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題名 非純公共財之供應與訂價政策 : 不同市場結構之分析 作者 段仁傑 貢獻者 陳聽安
段仁傑日期 1986 上傳時間 5-May-2016 14:16:05 (UTC+8) 摘要 提要 參考文獻 參考書目一、 中文部分(1) 林華德:財政理論與政策,台北:東華書局,民國七十一年五版。(2) 林華德:當代財政學,台北:自版,民國七十五年元月初版。(3) 官威政:地方公共財最適水準之探討,政治大學財政研究所碩士論文,民國六十六年七月。(4) 陳聽安:論都市財政,台北市銀月刊第七卷第九期,民國六十五年九月,頁1─14。(5) 陳聽安:地方財政的理論與實際,稅務旬刊第一00三期,民國六十八年八月十日,頁4─7。(6) 張盛和:公共財的理論,台北:財訓所,民國六十五年二月。(7) 黃世鑫:殊價財最適供給之研究,政治大學財政研究所碩士論文,民國六十八年。(8) 傅傳訓:俱樂部最適理論之研究,政治大學財政研究所碩士論文,民國七十二年六月。(9) 劉永憲:財政學原理,台北:文笙書局,民國七十五年三月六版。二、 英文部分英文期刊縮寫之全稱:(1) A.E.R.= American Economic Review(2) E.E.R.= European Economic Review(3) E.J.= Economic Journal(4) I.E.R.= International Economic Review(5) J.L.E.= Journal of Law and Economics(6) J.P.E.= Journal of Political Economy(7) J.Pub.E.= Journal of Public Economics(8) P.F.= Public Finance(9) Q.J.E.= Quarterly Journal of Economics(10) R.E.S.= Review of Economics and Statistics(11) S.J.E.= Swedish Journal of Economics英文參考文獻(1) Ackinson, A.B. & Stiglitz, J.E., Lectures on Public Economics, London: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1980.(2) Auster, R.D., “Private Market In Public Goods”, Q.J.E., 91, Aug. 1977, pp.419-430.(3) Bator, F.M., “The Simple Analytics of Welfare Maximumization”, A.E.R., 47, March 1957, pp. 22-59.(4) Black, D. "On the Rationale of Group Decision Making", J.P.E. , 56, Feb. 1948, pp. 23-34.(5) Boadway, R.W. & Wildasin, D.E., Public Sector Economics , Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1984, Chap. 6.(6) Bohm, P., "An Approach to the Problem of Estimating the Demand for Public Goods", S.J.E., 73, 1971, pp. 55-66.(7) _____, “Estimating Demand for Public Goods: An Experiment”. E.E.R., 3, 1972, pp.110-130.(8) _____, Revealing Demand for An Actual Public Goods” J.Pub.E., 24(2), 1984, pp.135-151.(9) Bowen, H.R., "The Interpretation of Voting in the Allocation of Economic Resources", Q. J.E., 58, Nov. 1943, pp. 27-48.(10) Bowers, P. F., Private Choice and Public Welfare Hinsdale, Ill., Dryden press 1974.(11) Brennan G. & Walsh, C., "Market Provision of Public Goods: A Monopoly Version of the Oakland Model", Finanzarchiv, Vol. 37, No. 3, 1979, pp. 385-395.(12) _____, "A Monopoly Model of Public Goods Provision: The Uniform Pricing Case", A.E.R., Vol. 71, Nal, March 1981, pp. 196-206.(13) Brito, D.L. & Oakland, W.H., "On the Monopolistic Provision Excludable Public-Goods", A.E.R. Vol. 70, No. 4, Sep. 1980, pp. 691-704.(14) Buchanan, J.M. & Margolis, J., "Communications: A Note on Public Goods Supply", A.E.R. 53, June, 1963, pp. 403-414.(15) Buchanan, J.M., "An Economic Theory of Clubs",Economica, Vol. 32, No. 125, Feb. 1965, pp. 1-14.(16) _____, "Public Goods in Theory and Practice: A note on the Samuelson-Minasian Discussion", J.L.E., 10, Oct. 1967, pp.193-197,(17) _____, The Demand and Supply of Public Goods. Chicago: Rand NcNally, 2nd edn, 1969.(18) Burns, M.E. & Walsh, C., "Market Provision of Price-Excludable Public Goods: A General Analysis", J.P.E., Vol. 89, No. 1, Dec. 1981. pp. 166-191.(19) Chiang, A.C., Fundamental Methods of Mathematical Economics 3rd edn, New York: McGraw-Hill Inc., 1984.