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題名 性別.自尊.武斷.同理心與生氣表達的關係 作者 鍾敏菁 貢獻者 吳靜吉
鍾敏菁日期 1990 上傳時間 4-May-2016 17:28:04 (UTC+8) 摘要 一、本研究的主要目的在探討下列的關係 參考文獻 一、中文部份 王淑俐(民75),臺北市縣國中階段青少年的情緒特徵,國立師範大學教育研究所。 皮玉鳳(民78),生氣控制訓練對國小高攻擊性兒童輔導效果之研究,國立師範大學輔導研究所碩士論文。 李新鏘(民66),「卡克失同理心訓練方法研究」,台大心理研究所碩士論文。 邱連煌(民70),談自尊心與父母的職責(一)(二)(三)(四)。中央日報副刊,4月1-4日。 吳麗娟(民74),理情教育課程對國中學生理性思考、情緒穩定與自我尊重之影響,國立師範大學輔導研究所碩士論文。 林邦傑、翁淑緣(民70),傑克森人格測驗指導手冊。台北:正昇教育科學社。 法務部(民77),犯罪現況及其分析,法務部犯罪問題研究中心。 黃月霞(民78),情感教育與發展性輔導,台北:五南圖書出版公司。 楊雀(民71),我國女性教育主管人格特質之研究,國立政治大學教育研究所。 莊耀嘉(民69),國中生的人格特質、學業成就歸因及其學習行為,國立台灣大學心理研究所碩士論文。 詹志禹(民75),年級、性別角色、心情取向與同理心的關係,國立政治大學教育研究所碩士論文。 張春興(民78),張氏心理學辭典,台北,東華書局。 張春興(民77),心理事,台北:東華書局。 陽琪(譯) (民71) , Ivey t A. E. 原著,諮商與心理治療──技巧、理論及練習。台北:桂冠出版社。 劉佩雲(民79),性別、創造力、自我檢校與幽默的關係。國立政治大學教育研究所碩士論文。 龍應台(民74),野火集,台北:圓通出版社。 蕭世璋(民72),少年犯與一般少年心理特質之比較研究。中央警官學校警政研究所碩士論文。 二、英文部份 Adorno.T.W., Frenkel-Brvnswik.E., Levinson.D.J. , & Sanford.R.(1950) The authoritarian personality. New York:Harper. Alexander.F.G. (1939) .Emotiontal factor in essential hypertension: Presentation of a tentative hypothesis.Psychosomatic Medicine,1,175-179. Allport ,G.W.(1968).The historical background of modern social psychology. ln Gardner & Lindzey & Elliot Aronson (Eds.) , The Hand book of Social Psycnology , (2nd , Vo l. 1, pp.1-80).U.S.A. :Addison-Wesley Pub.Company Inc.. AIshuler,C.F., & Alschuler A.S. (1984) Developing healthy responses to anger:the counselor`s role.Journal of Counseling and development,September.63,26- 29. Andersen, C. L. (1985). Treatment of anger: a review of the current literature. Doctor of Psychology Reaseach Paper、Biola University,CA. Averill.J.R.(1983).Anger and agression an essay on emotion, New York:Hidelberg Berlin. Berger,S.M. & Lambert,W.W. (1968) Stimulus-Response theory in contemporary social psychology. In Gardner Lindzey & Elliot Aronson (Eds.), . The Handbook of social Psychology, (2nd.vol.1,pp.81-187). U.S.A. :Addison-Wesley Pub. Company Inc .. Biaggio,M.K. (1980) Assessment of anger arousal. Journal of Personality Assessment,44(3) ,289-298 . Biaggio. M.K. & Godwin. W.H. (1987). Relation of depression to anger and hostility constructs. Psychological Reports .61.87-90. Biaggio.M.K. (1989) Sex differences in behavioral reactions to provocation of anger. Psychological Reports.64,23-26. Bryant,B.K. (1982).An index of empathy for children and adolescents. Child Development.53,413-425. Collins S.W. & Hailey B.J.(1989) The Anger Expression(AX) Scale:correlations with the State-Trait Personality Inventory and subscale intercorrelations,Educational and Psychological Mersurement.49,445- 445. Collins S.W. & Hailey B.J. (1989).The Anger Expression(AX) Scale:coorelations with the State-Trait Personality Inventory and subscale in tercorrelations.Educational and Psychological Measurement.49.447-455. Coopersmith,S. (1967) The antecedents of self-esteem. San Francisco: Free man. Crane. R.S. (1981).The role of anger, hostility,and aggression in essential hypertension. (Doctoral dissertation,University of South Florida,Tampa,1981).Dissertation Abstracts International,42,2982B. Davis,M.H. (1983) .Measuring individual differences in empathy : Evidence for a multidimensional approach. Journal of Personality and Social sychology. 44(1),113-126. Delamater ,R.T. & Mcnamara, J.R. (1987) .Expression of anger:it`s relationship to assertion and social desirability among college women. Psychological Reports,61,131-134. Dembroski,T.M., MacDougall, r.b., & Haney, T.L.(1985). Components of type A, hostility, and anger-in:relationship to angiographic findings. Psychosomatic Medicine, 47, 219-233. Farber, E.W., Burge-Callaway, K.G.(1988)Differences in anger ,hostility, and interpersonal aggresiveness in Type A and Type B adolescents. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Assiciation. Frodi,A.,Macaulay,J., & Thome,P.R. (1977) Are women always less aggressive than men? A review of the experimental literature. Bychological Bulletin,84,634-660. Gentry,W.D.Chesney,A.P., GaryH.G.,HALL,R.P.,&arburg,E.