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題名 臺灣地區各種收視率調查方法之比較研究 作者 鄭真 貢獻者 曠湘霞
鄭真日期 1986 上傳時間 5-May-2016 15:34:35 (UTC+8) 摘要 論文提要 參考文獻 參考書目一、中文部分I書籍1.吳統雄,電話調查理論與方法(台北:聯經出版公司,民國七十三年)。2.林清山,心理與教育統計學(台北:東華書局,民國六十九年) 。3.卓峰志,郵寄問卷回收率之研究(台北:政治大學新聞研究所碩士論文,民國七十四年)。4.楊國樞等,社會及行為科學研究法上下冊(台北:東華書局,民國六十九年)。5.樊志育,廣告效果研究(台北:三民書局,民國七十三年)。6.鄭瑞城,電傳視訊(台北:政治大學新聞研究所,民國七十四年)。II期刊1.工商時報,「怎樣把收視率做好?」,民國七十一年五月八日,第十二版。2.工商時報,「收視率是劊子手嗎?」,民國七十一年四月卅一日,第十二版。3.民生報,「收視率可靠程度引起爭執」,民國七十一年四月二十九日,第十一版。4.民生報,「收視率具有多少公信力?」,民國七十四年十二月二日,第十一版。5.吳心柳,「收視率不是劊子手」,聯合報,民國七十一年五月七日,第八版。6.林暉,「經濟有效運用電視媒體」,實業世界,民國七十三年十月:頁32-35。7.徐佳士,「電視的劊子手」,天下雜誌,民國七十年四月一日,頁33。8.陳世敏,「都是收視率惹的禍?」六篇,民生報,民國七十二年五月三十一日至六月五日。9.黃奇鏗,「好個電視調查站!」,掃描線雜誌第二期,民國七十一年四月,頁28-33。10.葉明佳,「廣告媒體計劃的基本概念」,實業世界,民國七十三年十月:頁11-12。11.鄒光華、何銘驥合譯,「媒體計劃的過程」,實業世界,民國七十三年十月:頁13-21。12.鄒光華、何銘驥合著,「媒體計算公式」,實業世界,民國七十三年十月:頁23-26。13.鄭炳耀,「媒體計劃是科學還是藝術?」,實業世界,民國七十三年十月:頁27-31。14.樊志育,「台灣廣告事業發展的方向」,廣告時代月刊,民國七十三年九月:頁20-23。15.賴東明,「如何科學化運用媒體?」,實業世界,民國七十三年十月,頁9-10。二、英文部分I書籍1. Babbe, Earl R., Survey Research Methods (California:Wadsworth Publishing Company Inc . , 1973)2. Blumler, Jay G. & Elihu Katz, The uses of Mass Communications-current perspectives on Gratifications Research (California: Sage publications Inc., 1974)3. Bogart, Leo, Strategy in Advertising (New York:Harcourt, Brace & World Inc., 1967)4. David, H.A., Contributions to Survey Sampling and Applied Statistics (New York : Academic press Inc., 1978)5. Dillman, Don A., Mail and Telephone Surveys (New York: John Wiley & Sons Inc, 1978)6. Frey, James H., Survey Research by telephone (California: Sage Library of Social Research,1984)7. Goodhardt, G.J. et. al., The Television Autience (England: Saxon House, Teakfield Itd., 1979)8. Groves, Robert M. & Robert L. Kahn, Surveys by telephone (New York: Academic press Inc., 1979)9. Haskins, Jack B., How to Evaluate Mass Communications, Syracuse University, 1968)10. Jugenheimer, Donald W. & Peter B. Turk , Advertising Media (Ohio: Grid publishing Inc . 1980)11. Kline F. Gerald & SuSan H. Evans, Prime-time Television (California: Sage Publications Inc., 1980).12. Lin, Nan, Foundations of Social Research (New York: Mcgraw-Hill Inc., 1976)13. Meier Normanc and Harond W. Saunders, The polls and public opinion (Iowa City: State University of Iowa, 1949)14. Pai, Ya-Long, An Examination of Television Autience Measurement Method in the United States and the Republic of China (Thesis of Master degree, University of Texas at Austin)15. Robinson, John P ., How Americans use time (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1977)16. Wrightsman, Lawrence S., Stuart W. Cook & Claire Selltiz, Research Methods in Social Relations (New York: Holt, Rinehart and winston Inc., 1976).II期刊1. Baker, William F. "Industry needs more reliable measures of TV viewer behavior" (Television/Radio Age, March 4, 1985): 47-52.2. Beville, Hugh M. "Infighting emerges in meter battle as Nielsen accelerates timeable though hedging on specifics" (Television/ Radio Age, August 23, 1982a): 43-45, 82-86.3. Beville, Hugh M. "Will Increasing Interest in qualitative ratings lead to more emphasis on Measuring program appeal?" (Television/Radio Age, November 15, 1982b ): 53-92.4. Beville, Hugh M. "Cable ratings methodology must employ common parameters to those used by broadcast television" (Television/Radio Age, January 17, 1983): 70-73, 112.5. Boyd, Douglas A. and Joseph