(20)Coase, R.H., "The Lighthouse in Economics", J.L.E., 17, Oct. 1974, pp. 357-376.(21) Cornes, R. & Sandler, T., “Easy Riders, Joint Production, and Public Goods”, Economic Journal Vol. 94, Sep. 1984, pp. 580-598.(22) Davis, D.A. & Whinston, A.B. "On the Distinction Between Public And Private Goods", A.E.R., May 1967, pp. 360-373.(23) Demsetz, H., "The Private Production of Public Goods", J.L.E., 13, Oct. 1970, pp. 293–306.(24) Ekelund, R. & Hulett, J., "Joint Supply, the Taussig-Pigou Controversy, and the Competitive Supply of Public Goods", J.L.E., 16, Oct. 1973, pp. 369-387.(25) Fellner, W., Competition Among the Few, NewYork: Kelley, 1960.(26) Galbraith, J.K., The Affluent Society, Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1958.(27) Head, J.G. & Shoup, C.S., "Public Goods, Private Goods, And Ambiguous Goods", E.J., Sep. 1969, pp. 562-572.(28) Hirshleifer, J., "Peak Loads and Efficient Pricing: Comment", Q.J.E., 72, Aug. 1958, pp. 451-462.(29) Johansen, L., "The Theory of Public Goods: Misplaced Emphasis?" J.Pub.E., 7, 1960, pp. 147-152.(30) _____, "Some Notes on the Lindahl Theoryof Determination of Public Expenditures", I.E.R., Sep. 1963, pp. 346-358.(31) Lee, D.R., "Discrimination and Efficiency In the Pricing of Public Goods", J.L.E., 20, Oct.1977, pp. 403-420.(32) _____, "On the Pricing of Public Goods", S.E.J., Vol. 49, July 1982, pp. 99-105.(33) Lindahl, E. "Just Taxation: A Positive Solution" in R. A. Musgrave & A. Peacock (eds.) Classics in the Theory of Public Finance, New York: Macmillan, 1958, pp. 168-177.(34) Machlup, F. Characteristics and Types of Price Discrimination , Business Concentration and Price Policy, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1955, pp.397-435.(35) Margolis, J., "A comment on the Pure Theory of Public Expenditure", R.E.S., 1955, pp. 347-349.(36) McGuire, M.C. & Aaron, H. "Efficiency and Equity in the Optimal Supply of A Public Goods", R.E.S., Vol. 51, Feb. 1969, pp.31-39.(37) Minasian, J. R. "Television Pricing and the Thory of Public Goods", J.L.E. Oct. 1964, pp. 71-80.(38) Musgrave, R.A., The Theory of Public Finance, New York: McGraw-Hill Co., 1959.(39) _____, "Provision for Social Goods", in J. Margolis & H. Guitton (eds) Public Economics, London: Macmillian, 1969, pp. 124-144.(40) Musgrave, R.A. & Musgrave, P.B., Public Finance in Theory and Practice, 4th edn., New York: McGraw-Hill Inc., 1984.(41)Oakland, H.W., "Public Goods, Perfect Competition, and Underproduction."J.P.E., 82, Sept./ Oct. 1974, pp. 927-939.(42) Owen, B.M., "The Perfect Competition Production of Collective Goods: Comment", R.E.S., 51, Nov. 1969, pp.475-476.(43) Rodgers, J. D., "The Perfect Competition Production of Collective Goods: Comment", R.E.S.,5l, Nov. 1969, pp.476-478.(44) Roskamp, K.W., "Lindahl Equilibrium, Tax Prices, and the Optimal Supply of Public Goods: A Non-cooperative Differential Game Approach", P. F., Vol. 36, No. 3, 1981, pp. 337-345.(45)Samuelson, P.A., "The Pure Theory of Public Expenditure", R.E.S., 36, 1954, pp. 387-389.(46) _____, "Diagrammatic exposition of aTheory of Public Expenditure", R.E.S., 37, 1955, pp. 350-356.