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題名 母親就業.家庭社經地位.父母態度與國中生學業成就之相關研究
作者 姚若芹
貢獻者 馬信行
日期 1986
上傳時間 5-May-2016 15:08:06 (UTC+8)
摘要 論文提要內容:
參考文獻 參考書目
     (一) 書籍部分
     (二) 期刊部分
     Baldwin, B. A causal model of the effects of maternal employment on adolescent achievement. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (68th, New Orleans, LA), 1984, 31p..
     Banducci, R. The effect of mother’s employment on the achievement, aspirations, aspirations, and expectations of the child. Personnel and Guidance Journal, 1967, 46, 263-267.
     Baruch, G. K. Maternal influences upon college women’s attitudes toward women and work. Developmental Psychology, 1972, 6, 32-37.
     Birnbaum, J. A. Life patterns and self-esteem in gifted family-oriented and career-committed women. In M. S. Medrich, S. S. Tangri, and L .W. Hoffman (Eds.), Women and Achievement. Washington: Hemisphere, 1975, 396-419.
     Burchinal, L. G. & Rossman, J. Personality characteristics of children. Marriage and
      Family Living, 1961, 23, 334-340.
     Cherry, F. F. &Eaton, E. L. Physical and cognitive development in children of low-income mothers working in the child’s early years. Child Development, 1977, 48, 158-166.
     Cuttance, P. F. Affective factors in the mediation of background effects on cognitive performance. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 1980, 6(1), 65-72.
     Douvan, E. Employment and the adolescent. In F. I. Nye and L. W. Hoffman (Eds.), The employed mother in America. Chicago: Rand McNally, 1963.
     Etaugh, C. Effects of maternal employment on children: A review of recent research. Merrill- Palmer Quarterly, 1974, 19-20, 71-98.
     Fotheringham, J. B. Family socioeconomic and educational emotional characteristics as predictors of school achievement. Journal of Educational Research, 1980, 73, 311-317.
     Frankel, E. characteristics of working and non-working mothers among intellectually gifted high and low achievers. Personnel and Guidance Journal, 1964, 42, 776-780.
     Gecas, V. The influence of social class on socialization. In W. Burr, R. Hill, F. I. Nye & I. Reiss (Eds.), Contemporary theories about the family. Vol. 1. New York: Free Press, 1979
     Glueck, S. & Glueck, E. Working mothers and delinquency. Mental Hygiene, 1957, 41, 327-352.
     Gold, D. & Andres, D. Developmental comparisons between adolescent children with employed and nonemployed mothers. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 1978a, 24, (a), 243-254.
     Gold, D. & Andres, D. Developmental comparisons between 10-year-old children
      with employed and nonemployed mothers. Child Development, 1978b, 49, 75-
     Gold, D. & Andres, D. Relations between maternal employment and development of
      Nursery school children. Canadian Journal of Behavioral Science, 1978c.
     Gold, D. & Glorieux, J. The development of Francophone nursery-school children with
      employed and non-employed mothers. Canadian Journal of Behavioral Science,
      1979, 11, 169-173.
     Greenburg, J.W. Home background and school achievement of black urban ghetto
      children. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 1972, 42(5), 803-810.
     Hartley, R. E. Children’s concepts of male and female roles. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 1960, 6, 83-91.
     Hoffman, L. W. Effects of maternal employment on the child. Child Development, 1961, 32, 187-197.
     Hoffman, L. W. Effects on children: Summary and discussion. In F. I. Nye & L. W. Hoffman (Eds.), The employed mother in America. Chicago: Rand McNally, 1963b.
     Hoffman, L. W. Mother’s enjoyment of work and effects on the child. In F. I. Nye & L. W. Hoffman (Eds.), The employed mother in America. Chicago: Rand McNally, 1963b.
     Hoffman, L. W. Early childhood experiences and women’s achievement motives. Journal of Social Issues, 1972, 28(2), 129-156.
     Hoffman, L. W. Effects of maternal employment on the child—a review of the research. Developmental Psychology, 1974, 10, 2, 204-228.
     Hoffman, L. W. Changes in family roles, socialization, and sex differences. American Psychologist, 1977, 32(8), 0, 644-657.
     Hoffman, L. W. Maternal employment: 1979. American Psychologist, 1979, 34, 10, 859-865.
     Hoffman, L. W. The effects of maternal employment on the academic attitudes and performance of school-aged children. School Psychology Review, 1980, 9(4), 319-335.