D. Straubhaar "Developmental Impact of the home Video Cassette Recorder on third world countries" (Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, Winter 1985):5-17.6. Galloway, John J. & F. Louise Meek, "Audience uses and gratification: An Expectancy model",Communcation Research, 8 (October 1981): 435-49.7. Henry, Leslie "Let`s get their measure" (Media, March, 1980): 6-9.8. Jaffe, Alfred J. "ARB-NSI dispute complicates cable diary issue" (Television/Radio Age, November 24, 1975): 35-36.9. Jaffe, Alfred J. "Arbitron vs. Nielsen: they`re fighting the local meters wars with different sampling Methods" (Television/Radio Age, July 9, 1984): 34-36, 106-107.10. Josephson, Sanford "Expected Arbitron-Nielsen race to install meters in local TV market turning into meter-diary battle" (Television/Radio Age, June 6, 1983): 38-39.11. Linsky, Arnold S. "Stimulating Responses to Mailed Questionnaires: A Review" (POQ, Spring 1975, No.1): 83-101.12. Macain, Thomas "The invisible influence: European Andience Research" (Intermedia July/Sep. 1985 Volume 13): 74-79.13. Metzger, Gale "Current andience measurement is doing the Job; meter at local level should be viewed cautiously" (Television/Radio Age, February 20, 1984) : 46-47, 86-87.14. Rogers, Theresa F. "Interviews by Telephone and in person: Quality of Response and Field performance" (POQ Spring 1976, Vol 40 No 1): 51-65.15. Rosenthal Edmond M. "System audience measurement takes a measured path" (Cableage, March 18, 1985); 8-12.16. Sobel Robert "Recent qualitative TV studies get Mixed ratings" (Television/Radio age , No 22 June 6, 1983): 35-37.17. Swisshelm George "Need seen for expanded meters, different diaries" (Television/Radio age Volume XXX, No.l7 Mar 28, 1983): 37-39, 12218. Swisshelm George "Has TV meter expansion really been worth it?" (Television/Radio Age Vol.XXXII No.8 November 12, 1984) : 41-43, 9819. Swisshelm George "Diary-meter ratings gap: Are agencies adjusting for it?" (Television/Radio age May 13, 1985a) : 43-45 , 152-154.20. Swisshelm George "Agencies , Clients welcome new TAA qualitative survey" (Television/Radio August 5, 1985): 37-39, 115-118.21. Steeh, Charlotte G. "Trends in Nonresponse Rates, 1952-1979 (POQ Vol.45 Spring 1981, No.1): 41-57.22. Tranb, James, "The world according to Nielsen"(Channels January/February 1985) : 26-32.23. Webster, Janes G. & Jacob J. Wakshlag "A theory of television program choice" (communication Research/October 1983) : 430-447. 描述 碩士
新聞學系資料來源 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 曠湘霞 zh_TW (Authors) 鄭真 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) 鄭真 zh_TW (日期) 1986 en_US 5-May-2016 15:34:35 (UTC+8) - 5-May-2016 15:34:35 (UTC+8) - (上傳時間) 5-May-2016 15:34:35 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) B2002006707 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) - dc.description (描述) 碩士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 新聞學系 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) 論文提要 zh_TW dc.description.tableofcontents 目錄第一章 緒論………1第一節 研究動機和研究目的………1第二節 研究方法和研究架構………12第二章 收視率調查的源起與發展………19第一節 收視率源起背景………19第二節 國外收視率調查的發展現況………22第三節 台灣地區收視率調查的發展現況………34第三章 台灣地區各種收視率調查方法的比較………38第一節 抽樣方法………38第二節 問卷與問題設計………52第三節 資料蒐集與處理………60第四節 調查結果的比較………80第四章 收視率調查的其他影響因素………104第五章 結論與建議………109第一節 結論………110第二節 建議………114參考書目………122圖表目次圖1.1 研究架構………16圖2.1 電視節目製作之網狀壓力系統………20圖3.1-圖3.12七十四年四家公司對各台7至9時各時段節目段節目所測收視率之比較………84表1.1 