answer to an Old Question. “ J. Pol. E. 85 (1977):358-60.16. Fields, G.S., and John C.H.Fei. ``On Inequality Comparisons. “ Eco . 46 (1978):303-16.17. Habib, J. `` Horizontal Equity with Respect to Family Size. “ Public Finance Quarterly 7 (1979):283-302.18. Harberger, A. C. `` The Incidence of the Corporation Income Tax. “ J. Pol. E. 70 (1962): 215- 40.19. Henderson, J. V. “ Property Tax Incidence with a Public Sector. “ J. Pol. E. 93 (1985): 648-65 .20. Johnson, S. B., and T. Mayer. `` An Extension of Sidgwick`s Eguity Principle. “ Q.J.E. 76 (1962):454-63.21. Kakwani, N.C. `` Applications of Lorenz Curves in Economic. “ Eco. 45 (1977):719-27.22. Kakwani, N.C., and N. Fodder. “ Efficient Estimation of the Lorenz Curve and Grouped Observations. `` Eco. 44 (1976):137-48.23. King, M.A. `` An Index of Inequality : With Applications to Horizontal Equity and Social Mobility. Eco. 51 (1983): 99-115.24. Lin, C. `` A General Equilibrium Analysis of Property Tax Incidence. “ J. Pub. E . 29 (1986): 113-32.25. McLure, C .E. `` The “New View " of the Property Tax: A Caveat. “ N.T.J. 30 (1977):67-74.26. ────── `` General Equilibrium Incidence Analysis : The Harberger Model After Ten Years.“ J.Pub.E. 4 (1975) : 125-61.27. Meerman, J.P. `` The Definition of Income in Studies of Budget Incidence and Income Distribution . “ The Review of Income and Wealth, 20(1974) : 515- 23 .28. Meerman, J. “The Incidence of Sales and Excise Taxes , or Where Do We Put the Transfers ? “J. Pol. E. 88 (1980) : 1242-48.29. Meng, R., and W. I. Gillespie . `` Horizontal Equity and Property Taxation in Canada.`` N. T .J . 39 (1986): 221-28.30. Mieszkowski, P. E. `` On the Theory of Tax Incidence. “ J .Pol .E. 75 (1967):250-62.31. ──────`` Tax Incidence Theory : The Effects of Taxes on the Distribution ofIncome. “ Journal of Economic Literature. (1969):1103-25.32. ──────`` The Property Tax: An Excise Tax or a Profits Tax ? “ J. Pub. E. 1 (1972): 73-96.33. Musgrave , R.A. The Theory of Public Finance. New York : McGraw-Hill, 1959 .34. ──────`` ET, OT and SBT. `` J .Pub .E. 6 (1976):3-16.35. Musgrave, R .A., and P .B. Musgrave. Public Finance in Theory and Practice .台北:東南書局,1985.36.Nozick, R. Anarchy, State, and Utopia. New York:Basic Books, Inc., 1974.37. Pechman, J.A. Who Paid the Tax, 1966-85? Washington, D.C. :The Brookings Institution, 1985.38. Pechman, J.A., and B.A. Okner. Who Bears the Tax Burden? Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution, 1974.39. Plotnick, R. `` A Measure of Horizontal Inequity. “ The Review of Economics and Statistics 63 (1981): 283-88.40. ────── `` The Concept and Measurement of Horizontal Inequity. “ J. Pub. E. 17 (1982): 373- 91.41. ──────`` A Comparison of Measures of Horizontal Inequity. “ in Horizontal Equity,Uncertainty, and Economic Well-Being. ed. M. David,and T. :Smeeding . llinois:The Univesity of Chicago Press.42. Ratti, R.A., and P. Shome `` On a General Equilibrium Model