(1982).Habitual anger-coping styles:I.Effect on mean blood pressure and risk for essential hypertension. Psychosomatic Medicine,44,195-202. Greer, S.,& Morris.T. (1975) .Psychological attributes of women who develop breast cancer:A controlled study. Journal of Psychosomatic Research,2,147-153. Harburg, E.,Blackelock, E.H., & Roeper. P.J. (1979). Resentful and reflective coping with arbitrary authority and blood pressure: Detroit.Psychosomatic Medicine,3, 189-202. Hazaleus. S.L. & Deffenbacher, J.L.(1985) Irrtional beliefs and anger arousal. Journal of College Student Personnel , Journey.47-52. Heyman.S.R. (1971) Dogmatism.hostility,aggression,and gender roles. Journal of Clinical Psychology,July,33(3),694-698. Janesh,P.A. (1989) Anger expressive styles,loneliness,and selected personality determinants in women 60-70 years of age (Doctoral Disseration,United States International University) DAI 50/02B.p.749. Kaiser. C.H. & Berndt. D.J.(1983) The lonely and gifted adolescent:stress.depression and anger. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association. Keef e, T. (1984). The stresses of unempIoyment. Social Work, May-June,265-268. Knight R.G .? Chicholm B.J .,Paulin J.M., & Waal-Manning H.J. (1988) The Spielberger Anger Expression Scale :some psychometric data. The British Psychological Society, 27.279-281. Lerner.D. (1968) Modernization: Social aspects. Lnternational Encyolopedia of the Social Sciencd. (vol.10), New York: Macmillan and Free Press. Letourneau ,C. (1981).Empathy and Stress: How they effect parental aggression. Social Work. September. Libon.M.D. (1989) Adolescent-to-parent violencd:an investigation of family envirojent.empathy and disengagement among adjudicated adolescents (Doctoral Disseration,California School of Professional Psychology-Berkeley/Alameda) DAI49/07A,p.1970 . Lochman.J.E ., Burch.P.R.,Curry.J.F., & Lampron L.B. (1984) Treatment and generalization effects of cognitivebehavioral and goal-setting interventions with aggressive boys. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psycho logy, 32 (5) ,915-916. Mathes,E.W., Adem.H.E., & Davis,R.M.,(1985). Jealousy: Loss of relationship rewards,loss of self-esteem,depression, anxiety, and anger. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,48(6) ,1552-1561. Mattews. K.A., Glass.D.C ., Rosenman,R.H.,& Bortner,R.1N. (1977).Competitive drive,pattern A.and coronary heart disease: A further analysis of some data from the Western Collaborative Group study. Journal of Chronic Diseases ,30,489-498. McCann. J.T. & Biaggio. M.K. (1989) Narcissistic Personality features and self-reported anger. Psychological Reports,64(1) ,55-58. Mehrabian.A.& Epstein.N. (1972).A measure of emotional empathy. Journal of Personality,40,525-543. Navaco.R.W .,(1976).The function and regulation of the arousal of anger. American Journal of Psychiatry ,133(10) .October.1124-1128. Novaco. R.W. (1979) The cognitive regulation of anger and stress . In P.Kendall & S. Hollon ( Eds.). Cognitive -behavioral interventions: Theory, resarch and procedures. New York: Academic Press. Parker,C.N. (1987).Anger expression styles and blood pressure response to interpersonal situations. (The University of Connecticut,PHD) .DAI 48/03B.P.885. Parlay,F.W.&Conoley,C.(1981) Discipline in the schools:the relationship of educators’ attitudes about corporal punishment to selected variables. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Southwest Educational Research Association. Rokeach.M. (1956) Political and religious dogmatism: An alternative to the authoritarian personality. Psychological Monographs.70. Rokeach.M. (1960) The open and closed mind.Hew York:Basic Books. Roberts,A.H., & Jessor,R. (1985) Authoritarianism, punitiveness,and perceived social status. Journal of Abnermal and Social Psychology,56,311-314. Sallee N.N.