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題名 我國現行公立高級中學與高等教育規模經濟之實證研究
作者 羅正忠
貢獻者 張慶輝
日期 1986
上傳時間 5-May-2016 14:16:18 (UTC+8)
參考文獻 參考書目
一、 中文部分
1. 林文達,「規模經濟與教育政策」,新時代,第十五卷第五期,頁61-65,民國六十四年五月。
2. _____,「當前國民中學經營的策略」,人與社會,第三卷第五期,頁34-40,民國六十四年十二月。
3. ______,教育經濟學,台北:三民書局,民國七十三年三月初版。
4. 林淑貞,台北市國民中學經營規模之研究,台北,政大教育研究所碩士論文,民國六十八年六月。
5. 教育部教育計劃小組、行政院經建會綜合計劃處編印,公私立各級各類學校學生單位成本之調查研究,民國六十六年十二月。
6. 教育部,中華民國教育統計,民國七十四年。
7. 陳聽安、張慶輝,大專院校學費之研究,行政院研究發展考核委員會編印,民國七十二年五月。
8. 蓋浙生,教育經濟學,台北:三民書局,民國七十一年四月。
9. 謝文金,中等教育,台北:文景出版社,民國七十二年六月。

二、 外文部分
1. Behrman J. R. and Birdsall N., "The Quality of Schooling: Quantity Alone is Misleading", American Economic Rview, 75(5), 1983, pp. 128-146.
2. Benson C. S., The Economics of Public Education, New York: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1978.
3. Bruno J. E., Educational Policy Analysis-A Q?antitive Approach, New York: (ane, Russak & Company, Inc., 1976.
4. Cohn E., "Economies of Scale Iowa High School Operation", Journal of Human resourses, 3(4), 1968, pp. 422-434.
5. _______, Economics of State Aid to Education, Lexington: D. C. Heath company, 1974.
6. _______, The Economics of Education, Massachusetts: Ballinger Publishing Company, 1975.
7. Cohn E. and Riew J., "Cost Function in Public School", Journal of Human Resources, 9(4), 1974, pp. 408-414.
8. Coombs P. H. and Hallak 3. , Managing Educational Cost, New York: Oxford University Press, 1972.
9. Dawson D. A. "Economies of Scale in the Outario Public Secondary Schools", Candian Journal of Economics, 5(2), 1972, pp. 306-309.
10. Denzau A. T. "An Empirical Storvey of Studies on Public School Spending", National Tax Journal, 28(2), 1975, pp. 24l-249.
11. Gustman A. L. and Pidot B., "Interactions between Educational Spending and Student Enrollments", Journal of Human Resources, 8(1), 1973, pp. 3–23.
12. Hanson N. W., "Economy of Scale as a Cost Factor in Spending Public Schools", National Tax Journal, 17, 1964, pp. 92-95.
13. Hirsch W. Z., "Determinants of Public Education Expendings", National Tax Journal, 13(1), 1960, pp. 29-40.
14. Holland D. W. and Baritelle J. L., "School Consolidation in Sparsely populated Rural Areas: A Separable Programing Approach", American Journal of Agricutural Economics, 57(4), 1975, pp. 567-575.
15. Keane M. J. "Economics and the Size of Rural Schools", Candian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 57(4), 1975, pp. 47-52.
16. Kenny L. W., "A Model of Optimal Plant Size with an Application to the Demand for congnitive Achievement and for School Size", Economic Inquiry, 2002), 1982, pp. 240-254.
17. Kiesling H. J., "Measuring a Local Government Service: A Schol District in New York State", Review of Economics and Statistics, 49(2), 1967, pp. 356-367.
18. Kumar R. C., "Economies of Scale in School Operation: Evidence from Canada", Applied Economics. 15(3), 1983, pp. 323-340.
19. Mcguffey C. W. and Brown C. L., "The Reation ship of School Size and Rate of School Plant Utilization to Cost Variation of Maintence and Operation", American
Educational Reserch Journal, 15(3), 1978, pp. 373-378.
20. Mcintyre M. C., "Determinants of Expenditures for Public Higher Education", National Tax Journal, 22(2), 1969, pp. 262-272.
21. Mcmahon W. W., "An Economics Analysis of Major Determinauts of Expeuditureson Public Education", Review of Economics and Statistics, 52(3), 1970, pp. 240-252.
22. Osburn D.D., "Economies of Size Associated with Public High Schools", review of Economics and Stutistics, 52(1), 1970, pp. 113-115.
23. Pinduck R. and Rubinfeld D. L., Econometric Models and Economic Forecasts, Mcgraw-Hill Book co.,台北雙葉書廊, 1983。
24. Riew J., "Economies of Scale in High School Operation", Review of Economics and statistics, 48(3), 1966, pp.280-287.
25. ______, "Scale Economies in Public Schools", Review of Economics and Statistics, 54(1), 1972, p. 100.
