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題名 都市化對公共支出水準影響之研究 : 理論與檢定
作者 黃惠玲
貢獻者 黃世鑫
日期 1987
上傳時間 4-May-2016 17:14:27 (UTC+8)
參考文獻 參考文獻

1. Allen, L.R. Amachen and R. Tollison, "The Economic Theory of Clubs: A Geometric Exposition", Public Finance, Vol. 29, No. 3-4, 1974, pp. 386-391.
2. Bahl, R.W., Jr., and R.J. Saunders, "Determinants of changes in State and Local Government Expenditure",National Tax Journal Vol. XVIII, No. 1,1965, pp . 50-57.
3. Baumel, W.J., "Macroeconomics of Unbalanced Growth: The Anatomy of Urban Crisis", American Economic Review, Vol. 57, No. 3, 1967, pp. 415-426.
4. Beck, Morris, "The Expanding Public Sector: Some Contrary Evidence", National Tax Journal, Vol. XXIX, No. 1, 1976, pp. 15-21.
5. __________, Public Sector Growth: A Real Perspective",Public Finance, 1979, pp. 313-343.
6. __________, Government Spending - Trend and Issues, A. Division of CBS, Inc., 1981.
7. Berglas, Eitan and David Pines, "Clubs, Local Public Goods and Transportation Model", Journal of PUblic Economics 15, 1981, pp. 141-162.
8. Berglas , Eitan, "User Charges, Local Public Servics, and Taxation of Land Rents", Public Finance, Vol. XXXVII, 1982, pp. 178-188.
9. __________, "On the Theory of CLubs", American Economic Review, Vol. 66, No. 2, 1976, pp. 1-25.
10. Bird, R.M., "Wagner`s Law of Expanding State Activity", Public Finance Vol. XXVI, 1971, pp. 1-25.
11. Boadway, R., "On the Method of Taxation and the Provision of Local Public Goods: Comment", The American Economic Review Vol. 72, No. 4, 1982,pp. 846-851.
12. Borcherding, T.E. and R.T. Deacon, "The Demand for the Services of Non-Federal Governments",American Economic Review, Dec. 1972, pp. 891-901.
13. Brarlforrl, D.F., R.A. Malt and W.E. Oates, "The Rising Cost of Local Public Servies: Some Evidence and Reflections", National Tax Journal, Vol. XXII, No. , 1969, pp. 185-202.
14.βrecht, A., Internationler Vergleich Offentlicher Ausgaben, Leipzig, 1932.
15. Buchanan, J.M., "An Economic Theory of Clubs", Economica, Vol. 32. 1965, pp. 1-14 .
16. Crowley, R.W., "Long Swings in the Role of Government: An Analysis of War and Government Expenditure in Western Europe since the Eleventh Centry",Public Finance, Vol. XXVI, pp. 27-43.
17. Gandhi, V.P.,"Wagner`s Law of Public Expenditure: Do Recent Cross- Section Studies Confirm it?", Public Finance, Vol. XXVI, 1971, pp. 44-56.
18. Gugler, Josef, "Overurbanization Reconsidered",Economic Development and Cultural Change, Vol. 31, No.1, 1982, pp. 173-189.
19. Harriss, C.L., "Government Expenditure: Significant Issues of Definition", Journal of Finance, Dec. 1954 , pp. 351 -364.
20. Herber, B.P., Modern Public Finance, Part III, Homewood: Richard D. Irwin, third Edition, 1975.
21. Lichfield, N., Spatial Externalities in Urban Public Expenditure: A Case Study: The Public Economy of Urban Communities ch. 10, Seconct Edition, 1969, Future Inc., Washington, D.C.
22. Litvack, J.M. and W.E. Oates, "Group Size and The Output of Public Goods: Theory and An Application to State-Local Finance in The United States", Public Finance, Vol. XXV, 1970, pp. 42-58.
23. Mann, A.J., "Wagner`s Law:An Econometric Test for Mexico 1925-1976", National Tax Journal Vol. XXXIII, No.2, 1980, pp. 189-201.
24. Mann, F. K., Die intermediaren Finangewalten and ihr Einflub anf Deutsch lands finanzielle Belastung in: Jahrbucher fur Nationalokonomie U. Statistik, Bd, 129, 1928, S. 219-237.
25. Michas, N.A., "Wagner`s Law of Public Expenditures: What is the Appropriate Measurement for a Valid Test?", Public Finance, 1975, pp. 77-84.