of the Incidence of theCorporation Tax Under Uncertainty. “ J. Pub. E. 8 (1977) : 233-38.43. ────────────`` The Incidence of the Corporation Income Tax : A Long-Run,Specific Factor Model. `` Southern Economy Journal (1977) : 85-98.44. Recktenwald, H.C. Tax Incidence and Income Redistribution. Translated by V.S. Martha.Detroit :Wayne State University Press, 1971.45. Rosen, H. S. `` An Approach to the Study of Income, Utility, and Horizontal Equity.”Q.J.E. 92 (1978): 307-22.46. Shome, P. “ Is the Corporate Tax Shifted ?Empirical Evidence from ASEAN. “Public Finance Quarterly 13 (1985) : 21-46.47. Whalley, J. “Regression or Progression The Taxing Question of Incidence Analysis . “Canadian Journal of Economics 17 (1984) :654-82.48.White, M., and A. White. “Horizontal Inequality in the Federal Income Tax Treatments of Homeowners and Tenants . “ N.T.J. 18 (1965) : 255-36.英文期刊全明之縮寫1. A.E.R. = American Economic Review2. J .Pol.E. = Journal of Political Economy3. J.Pub.E. =Journal of Public Economics4. N.T.J. =National Tax Journal5. Q.J .E. =Quarterly Journal of Economics6. Eco. = Econometrica 描述 碩士
財政學系資料來源 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 林全 zh_TW (Authors) 黃細清 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) 黃細清 zh_TW (日期) 1987 en_US 4-May-2016 17:14:08 (UTC+8) - 4-May-2016 17:14:08 (UTC+8) - (上傳時間) 4-May-2016 17:14:08 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) B2002006188 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) - dc.description (描述) 碩士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 財政學系 zh_TW dc.description.tableofcontents 目錄謝辭………I圖表目次………IV第一章 緒論………1第一節 研究動機………1第二節 研究範圍………4第二章 基本概念與研究方法………9第一節 租稅與所得重分配………10第二節 水平公平意義………15第三節 所得概念………17第四節 租稅負擔性質………19第五節 研究步驟………20第三章 水平不公平之衡量………25第一節 集中曲?………26第二節 水平公平指標滿足準則………30第三節 水平不公平指標………41第四節 本章結論………45第四章 租稅歸宿設定………55第一節 租稅歸宿分析方法………55第二節 租稅歸宿理論………60第三節 本文設定………66第五章 實證結果分析………79第一節 資料來源與限制………79第二節 競爭性歸宿設定………82第三節 非競爭性歸宿設定………86第四節 本章結論………93第六章 結論………97第一節 本文主要結論………97第二節 檢討與建議………?99參考文獻………102圖表目次圖次2-1 羅倫茲曲?與集中曲?關係圖1………143-1 羅倫茲曲?與集中曲?關係圖2………42表次2-1 租稅的所得級距排列順位變動………114-1 租稅負擔分攤基礎國外文獻彙整………674-2 我國租稅負擔歸宿與承擔變數設定彙總………745-1 民國七十四年家庭樣本戶各稅目租稅負擔額………815-2 各稅目租稅負擔水平不公平(競爭性歸宿設定,家庭總所得) ………875-3 各稅目租稅負擔水平不公平(競爭性歸宿設定、家庭平均所得) ………885-4 各稅目租稅負擔水平不公平(非競爭性歸宿設定,家庭總所得) ………895-5 各稅目租稅負擔水平不公平(非競爭性歸宿設定,家庭平均所得) ………90 zh_TW dc.source.uri (資料來源) en_US dc.title (題名) 我國租稅負擔與水平公平之研究 zh_TW dc.type (資料類型) thesis en_US dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 參考文獻中文部份:一、王建?編著,租稅法,台北:文笙書局,民國七十二年八版。二、林華德著,財政理論與政策,台北:東華書局,民國七十三年六版。三、陳佳文撰,我國菸酒專賣政策及專賣制度之研究,台北:國立政大財政研究所碩士論文,民國七十五年六月。四、董瑞斌撰,賦稅改革與賦稅負擔-民國43年至70年台灣省實證研究一,台北:國立台大經濟研究所碩士論文,民國七十二年七月。五、劉永憲編著,財政學原理,台北:文笙書局,民國七十五年六版。六、劉其昌著,「論國民稅負的分配」,台北市銀行月刊,第13卷第12期,台北:台北市銀行。七、賴永吉撰,台灣地區財政收支所得分配效果之研析,台北:國立政大財政研究所碩士論文,民國六十九年六月。八、Henry J. Aaron(Who Pays the Property tax? 1975),吳家聲譯,誰來支付財產稅,台北:財政部財稅人員訓練所,民國七十三年。九、游坤敏著,「我國財政收支的所得重分配效果」,中央研究院三民主義研究所選刊,No. 13,1978年。十、行政院主計處,中華民國台灣地區個人所得分配調查報告,民國七十四年。