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題名 年級.性別角色.人情取向與同理心的關係
作者 詹志禹
貢獻者 吳靜吉
日期 1986
上傳時間 5-May-2016 15:08:10 (UTC+8)
摘要 論文提要內容:
參考文獻 參考書目
     一、 中文部份
     陽琪(譯)(民71)Ivey, A.E.原著,諮商與心理治療──技巧、理論及練習。台北:桂冠出版社。
     蔡勇美(譯)(民64),Linton, Ralph原著,文化人類學。高雄:三信出版社。
     二、 英文部份
     Abramowitz, C.V., Abramowitz, S.I. & Weltz, L.J.(1976). Two studies in feminine understanding. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 32(2), 434-437.
     Adams, G.R.(1983). Social competence during adolescence: Social sensitivity, locus of control, empathy, and peer popularity. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 12(3), 203-211.
     Adams, G.R., Schvaneveldt, J.D. & Jenson G.O.(1979). Sex, age and perceived competency as correlates of empathic ability in adolescence. Adolescence, 14(56), 811-818.
     Allport, G.W.(1968). The historical background of modern social psychology. In Gardner Lindzey & Elliot Aronson(Eds.), The Handbook of Social Psychology, (2nd, Vol. 1, pp. 1-80). U.S.A.: Addison-Wesley Pub. Company Inc..
     Archer, R.L., Davis, M.H., Diaz-Loving, R., Foushee, H.C. & Gollwitzer, P.M.(1981). The role of dispositional empathy and social evaluation in the empathic mediation of helping. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 40(4), 786-796.
     Barenboim, C.(1978). Development of recursive and non-recursive thinking about persons. Developmental Psychology, 14(4), 419-420.
     Barnett, M.A., King, L.M., Howard, J.A., & Dino, G.A.(1981). Helping behavior and the transfer of empathy. The Journal of Social Psychology, 115, 125-132.
     Bem, S.L.(1974). The measurement of psychological androgyny. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 42, 155-162. Chological androgyny. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 42, 155-162.
     Bender, N.N. & Carlson, L.S.(1982). Prosocial behavior and perspective-taking of mentally retarded and nonretarded children. American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 86(4), 361-366.
     Berger, S. M. & Lambert, W.W.(1968) Stimulus-Response theory in contemporary social psychology. In Gardner Lindzey & Elliot Aronson(Eds.), The Handbook of Social Psychology, (2nd, vol. 1, pp. 81-178). U.S.A.: Addison-Wesley Pub. Company Inc..
     Berman, P.W.(1980). Are women more responsive than men to the young? A review of developmental and situational variables. Psychological Bulletin, 88(3), 668-695.
     Black, H.D.(1984). The rationale for an educational program to promote the development of empathy in student teachers. Australian Psychologist, 19(3), 291-302.
     Borkenau, P. & Amelang, M.(1985) The control of social desirability in personality inventories: A study using the principle-factor deletion technique. Journal of Research in Personality, 19(1), 44-53.
     Breisinger, G.D.(1976). Sex and empathy, reexamined. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 23(3), 289-290.
     Brody, L.R.(1985). Gender difference in emotional development: A review of theories and research. Journal of Personality, 53(2), 102-149.
     Bryant, B.K.(1982). An index of empathy for children and adolescents. Child Development, 53, 413-425.
     Burleson, B.R. (1982). The development of comforting communication skills in childhood and adolescence. Child Development, 53, 1578-1588.
     Chlopan, B.E., Hagen, R.L., McCain, M.L. & Carbonell, J.L.(1985). Empathy: Review of available measures. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 48(3), 635-653.
     Clark, R.A. & Delia, J.G.(1976). The development of functional persuasive skills in childhood and early adolescence. Child Development, 47, 1008-1014.
     Clark, K.B.(1980). Empathy: A neglected topic in psychological research. American Psychologist, 35(2), 187-190.
     Coke, J.S., McDavis, K. & Batson, C.D.(1978). Empathic mediation of helping: A two-stage model. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 36(7), 752-766.
     Crandall, J.E.(1980). Adler’s concept of social interest: Theory, measurement and implications for adjustment. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 39(3), 481-495.