26. Ragers D. C. and Ruchlin H. S., Economics and Education-Principles and Applications, New York: The Free Press, 1971.
27. Thomas J. A., The producation School-A Systems Analysis Approach to Educational Administration, New York: John wiley & Sons, 1971.
28. Wales T. J., "The Effect of School and District Size on Echucation Lost in British Columbia", International Economic Review, 14(3), 1973, pp. 710–720.
29. Watt P. A., " Economies of Scale in Schools: Some Evidence from the Private Sector", applied Economics, 12(2), 1980, pp. 235-242.
30. Welch F., "Measurement of the Quality of Spending", America Economic Association, 56(2), 1966, pp. 379–392.
31. White F. and Tweeten L., "Optimal School Pistrict Size Emphasing Rural Areas", American Journal Agricutural Economics, 55(1), 1973, pp. 45-50.
描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 張慶輝zh_TW (Authors) 羅正忠zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) 羅正忠zh_TW (日期) 1986en_US 5-May-2016 14:16:18 (UTC+8)- 5-May-2016 14:16:18 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 5-May-2016 14:16:18 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) B2002006615en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 財政學系zh_TW
dc.description.tableofcontents 目錄
第一章 緒論…1
第一節 研究動機與目的…1
第二節 研究之架構…2
第三節 研究之方法與限制…3
第二章 教育成本的剖析…7
第一節 教育成本的基本概念…7
第二節 教育成本的趨勢及分類…20
第三節 影響教育成本的各項因素…29
第四節 成本函數的理論…33
第三章 教育規模經濟…41
第一節 教育規模經濟的內涵…41
第二節 有關文獻之介紹…47
第三節 如何誘導教育規模經濟之實現…58
第四章 實證分析與探討…75
第一節 資料整理與設計…76
第二節 我國公立高級中學規模經濟之實證分析…80
第三節 我國高等教育規模經濟之實證分析…90
第四節 懲罰因子之模擬分析…105
第五章 結論與建議…113

表2-1 學生接受教育所喪失之所得-以美國為例…11
表2-2 美國政府對於教育機構財產稅減免所估算的教育成本…15
表2-3 美國教育機構折舊和利息的設算成本…17
表2-4 我國高中、高職、五專及各學院之社會成本…18
表2-5 六十四學年度我國公立各級各類學校單位成本各項支出的比較…22
表2-6 六十五~六十九學年度各級教育成本-按當年幣值計算…23
表2-7 六十五~六十九學年度各級教育成本-以六十五年消費者物價指數平減…24
表2-8 1973-1976各國大中小學單位成本比…25
表3-1 美國威斯康辛州108個高級中學有關學校大小師資素質與平均經常成本相關表…54
表3-2 美國不同職業科別最適規模人數…56
表3-3 我國工職經營最適規模之統計結果…57
表3-4 懲罰因子與學校規模之關係…61
表3-5 經費補助與學校經營效率之關係…63
表3-6 懲罰因子與經費補助聯合應用…65
表3-7 考慮公平因素後之懲罰因子與經費補助…67
表4-1 U型曲線下之複迴歸分析-高級中學為例…82
表4-2 L型曲線下之複迴歸分析-高級中學為例…83
表4-3 直線式假設下之複迴歸分析-高級中學為例…84
表4-4 公立高級中學學校規模大小、平均經常成本與學校質因素指標之關係表…88
表4-5 U型平均成本曲線假設下之複迴歸分析-公私立大學…91
表4-6 L型平均成本曲線假設下之複迴歸分析-公私立大學…92
表4-7 直線型平均成本假設下之複回歸分析-公私立大學…93
表4-8 我國公私立大學及獨立學院、學校規模大小平均經常成本及學校質因素指標之關係表…96
表4-9 U型曲線下我國公立高等教育之複回歸分析…99
表4-10 L型曲線下我國公立高級教育之複回歸分析…100
表4-11 直線型曲線下我國公立高級教育之複回歸分析…101
表4-12 我國公立高等教育、學校規模大小、平均經常成本及學校質因素指標之關係表…104
表4-13 我國公立高級中學調整後成本與懲罰因子對學校規模之影響…106
表4-14 我國公立高等教育、調整後成本與懲罰因子對學校規模之影響…108
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.title (題名) 我國現行公立高級中學與高等教育規模經濟之實證研究zh_TW
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 參考書目
一、 中文部分
1. 林文達,「規模經濟與教育政策」,新時代,第十五卷第五期,頁61-65,民國六十四年五月。
2. _____,「當前國民中學經營的策略」,人與社會,第三卷第五期,頁34-40,民國六十四年十二月。
3. ______,教育經濟學,台北:三民書局,民國七十三年三月初版。
4. 林淑貞,台北市國民中學經營規模之研究,台北,政大教育研究所碩士論文,民國六十八年六月。
5. 教育部教育計劃小組、行政院經建會綜合計劃處編印,公私立各級各類學校學生單位成本之調查研究,民國六十六年十二月。
6. 教育部,中華民國教育統計,民國七十四年。
7. 陳聽安、張慶輝,大專院校學費之研究,行政院研究發展考核委員會編印,民國七十二年五月。
8. 蓋浙生,教育經濟學,台北:三民書局,民國七十一年四月。
9. 謝文金,中等教育,台北:文景出版社,民國七十二年六月。

二、 外文部分
1. Behrman J. R. and Birdsall N., "The Quality of Schooling: Quantity Alone is Misleading", American Economic Rview, 75(5), 1983, pp. 128-146.