26. Musgrave, R., Fiscal Systems, New Haven, Yale University Press, 1969.
27. __________, R.A. and P.B. r1usgrave, Public Finance in Theory and Practice, Mc-Graw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1973.
28. North, C.C. and J. J. Wallis, "Longer-Run Determinants of The Economic Role of The V.S. Government",American Economic Review, Vol. 72, No. 2, 1982, pp. 336-340.
29. Oakland, W. H., "Congestion, Public Goods and Welfare",Journal of Public Economics, Vol. 1,1972, pp. 339-357.
30. Peacock, A.T. and Wiseman, J., The Growth of Public Expenditure in the United Kingdom, 2nd. edition, London: George & Unwin LTD, 1967.
31. __________________________, Approaches to the Analysis of Government Expenditure Growth",Public Finance Quarterly, 1979, pp. 3-23.
32. Pigou, A.C., The Econmics of Welfare, 1932, don., First AMS edition published in 1978 in V.S.A. ch. IX.
33. Pluta, J. E., "Wagner`s Law, Public Sector Patterns,and Growth of Public Enterprises in Taiwan",Public Finance Quarterly, Vol. 7, 1979, pp. 25-46.
34. __________, "Real Public Sector Growth and Decline in Developing Countries", Public Finance, 1982,pp. 354-439.
35. Schmandt, H.J. and G.R. Stephens, Measuring Studies,May, 1979 , pp. 1-41.
36. Skolka, J.V., "Unbalcanced Productivity Growth and the Growth of Public Services", Journal of Public Economics, Vol. 7, 1977, pp. 271-280.
37. Starrett, D.A., "On the Method of Taxation and the Provision of Local Public Goods", The American Economic Review, Vol. 70, No. 3, 1980, pp. 380-392.
38. Sun, Ching-Shan, "Approach to the Study of Taiwanese City", Tunghai Journal, Vol. 24, 1983,pp. 117-141.
39. Tsai, Hong-Chin, "Urban and Rural Population Redistribution and Changes in Urbanization Process in Taiwan: Characteristics, Problems and Policy Implications", National Taiwan University Journal of Population Studies, May,1979, pp. 1-41 .
40. Wanger, A., Grundlegung der Politicschen Oekanomie,1. Teil, 1. Halbband, Leipzig, 1892.
41. Wagner, R.E. and W.E. Weber, "Wagner`s Law, Fiscal Institutions, and the Growth of Government",National Tax Journal Vol. XXX, No. 1, 1977, pp. 59-68.
42. Wheaton, W. C. and H. Shishido, "Urban Concentration, Agglomenation Economics, and the Level of Economic Development", Economic Development and Culture Change, Vol. 30, No. 1, 1981, pp. 17-30.
43. Wilber, George L., "Urbanization in Taiwan 1964 - 1975", National Taiwan University Journal of Population Studies, Dec. 1981, pp. 1-15.
44. Williamson, J.G., "Public Expenditure and Revenue: An International Comparison", The Manchester School, Vol. 29, No. 1, 1961, pp. 43-56.
描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 黃世鑫zh_TW (Authors) 黃惠玲zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) 黃惠玲zh_TW (日期) 1987en_US 4-May-2016 17:14:27 (UTC+8)- 4-May-2016 17:14:27 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 4-May-2016 17:14:27 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) B2002006197en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 財政學系zh_TW
dc.description.tableofcontents 目錄
第一章 緒論………1
第一節 研究動機與目的………1
第二節 研究方法與資料來源………2
第三節 本文結構………3
第二章 公共支出成長與都市化的關係………5
第一節 公共支出與經濟成長………5
第二節 公共支出與都市化………9
第三章 台灣地區都市化對公共支出水準影響之實證分析………15
第一節 檢定變數的選擇………15
第二節 人口分佈集中度的衡量………18
第三節 公共支出發展趨勢之衡量……….25
第四節 法則之檢定與分析………30
第四章 都市化與公共支出之理論模型分析………41