     Cross, D.G. & Sharpley, C.F.(1982). Measurement of empathy with the Hogan Empathy Scale. Psychological Reports, 50, 62.
     Davis, M.H.(1980). A multidimensional approach to individual differences in empathy. Catalog of Selected Document in Psychology, 10(4), 85.
     Davis, M.H.(1983). Measuring individual differences in empathy: Evidence for a multidimensional approach. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 44(1), 113-126.
     Deardoff, P.A., Kendall, P.C. Kendall, Finch, A.J., Jr. & Sttarz, A.M.(1977). Empathy, locus of control and anxiety in college students. Psychological Reports, 40, 1236-1238.
     Deardoff, P.A., Kendall, P.C. Kendall, Finch, A.J. Jr., Lira, F. & Indrisano, V.(1975). Empathy and socialization in repeat offenders, first offenders, and normals. Journal of counseling Psychology, 22(5), 453-455.
     Eisenberg-Berg, N. & Lennon, R.(1983). Sex differences in empathy and related capacities, Psychological Bulletin, 94(1), 100-131.
     Eisenberg-Berg, N. & Mussen, P.(1978). Empathy and moral development in adolescence. Developmental Psychology, 14(2), 185-186.
     Enright, R.D. & Lapsley, D.K.(1981). Judging others who hold opposite beliefs: The development of belief-discrepancy reasoning. Child Development, 52, 1053-1063.
     Eysenck, S.B.G. & Eysenck, H.J.(1978). Impulsiveness and venturesomeness: Their position in a dimensional system of personality description. Psychological Reports, 43, 1247-1255.
     Eysenck, S.B.G. & McGurk, B.J.(1980). Impulsiveness and venturesomeness in a detention center population. Psychological Reports, 47, 1299-1306.
     Franzoi, S.L., Young, R.D. & Davis, M.H.(1985). The effects of private self-consciousness and perspective taking on satisfaction in close relationships. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 48(6), 1584-1594.
     Gibbs, J.C., Arnold, K.D. & Burkhart, J.E.(1984). Sex differences in the expression of moral judgement. Child Development, 55, 1040-1043.
     Gibbs, J.G. & Woll, S.B.(1985). Mechanisms used by young children in the making of empathic judgements. Journal of Personality, 53(4), 575-585.
     Greif, E.B. & Hogan, R.(1973). The theory and measurement of empathy. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 20(3), 280-284.
     Gilbert, D.C.(1969). The young child’s awareness of affect. Child Development, 40, 629-640.
     Gurucharri, C. & Selmen, R.L.(1982). The development of interpersonal understanding during childhood, pre-adolescence, and adolescence: A longitudinal follow-up study. Child Development, 53, 924-927.
     Hoffman , M.L.(1977). Sex differences in empathy and related behaviors. Psychological Bulletin, 84(4), 712-722.
     Hogan, R.(1973). Moral conduct and moral character: A psychological perspective. Psychological Bulletin, 79(4), 217-232.
     Hogan, R.(1969). Development of an empathy scale. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 33, 307-316.
     Hoffmanm M.L. & Levine, L.E.(1976). Early sex differences in empathy. Developmental Psychology, 12(6), 557-558.
     Indvik, J. & Fitzpatrick, M.A.(1982). “If you could read my mind, love --.” Understanding and misunderstanding in the marital dyad. Family Relations, 31, 43-51.
     Johnson, J.A. Cheek, J.M. & Smither, R.(1983). The structure of empathy. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 45(6), 1299-1312.
     Kendall, P.C., Finch, A.J., Jr. & Montqomeng.(1978). Vicarious anxiety: A systematic evaluation of a vicarious threat to self-esteem. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 46(5), 997-1008.
     Lerner, D.(1968). Modernization: Social aspects. International Encyclopedia of the Social Science. (Vol. 10), New York: Macmillan and Free Press.
     Letourneau, C.(1981). Empathy and Stress: How they affect parental aggression. Social Work. September.
     Mehrabian, A. & Epstein, N.(1972). A measure of emotional empathy. Journal of Personality, 40, 525-543.