收視率使用者對收視率所抱持的態度類型………5表1.2 民意測驗協會與益利公司平均收視率比較………6表1.3 三台八點檔節目收視率統計………7表1.4 廠商、廣告公司、外製公司、電視公司決定廣告上檔時的考慮因素………8表1.5 廠商、廣告公司、外製公司、電視公司決定停止提供廣告時的考慮因素………9表2.1 收視率調查方法的區分標準………24表2.2 以調查工具和調查時間區別目前國外收視率調查方法的四大主流……….25表2.3 以調查工具和樣本性質區別目前國外收視率調查方法的四大主流………25表2.4 脈動公司節目回憶法時間區隔.................................27表3.1 聯廣公司抽樣地區區隔表………38表3.2 聯廣公司抽樣戶數分佈………39表3.3 精銳公司抽樣地區區隔表………40表3.4 精銳公司抽樣戶數分佈………41表3.5 潤利公司抽樣地區區隔表………42表3.6 潤利公司抽樣戶數分佈………43表3.7 紅木公司大台北區電話訪問法抽樣戶數分佈………44表3.8 紅木公司日記法抽樣地區區隔表………45表3.9 紅木公司日記法抽樣戶數分佈………46表3.10 台灣地區各種收視率調查方法樣本大小比較………47表3.11 台灣地區各種收視率調查方法時致性比較………71表3.12 台灣地區各種收視率調查方法實用性比較………71表3.13 七十四年聯廣公司問卷回收率一覽表………73表3.14 七十四年聯廣公司問卷回收的x^2考驗.....................73表3.15 潤利公司七十四年十月份各時段平均實際問卷和有效問卷數………76表3.16 紅木公司七十四年十月份各時段平均實際問卷和有效問卷數………76表3.17 四種收視率調查法在週一至週五收視率數據差異顯著性考驗………81表3.18 四種收視率調查法在週六至週日收視率數據差異顯著性考驗………81表3.19 聯廣公司日記法問卷格式………96表3.20 精銳公司日記法問卷格式………97表3.21 潤利公司電話訪問記錄表………99表3.22 紅木公司電話訪問記錄表………100表3.23 紅木公司日記法問卷格式………101 zh_TW dc.source.uri (資料來源) en_US dc.title (題名) 臺灣地區各種收視率調查方法之比較研究 zh_TW dc.type (資料類型) thesis en_US dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 參考書目一、中文部分I書籍1.吳統雄,電話調查理論與方法(台北:聯經出版公司,民國七十三年)。2.林清山,心理與教育統計學(台北:東華書局,民國六十九年) 。3.卓峰志,郵寄問卷回收率之研究(台北:政治大學新聞研究所碩士論文,民國七十四年)。4.楊國樞等,社會及行為科學研究法上下冊(台北:東華書局,民國六十九年)。5.樊志育,廣告效果研究(台北:三民書局,民國七十三年)。6.鄭瑞城,電傳視訊(台北:政治大學新聞研究所,民國七十四年)。II期刊1.工商時報,「怎樣把收視率做好?」,民國七十一年五月八日,第十二版。2.工商時報,「收視率是劊子手嗎?」,民國七十一年四月卅一日,第十二版。3.民生報,「收視率可靠程度引起爭執」,民國七十一年四月二十九日,第十一版。4.民生報,「收視率具有多少公信力?」,民國七十四年十二月二日,第十一版。5.吳心柳,「收視率不是劊子手」,聯合報,民國七十一年五月七日,第八版。6.林暉,「經濟有效運用電視媒體」,實業世界,民國七十三年十月:頁32-35。7.徐佳士,「電視的劊子手」,天下雜誌,民國七十年四月一日,頁33。8.陳世敏,「都是收視率惹的禍?」六篇,民生報,民國七十二年五月三十一日至六月五日。9.黃奇鏗,「好個電視調查站!」,掃描線雜誌第二期,民國七十一年四月,頁28-33。10.葉明佳,「廣告媒體計劃的基本概念」,實業世界,民國七十三年十月:頁11-12。11.鄒光華、何銘驥合譯,「媒體計劃的過程」,實業世界,民國七十三年十月:頁13-21。12.鄒光華、何銘驥合著,「媒體計算公式」,實業世界,民國七十三年十月:頁23-26。13.鄭炳耀,「媒體計劃是科學還是藝術?」,實業世界,民國七十三年十月:頁27-31。14.樊志育,「台灣廣告事業發展的方向」,廣告時代月刊,民國七十三年九月:頁20-23。15.賴東明,「如何科學化運用媒體?」,實業世界,民國七十三年十月,頁9-10。二、英文部分I書籍1. Babbe, Earl R., Survey Research Methods (California:Wadsworth Publishing Company Inc . , 1973)2. Blumler, Jay G. & Elihu Katz, The uses of Mass Communications-current perspectives on Gratifications Research (California: Sage publications Inc., 1974)3. Bogart, Leo, Strategy in Advertising (New York:Harcourt, Brace & World Inc., 1967)4. David, H.A., Contributions to Survey Sampling and Applied Statistics (New York : Academic press Inc., 1978)5. Dillman, Don A., Mail and Telephone Surveys (New York: John Wiley & Sons Inc, 1978)6. Frey, James H., Survey Research by telephone (California: Sage Library of Social Research,1984)7. Goodhardt, G.J. et. al., The Television Autience (England: Saxon House, Teakfield Itd., 1979)8. Groves, Robert M. & Robert L. Kahn, Surveys by telephone (New York: Academic press Inc., 1979)9. Haskins, Jack B., How to Evaluate Mass Communications, Syracuse University, 1968)10. Jugenheimer, Donald W. & Peter B. Turk , Advertising Media (Ohio: Grid publishing Inc . 