第一節 最適都市化模型………41
第二節 人口聚集與擁擠成本………46
第三節 本章結語………53
第五章 結論:台灣地區都市建設財源籌措等問題………61
第一節 都市化對公共勞務需求的影響………61
第二節 都市建設財源之籌措………63

表3-1 台灣地區鄉鎮市區間淨遷徙人口數………17
表3-2 台閩地區各種行政區域類別及其個數──74年底………19
表3-3 台灣地區近年來行政組織的變更情形………20
表3-4 台灣地區各行政區域人口及土地面積所占之百分比………22
表3-5 台灣地區各行政區域人口及土地面積所占百分比之累加數………23
表3-6 基尼依數………26
表3-7 台灣地區之財政規模………29
表3-8 台灣地區公共支出、Gini與GNP的關係………32
表5-1 刑案發生率及犯罪人口數與人口密度相關分析(民國七十三年) ………66
表5-2 台灣地區少年犯人口數及百分比………67
表5-3 台灣地區各地方法院審理少年刑事及管訓事件年齡………68
表5-4 台灣地區各地區少年犯人數統計………69
附表一 台灣地區各行政區域人口數及土地面積………81
附表二 各級政府支出淨額與國民生產毛額──當期價格………83
附表三 台灣地區平均每人政府支出及GNP──依當期價格………84
附表四 台灣地區產出及消費之平減價格指數………85

圖3-1 勞倫斯曲線………24
圖3-2 台灣地區財政規模與基尼係數………33
圖3-3 台灣地區財政規模與基尼係數的關係──已平減物價………34
圖3-4 台灣地區平均每人公共支出與國民生產毛額………35
圖4-1 固定都市財數量之下,最適人數之決定………44
圖4-2 固定人數下,最適都市財水準之決定………44
圖4-3 都市財最適水準與最適使用人數之導出………45
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.title (題名) 都市化對公共支出水準影響之研究 : 理論與檢定zh_TW
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 參考文獻

1. Allen, L.R. Amachen and R. Tollison, "The Economic Theory of Clubs: A Geometric Exposition", Public Finance, Vol. 29, No. 3-4, 1974, pp. 386-391.
2. Bahl, R.W., Jr., and R.J. Saunders, "Determinants of changes in State and Local Government Expenditure",National Tax Journal Vol. XVIII, No. 1,1965, pp . 50-57.
3. Baumel, W.J., "Macroeconomics of Unbalanced Growth: The Anatomy of Urban Crisis", American Economic Review, Vol. 57, No. 3, 1967, pp. 415-426.
4. Beck, Morris, "The Expanding Public Sector: Some Contrary Evidence", National Tax Journal, Vol. XXIX, No. 1, 1976, pp. 15-21.
5. __________, Public Sector Growth: A Real Perspective",Public Finance, 1979, pp. 313-343.
6. __________, Government Spending - Trend and Issues, A. Division of CBS, Inc., 1981.
7. Berglas, Eitan and David Pines, "Clubs, Local Public Goods and Transportation Model", Journal of PUblic Economics 15, 1981, pp. 141-162.
8. Berglas , Eitan, "User Charges, Local Public Servics, and Taxation of Land Rents", Public Finance, Vol. XXXVII, 1982, pp. 178-188.
9. __________, "On the Theory of CLubs", American Economic Review, Vol. 66, No. 2, 1976, pp. 1-25.
10. Bird, R.M., "Wagner`s Law of Expanding State Activity", Public Finance Vol. XXVI, 1971, pp. 1-25.
11. Boadway, R., "On the Method of Taxation and the Provision of Local Public Goods: Comment", The American Economic Review Vol. 72, No. 4, 1982,pp. 846-851.
12. Borcherding, T.E. and R.T. Deacon, "The Demand for the Services of Non-Federal Governments",American Economic Review, Dec. 1972, pp. 891-901.
13. Brarlforrl, D.F., R.A. Malt and W.E. Oates, "The Rising Cost of Local Public Servies: Some Evidence and Reflections", National Tax Journal, Vol. XXII, No. , 1969, pp. 185-202.
14.βrecht, A., Internationler Vergleich Offentlicher Ausgaben, Leipzig, 1932.
15. Buchanan, J.M., "An Economic Theory of Clubs", Economica, Vol. 32. 1965, pp. 1-14 .
16. Crowley, R.W., "Long Swings in the Role of Government: An Analysis of War and Government Expenditure in Western Europe since the Eleventh Centry",Public Finance, Vol. XXVI, pp. 27-43.
17. Gandhi, V.P.,"Wagner`s Law of Public Expenditure: Do Recent Cross- Section Studies Confirm it?", Public Finance, Vol. XXVI, 1971, pp. 44-56.
18. Gugler, Josef, "Overurbanization Reconsidered",Economic Development and Cultural Change, Vol. 31, No.1, 1982, pp. 173-189.