     Hoffman, L. W. & Nye, F. I. Working mothers. Jossey-Bass: San Francisco, 1974.
     Jones, J. B. Lundsteen, S. W., & Michael, W. B. The relationship of the professional employment status of mothers to reading achievement of sixth grade children. California Journal of Educational Research, 1967, 43(2), 102-108.
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     Marjoribanks, K. Environment, social class, and mental abilities. Journal of Educational Psychology, 1972, 63(2), 103-109.
     Marantz, S. A. & Mansfield, A. F. Maternal employment and the development of sex role stereotyping in 5 to 11 year old girls. Child Development, 1977, 48, 668-673.
     Michael, R. D. Working and nonworking mothers in intact and nonintact families and effects on the child’s perception of the parent child relationship, educational achievement, self concept, occupational achievement, and vocational maturity, DAI, 1978, 39(3-A), 1871-A.
     Miller, S. M. Effects of maternal employment on sex role perception, interests and self-esteem in Kindergarten girls. Developmental Psychology, 1975, 11, 405-406.
     Moore, T. W. Exclusive early mothering and its alternatives. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 1975, 16, 256-272.
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     Nelson, D. D. A study of school achievement among adolescent children with working and nonworking mothers. Journal of Educational Research, 1969, 62(10), 456-457.
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     Nye, F. I. & Hoffman, L. W. (Eds.), The employed mother in America. Chicago: Rand McNally, 1963.
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     Roy, P. Maternal employment and adolescent roles: Rural-urban differentials. Marriage and Family Living, 1961, 23, 340-349.
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描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 馬信行zh_TW (Authors) 姚若芹zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) 姚若芹zh_TW (日期) 1986en_US 5-May-2016 15:08:06 (UTC+8)- 5-May-2016 15:08:06 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 5-May-2016 15:08:06 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) B2002006665en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 教育學系zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 論文提要內容:zh_TW
dc.description.tableofcontents 目錄
     第一章 緒論………1
     第一節 研究動機與目的………1
     第二節 研究問題與假設………7
     第三節 有關名詞之操作定義………8
     第二章 文獻探討………10
     第一節 母親就業與學業成就之關係………10
     第二節 母親就業的社經地位變項、性別變項與學業成就之關係………15
     第三節 父母態度與學業成就之關係………29
     第三章 研究方法………34
     第一節 研究樣本………34
     第二節 研究工具………35
     第三節 實施過程………39
     第四節 資料處理………40
     第四章 研究結果………41
     第一節 母親就業與母親未就業的國中生在學業成就上的差異………41
     第二節 母親就業高職業聲望、低職業聲望與母親未就業的國中生在家庭社經地位與父母態度上的差異………47
     第三節 母親就業、家庭社經地位、父母態度對國中生學業成就的影響………56
     第四節 母親就業、家庭社經地位對國中生學業成就的影響………62
     第五節 母親就業、父母態度對國中學業成就的影響………69
     第五章 討論與建議………78
     第一節 討論………78
     第二節 建議………88
     1. 研究樣本分布表………35
     2. 母親就業組與母親未就業組在學業成就上的差異………42