十一、財政部統計處,賦稅統計年報,民國七十五年。十二、財政部證券管理委員會,證券統計要覽(第十七輯),民國七十五年。十三、台北市國稅局,台北市國稅統計(第十八期)民國七十四年。十四、台灣省公賣局,台灣地區菸酒事業統計年報,民國七十四年。英文部份1. Aaron, H. “A New View of the Property Tax. “ A.E.R. (May 1974) : 212-31.2. Atkinson, A.B. “ On the Measurement of Inequality.“ Journal of Economic Theory 2 (1970):244-63.3. ──────“ Horizontal Equity and the Distribution of the Tax Burden. “ in TheEconomics of Taxation. ed. Aaron, H.J. & M.J. Boskin, Washington, D.C. : The BrookingsInstitution, 1980.4.“ Atkinson, A.B., and J.E. Stiglitz. “The Design of Tax Structure : Direct Versus Indirect Taxation. “ J.Pub.E. (1976) : 55-75.5. ────────────── Lecture on Public Economics . 台北:華泰書局,1980.6. Boadway, R.W., and D.E. Wildasin. Public Sector Economics. 台北:華泰書局, 1984.7. Brennan, G. “ Horizontal Equity : An Extension of an Extension. “Public Finance 26 (1971):437-55.8. Browning, E.K., and W.R. Johnson. The Distribution of the Tax Burden. Washington, D.C. :American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, 1979.9. Calvo, G.A., L.J. Kotlikoff, and C.A. Rodriguez.“ The Incidence of a Tax on Pure Rent : A New (?)Reason for an Old Answer. “ J. Pol. E. 87 (1979) : 869-74 .10. Cowell , F . A. `` Generalized Entropy and the Measurement of Distributional Chance. “ European Economic Review 13 (1980): 147-59.11. Cragg, J. G., A. C. Harberger, and P. Mieszkowski. “ Empirical Evidence on the Incidene of the Corpor ation Income Tax. “ J. Pol . E. 75 (1967): 811-21.12 Davies , J., F. St-Hilaire , and J . Whalleyo “Some Calculations of Life-time Tax Incidence. “ A. E.R 74 (1984): 633-49.13. Feldstein , M.S. `` Tax Incidence in a Growing Economy with Variable Factor Supply. “ Q.J.E. 88 (1974): 551-73.14. Feldstein, M. `` On the Theory of Tax Reform. `` J. Pub. E. 6(1976): 77-104.15. `` The Surprising Incidence of a Tax on Pure Rent :A New Answer to an Old Question. “ J. Pol. E. 85 (1977):358-60.16. Fields, G.S., and John C.H.Fei. ``On Inequality Comparisons. “ Eco . 46 (1978):303-16.17. Habib, J. `` Horizontal Equity with Respect to Family Size. “ Public Finance Quarterly 7 (1979):283-302.18. Harberger, A. C. `` The Incidence of the Corporation Income Tax. “ J. Pol. E. 70 (1962): 215- 40.19. Henderson, J. V. “ Property Tax Incidence with a Public Sector. “ J. Pol. E. 93 (1985): 648-65 .20. Johnson, S. B., and T. Mayer. `` An Extension of Sidgwick`s Eguity Principle. “ Q.J.E. 76 (1962):454-63.21. Kakwani, N.C. `` Applications of Lorenz Curves in Economic. “ Eco. 45 (1977):719-27.22. Kakwani, N.C., and N. Fodder. “ Efficient Estimation of the Lorenz Curve and Grouped Observations. `` Eco. 44 (1976):137-48.23. King, M.A. `` An Index of Inequality : With Applications to Horizontal Equity and Social Mobility. Eco. 51 (1983): 99-115.24. Lin, C. `` A General Equilibrium Analysis of Property Tax Incidence. “ J. Pub. E . 29 (1986): 113-32.25. McLure, C .E. `` The “New View " of the Property Tax: A Caveat. “ N.T.J. 30 (1977):67-74.26. ────── `` General Equilibrium Incidence Analysis : The Harberger Model After Ten Years.