(47) _____, "Aspects of Public ExpenditureTheories", R.E.S., 40, 1958, pp. 332-338.(48) _____, "Pitfalls in the Analysis of Public Goods", J.L.E., 10, 1967, pp. 199-204.(49) _____, "Pure Theory of Public Expenditures and Taxation", in J. Margolis & H. Guitton (eds) Public Economics, London: Macmillian, (1969), pp.98-123.(50) Steiner, P.O., “Peak Loads and Efficient Pricing”, Q.J.E., 71, Nov. 1957, pp.585-610.(51) Stigler, G.J., "Perfect Competition, Histrocially Contemplated", J.P.E., Vol. 65, No. 1, Feb. 1957, pp. 1-17.(52) Syds?ter K., Topics in Mathematical Analysisfor Economists London: Academic Press Inc., Ltd., 1981.(53) Thompson, E.A., "The Perfectly Competitive Production of Collective Goods", R.E.S., Vol. 50, No. 1, Feb. 1968, pp. 1-12.(54) Tiebout, C.M. "A Pure Theory of Local Expenditure", J.P.E., Oct. 1956, pp. 416–424.(55) Williamson, O.E., "Peak-load Pricing and OptimalCapacity Under Indivisibility Constraints", A.E.R., 1966, pp.810-827.(56) Yamey. B., "Monopolistic Price Discrimination and Economic Welfare”, J.L.E., 17, 1974, p.377. 描述 碩士
財政學系資料來源 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 陳聽安 zh_TW (Authors) 段仁傑 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) 段仁傑 zh_TW (日期) 1986 en_US 5-May-2016 14:16:05 (UTC+8) - 5-May-2016 14:16:05 (UTC+8) - (上傳時間) 5-May-2016 14:16:05 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) B2002006611 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) - dc.description (描述) 碩士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 財政學系 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) 提要 zh_TW dc.description.tableofcontents 目錄第一章 緒論…1第一節 研究動機與目的…1第二節 研究對象與內容…3第三節 本文架構…6第二章 純公共財理論之文獻回顧…8第一節 Lindahl模型─自願交易理論…9第二節 Bowen-Black多數決投票模型…11第三節 Samuelson理論模型…14第四節 Johansen理論模型…18第五節 McGuire & Aaron理論模型…21第六節 本章總結…23第三章 競爭市場之公共財供應…27第一節 Thompson理論模型…28第二節 Oakland理論模型…38第三節 Demsetz-Auster理論模型…46第四節 本章總結…52第四章 獨占市場之公共財供應…59第一節 Lee理論模型…59第二節 Brito & Oakland理論模型…70第三節 Brennan & Walsh理論模型…76第四節 本章總結…88第五章 結論…92 zh_TW dc.source.uri (資料來源) en_US dc.title (題名) 非純公共財之供應與訂價政策 : 不同市場結構之分析 zh_TW dc.type (資料類型) thesis en_US dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 參考書目一、 中文部分(1) 林華德:財政理論與政策,台北:東華書局,民國七十一年五版。(2) 林華德:當代財政學,台北:自版,民國七十五年元月初版。(3) 官威政:地方公共財最適水準之探討,政治大學財政研究所碩士論文,民國六十六年七月。(4) 陳聽安:論都市財政,台北市銀月刊第七卷第九期,民國六十五年九月,頁1─14。(5) 陳聽安:地方財政的理論與實際,稅務旬刊第一00三期,民國六十八年八月十日,頁4─7。(6) 張盛和:公共財的理論,台北:財訓所,民國六十五年二月。(7) 黃世鑫:殊價財最適供給之研究,政治大學財政研究所碩士論文,民國六十八年。(8) 傅傳訓:俱樂部最適理論之研究,政治大學財政研究所碩士論文,民國七十二年六月。(9) 劉永憲:財政學原理,台北:文笙書局,民國七十五年三月六版。二、 英文部分英文期刊縮寫之全稱:(1) A.E.R.= American Economic Review(2) E.E.R.= European Economic Review(3) E.J.= Economic Journal(4) I.E.R.= International Economic Review(5) J.L.E.= Journal of Law and Economics(6) J.P.E.= Journal of Political Economy(7) J.Pub.E.= Journal of Public Economics(8) P.F.= Public Finance(9) Q.J.E.= Quarterly Journal of Economics(10) R.E.S.= Review of Economics and Statistics(11) S.J.E.= Swedish Journal of Economics英文參考文獻(1) Ackinson, A.B. & Stiglitz, J.E., Lectures on Public Economics, London: McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1980.