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題名 臺灣省國民小學輔導主任角色期望與專業教育之研究
作者 王朝明
貢獻者 黃炳煌
日期 1988
上傳時間 4-May-2016 17:27:58 (UTC+8)
摘要 摘要
參考文獻 中文參考書目
     Arbuckle, D.S. (1970). Counseling: Philosophy, theory and practice. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, Inc.
     Aubrey, R. F. (1967). The legitimacy of elementary school counseling: Some unresolved issues and conflicts. Personnel and Giudance Journal, 46, 355-358.
     Bentley, J.C. (1965). Role theory in counseling: A problem of definition. Personnel & Guidance Journal, 44, 11-17.
     Bergstein, H. B. , & Grant, C. W. (1961). How parents perceive the counselor`s role. Personnel and Guidance Journal, 5, 698-703.
     Bonebrake, C.R. & Borgers, S.B. (1984). Counselor role as perceived by counselors and principals. Elementary School Guidance and Counseling, 18, 194-199.
     Borow, H. (1971). Guidance and Counseling: overview. in The Encyclopedia of Education, Vol. 4. The MaCmillan Co & The Free Press.
     Carrington, A.B. (1978). An assessment of Status, role, and function of the Alabama elementary school counselor. Dissertation Abstracts International, 39, 1333-1334A.
     Dinkmeyer, D. and Caldwell, E. (1970). Developmental counseling and guidance. New York: McGraw - Hill Co.
     Dinkkmeyer, D. (1973). The counselor: Specialist in human development and human relations. in W.H. Van Hoose, J. J. Pietrofesa & J. Carlson (Eds) Elementary - School Guidance and Counseling: A composite view.
     Dinkmeyer, D. (1973b). Elementary school counseling: Prospects and Potentials. Personnel and Guidance Journal, 52, 171-174.
     Dimick, K.M.S. Huff, V.E. (1970). Child Counseling. WM, C. Brown Co.
     Faust, V. (1968). History of elementary school counseling -- With a chrological bibliography from 1924. Boston: Houghton Miffin.
     Forst, C.M. (1967). The elementary school counselor - How perceived? Counselor Education and Supervision, 6, 102-107.
     Freiward, N.P. (1978). The role and functions of the Secondary School counselors as perceived by selected publics. Dissertation Abstracts International, 38, 7150A.
     Furlong, M.J., Atkinson, D.R. & Janoff, D.S. (1979). Elementary School counselors` perceptions of their actual and ideal roles. Elementary School Guidance and Counseling , 14, 4–11.
     Gibson, R. L. S. Mitchell, M. H. (1986). Introduction to counseling and guidance. Macmillan Publishing ??.
     Glanz, E. L. (1974). Guidance: Fundations, Principles and techniques. Boston: Allyn and Bacon Inc.
     Hart, D. & Prine, D.J. (1970). Role conflict for school counselors: Training versus job demends. Personnel and guidance, 48, 374-380.
     Hill, G.F. (1974). Management and improvement of guidance New Jersey: Prentice - Hall Inc.
     Hill, G. E. & Luckey, E.B. (1969). Guidance for children in elementary school. New York: Meredith Book Co.
     Hoyt, K.B. (1970). This I believe. in W. H. Van Hoose & J. J. Pietrofesa (Ed.), Counseling and guidance in the Twentieth century. Houghton Mifflin Inc., 1970.
     Humohrey, J. L. Traxler, A. E. S. North. R. D. (1967). Guidance Services. Science Research Associations, Inc.
     Johnson, W. F., Stefflre, B., & Edelfelt, R.A. (1961). Pupil personnel and guidance service. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co.
     Jones, A.J., Stefflre, B. & Stewart, N.R. (1970). Principles of guidance. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co.
     Kazalunas, J.R. (1974). How elementary school teachers perceive the guidance counselor`s role. Dissertation Abstracts International, 34, 3873-74A.
     Mathewson, R.H. (1962): Guidance policy and practice (3ed). New York: Harper & Row Inc.
     McCreary, W.H. & Mill, G. (1966), Elementary school counselors in California. Personnel and Guidance Journal, 44, 494-498.
     McCully, C.H. (1962). The school counselor: Strategy For professionalization. Personnel and Guidance Journal, April, 681-689.
     Mendelson, R.L. (1967). "The elementary school counseling: Description of professional preparation, actual work experiences, and personal qualification. Doctoral dissertation University of Illinois.
     Miller, F.W. (1978). Guidance: Principles and services (2ed) Columbus: Charles E. Merrill Co.