     Mehrabian, A.(1976). Questionaire measures of affiliative tendercy and sensitivity to rejection, Psychological Reports, 38, 199-209.
     Mindingall, M.P.(1985). Characteristics of female clients that influence preference for the socially intimate and nonintimate female psychotherapists. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 41(2), 188-197.
     Morawski, J.G.(1985). The measurement of masculinity and femininity: Engendering Categorical realities. Journal of Personality, 53(2), 196-223.
     Muuss, R.E.(1982). Social Cognition: David Elkind’s theory of adolescent egocentrism. Adolescence, 17(66), 249-265).
     Notarius, C.I. & Levenson, R.W.(1979). Expressive tendencies and physiological response to stress. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 37(7), 1204-1210.
     Olesker, W. & Balter, L.(1972). Sex and empathy. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 19(6), 559-562.
     Paulhus, D.L.(1981). Control of social desirability in personality inventories: Principal factor deletion. Journal of Research in Personality, 15, 383-388.
     Rappaport, J. & Ohinsky, J.M.(1972). Accurate empathy: Confusion of a construct. Psychological Bulletin, 77(6), 400-404.
     Robinson, G.(1975). Identification on the second developmental level. The Journal of Asthma Research, 13(2), 79-109.
     Rogers, C.R.(1951). Client-Centered Therapy. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company.
     Rothbaum, F.(1977). Developmental and gender differences in the sex stereotyping of nurturance and dominance. Developmental Psychology, 13(5), 531-532.
     Sarbin, T.R. & Allen, V.L.(1968). Role theory. In Gardner Lindzey & Elliot Aronson (Eds.), The Handbook of Social Psychology, (2nd, Vol. 1, 488-567), U.S.A.: Addison-Wesley Pub. Company Inc..
     Saklofske, D.H. & Eysenck, S.B.G(1983). Impulsiveness and venturesomeness in Canadian children. Psychological Reports, 52, 147-152.
     Senneker, P. & Hendrick, C.(1983). Androgyny and helping behavior. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 45(4), 916-925.
     Spence, J.J., Helmreich, R. & Stapp, J.(1975). Ratings of self and peers on sex role attributes and their relation to self-esteem and conceptions of masculinity and femininity. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 31(4), 766-770.
     Underwood, B. & Moore, B.(1982). Perspective-taking and altruism. Psychological Bulletin, 91(1), 143-173.
     Van Ornum, W., Foley, J.M., Burns, P.R., DeWolfe, A.S. & Kennedy, E.C.(1981). Empathy, altruism, and self-interest in college students. Adolescence, 16(64), 799-808.
     Walker, R.E. & Foley, J.M.(1973). Social intelligence: its history and measurement. Psychological Reports, 33, 839-864.
     Watson, R.K.(1984). “Evidence” on characteristic empathy: Reply to Cross and Slee. Australian Psychologist, 19(2), 141-145.
     Whitley, B.E.(1983). Sex role orientation and self-esteem: A critical meta-analytic review. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 44(4), 765-778.
     Williams, D.G.(1982). Weeping by adults: Personality correlates and sex differences. The Journal of Psychology, 110, 217-226.
     Wispe’, L.G.(1968). Sympathy and empathy. International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences(Vols. 10). New York: Macmillan and Free Press.
     Wolleat, P.L. & Skovholt, T.M.(1978). Sculpting roles for men and women: The symmetry option. Journal of Career Education, December, 78-89.
