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題名 臺灣地區各種收視率調查方法之比較研究
作者 鄭真
貢獻者 曠湘霞
日期 1986
上傳時間 5-May-2016 15:34:35 (UTC+8)
摘要 論文提要
參考文獻 參考書目
2.林清山,心理與教育統計學(台北:東華書局,民國六十九年) 。


1. Babbe, Earl R., Survey Research Methods (California:Wadsworth Publishing Company Inc . , 1973)
2. Blumler, Jay G. & Elihu Katz, The uses of Mass Communications-current perspectives on Gratifications Research (California: Sage publications Inc., 1974)
3. Bogart, Leo, Strategy in Advertising (New York:Harcourt, Brace & World Inc., 1967)
4. David, H.A., Contributions to Survey Sampling and Applied Statistics (New York : Academic press Inc., 1978)
5. Dillman, Don A., Mail and Telephone Surveys (New York: John Wiley & Sons Inc, 1978)
6. Frey, James H., Survey Research by telephone (California: Sage Library of Social Research,1984)
7. Goodhardt, G.J. et. al., The Television Autience (England: Saxon House, Teakfield Itd., 1979)
8. Groves, Robert M. & Robert L. Kahn, Surveys by telephone (New York: Academic press Inc., 1979)
9. Haskins, Jack B., How to Evaluate Mass Communications, Syracuse University, 1968)
10. Jugenheimer, Donald W. & Peter B. Turk , Advertising Media (Ohio: Grid publishing Inc . 1980)
11. Kline F. Gerald & SuSan H. Evans, Prime-time Television (California: Sage Publications Inc., 1980).
12. Lin, Nan, Foundations of Social Research (New York: Mcgraw-Hill Inc., 1976)
13. Meier Normanc and Harond W. Saunders, The polls and public opinion (Iowa City: State University of Iowa, 1949)
14. Pai, Ya-Long, An Examination of Television Autience Measurement Method in the United States and the Republic of China (Thesis of Master degree, University of Texas at Austin)
15. Robinson, John P ., How Americans use time (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1977)
16. Wrightsman, Lawrence S., Stuart W. Cook & Claire Selltiz, Research Methods in Social Relations (New York: Holt, Rinehart and winston Inc., 1976).

1. Baker, William F. "Industry needs more reliable measures of TV viewer behavior" (Television/Radio Age, March 4, 1985): 47-52.
2. Beville, Hugh M. "Infighting emerges in meter battle as Nielsen accelerates timeable though hedging on specifics" (Television/ Radio Age, August 23, 1982a): 43-45, 82-86.
3. Beville, Hugh M. "Will Increasing Interest in qualitative ratings lead to more emphasis on Measuring program appeal?" (Television/Radio Age, November 15, 1982b ): 53-92.
4. Beville, Hugh M. "Cable ratings methodology must employ common parameters to those used by broadcast television" (Television/Radio Age, January 17, 1983): 70-73, 112.
5. Boyd, Douglas A. and Joseph D. Straubhaar "Developmental Impact of the home Video Cassette Recorder on third world countries" (Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, Winter 1985):5-17.
6. Galloway, John J. & F. Louise Meek, "Audience uses and gratification: An Expectancy model",Communcation Research, 8 (October 1981): 435-49.
7. Henry, Leslie "Let`s get their measure" (Media, March, 1980): 6-9.
8. Jaffe, Alfred J. "ARB-NSI dispute complicates cable diary issue" (Television/Radio Age, November 24, 1975): 35-36.
9. Jaffe, Alfred J. "Arbitron vs. Nielsen: they`re fighting the local meters wars with different sampling Methods" (Television/Radio Age, July 9, 1984): 34-36, 106-107.
10. Josephson, Sanford "Expected Arbitron-Nielsen race to install meters in local TV market turning into meter-diary battle" (Television/Radio Age, June 6, 1983): 38-39.
11. Linsky, Arnold S. "Stimulating Responses to Mailed Questionnaires: A Review" (POQ, Spring 1975, No.1): 83-101.
12. Macain, Thomas "The invisible influence: European Andience Research" (Intermedia July/Sep. 1985 Volume 13): 74-79.
13. Metzger, Gale "Current andience measurement is doing the Job; meter at local level should be viewed cautiously" (Television/Radio Age, February 20, 1984) : 46-47, 86-87.
14. Rogers, Theresa F. "Interviews by Telephone and in person: Quality of Response and Field performance" (POQ Spring 1976, Vol 40 No 1): 51-65.
15. Rosenthal Edmond M. "System audience measurement takes a measured path" (Cableage, March 18, 1985); 8-12.
16. Sobel Robert "Recent qualitative TV studies get Mixed ratings" (Television/Radio age , No 22 June 6, 1983): 35-37.
17. Swisshelm George "Need seen for expanded meters, different diaries" (Television/Radio age Volume XXX, No.l7 Mar 28, 1983): 37-39, 122
18. Swisshelm George "Has TV meter expansion really been worth it?" (Television/Radio Age Vol.XXXII No.8 November 12, 1984) : 41-43, 98
19. Swisshelm George "Diary-meter ratings gap: Are agencies adjusting for it?" (Television/Radio age May 13, 1985a) : 43-45 , 152-154.
20. Swisshelm George "Agencies , Clients welcome new TAA qualitative survey" (Television/Radio August 5, 1985): 37-39, 115-118.
21. Steeh, Charlotte G. "Trends in Nonresponse Rates, 1952-1979 (POQ Vol.45 Spring 1981, No.1): 41-57.
22. Tranb, James, "The world according to Nielsen"(Channels January/February 1985) : 26-32.
23. Webster, Janes G. & Jacob J. Wakshlag "A theory of television program choice" (communication Research/October 1983) : 430-447.
描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 曠湘霞zh_TW (Authors) 鄭真zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) 鄭真zh_TW (日期) 1986en_US 5-May-2016 15:34:35 (UTC+8)- 5-May-2016 15:34:35 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 5-May-2016 15:34:35 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) B2002006707en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 新聞學系zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 論文提要zh_TW
dc.description.tableofcontents 目錄
第一章 緒論………1
第一節 研究動機和研究目的………1
第二節 研究方法和研究架構………12
第二章 收視率調查的源起與發展………19
第一節 收視率源起背景………19
第二節 國外收視率調查的發展現況………22
第三節 台灣地區收視率調查的發展現況………34
第三章 台灣地區各種收視率調查方法的比較………38
第一節 抽樣方法………38
第二節 問卷與問題設計………52
第三節 資料蒐集與處理………60
第四節 調查結果的比較………80
第四章 收視率調查的其他影響因素………104
第五章 結論與建議………109
第一節 結論………110
第二節 建議………114