     Muro, J. J. & Oelke, M.C. (1967). Guidance needs in the elementary school - cue to the preparation of counselors. Counselor Education and Supervision, 7, 7-12.
     Muro, J. (1973). Elementary School Guidance - Quo vadis? In W.H. Van Hoose, J. J. Pietrofesa & J. Carlson (Eds.) Elementary-School guidance and counseling: A composite view.
     Nelson, R.T. & Fredrickson, R.H. (1967). School counselor problems: Colorado and Massachuestts. Personnel and Guidance Journal. 46, 385-387.
     Nelson, R.C. (1972) Guidance and counseling in the elementary school. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winstone, Inc.
     Ohlsen, M.M. (1974). Guidance services in the modern school. New York: Marcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.
     Partterson, C.H. (1962). Counseling and guidance in schools. New York: Harpers & Brothers Inc.
     Patterson, C.H. (1969). The counselor in the elementary school. Personnel and Guidance Journal, June, 979-986.
     Peer, G.G. (1985) The Status of Secondary School guidance: A nation survey. The School Counselor, 32, 181-189.
     Peters, H.J., S Shertzer, B. (1969). Guidance program development and auaument. Charles, E, Merrill Co.
     Peters, H.J., Shertzer, B. & Van Hoose, W.H. (1973) Guidance in elementary schools. Chicago: Rand McNally and Company.
     Shertzer, B. & Stone, S.C. (1981) Fundamental of guidance (4ed). 台北:雙葉書廊。
     Shaw, M.C. (1971). Role delineation among the guidance professions. In B. F. Holt & R. H. Kicklighter (Ed.), Psychological services in the schools. Iowa: Wm. C. Brown Co.
     Sholl, S.A. (1978). The relationship between perceived roles and functions of elementary school counselors and actual counselors practice. Dissertation Abstracts International 38, 7159A.
     Sprinthall, N.A. (1980) Guidance and new education for school. Personnel and Guidance Journal, March 58, 485-489. .
     Van Hoose, W.H., Pietrofesa, J. J. & Carlson, J. (1973) Elementary School Guidance and Counseling: A composite view. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co.
     Van Hoose, W. H. & Carlson, J. (1972). Counselors in the elementary school 1970-71. Personnel and Guidance Journal, 50, 8.
     Wrenn, C.G. (1957). Status and role of the school counselor. Personnel and Guidance Journal 36. 175-183.
     Wilson, N. H. & Rotter, J.C. (1980): Elementary School counselor enrichment and renewal. Elementary School Guidance and Counselor. Feb. 178-187.
     ACES-ASCA (1960). Joint committee on the Elementary School counselor: Preliminary Statements. Personnel & Guidance Journal, 1966, 658-661.
     APGA (1977). Statement for the Preparation of Counselors and other personnel services specialists. Personnel & Guidance Journal, 1977, 596-601.
描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 黃炳煌zh_TW (Authors) 王朝明zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) 王朝明zh_TW (日期) 1988en_US 4-May-2016 17:27:58 (UTC+8)- 4-May-2016 17:27:58 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 4-May-2016 17:27:58 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) B2002005979en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 教育學系zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 摘要zh_TW
dc.description.tableofcontents 目錄
     第一章 緒論………1
     第一節 問題背景與研究動機………1
     第二節 研究目的與待答問題………4
     第三節 研究方法與步驟………5
     第四節 名詞界定………5
     第二章 文獻探討………7
     第一節 小學輔導工作的發展與意義………7
     第二節 有關輔導人員角色與任務的相關研究………17
     第三節 培養輔導人員的課程………31
     第三章 研究設計與實施………48
     第一節 研究對象………48
     第二節 研究工具………51
     第三節 實施過程………52
     第四節 資料處理………53
     第四章 結果分析與討論………54
     第一節 樣本性質的分析………54
     第二節 輔導主任角色期望調查結果之分析………66
     第三節 專業教育滿意程度之結果分析………97
     第五章 結論與建議………113
     第一節 結論………113
     第二節 建議………119