描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 吳靜吉zh_TW (Authors) 詹志禹zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) 詹志禹zh_TW (日期) 1986en_US 5-May-2016 15:08:10 (UTC+8)- 5-May-2016 15:08:10 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 5-May-2016 15:08:10 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) B2002006667en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 教育學系zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 論文提要內容:zh_TW
dc.description.tableofcontents 目錄
     第一章 緒論………1
     第一節 研究動機與目的………1
     第二節 研究問題與假設………7
     第三節 重要名詞定義………9
     第二章 文獻探討………11
     第一節 同理心的意義與實證研究………11
     第二節 同理心的發展………16
     第三節 性別、性別角色與同理心的關係………24
     第四節 人情取向與同理心的關係………31
     第三章 研究方法………37
     第一節 研究對象………37
     第二節 研究工具………39
     第三節 實施程序………45
     第四節 統計處理………46
     第四章 研究結果………49
     第一節 年級、性別對同理心的影響………49
     第二節 年級、性別角色與同理心的關係………58
     第三節 年級、性別、人情取向與同理心的關係………74
     第四節 年級、性別、性別特質、人情取向對同理心的典型相關分析………90
     第五章 討論與建議………95
     第一節 討論………95
     第二節 研究限制與建議………102
     附錄一 「人際反應指標」與「情緒同理心問卷」之修訂………125
     附錄二 本研究所使用各變項之相關矩陣………151
     附錄三 不同年級、性別者在性別特質及人情取向各分量表上得分之平均數、標準差………153
     附錄四 人際反應指標………155
     附錄五 情緒同理心問卷………157
     附錄六 人情問卷………158
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.title (題名) 年級.性別角色.人情取向與同理心的關係zh_TW
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 參考書目
     一、 中文部份
     陽琪(譯)(民71)Ivey, A.E.原著,諮商與心理治療──技巧、理論及練習。台北:桂冠出版社。
     蔡勇美(譯)(民64),Linton, Ralph原著,文化人類學。高雄:三信出版社。
     二、 英文部份
     Abramowitz, C.V., Abramowitz, S.I. & Weltz, L.J.(1976). Two studies in feminine understanding. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 32(2), 434-437.
     Adams, G.R.(1983). Social competence during adolescence: Social sensitivity, locus of control, empathy, and peer popularity. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 12(3), 203-211.
     Adams, G.R., Schvaneveldt, J.D. & Jenson G.O.(1979). Sex, age and perceived competency as correlates of empathic ability in adolescence. Adolescence, 14(56), 811-818.
     Allport, G.W.(1968). The historical background of modern social psychology. In Gardner Lindzey & Elliot Aronson(Eds.), The Handbook of Social Psychology, (2nd, Vol. 1, pp. 1-80). U.S.A.: Addison-Wesley Pub. Company Inc..
     Archer, R.L., Davis, M.H., Diaz-Loving, R., Foushee, H.C. & Gollwitzer, P.M.(1981). The role of dispositional empathy and social evaluation in the empathic mediation of helping. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 40(4), 786-796.
     Barenboim, C.(1978). Development of recursive and non-recursive thinking about persons. Developmental Psychology, 14(4), 419-420.
     Barnett, M.A., King, L.M., Howard, J.A., & Dino, G.A.(1981). Helping behavior and the transfer of empathy. The Journal of Social Psychology, 115, 125-132.
     Bem, S.L.(1974). The measurement of psychological androgyny. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 42, 155-162. Chological androgyny. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 42, 155-162.
     Bender, N.N. & Carlson, L.S.(1982). Prosocial behavior and perspective-taking of mentally retarded and nonretarded children. American Journal of Mental Deficiency, 86(4), 361-366.
     Berger, S. M. & Lambert, W.W.(1968) Stimulus-Response theory in contemporary social psychology. In Gardner Lindzey & Elliot Aronson(Eds.), The Handbook of Social Psychology, (2nd, vol. 1, pp. 81-178). U.S.A.: Addison-Wesley Pub. Company Inc..
     Berman, P.W.(1980). Are women more responsive than men to the young? A review of developmental and situational variables. Psychological Bulletin, 88(3), 668-695.
     Black, H.D.(1984). The rationale for an educational program to promote the development of empathy in student teachers. Australian Psychologist, 19(3), 291-302.
     Borkenau, P. & Amelang, M.(1985) The control of social desirability in personality inventories: A study using the principle-factor deletion technique. Journal of Research in Personality, 19(1), 44-53.
     Breisinger, G.D.(1976). Sex and empathy, reexamined. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 23(3), 289-290.
     Brody, L.R.(1985). Gender difference in emotional development: A review of theories and research. Journal of Personality, 53(2), 102-149.
     Bryant, B.K.(1982). An index of empathy for children and adolescents. Child Development, 53, 413-425.
     Burleson, B.R. (1982). The development of comforting communication skills in childhood and adolescence. Child Development, 53, 1578-1588.