19. Harriss, C.L., "Government Expenditure: Significant Issues of Definition", Journal of Finance, Dec. 1954 , pp. 351 -364.
20. Herber, B.P., Modern Public Finance, Part III, Homewood: Richard D. Irwin, third Edition, 1975.
21. Lichfield, N., Spatial Externalities in Urban Public Expenditure: A Case Study: The Public Economy of Urban Communities ch. 10, Seconct Edition, 1969, Future Inc., Washington, D.C.
22. Litvack, J.M. and W.E. Oates, "Group Size and The Output of Public Goods: Theory and An Application to State-Local Finance in The United States", Public Finance, Vol. XXV, 1970, pp. 42-58.
23. Mann, A.J., "Wagner`s Law:An Econometric Test for Mexico 1925-1976", National Tax Journal Vol. XXXIII, No.2, 1980, pp. 189-201.
24. Mann, F. K., Die intermediaren Finangewalten and ihr Einflub anf Deutsch lands finanzielle Belastung in: Jahrbucher fur Nationalokonomie U. Statistik, Bd, 129, 1928, S. 219-237.
25. Michas, N.A., "Wagner`s Law of Public Expenditures: What is the Appropriate Measurement for a Valid Test?", Public Finance, 1975, pp. 77-84.
26. Musgrave, R., Fiscal Systems, New Haven, Yale University Press, 1969.
27. __________, R.A. and P.B. r1usgrave, Public Finance in Theory and Practice, Mc-Graw-Hill Book Company, New York, 1973.
28. North, C.C. and J. J. Wallis, "Longer-Run Determinants of The Economic Role of The V.S. Government",American Economic Review, Vol. 72, No. 2, 1982, pp. 336-340.
29. Oakland, W. H., "Congestion, Public Goods and Welfare",Journal of Public Economics, Vol. 1,1972, pp. 339-357.
30. Peacock, A.T. and Wiseman, J., The Growth of Public Expenditure in the United Kingdom, 2nd. edition, London: George & Unwin LTD, 1967.
31. __________________________, Approaches to the Analysis of Government Expenditure Growth",Public Finance Quarterly, 1979, pp. 3-23.
32. Pigou, A.C., The Econmics of Welfare, 1932, don., First AMS edition published in 1978 in V.S.A. ch. IX.
33. Pluta, J. E., "Wagner`s Law, Public Sector Patterns,and Growth of Public Enterprises in Taiwan",Public Finance Quarterly, Vol. 7, 1979, pp. 25-46.
34. __________, "Real Public Sector Growth and Decline in Developing Countries", Public Finance, 1982,pp. 354-439.
35. Schmandt, H.J. and G.R. Stephens, Measuring Studies,May, 1979 , pp. 1-41.
36. Skolka, J.V., "Unbalcanced Productivity Growth and the Growth of Public Services", Journal of Public Economics, Vol. 7, 1977, pp. 271-280.
37. Starrett, D.A., "On the Method of Taxation and the Provision of Local Public Goods", The American Economic Review, Vol. 70, No. 3, 1980, pp. 380-392.
38. Sun, Ching-Shan, "Approach to the Study of Taiwanese City", Tunghai Journal, Vol. 24, 1983,pp. 117-141.
39. Tsai, Hong-Chin, "Urban and Rural Population Redistribution and Changes in Urbanization Process in Taiwan: Characteristics, Problems and Policy Implications", National Taiwan University Journal of Population Studies, May,1979, pp. 1-41 .
40. Wanger, A., Grundlegung der Politicschen Oekanomie,1. Teil, 1. Halbband, Leipzig, 1892.
41. Wagner, R.E. and W.E. Weber, "Wagner`s Law, Fiscal Institutions, and the Growth of Government",National Tax Journal Vol. XXX, No. 1, 1977, pp. 59-68.
42. Wheaton, W. C. and H. Shishido, "Urban Concentration, Agglomenation Economics, and the Level of Economic Development", Economic Development and Culture Change, Vol. 30, No. 1, 1981, pp. 17-30.
43. Wilber, George L., "Urbanization in Taiwan 1964 - 1975", National Taiwan University Journal of Population Studies, Dec. 1981, pp. 1-15.
44. Williamson, J.G., "Public Expenditure and Revenue: An International Comparison", The Manchester School, Vol. 29, No. 1, 1961, pp. 43-56.