(2) Auster, R.D., “Private Market In Public Goods”, Q.J.E., 91, Aug. 1977, pp.419-430.(3) Bator, F.M., “The Simple Analytics of Welfare Maximumization”, A.E.R., 47, March 1957, pp. 22-59.(4) Black, D. "On the Rationale of Group Decision Making", J.P.E. , 56, Feb. 1948, pp. 23-34.(5) Boadway, R.W. & Wildasin, D.E., Public Sector Economics , Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1984, Chap. 6.(6) Bohm, P., "An Approach to the Problem of Estimating the Demand for Public Goods", S.J.E., 73, 1971, pp. 55-66.(7) _____, “Estimating Demand for Public Goods: An Experiment”. E.E.R., 3, 1972, pp.110-130.(8) _____, Revealing Demand for An Actual Public Goods” J.Pub.E., 24(2), 1984, pp.135-151.(9) Bowen, H.R., "The Interpretation of Voting in the Allocation of Economic Resources", Q. J.E., 58, Nov. 1943, pp. 27-48.(10) Bowers, P. F., Private Choice and Public Welfare Hinsdale, Ill., Dryden press 1974.(11) Brennan G. & Walsh, C., "Market Provision of Public Goods: A Monopoly Version of the Oakland Model", Finanzarchiv, Vol. 37, No. 3, 1979, pp. 385-395.(12) _____, "A Monopoly Model of Public Goods Provision: The Uniform Pricing Case", A.E.R., Vol. 71, Nal, March 1981, pp. 196-206.(13) Brito, D.L. & Oakland, W.H., "On the Monopolistic Provision Excludable Public-Goods", A.E.R. Vol. 70, No. 4, Sep. 1980, pp. 691-704.(14) Buchanan, J.M. & Margolis, J., "Communications: A Note on Public Goods Supply", A.E.R. 53, June, 1963, pp. 403-414.(15) Buchanan, J.M., "An Economic Theory of Clubs",Economica, Vol. 32, No. 125, Feb. 1965, pp. 1-14.(16) _____, "Public Goods in Theory and Practice: A note on the Samuelson-Minasian Discussion", J.L.E., 10, Oct. 1967, pp.193-197,(17) _____, The Demand and Supply of Public Goods. Chicago: Rand NcNally, 2nd edn, 1969.(18) Burns, M.E. & Walsh, C., "Market Provision of Price-Excludable Public Goods: A General Analysis", J.P.E., Vol. 89, No. 1, Dec. 1981. pp. 166-191.(19) Chiang, A.C., Fundamental Methods of Mathematical Economics 3rd edn, New York: McGraw-Hill Inc., 1984.(20)Coase, R.H., "The Lighthouse in Economics", J.L.E., 17, Oct. 1974, pp. 357-376.(21) Cornes, R. & Sandler, T., “Easy Riders, Joint Production, and Public Goods”, Economic Journal Vol. 94, Sep. 1984, pp. 580-598.(22) Davis, D.A. & Whinston, A.B. "On the Distinction Between Public And Private Goods", A.E.R., May 1967, pp. 360-373.(23) Demsetz, H., "The Private Production of Public Goods", J.L.E., 13, Oct. 1970, pp. 293–306.(24) Ekelund, R. & Hulett, J., "Joint Supply, the Taussig-Pigou Controversy, and the Competitive Supply of Public Goods", J.L.E., 16, Oct. 1973, pp. 369-387.(25) Fellner, W., Competition Among the Few, NewYork: Kelley, 1960.(26) Galbraith, J.K., The Affluent Society, Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1958.(27) Head, J.G. & Shoup, C.S., "Public Goods, Private Goods, And Ambiguous Goods", E.J., Sep. 1969, pp. 562-572.(28) Hirshleifer, J., "Peak Loads and Efficient Pricing: Comment", Q.J.E., 72, Aug. 1958, pp. 451-462.(29) Johansen, L., "The Theory of Public Goods: Misplaced Emphasis?" J.Pub.E., 7, 1960, pp. 147-152.