     Chlopan, B.E., Hagen, R.L., McCain, M.L. & Carbonell, J.L.(1985). Empathy: Review of available measures. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 48(3), 635-653.
     Clark, R.A. & Delia, J.G.(1976). The development of functional persuasive skills in childhood and early adolescence. Child Development, 47, 1008-1014.
     Clark, K.B.(1980). Empathy: A neglected topic in psychological research. American Psychologist, 35(2), 187-190.
     Coke, J.S., McDavis, K. & Batson, C.D.(1978). Empathic mediation of helping: A two-stage model. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 36(7), 752-766.
     Crandall, J.E.(1980). Adler’s concept of social interest: Theory, measurement and implications for adjustment. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 39(3), 481-495.
     Cross, D.G. & Sharpley, C.F.(1982). Measurement of empathy with the Hogan Empathy Scale. Psychological Reports, 50, 62.
     Davis, M.H.(1980). A multidimensional approach to individual differences in empathy. Catalog of Selected Document in Psychology, 10(4), 85.
     Davis, M.H.(1983). Measuring individual differences in empathy: Evidence for a multidimensional approach. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 44(1), 113-126.
     Deardoff, P.A., Kendall, P.C. Kendall, Finch, A.J., Jr. & Sttarz, A.M.(1977). Empathy, locus of control and anxiety in college students. Psychological Reports, 40, 1236-1238.
     Deardoff, P.A., Kendall, P.C. Kendall, Finch, A.J. Jr., Lira, F. & Indrisano, V.(1975). Empathy and socialization in repeat offenders, first offenders, and normals. Journal of counseling Psychology, 22(5), 453-455.
     Eisenberg-Berg, N. & Lennon, R.(1983). Sex differences in empathy and related capacities, Psychological Bulletin, 94(1), 100-131.
     Eisenberg-Berg, N. & Mussen, P.(1978). Empathy and moral development in adolescence. Developmental Psychology, 14(2), 185-186.
     Enright, R.D. & Lapsley, D.K.(1981). Judging others who hold opposite beliefs: The development of belief-discrepancy reasoning. Child Development, 52, 1053-1063.
     Eysenck, S.B.G. & Eysenck, H.J.(1978). Impulsiveness and venturesomeness: Their position in a dimensional system of personality description. Psychological Reports, 43, 1247-1255.
     Eysenck, S.B.G. & McGurk, B.J.(1980). Impulsiveness and venturesomeness in a detention center population. Psychological Reports, 47, 1299-1306.
     Franzoi, S.L., Young, R.D. & Davis, M.H.(1985). The effects of private self-consciousness and perspective taking on satisfaction in close relationships. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 48(6), 1584-1594.
     Gibbs, J.C., Arnold, K.D. & Burkhart, J.E.(1984). Sex differences in the expression of moral judgement. Child Development, 55, 1040-1043.
     Gibbs, J.G. & Woll, S.B.(1985). Mechanisms used by young children in the making of empathic judgements. Journal of Personality, 53(4), 575-585.
     Greif, E.B. & Hogan, R.(1973). The theory and measurement of empathy. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 20(3), 280-284.
     Gilbert, D.C.(1969). The young child’s awareness of affect. Child Development, 40, 629-640.
     Gurucharri, C. & Selmen, R.L.(1982). The development of interpersonal understanding during childhood, pre-adolescence, and adolescence: A longitudinal follow-up study. Child Development, 53, 924-927.
     Hoffman , M.L.(1977). Sex differences in empathy and related behaviors. Psychological Bulletin, 84(4), 712-722.
     Hogan, R.(1973). Moral conduct and moral character: A psychological perspective. Psychological Bulletin, 79(4), 217-232.
     Hogan, R.(1969). Development of an empathy scale. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 33, 307-316.
     Hoffmanm M.L. & Levine, L.E.(1976). Early sex differences in empathy. Developmental Psychology, 12(6), 557-558.
     Indvik, J. & Fitzpatrick, M.A.(1982). “If you could read my mind, love --.” Understanding and misunderstanding in the marital dyad. Family Relations, 31, 43-51.