1980)11. Kline F. Gerald & SuSan H. Evans, Prime-time Television (California: Sage Publications Inc., 1980).12. Lin, Nan, Foundations of Social Research (New York: Mcgraw-Hill Inc., 1976)13. Meier Normanc and Harond W. Saunders, The polls and public opinion (Iowa City: State University of Iowa, 1949)14. Pai, Ya-Long, An Examination of Television Autience Measurement Method in the United States and the Republic of China (Thesis of Master degree, University of Texas at Austin)15. Robinson, John P ., How Americans use time (New York: Praeger Publishers, 1977)16. Wrightsman, Lawrence S., Stuart W. Cook & Claire Selltiz, Research Methods in Social Relations (New York: Holt, Rinehart and winston Inc., 1976).II期刊1. Baker, William F. "Industry needs more reliable measures of TV viewer behavior" (Television/Radio Age, March 4, 1985): 47-52.2. Beville, Hugh M. "Infighting emerges in meter battle as Nielsen accelerates timeable though hedging on specifics" (Television/ Radio Age, August 23, 1982a): 43-45, 82-86.3. Beville, Hugh M. "Will Increasing Interest in qualitative ratings lead to more emphasis on Measuring program appeal?" (Television/Radio Age, November 15, 1982b ): 53-92.4. Beville, Hugh M. "Cable ratings methodology must employ common parameters to those used by broadcast television" (Television/Radio Age, January 17, 1983): 70-73, 112.5. Boyd, Douglas A. and Joseph D. Straubhaar "Developmental Impact of the home Video Cassette Recorder on third world countries" (Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, Winter 1985):5-17.6. Galloway, John J. & F. Louise Meek, "Audience uses and gratification: An Expectancy model",Communcation Research, 8 (October 1981): 435-49.7. Henry, Leslie "Let`s get their measure" (Media, March, 1980): 6-9.8. Jaffe, Alfred J. "ARB-NSI dispute complicates cable diary issue" (Television/Radio Age, November 24, 1975): 35-36.9. Jaffe, Alfred J. "Arbitron vs. Nielsen: they`re fighting the local meters wars with different sampling Methods" (Television/Radio Age, July 9, 1984): 34-36, 106-107.10. Josephson, Sanford "Expected Arbitron-Nielsen race to install meters in local TV market turning into meter-diary battle" (Television/Radio Age, June 6, 1983): 38-39.11. Linsky, Arnold S. "Stimulating Responses to Mailed Questionnaires: A Review" (POQ, Spring 1975, No.1): 83-101.12. Macain, Thomas "The invisible influence: European Andience Research" (Intermedia July/Sep. 1985 Volume 13): 74-79.13. Metzger, Gale "Current andience measurement is doing the Job; meter at local level should be viewed cautiously" (Television/Radio Age, February 20, 1984) : 46-47, 86-87.14. Rogers, Theresa F. "Interviews by Telephone and in person: Quality of Response and Field performance" (POQ Spring 1976, Vol 40 No 1): 51-65.15. Rosenthal Edmond M. "System audience measurement takes a measured path" (Cableage, March 18, 1985); 8-12.16. Sobel Robert "Recent qualitative TV studies get Mixed ratings" (Television/Radio age , No 22 June 6, 1983): 35-37.17. Swisshelm George "Need seen for expanded meters, different diaries" (Television/Radio age Volume XXX, No.l7 Mar 28, 1983): 37-39, 12218. Swisshelm George "Has TV meter expansion really been worth it?" (Television/Radio Age Vol.XXXII No.8 November 12, 1984) : 41-43, 9819. Swisshelm George "Diary-meter ratings gap: Are agencies adjusting for it?" (Television/Radio age May 13, 1985a) : 43-45 , 152-154.20. Swisshelm George "Agencies , Clients welcome new TAA qualitative survey" (Television/Radio August 5, 1985): 37-39, 115-118.21. Steeh, Charlotte G. "Trends in Nonresponse Rates, 1952-1979 (POQ Vol.45 Spring 1981, No.1): 41-57.22. Tranb, James, "The world according to Nielsen"(Channels January/February 1985) : 26-32.23. Webster, Janes G. & Jacob J. Wakshlag "A theory of television program choice" (communication Research/October 1983) : 430-447. zh_TW