(1987) Social and psychological correlates of rape empathy in undergraduates (Doctoral Dissertation, New Mexico State University, 1987),DAI,48/12B,p. Schill, T., & Thomsen, D.,(1987) Anger, hostility, and the Barron ego strength scale. Psychological reports,60,1113-1114, Siegel. J.M. (1986) The multidimensional anger inventory. Journal of personality and Social Psychology,51(1),191-200. Speilberger,C.D.Jacobs,G.A.Russell,S.F.,Crane,R.S., (1983) .Assessment of anger: The State-Trait Anger Scale. In J.N. Butcher & C.D.Spielber(Eds.),Advances in personaliy Assessment(vol.2).Hillsdale,NJ:LEA. Spielberger. C.D. (1988) Professional Manual for State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory. University of South Florida ,Tempa,Florida. Stewart.C.G .,& Lewis,W.A. (1985) Effects of assertiveness training on the self-esteem of black high school students . Journal of Counseling and Development, June,64,638-641. Stoner S.B. & Spencer V.B. (1986). Age and sex differences on the State-Trait Personality Inventory, Psychological Reports,59.1315-1319. Stoner S.B. & Spencer W.B. (1987).Age and gender differences with the Anger Expression Scale,Educational and Psychologocal Measurement.47,487-492. Tavris,C. (1982).Anger,the misunderstood emotion.Chicago:University of Chicago Press. Ward, C .H. (1987).Pshchological aspects and potential pathogenic processes of achievement striving associated with the type A personality (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, PHD),DAI 47/09 B,P.3975. Wispe,L.G. (1968) .Sympathy and empathy. 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教育學系資料來源 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 吳靜吉 zh_TW (Authors) 鍾敏菁 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) 鍾敏菁 zh_TW (日期) 1990 en_US 4-May-2016 17:28:04 (UTC+8) - 4-May-2016 17:28:04 (UTC+8) - (上傳時間) 4-May-2016 17:28:04 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) B2002005982 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) - dc.description (描述) 碩士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 教育學系 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) 一、本研究的主要目的在探討下列的關係 zh_TW dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論............................1 第一節 研究動機............................1 第二節 研究問題與架構............................6 第三節 研究範圍............................8 第四節 重要名詞詮釋............................8 第二章 文獻探討............................12 第一節 生氣的概念與理論............................12 第二節 自尊與生氣表達............................12 第三節 武斷與生氣表達............................29 第四節 同理心與生氣表達............................31 第三章 研究方法............................34 第一節 研究假設............................34 第二節 研究樣本............................36 第三節 研究工具............................41 第四節 實施程序............................41 第五節 統計處理............................41 第四章 研究結果............................43 第一節 性別、自尊與生氣特質、生氣表達............................43 第二節 性別、武斷與生氣特質、生氣表達 ............................77 第三節 性別、同理心與生氣特質、生氣表達............................89 第四節 性別、自尊、武斷、同理心與生氣特質、生氣表達之典型相關..................128 第五章 討論與建議............................132 第一節 討論............................132 第二節 限制............................138 第三節 建議............................138 參考書目............................143 附錄一 生氣特質量表的修訂............................155 附錄二 生氣表達量表的修訂............................169 附錄三 本研究樣本在各變項上之平均數、標記差............................188 附錄四 本研究所使用各變項之矩陣............................189 附錄五 本研究之調查問卷............................190 zh_TW dc.source.uri (資料來源) en_US dc.title (題名) 性別.自尊.武斷.同理心與生氣表達的關係 zh_TW dc.type (資料類型) thesis en_US dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 一、中文部份 王淑俐(民75),臺北市縣國中階段青少年的情緒特徵,國立師範大學教育研究所。 皮玉鳳(民78),生氣控制訓練對國小高攻擊性兒童輔導效果之研究,國立師範大學輔導研究所碩士論文。 李新鏘(民66),「卡克失同理心訓練方法研究」,台大心理研究所碩士論文。 邱連煌(民70),談自尊心與父母的職責(一)(二)(三)(四)。中央日報副刊,4月1-4日。 吳麗娟(民74),理情教育課程對國中學生理性思考、情緒穩定與自我尊重之影響,國立師範大學輔導研究所碩士論文。 林邦傑、翁淑緣(民70),傑克森人格測驗指導手冊。台北:正昇教育科學社。 