     3. 低社經地位男生母親就業組與母親未就業組在學業成就上的差異………42
     4. 中社經地位男生母親就業組與母親未就業組在學業成就上的差異………43
     5. 高社經地位男生母親就業組與母親未就業組在學業成就上的差異………43
     6. 低社經地位女生母親就業組與母親未就業組在學業成就上的差異………44
     7. 中社經地位女生母親就業組與母親未就業組在學業成就上的差異………44
     8. 高社經地位女生母親就業組與母親未就業組在學業成就上的差異………45
     9. 母親就業高聲望組、低聲望組與母親未就業組在學期平均成績上的人數(N)、T分數平均數(M)及標準差(SD) ………45
     10. 母親就業高聲望組、低聲望組與母親未就業組在學期平均成績上的變異數分析摘要表………46
     11. 母親就業高聲望組、低聲望組與母親未就業組在家庭社經地位諸變項的平均數(M)與標準差(SD) ………48
     12. 母親就業高聲望組、低聲望組與母親未就業組在父親教育程度上的變異數分析摘要表………48
     13. 母親就業高聲望組、低聲望組與母親未就業組在母親教育程度上的變異數分析摘要表………49
     14. 母親就業高聲望組、低聲望組與母親未就業組在父母共同收入上的變異數分析摘要表………50
     15. 母親就業高聲望組、低聲望組與母親未就業組在父母職業聲望上的變異數分析摘要表………50
     16. 母親就業高聲望組、低聲望組與母親未就業組在社經地位總分上的變異數分析摘要表………51
     17. 母親就業高聲望組、低聲望組與母親未就業組在父母態度諸變項的平均數(M)與標準差(SD) ………52
     18. 母親就業高聲望組、低聲望組與母親未就業組在父母教育態度上的變異數分析摘要表………53
     19. 母親就業高聲望組、低聲望組與母親未就業組在父母期望上的變異數分析摘要表………53
     20. 母親就業高聲望組、低聲望組與母親未就業組在主動要求上的變異數分析摘要表………54
     21. 母親就業高聲望組、低聲望組與母親未就業組在獨立要求上的變異數分析摘要表………54
     22. 母親就業高聲望組、低聲望組與母親未就業組在父母態度總分上的變異數分析摘要表………55
     23. 母親就業、社經地位總分、父母態度總分與國中生學期平均成績的相關矩陣表………56
     24. 母親就業、社經地位總分、父母態度總分對國中生學業成就的迴歸分析………57
     25. 母親就業、家庭社經地位、父母態度等變項的指標與國中生學期平均成績的相關矩陣表………59
     26. 母親就業、家庭社經地位、父母態度等變項的指標對國中生學業成就的迴歸分析………61
     27. 母親就業高聲望組、低聲望組與母親未就業組在不同的父親教育程度上的人數(N)、學期平均成績的平均數(M)與標準差(SD) ………62
     28. 母親就業高聲望組、低聲望組與母親未就業組與不同的父親教育程度對國中生學業成就影響的變異數分析摘要表………63
     29. 母親就業高聲望組、低聲望組與母親未就業組在不同的母親教育程度上的人數(N)、學期平均成績的平均數(M)與標準差(SD) ………64
     30. 母親就業高聲望組、低聲望組與母親未就業組與不同的母親教育程度對國中生學業成就影響的變異數分析摘要表………65
     31. 母親就業高聲望組、低聲望組與母親未就業組與不同的父親職業聲望上的人數(N)、學業平均成績的平均數(M)與標準差(SD) ………66
     32. 母親就業高聲望組、低聲望組與母親未就業組與不同的父親職業聲望對國中生學業成就影響的變異數分析摘要表………66
     33. 母親就業高聲望組、低聲望組與母親未就業組在不同的家庭社經地位總分上的人數(N)、學期平均成績的平均數(M)與標準差(SD) ………67
     34. 母親就業與母親未就業的國中生在不同的家庭社經地位總分上的人數(N)、學期平均成績的平均數(M)與標準差(SD) ………68
     35. 母親就業與否、不同的家庭社經地位總分對國中生學業成就影響的變異數分析摘要表………68
     36. 母親就業高聲望組、低聲望組與母親未就業組在不同的父母教育態度上的人數(N)、學期平均成績的平均數(M)與標準差(SD) ………70
     37. 母親就業高聲望組、低聲望組與母親未就業組與不同的父母教育態度對國中生學業成就影響的變異數分析摘要表………70
     38. 母親就業高聲望組、低聲望組與母親未就業組在不同的父母期望上的人數(N)、學期平均成績的平均數(M)與標準差(SD) ………71
     39. 母親就業高聲望組、低聲望組與母親未就業組與不同的父母期望對國中生學業成就影響的變異數分析摘要表………72
     40. 母親就業高聲望組、低聲望組與母親未就業組在不同的父母主動要求上的人數(N)、學期平均成績的平均數(M)與標準差(SD) ………73
     41. 母親就業高聲望組、低聲望組與母親未就業組與不同的父母主動要求對國中生學業成就影響的變異數分析摘要表………74
     42. 母親就業高聲望組、低聲望組與母親未就業組在不同的父母獨立要求上的人數(N)、學期平均成績的平均數(M)與標準差(SD) ………75
     43. 母親就業高聲望組、低聲望組與母親未就業組與不同的父母獨立要求對國中生學業成就影響的變異數分析摘要表………75
     44. 母親就業高聲望組、低聲望組與母親未就業組在不同的父母態度總分上的人數(N)、學期平均成績的平均數(M)與標準差(SD) ………76
     45. 母親就業高聲望組、低聲望組與母親未就業組與不同的父母態度總分對國中生學業成就影響的變異數分析摘要表………77
     1. 台灣地區女性勞動力參與率………2
     2. 台灣地區有偶婦女勞動力參與率(子女6~17者)………3
     3. 母親就業狀況與父母期望在國中生學業成就上的交互作用………72
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.title (題名) 母親就業.家庭社經地位.父母態度與國中生學業成就之相關研究zh_TW
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 參考書目
     (一) 書籍部分
     (二) 期刊部分
     Baldwin, B. A causal model of the effects of maternal employment on adolescent achievement. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association (68th, New Orleans, LA), 1984, 31p..