圖1.1 研究架構………16
圖2.1 電視節目製作之網狀壓力系統………20
表1.1 收視率使用者對收視率所抱持的態度類型………5
表1.2 民意測驗協會與益利公司平均收視率比較………6
表1.3 三台八點檔節目收視率統計………7
表1.4 廠商、廣告公司、外製公司、電視公司決定廣告上檔時的考慮因素………8
表1.5 廠商、廣告公司、外製公司、電視公司決定停止提供廣告時的考慮因素………9
表2.1 收視率調查方法的區分標準………24
表2.2 以調查工具和調查時間區別目前國外收視率調查方法的四大主流……….25
表2.3 以調查工具和樣本性質區別目前國外收視率調查方法的四大主流………25
表2.4 脈動公司節目回憶法時間區隔.................................27
表3.1 聯廣公司抽樣地區區隔表………38
表3.2 聯廣公司抽樣戶數分佈………39
表3.3 精銳公司抽樣地區區隔表………40
表3.4 精銳公司抽樣戶數分佈………41
表3.5 潤利公司抽樣地區區隔表………42
表3.6 潤利公司抽樣戶數分佈………43
表3.7 紅木公司大台北區電話訪問法抽樣戶數分佈………44
表3.8 紅木公司日記法抽樣地區區隔表………45
表3.9 紅木公司日記法抽樣戶數分佈………46
表3.10 台灣地區各種收視率調查方法樣本大小比較………47
表3.11 台灣地區各種收視率調查方法時致性比較………71
表3.12 台灣地區各種收視率調查方法實用性比較………71
表3.13 七十四年聯廣公司問卷回收率一覽表………73
表3.14 七十四年聯廣公司問卷回收的x^2考驗.....................73
表3.15 潤利公司七十四年十月份各時段平均實際問卷和有效問卷數………76
表3.16 紅木公司七十四年十月份各時段平均實際問卷和有效問卷數………76
表3.17 四種收視率調查法在週一至週五收視率數據差異顯著性考驗………81
表3.18 四種收視率調查法在週六至週日收視率數據差異顯著性考驗………81
表3.19 聯廣公司日記法問卷格式………96
表3.20 精銳公司日記法問卷格式………97
表3.21 潤利公司電話訪問記錄表………99
表3.22 紅木公司電話訪問記錄表………100
表3.23 紅木公司日記法問卷格式………101
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.title (題名) 臺灣地區各種收視率調查方法之比較研究zh_TW
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 參考書目
2.林清山,心理與教育統計學(台北:東華書局,民國六十九年) 。