2. Benson C. S., The Economics of Public Education, New York: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1978.
3. Bruno J. E., Educational Policy Analysis-A Q?antitive Approach, New York: (ane, Russak & Company, Inc., 1976.
4. Cohn E., "Economies of Scale Iowa High School Operation", Journal of Human resourses, 3(4), 1968, pp. 422-434.
5. _______, Economics of State Aid to Education, Lexington: D. C. Heath company, 1974.
6. _______, The Economics of Education, Massachusetts: Ballinger Publishing Company, 1975.
7. Cohn E. and Riew J., "Cost Function in Public School", Journal of Human Resources, 9(4), 1974, pp. 408-414.
8. Coombs P. H. and Hallak 3. , Managing Educational Cost, New York: Oxford University Press, 1972.
9. Dawson D. A. "Economies of Scale in the Outario Public Secondary Schools", Candian Journal of Economics, 5(2), 1972, pp. 306-309.
10. Denzau A. T. "An Empirical Storvey of Studies on Public School Spending", National Tax Journal, 28(2), 1975, pp. 24l-249.
11. Gustman A. L. and Pidot B., "Interactions between Educational Spending and Student Enrollments", Journal of Human Resources, 8(1), 1973, pp. 3–23.
12. Hanson N. W., "Economy of Scale as a Cost Factor in Spending Public Schools", National Tax Journal, 17, 1964, pp. 92-95.
13. Hirsch W. Z., "Determinants of Public Education Expendings", National Tax Journal, 13(1), 1960, pp. 29-40.
14. Holland D. W. and Baritelle J. L., "School Consolidation in Sparsely populated Rural Areas: A Separable Programing Approach", American Journal of Agricutural Economics, 57(4), 1975, pp. 567-575.
15. Keane M. J. "Economics and the Size of Rural Schools", Candian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 57(4), 1975, pp. 47-52.
16. Kenny L. W., "A Model of Optimal Plant Size with an Application to the Demand for congnitive Achievement and for School Size", Economic Inquiry, 2002), 1982, pp. 240-254.
17. Kiesling H. J., "Measuring a Local Government Service: A Schol District in New York State", Review of Economics and Statistics, 49(2), 1967, pp. 356-367.
18. Kumar R. C., "Economies of Scale in School Operation: Evidence from Canada", Applied Economics. 15(3), 1983, pp. 323-340.
19. Mcguffey C. W. and Brown C. L., "The Reation ship of School Size and Rate of School Plant Utilization to Cost Variation of Maintence and Operation", American
Educational Reserch Journal, 15(3), 1978, pp. 373-378.
20. Mcintyre M. C., "Determinants of Expenditures for Public Higher Education", National Tax Journal, 22(2), 1969, pp. 262-272.
21. Mcmahon W. W., "An Economics Analysis of Major Determinauts of Expeuditureson Public Education", Review of Economics and Statistics, 52(3), 1970, pp. 240-252.
22. Osburn D.D., "Economies of Size Associated with Public High Schools", review of Economics and Stutistics, 52(1), 1970, pp. 113-115.
23. Pinduck R. and Rubinfeld D. L., Econometric Models and Economic Forecasts, Mcgraw-Hill Book co.,台北雙葉書廊, 1983。
24. Riew J., "Economies of Scale in High School Operation", Review of Economics and statistics, 48(3), 1966, pp.280-287.
25. ______, "Scale Economies in Public Schools", Review of Economics and Statistics, 54(1), 1972, p. 100.
26. Ragers D. C. and Ruchlin H. S., Economics and Education-Principles and Applications, New York: The Free Press, 1971.
27. Thomas J. A., The producation School-A Systems Analysis Approach to Educational Administration, New York: John wiley & Sons, 1971.
28. Wales T. J., "The Effect of School and District Size on Echucation Lost in British Columbia", International Economic Review, 14(3), 1973, pp. 710–720.
29. Watt P. A., " Economies of Scale in Schools: Some Evidence from the Private Sector", applied Economics, 12(2), 1980, pp. 235-242.
30. Welch F., "Measurement of the Quality of Spending", America Economic Association, 56(2), 1966, pp. 379–392.
31. White F. and Tweeten L., "Optimal School Pistrict Size Emphasing Rural Areas", American Journal Agricutural Economics, 55(1), 1973, pp. 45-50.