     圖4-2-1 不同職別人員在輔導的六個角色任務上的反應………74
     表2-1 板橋研習會輔導主任儲訓班之課程表………42
     表2-2 師範學院輔導學系與教育心理學系必修科目………45
     表2-3 新制師範學院初等教育系輔導組之科目表………47
     表3-1 各縣市現有本研究對象之學校統計表………49
     表3-2 各縣市回收問卷份數與收回率一覽表………50
     表4-1-1 不同性別在各項類別上的分佈情形………55
     表4-1-2 不同性別在本研究輔導主任和台灣省教師人數的比較情形………56
     表4-1-3 不同教育背景輔導主任在各類別上的分佈情形………59
     表4-1-4 本研究輔導主任和七十五年教師統計人數在教育背景上的分佈情形………60
     表4-1-6 其他樣本性質的分佈情形………64
     表4-1-7 轉任因素的統計表………65
     表4-2-1 輔導主任和校長對輔導主任角色期望調查結果之比較………68
     表4-2-2 不同性別的輔導主任對其角色期望反應之比較………75
     表4-2-3 不同年資的輔導主任對其角色期望反應之比較………79
     表4-2-4 不同教育背景的輔導主任對其角色期望反應之比較………82
     表4-2-5 不同任教地區的輔導主任對其角色期望反應之比較………85
     表4-2-6 不同學校規模的輔導主任對其角色期望反應之比較………88
     表4-2-7 不同專業知能來源的輔導主任對其角色期望反應之比較………91
     表4-2-8 不同轉任意願的輔導主任對本身角色期望反應之比較………94
     表4-3-1 輔導主任對其所受專業教育之滿意程度的反應………98
     表4-3-2 不同性別的輔導主任對其所受專業教育之滿意程度反應之比較………101
     表4-3-3 不同任教年資的輔導主任對其所受專業教育滿意程度反應之比較………102
     表4-3-4 不同教育背景的輔導主任對其所受專業教育滿意程度反應之比較………104
     表4-3-6 不同學校規模的輔導主任對其所受專業教育滿意程度反應之比較………108
     表4-3-7 不同專業知能來源的輔導主任對其所受專業教育滿意程度反應之比較………110
     表4-3-8 不同轉任意願的輔導主任對其所受專業教育滿意程度反應之比較………111
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.title (題名) 臺灣省國民小學輔導主任角色期望與專業教育之研究zh_TW
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 中文參考書目
     Arbuckle, D.S. (1970). Counseling: Philosophy, theory and practice. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, Inc.
     Aubrey, R. F. (1967). The legitimacy of elementary school counseling: Some unresolved issues and conflicts. Personnel and Giudance Journal, 46, 355-358.
     Bentley, J.C. (1965). Role theory in counseling: A problem of definition. Personnel & Guidance Journal, 44, 11-17.
     Bergstein, H. B. , & Grant, C. W. (1961). How parents perceive the counselor`s role. Personnel and Guidance Journal, 5, 698-703.
     Bonebrake, C.R. & Borgers, S.B. (1984). Counselor role as perceived by counselors and principals. Elementary School Guidance and Counseling, 18, 194-199.
     Borow, H. (1971). Guidance and Counseling: overview. in The Encyclopedia of Education, Vol. 4. The MaCmillan Co & The Free Press.
     Carrington, A.B. (1978). An assessment of Status, role, and function of the Alabama elementary school counselor. Dissertation Abstracts International, 39, 1333-1334A.
     Dinkmeyer, D. and Caldwell, E. (1970). Developmental counseling and guidance. New York: McGraw - Hill Co.
     Dinkkmeyer, D. (1973). The counselor: Specialist in human development and human relations. in W.H. Van Hoose, J. J. Pietrofesa & J. Carlson (Eds) Elementary - School Guidance and Counseling: A composite view.
     Dinkmeyer, D. (1973b). Elementary school counseling: Prospects and Potentials. Personnel and Guidance Journal, 52, 171-174.
     Dimick, K.M.S. Huff, V.E. (1970). Child Counseling. WM, C. Brown Co.
     Faust, V. (1968). History of elementary school counseling -- With a chrological bibliography from 1924. Boston: Houghton Miffin.
     Forst, C.M. (1967). The elementary school counselor - How perceived? Counselor Education and Supervision, 6, 102-107.
     Freiward, N.P. (1978). The role and functions of the Secondary School counselors as perceived by selected publics. Dissertation Abstracts International, 38, 7150A.
     Furlong, M.J., Atkinson, D.R. & Janoff, D.S. (1979). Elementary School counselors` perceptions of their actual and ideal roles. Elementary School Guidance and Counseling , 14, 4–11.
     Gibson, R. L. S. Mitchell, M. H. (1986). Introduction to counseling and guidance. Macmillan Publishing ??.
     Glanz, E. L. (1974). Guidance: Fundations, Principles and techniques. Boston: Allyn and Bacon Inc.
     Hart, D. & Prine, D.J. (1970). Role conflict for school counselors: Training versus job demends. Personnel and guidance, 48, 374-380.