法務部(民77),犯罪現況及其分析,法務部犯罪問題研究中心。 黃月霞(民78),情感教育與發展性輔導,台北:五南圖書出版公司。 楊雀(民71),我國女性教育主管人格特質之研究,國立政治大學教育研究所。 莊耀嘉(民69),國中生的人格特質、學業成就歸因及其學習行為,國立台灣大學心理研究所碩士論文。 詹志禹(民75),年級、性別角色、心情取向與同理心的關係,國立政治大學教育研究所碩士論文。 張春興(民78),張氏心理學辭典,台北,東華書局。 張春興(民77),心理事,台北:東華書局。 陽琪(譯) (民71) , Ivey t A. E. 原著,諮商與心理治療──技巧、理論及練習。台北:桂冠出版社。 劉佩雲(民79),性別、創造力、自我檢校與幽默的關係。國立政治大學教育研究所碩士論文。 龍應台(民74),野火集,台北:圓通出版社。 蕭世璋(民72),少年犯與一般少年心理特質之比較研究。中央警官學校警政研究所碩士論文。 二、英文部份 Adorno.T.W., Frenkel-Brvnswik.E., Levinson.D.J. , & Sanford.R.(1950) The authoritarian personality. New York:Harper. Alexander.F.G. (1939) .Emotiontal factor in essential hypertension: Presentation of a tentative hypothesis.Psychosomatic Medicine,1,175-179. Allport ,G.W.(1968).The historical background of modern social psychology. ln Gardner & Lindzey & Elliot Aronson (Eds.) , The Hand book of Social Psycnology , (2nd , Vo l. 1, pp.1-80).U.S.A. :Addison-Wesley Pub.Company Inc.. AIshuler,C.F., & Alschuler A.S. (1984) Developing healthy responses to anger:the counselor`s role.Journal of Counseling and development,September.63,26- 29. Andersen, C. L. (1985). Treatment of anger: a review of the current literature. Doctor of Psychology Reaseach Paper、Biola University,CA. Averill.J.R.(1983).Anger and agression an essay on emotion, New York:Hidelberg Berlin. Berger,S.M. & Lambert,W.W. (1968) Stimulus-Response theory in contemporary social psychology. In Gardner Lindzey & Elliot Aronson (Eds.), . The Handbook of social Psychology, (2nd.vol.1,pp.81-187). U.S.A. :Addison-Wesley Pub. Company Inc .. Biaggio,M.K. (1980) Assessment of anger arousal. Journal of Personality Assessment,44(3) ,289-298 . Biaggio. M.K. & Godwin. W.H. (1987). Relation of depression to anger and hostility constructs. Psychological Reports .61.87-90. Biaggio.M.K. (1989) Sex differences in behavioral reactions to provocation of anger. Psychological Reports.64,23-26. Bryant,B.K. (1982).An index of empathy for children and adolescents. Child Development.53,413-425. Collins S.W. & Hailey B.J.(1989) The Anger Expression(AX) Scale:correlations with the State-Trait Personality Inventory and subscale intercorrelations,Educational and Psychological Mersurement.49,445- 445. Collins S.W. & Hailey B.J. (1989).The Anger Expression(AX) Scale:coorelations with the State-Trait Personality Inventory and subscale in tercorrelations.Educational and Psychological Measurement.49.447-455. Coopersmith,S. (1967) The antecedents of self-esteem. San Francisco: Free man. Crane. R.S. (1981).The role of anger, hostility,and aggression in essential hypertension. (Doctoral dissertation,University of South Florida,Tampa,1981).Dissertation Abstracts International,42,2982B. Davis,M.H. (1983) .Measuring individual differences in empathy : Evidence for a multidimensional approach. Journal of Personality and Social sychology. 44(1),113-126. Delamater ,R.T. & Mcnamara, J.R. (1987) .Expression of anger:it`s relationship to assertion and social desirability among college women. Psychological Reports,61,131-134. Dembroski,T.M., MacDougall, r.b., & Haney, T.L.(1985). Components of type A, hostility, and anger-in:relationship to angiographic findings. Psychosomatic Medicine, 47, 219-233. Farber, E.W., Burge-Callaway, K.G.(1988)Differences in anger ,hostility, and interpersonal aggresiveness in Type A and Type B adolescents. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Assiciation. Frodi,A.,Macaulay,J., & Thome,P.R. (1977) Are women always less aggressive than men? A review of the experimental literature. Bychological Bulletin,84,634-660. Gentry,W.D.Chesney,A.P., GaryH.G.,HALL,R.P.,&arburg,E.(1982).Habitual anger-coping styles:I.Effect on mean blood pressure and risk for essential hypertension. Psychosomatic Medicine,44,195-202. Greer, S.,& Morris.T. (1975) .Psychological attributes of women who develop breast cancer:A controlled study. Journal of Psychosomatic Research,2,147-153. Harburg, E.,Blackelock, E.H., & Roeper. P.J. (1979). Resentful and reflective coping with arbitrary authority and blood pressure: Detroit.Psychosomatic Medicine,3, 189-202. Hazaleus. S.L. & Deffenbacher, J.L.