1. Babbe, Earl R., Survey Research Methods (California:Wadsworth Publishing Company Inc . , 1973)
2. Blumler, Jay G. & Elihu Katz, The uses of Mass Communications-current perspectives on Gratifications Research (California: Sage publications Inc., 1974)
3. Bogart, Leo, Strategy in Advertising (New York:Harcourt, Brace & World Inc., 1967)
4. David, H.A., Contributions to Survey Sampling and Applied Statistics (New York : Academic press Inc., 1978)
5. Dillman, Don A., Mail and Telephone Surveys (New York: John Wiley & Sons Inc, 1978)
6. Frey, James H., Survey Research by telephone (California: Sage Library of Social Research,1984)
7. Goodhardt, G.J. et. al., The Television Autience (England: Saxon House, Teakfield Itd., 1979)
8. Groves, Robert M. & Robert L. Kahn, Surveys by telephone (New York: Academic press Inc., 1979)
9. Haskins, Jack B., How to Evaluate Mass Communications, Syracuse University, 1968)
10. Jugenheimer, Donald W. & Peter B. Turk , Advertising Media (Ohio: Grid publishing Inc . 1980)
11. Kline F. Gerald & SuSan H. Evans, Prime-time Television (California: Sage Publications Inc., 1980).
12. Lin, Nan, Foundations of Social Research (New York: Mcgraw-Hill Inc., 1976)
13. Meier Normanc and Harond W. Saunders, The polls and public opinion (Iowa City: State University of Iowa, 1949)
14. Pai, Ya-Long, An Examination of Television Autience Measurement Method in the United States and the Republic of China (Thesis of Master degree, University of Texas at Austin)
15. Robinson, John P ., How Americans use time (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1977)
16. Wrightsman, Lawrence S., Stuart W. Cook & Claire Selltiz, Research Methods in Social Relations (New York: Holt, Rinehart and winston Inc., 1976).

1. Baker, William F. "Industry needs more reliable measures of TV viewer behavior" (Television/Radio Age, March 4, 1985): 47-52.
2. Beville, Hugh M. "Infighting emerges in meter battle as Nielsen accelerates timeable though hedging on specifics" (Television/ Radio Age, August 23, 1982a): 43-45, 82-86.
3. Beville, Hugh M. "Will Increasing Interest in qualitative ratings lead to more emphasis on Measuring program appeal?" (Television/Radio Age, November 15, 1982b ): 53-92.
4. Beville, Hugh M. "Cable ratings methodology must employ common parameters to those used by broadcast television" (Television/Radio Age, January 17, 1983): 70-73, 112.
5. Boyd, Douglas A. and Joseph D. Straubhaar "Developmental Impact of the home Video Cassette Recorder on third world countries" (Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, Winter 1985):5-17.
6. Galloway, John J. & F. Louise Meek, "Audience uses and gratification: An Expectancy model",Communcation Research, 8 (October 1981): 435-49.
7. Henry, Leslie "Let`s get their measure" (Media, March, 1980): 6-9.
8. Jaffe, Alfred J. "ARB-NSI dispute complicates cable diary issue" (Television/Radio Age, November 24, 1975): 35-36.
9. Jaffe, Alfred J. "Arbitron vs. Nielsen: they`re fighting the local meters wars with different sampling Methods" (Television/Radio Age, July 9, 1984): 34-36, 106-107.
10. Josephson, Sanford "Expected Arbitron-Nielsen race to install meters in local TV market turning into meter-diary battle" (Television/Radio Age, June 6, 1983): 38-39.
11. Linsky, Arnold S. "Stimulating Responses to Mailed Questionnaires: A Review" (POQ, Spring 1975, No.1): 83-101.
12. Macain, Thomas "The invisible influence: European Andience Research" (Intermedia July/Sep. 1985 Volume 13): 74-79.
13. Metzger, Gale "Current andience measurement is doing the Job; meter at local level should be viewed cautiously" (Television/Radio Age, February 20, 1984) : 46-47, 86-87.
14. Rogers, Theresa F. "Interviews by Telephone and in person: Quality of Response and Field performance" (POQ Spring 1976, Vol 40 No 1): 51-65.
15. Rosenthal Edmond M. "System audience measurement takes a measured path" (Cableage, March 18, 1985); 8-12.
16. Sobel Robert "Recent qualitative TV studies get Mixed ratings" (Television/Radio age , No 22 June 6, 1983): 35-37.
17. Swisshelm George "Need seen for expanded meters, different diaries" (Television/Radio age Volume XXX, No.l7 Mar 28, 1983): 37-39, 122
18. Swisshelm George "Has TV meter expansion really been worth it?" (Television/Radio Age Vol.XXXII No.8 November 12, 1984) : 41-43, 98
19. Swisshelm George "Diary-meter ratings gap: Are agencies adjusting for it?" (Television/Radio age May 13, 1985a) : 43-45 , 152-154.
20. Swisshelm George "Agencies , Clients welcome new TAA qualitative survey" (Television/Radio August 5, 1985): 37-39, 115-118.
21. Steeh, Charlotte G. "Trends in Nonresponse Rates, 1952-1979 (POQ Vol.45 Spring 1981, No.1): 41-57.
22. Tranb, James, "The world according to Nielsen"(Channels January/February 1985) : 26-32.
23. Webster, Janes G. & Jacob J. Wakshlag "A theory of television program choice" (communication Research/October 1983) : 430-447.