(30) _____, "Some Notes on the Lindahl Theoryof Determination of Public Expenditures", I.E.R., Sep. 1963, pp. 346-358.(31) Lee, D.R., "Discrimination and Efficiency In the Pricing of Public Goods", J.L.E., 20, Oct.1977, pp. 403-420.(32) _____, "On the Pricing of Public Goods", S.E.J., Vol. 49, July 1982, pp. 99-105.(33) Lindahl, E. "Just Taxation: A Positive Solution" in R. A. Musgrave & A. Peacock (eds.) Classics in the Theory of Public Finance, New York: Macmillan, 1958, pp. 168-177.(34) Machlup, F. Characteristics and Types of Price Discrimination , Business Concentration and Price Policy, Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1955, pp.397-435.(35) Margolis, J., "A comment on the Pure Theory of Public Expenditure", R.E.S., 1955, pp. 347-349.(36) McGuire, M.C. & Aaron, H. "Efficiency and Equity in the Optimal Supply of A Public Goods", R.E.S., Vol. 51, Feb. 1969, pp.31-39.(37) Minasian, J. R. "Television Pricing and the Thory of Public Goods", J.L.E. Oct. 1964, pp. 71-80.(38) Musgrave, R.A., The Theory of Public Finance, New York: McGraw-Hill Co., 1959.(39) _____, "Provision for Social Goods", in J. Margolis & H. Guitton (eds) Public Economics, London: Macmillian, 1969, pp. 124-144.(40) Musgrave, R.A. & Musgrave, P.B., Public Finance in Theory and Practice, 4th edn., New York: McGraw-Hill Inc., 1984.(41)Oakland, H.W., "Public Goods, Perfect Competition, and Underproduction."J.P.E., 82, Sept./ Oct. 1974, pp. 927-939.(42) Owen, B.M., "The Perfect Competition Production of Collective Goods: Comment", R.E.S., 51, Nov. 1969, pp.475-476.(43) Rodgers, J. D., "The Perfect Competition Production of Collective Goods: Comment", R.E.S.,5l, Nov. 1969, pp.476-478.(44) Roskamp, K.W., "Lindahl Equilibrium, Tax Prices, and the Optimal Supply of Public Goods: A Non-cooperative Differential Game Approach", P. F., Vol. 36, No. 3, 1981, pp. 337-345.(45)Samuelson, P.A., "The Pure Theory of Public Expenditure", R.E.S., 36, 1954, pp. 387-389.(46) _____, "Diagrammatic exposition of aTheory of Public Expenditure", R.E.S., 37, 1955, pp. 350-356.(47) _____, "Aspects of Public ExpenditureTheories", R.E.S., 40, 1958, pp. 332-338.(48) _____, "Pitfalls in the Analysis of Public Goods", J.L.E., 10, 1967, pp. 199-204.(49) _____, "Pure Theory of Public Expenditures and Taxation", in J. Margolis & H. Guitton (eds) Public Economics, London: Macmillian, (1969), pp.98-123.(50) Steiner, P.O., “Peak Loads and Efficient Pricing”, Q.J.E., 71, Nov. 1957, pp.585-610.(51) Stigler, G.J., "Perfect Competition, Histrocially Contemplated", J.P.E., Vol. 65, No. 1, Feb. 1957, pp. 1-17.(52) Syds?ter K., Topics in Mathematical Analysisfor Economists London: Academic Press Inc., Ltd., 1981.(53) Thompson, E.A., "The Perfectly Competitive Production of Collective Goods", R.E.S., Vol. 50, No. 1, Feb. 1968, pp. 1-12.(54) Tiebout, C.M. "A Pure Theory of Local Expenditure", J.P.E., Oct. 1956, pp. 416–424.(55) Williamson, O.E., "Peak-load Pricing and OptimalCapacity Under Indivisibility Constraints", A.E.R., 1966, pp.810-827.(56) Yamey. B., "Monopolistic Price Discrimination and Economic Welfare”, J.L.E., 17, 1974, p.377. zh_TW