(1985) Irrtional beliefs and anger arousal. Journal of College Student Personnel , Journey.47-52. Heyman.S.R. (1971) Dogmatism.hostility,aggression,and gender roles. Journal of Clinical Psychology,July,33(3),694-698. Janesh,P.A. (1989) Anger expressive styles,loneliness,and selected personality determinants in women 60-70 years of age (Doctoral Disseration,United States International University) DAI 50/02B.p.749. Kaiser. C.H. & Berndt. D.J.(1983) The lonely and gifted adolescent:stress.depression and anger. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association. Keef e, T. (1984). The stresses of unempIoyment. Social Work, May-June,265-268. Knight R.G .? Chicholm B.J .,Paulin J.M., & Waal-Manning H.J. (1988) The Spielberger Anger Expression Scale :some psychometric data. The British Psychological Society, 27.279-281. Lerner.D. (1968) Modernization: Social aspects. Lnternational Encyolopedia of the Social Sciencd. (vol.10), New York: Macmillan and Free Press. Letourneau ,C. (1981).Empathy and Stress: How they effect parental aggression. Social Work. September. Libon.M.D. (1989) Adolescent-to-parent violencd:an investigation of family envirojent.empathy and disengagement among adjudicated adolescents (Doctoral Disseration,California School of Professional Psychology-Berkeley/Alameda) DAI49/07A,p.1970 . Lochman.J.E ., Burch.P.R.,Curry.J.F., & Lampron L.B. (1984) Treatment and generalization effects of cognitivebehavioral and goal-setting interventions with aggressive boys. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psycho logy, 32 (5) ,915-916. Mathes,E.W., Adem.H.E., & Davis,R.M.,(1985). Jealousy: Loss of relationship rewards,loss of self-esteem,depression, anxiety, and anger. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,48(6) ,1552-1561. Mattews. K.A., Glass.D.C ., Rosenman,R.H.,& Bortner,R.1N. (1977).Competitive drive,pattern A.and coronary heart disease: A further analysis of some data from the Western Collaborative Group study. Journal of Chronic Diseases ,30,489-498. McCann. J.T. & Biaggio. M.K. (1989) Narcissistic Personality features and self-reported anger. Psychological Reports,64(1) ,55-58. Mehrabian.A.& Epstein.N. (1972).A measure of emotional empathy. Journal of Personality,40,525-543. Navaco.R.W .,(1976).The function and regulation of the arousal of anger. American Journal of Psychiatry ,133(10) .October.1124-1128. Novaco. R.W. (1979) The cognitive regulation of anger and stress . In P.Kendall & S. Hollon ( Eds.). Cognitive -behavioral interventions: Theory, resarch and procedures. New York: Academic Press. Parker,C.N. (1987).Anger expression styles and blood pressure response to interpersonal situations. (The University of Connecticut,PHD) .DAI 48/03B.P.885. Parlay,F.W.&Conoley,C.(1981) Discipline in the schools:the relationship of educators’ attitudes about corporal punishment to selected variables. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Southwest Educational Research Association. Rokeach.M. (1956) Political and religious dogmatism: An alternative to the authoritarian personality. Psychological Monographs.70. Rokeach.M. (1960) The open and closed mind.Hew York:Basic Books. Roberts,A.H., & Jessor,R. (1985) Authoritarianism, punitiveness,and perceived social status. Journal of Abnermal and Social Psychology,56,311-314. Sallee N.N.(1987) Social and psychological correlates of rape empathy in undergraduates (Doctoral Dissertation, New Mexico State University, 1987),DAI,48/12B,p. Schill, T., & Thomsen, D.,(1987) Anger, hostility, and the Barron ego strength scale. Psychological reports,60,1113-1114, Siegel. J.M. (1986) The multidimensional anger inventory. Journal of personality and Social Psychology,51(1),191-200. 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