     Johnson, J.A. Cheek, J.M. & Smither, R.(1983). The structure of empathy. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 45(6), 1299-1312.
     Kendall, P.C., Finch, A.J., Jr. & Montqomeng.(1978). Vicarious anxiety: A systematic evaluation of a vicarious threat to self-esteem. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 46(5), 997-1008.
     Lerner, D.(1968). Modernization: Social aspects. International Encyclopedia of the Social Science. (Vol. 10), New York: Macmillan and Free Press.
     Letourneau, C.(1981). Empathy and Stress: How they affect parental aggression. Social Work. September.
     Mehrabian, A. & Epstein, N.(1972). A measure of emotional empathy. Journal of Personality, 40, 525-543.
     Mehrabian, A.(1976). Questionaire measures of affiliative tendercy and sensitivity to rejection, Psychological Reports, 38, 199-209.
     Mindingall, M.P.(1985). Characteristics of female clients that influence preference for the socially intimate and nonintimate female psychotherapists. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 41(2), 188-197.
     Morawski, J.G.(1985). The measurement of masculinity and femininity: Engendering Categorical realities. Journal of Personality, 53(2), 196-223.
     Muuss, R.E.(1982). Social Cognition: David Elkind’s theory of adolescent egocentrism. Adolescence, 17(66), 249-265).
     Notarius, C.I. & Levenson, R.W.(1979). Expressive tendencies and physiological response to stress. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 37(7), 1204-1210.
     Olesker, W. & Balter, L.(1972). Sex and empathy. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 19(6), 559-562.
     Paulhus, D.L.(1981). Control of social desirability in personality inventories: Principal factor deletion. Journal of Research in Personality, 15, 383-388.
     Rappaport, J. & Ohinsky, J.M.(1972). Accurate empathy: Confusion of a construct. Psychological Bulletin, 77(6), 400-404.
     Robinson, G.(1975). Identification on the second developmental level. The Journal of Asthma Research, 13(2), 79-109.
     Rogers, C.R.(1951). Client-Centered Therapy. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company.
     Rothbaum, F.(1977). Developmental and gender differences in the sex stereotyping of nurturance and dominance. Developmental Psychology, 13(5), 531-532.
     Sarbin, T.R. & Allen, V.L.(1968). Role theory. In Gardner Lindzey & Elliot Aronson (Eds.), The Handbook of Social Psychology, (2nd, Vol. 1, 488-567), U.S.A.: Addison-Wesley Pub. Company Inc..
     Saklofske, D.H. & Eysenck, S.B.G(1983). Impulsiveness and venturesomeness in Canadian children. Psychological Reports, 52, 147-152.
     Senneker, P. & Hendrick, C.(1983). Androgyny and helping behavior. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 45(4), 916-925.
     Spence, J.J., Helmreich, R. & Stapp, J.(1975). Ratings of self and peers on sex role attributes and their relation to self-esteem and conceptions of masculinity and femininity. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 31(4), 766-770.
     Underwood, B. & Moore, B.(1982). Perspective-taking and altruism. Psychological Bulletin, 91(1), 143-173.
     Van Ornum, W., Foley, J.M., Burns, P.R., DeWolfe, A.S. & Kennedy, E.C.(1981). Empathy, altruism, and self-interest in college students. Adolescence, 16(64), 799-808.
     Walker, R.E. & Foley, J.M.(1973). Social intelligence: its history and measurement. Psychological Reports, 33, 839-864.
     Watson, R.K.(1984). “Evidence” on characteristic empathy: Reply to Cross and Slee. Australian Psychologist, 19(2), 141-145.
     Whitley, B.E.(1983). Sex role orientation and self-esteem: A critical meta-analytic review. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 44(4), 765-778.
     Williams, D.G.(1982). Weeping by adults: Personality correlates and sex differences. The Journal of Psychology, 110, 217-226.
     Wispe’, L.G.(1968). Sympathy and empathy. International Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences(Vols. 10). New York: Macmillan and Free Press.
     Wolleat, P.L. & Skovholt, T.M.(1978). Sculpting roles for men and women: The symmetry option. Journal of Career Education, December, 78-89.