     Banducci, R. The effect of mother’s employment on the achievement, aspirations, aspirations, and expectations of the child. Personnel and Guidance Journal, 1967, 46, 263-267.
     Baruch, G. K. Maternal influences upon college women’s attitudes toward women and work. Developmental Psychology, 1972, 6, 32-37.
     Birnbaum, J. A. Life patterns and self-esteem in gifted family-oriented and career-committed women. In M. S. Medrich, S. S. Tangri, and L .W. Hoffman (Eds.), Women and Achievement. Washington: Hemisphere, 1975, 396-419.
     Burchinal, L. G. & Rossman, J. Personality characteristics of children. Marriage and
      Family Living, 1961, 23, 334-340.
     Cherry, F. F. &Eaton, E. L. Physical and cognitive development in children of low-income mothers working in the child’s early years. Child Development, 1977, 48, 158-166.
     Cuttance, P. F. Affective factors in the mediation of background effects on cognitive performance. Studies in Educational Evaluation, 1980, 6(1), 65-72.
     Douvan, E. Employment and the adolescent. In F. I. Nye and L. W. Hoffman (Eds.), The employed mother in America. Chicago: Rand McNally, 1963.
     Etaugh, C. Effects of maternal employment on children: A review of recent research. Merrill- Palmer Quarterly, 1974, 19-20, 71-98.
     Fotheringham, J. B. Family socioeconomic and educational emotional characteristics as predictors of school achievement. Journal of Educational Research, 1980, 73, 311-317.
     Frankel, E. characteristics of working and non-working mothers among intellectually gifted high and low achievers. Personnel and Guidance Journal, 1964, 42, 776-780.
     Gecas, V. The influence of social class on socialization. In W. Burr, R. Hill, F. I. Nye & I. Reiss (Eds.), Contemporary theories about the family. Vol. 1. New York: Free Press, 1979
     Glueck, S. & Glueck, E. Working mothers and delinquency. Mental Hygiene, 1957, 41, 327-352.
     Gold, D. & Andres, D. Developmental comparisons between adolescent children with employed and nonemployed mothers. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 1978a, 24, (a), 243-254.
     Gold, D. & Andres, D. Developmental comparisons between 10-year-old children
      with employed and nonemployed mothers. Child Development, 1978b, 49, 75-
     Gold, D. & Andres, D. Relations between maternal employment and development of
      Nursery school children. Canadian Journal of Behavioral Science, 1978c.
     Gold, D. & Glorieux, J. The development of Francophone nursery-school children with
      employed and non-employed mothers. Canadian Journal of Behavioral Science,
      1979, 11, 169-173.
     Greenburg, J.W. Home background and school achievement of black urban ghetto
      children. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 1972, 42(5), 803-810.
     Hartley, R. E. Children’s concepts of male and female roles. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 1960, 6, 83-91.
     Hoffman, L. W. Effects of maternal employment on the child. Child Development, 1961, 32, 187-197.
     Hoffman, L. W. Effects on children: Summary and discussion. In F. I. Nye & L. W. Hoffman (Eds.), The employed mother in America. Chicago: Rand McNally, 1963b.
     Hoffman, L. W. Mother’s enjoyment of work and effects on the child. In F. I. Nye & L. W. Hoffman (Eds.), The employed mother in America. Chicago: Rand McNally, 1963b.
     Hoffman, L. W. Early childhood experiences and women’s achievement motives. Journal of Social Issues, 1972, 28(2), 129-156.
     Hoffman, L. W. Effects of maternal employment on the child—a review of the research. Developmental Psychology, 1974, 10, 2, 204-228.
     Hoffman, L. W. Changes in family roles, socialization, and sex differences. American Psychologist, 1977, 32(8), 0, 644-657.
     Hoffman, L. W. Maternal employment: 1979. American Psychologist, 1979, 34, 10, 859-865.
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