“ J.Pub.E. 4 (1975) : 125-61.27. Meerman, J.P. `` The Definition of Income in Studies of Budget Incidence and Income Distribution . “ The Review of Income and Wealth, 20(1974) : 515- 23 .28. Meerman, J. “The Incidence of Sales and Excise Taxes , or Where Do We Put the Transfers ? “J. Pol. E. 88 (1980) : 1242-48.29. Meng, R., and W. I. Gillespie . `` Horizontal Equity and Property Taxation in Canada.`` N. T .J . 39 (1986): 221-28.30. Mieszkowski, P. E. `` On the Theory of Tax Incidence. “ J .Pol .E. 75 (1967):250-62.31. ──────`` Tax Incidence Theory : The Effects of Taxes on the Distribution ofIncome. “ Journal of Economic Literature. (1969):1103-25.32. ──────`` The Property Tax: An Excise Tax or a Profits Tax ? “ J. Pub. E. 1 (1972): 73-96.33. Musgrave , R.A. The Theory of Public Finance. New York : McGraw-Hill, 1959 .34. ──────`` ET, OT and SBT. `` J .Pub .E. 6 (1976):3-16.35. Musgrave, R .A., and P .B. Musgrave. Public Finance in Theory and Practice .台北:東南書局,1985.36.Nozick, R. Anarchy, State, and Utopia. New York:Basic Books, Inc., 1974.37. Pechman, J.A. Who Paid the Tax, 1966-85? Washington, D.C. :The Brookings Institution, 1985.38. Pechman, J.A., and B.A. Okner. Who Bears the Tax Burden? Washington, D.C.: The Brookings Institution, 1974.39. Plotnick, R. `` A Measure of Horizontal Inequity. “ The Review of Economics and Statistics 63 (1981): 283-88.40. ────── `` The Concept and Measurement of Horizontal Inequity. “ J. Pub. E. 17 (1982): 373- 91.41. ──────`` A Comparison of Measures of Horizontal Inequity. “ in Horizontal Equity,Uncertainty, and Economic Well-Being. ed. M. David,and T. :Smeeding . llinois:The Univesity of Chicago Press.42. Ratti, R.A., and P. Shome `` On a General Equilibrium Model of the Incidence of theCorporation Tax Under Uncertainty. “ J. Pub. E. 8 (1977) : 233-38.43. ────────────`` The Incidence of the Corporation Income Tax : A Long-Run,Specific Factor Model. `` Southern Economy Journal (1977) : 85-98.44. Recktenwald, H.C. Tax Incidence and Income Redistribution. Translated by V.S. Martha.Detroit :Wayne State University Press, 1971.45. Rosen, H. S. `` An Approach to the Study of Income, Utility, and Horizontal Equity.”Q.J.E. 92 (1978): 307-22.46. Shome, P. “ Is the Corporate Tax Shifted ?Empirical Evidence from ASEAN. “Public Finance Quarterly 13 (1985) : 21-46.47. Whalley, J. “Regression or Progression The Taxing Question of Incidence Analysis . “Canadian Journal of Economics 17 (1984) :654-82.48.White, M., and A. White. “Horizontal Inequality in the Federal Income Tax Treatments of Homeowners and Tenants . “ N.T.J. 18 (1965) : 255-36.英文期刊全明之縮寫1. A.E.R. = American Economic Review2. J .Pol.E. = Journal of Political Economy3. J.Pub.E. =Journal of Public Economics4. N.T.J. =National Tax Journal5. Q.J .E. =Quarterly Journal of Economics6. Eco. = Econometrica zh_TW