     Hill, G.F. (1974). Management and improvement of guidance New Jersey: Prentice - Hall Inc.
     Hill, G. E. & Luckey, E.B. (1969). Guidance for children in elementary school. New York: Meredith Book Co.
     Hoyt, K.B. (1970). This I believe. in W. H. Van Hoose & J. J. Pietrofesa (Ed.), Counseling and guidance in the Twentieth century. Houghton Mifflin Inc., 1970.
     Humohrey, J. L. Traxler, A. E. S. North. R. D. (1967). Guidance Services. Science Research Associations, Inc.
     Johnson, W. F., Stefflre, B., & Edelfelt, R.A. (1961). Pupil personnel and guidance service. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co.
     Jones, A.J., Stefflre, B. & Stewart, N.R. (1970). Principles of guidance. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co.
     Kazalunas, J.R. (1974). How elementary school teachers perceive the guidance counselor`s role. Dissertation Abstracts International, 34, 3873-74A.
     Mathewson, R.H. (1962): Guidance policy and practice (3ed). New York: Harper & Row Inc.
     McCreary, W.H. & Mill, G. (1966), Elementary school counselors in California. Personnel and Guidance Journal, 44, 494-498.
     McCully, C.H. (1962). The school counselor: Strategy For professionalization. Personnel and Guidance Journal, April, 681-689.
     Mendelson, R.L. (1967). "The elementary school counseling: Description of professional preparation, actual work experiences, and personal qualification. Doctoral dissertation University of Illinois.
     Miller, F.W. (1978). Guidance: Principles and services (2ed) Columbus: Charles E. Merrill Co.
     Muro, J. J. & Oelke, M.C. (1967). Guidance needs in the elementary school - cue to the preparation of counselors. Counselor Education and Supervision, 7, 7-12.
     Muro, J. (1973). Elementary School Guidance - Quo vadis? In W.H. Van Hoose, J. J. Pietrofesa & J. Carlson (Eds.) Elementary-School guidance and counseling: A composite view.
     Nelson, R.T. & Fredrickson, R.H. (1967). School counselor problems: Colorado and Massachuestts. Personnel and Guidance Journal. 46, 385-387.
     Nelson, R.C. (1972) Guidance and counseling in the elementary school. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winstone, Inc.
     Ohlsen, M.M. (1974). Guidance services in the modern school. New York: Marcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.
     Partterson, C.H. (1962). Counseling and guidance in schools. New York: Harpers & Brothers Inc.
     Patterson, C.H. (1969). The counselor in the elementary school. Personnel and Guidance Journal, June, 979-986.
     Peer, G.G. (1985) The Status of Secondary School guidance: A nation survey. The School Counselor, 32, 181-189.
     Peters, H.J., S Shertzer, B. (1969). Guidance program development and auaument. Charles, E, Merrill Co.
     Peters, H.J., Shertzer, B. & Van Hoose, W.H. (1973) Guidance in elementary schools. Chicago: Rand McNally and Company.
     Shertzer, B. & Stone, S.C. (1981) Fundamental of guidance (4ed). 台北:雙葉書廊。
     Shaw, M.C. (1971). Role delineation among the guidance professions. In B. F. Holt & R. H. Kicklighter (Ed.), Psychological services in the schools. Iowa: Wm. C. Brown Co.
     Sholl, S.A. (1978). The relationship between perceived roles and functions of elementary school counselors and actual counselors practice. Dissertation Abstracts International 38, 7159A.
     Sprinthall, N.A. (1980) Guidance and new education for school. Personnel and Guidance Journal, March 58, 485-489. .
     Van Hoose, W.H., Pietrofesa, J. J. & Carlson, J. (1973) Elementary School Guidance and Counseling: A composite view. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co.
     Van Hoose, W. H. & Carlson, J. (1972). Counselors in the elementary school 1970-71. Personnel and Guidance Journal, 50, 8.
     Wrenn, C.G. (1957). Status and role of the school counselor. Personnel and Guidance Journal 36. 175-183.
     Wilson, N. H. & Rotter, J.C. (1980): Elementary School counselor enrichment and renewal. Elementary School Guidance and Counselor. Feb. 178-187.
     ACES-ASCA (1960). Joint committee on the Elementary School counselor: Preliminary Statements. Personnel & Guidance Journal, 1966, 658-661.
     APGA (1977). Statement for the Preparation of Counselors and other personnel services specialists. Personnel & Guidance Journal, 1977, 596-601.