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題名 美國近年公共電視之研究 作者 林玉清
LIN, YU-GING貢獻者 汪琪
LIN, YU-GING關鍵詞 公共電視
EDUCATION-TELEVISION日期 1985 上傳時間 5-May-2016 15:35:25 (UTC+8) 摘要 本論文主旨在於探討美國公共電視的過去、現在與未來發展,希望能作為我國公共電
"第一章 緒論 1 第一節 美國電視事業的發展 1 第二節 商業電視的流弊 6 第二章 公共電視發展的簡史15 第一節 教育電視的發展15 第二節 公共電視的源起 20 第三節 公共電視的發展23 第三章 公共電視的現況32 第一節 經費32 第二節 電視台40 第三節 節目46 第四章 公共電視的問題與影響58 第一節 問題58 第二節 影響67 第五章 公共電視的未來發展77 第一節 新傳播科技77 第二節 公共電視的未來五年計劃87 第六章 結論105 參考書目115 表目錄 表 1-1 電視台和電視機的成長5 表 3-1 公共廣播的經費收入35 表 3-2 公共廣播公司的經費收入36 表 3-3 電視節目製作費和電視台經費之比較39 表 4-1 私人商業團體贊助節目的經費62 表 5-1 有線電視的成長79 表 5-2 有線電視公司的規模80 表 5-3 公共電視的節目89 表 5-4 公共電視節目的製作單位90 表 5-5 公共電視體系衛星時間之使用100 圖目錄 圖 1-1 1941 ━ 1978特高頻率電視台和超高頻率電視台的數目4 圖 3-1 公共電視台的成長41"參考文獻 "1. Adler, Richard. and Walter S. Baer. Aspen Notebook: Cable and Continuing Education, (New York : Praeger 1973) 2. Agostino, Don. “New Technologies: Problem or Solution?” Journal of Communication, Summer 1980. 3. Avery, Robert K and Robert. Pepper, “An Institutional History of Public Broadcasting”, Journal of Communication, Summer 1980. 4. Berkman, Dave “Minorities in Public Broadcasting”, Journal of Communication, Summer 1980. 5. Blakely, Robert F. The People’s Instrument: A Philosophy of Programming for Public Television, (Washington D.C.: Public Affairs Press, 1971) 6. Brown, Les. Television: The Business Behind the Box, (New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1971) 7. Campbell, David C. and Joyce B.. Campbell, “Public Television as a Public good”, Journal of Communication, Winter 1978. 8. Cantor, Muriel G.. Women and Public Broadcasting, Journal of Communication, Winter 1977. 9. Carnegie Commission on Educational Television, Public Television: A Program for Action, (New York: Bantem, 1967) 10. Carnegie Commission, A Public Trust: The Report of the Carnegie Commission on the Future of Public Broadcasting, (New York: Bantem, 1979) 11. Cater, Douglass, and Michael J, Nyhan, (eds.) The Future of Public Broadcasting (New York: Praeger, 1976) 12. Chester, Girand, Garnet R. Jarrison and Edgar E.Willis, Television and Radio, 4th edition (New York Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1971) 13. Cole, Barry (ed), Television Today: A Close-up View, (New York: Oxford University Press, 1981) 14. Coppa, Frank J. (ed), Screen and Society: The Impact of Television upon Aspects of Contemporary Civilization, (Chicago: Nelson-Hall, 1979) 15. Corporation for Public Broadcasting, 1973 Annual Report of CPB (Washington D.C.: CPB, 1974) 16. Corporation for Public Broadcasting, 1980 Annual Report of CPB (Washington D.C.: CPB, 1981) 17. Corporation for Public Broadcasting, 1981 Annual Report of CPB (Washington D.C.: CPB, 1982) 18. Corporation for Public Broadcasting, Five Year Plan for Public Telecommunications 1981-1985 (Washington D.C.: CPB) 19. Dizard, Wilson P. Television: A World View, (New York: Syracuse University Press, 1966) 20. Frank, Ronald E. and Masshall G. Greenberg, The Public’s Use of Television: Who Watches and Why, (London: Sage, 1980) 21. Head, Sydney W. Broudcasting in America: A Survey of Television and Radio, 3rd edition, (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1976) 22. Head, Sydney W. and Christopher H., Sterling, Broadcasting in America: A Survey of Television, Radio, and New Technologies, 4th edition, (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1982) 23. Hezel, Richard T. “Public Broadcasting: Can It Teach?” Journal of Communication, Summer 1980. 24. Ho Ya-Wei, The Development of Public Television in the United States, unpublished paper. 25. Kahn, Frank J. (ed.) Documents of American Broadcasting, (New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1973) 26. Keegan, Carol A.V. “Qualitative Audience Research in Public Television, “Journal of Communication, Summer 1980. 27. Koughan, Martin. “The Fall and Rise of Public Television”, Channels of Communications, May-June 1983. 28. Leroy, David J. “Who Watches Public Television?”, Journal of Communication, Summer 1980. 29. Lichty, Lawrence W. and Malachi C., Topping, American Broadcasting: A Source Book on the History of Radio and Television, (New York: Hastings House, 1976) 30. Liebert, Robert M., John M., Neale and Emily S. Davidson, The Early Window: Effects of Television on Children and Youth, (New York: Pergamon, 1973) 31. Lyle, Jack. Public Television and the Urban Black Audience, Report CPB/OCR 310, September 1973. 32. Lyle, Jack. WNET Viewers and “The 51st State” Spring 1973, CPB/OCR 308, January 1974. 33. Lyle, Jack. Research and Public Broadcasting in the U.S.A., (Washington, D.C.: Communication Research Corporation for Public Broadcasting, 1974) 34. Mayer, Martin. About Television, (New York: Harper and Row, 1972) 35. Mosco, Vincent. Broadcasting in the United States: Innovative Challenge and Organizational Control (New Jersey: Ablex, 1979) 36. Noll, Roger G., Merton J. Peck, and John J. Mcgowan, Economic Aspects of Television Regulation, (Washington D.C.: The Brooking Institution, 1973) 37. Palmgreen, Philip and J.D., Rayburn II, “Uses and Gratifications and Exposure to Public Television”, Communication Research, April 1979. 38. Property of the United States Government, 90th Congress, 1st Session, 1967, Vol. 81, (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1968) 39. Public Service Satellite Consortium, Public Television Service in Rural America, CPB Report 791. 40. Reidy, John S. “An Economic Perspective: The Business of Communicating,” Channels of communications, Vol. 2, No. 4, Nov-Dec 1982. 41. Robb, Scott H. Television/Radio Age Communications Coursebook 1979-80, (New York: Communications Research Institute, 1981) 42. Roman, James. “Programming for Public Television” Journal of Communication, Summer 1980. 43. Rowland, Jr., Williard D. “The Federal Regulatory and Policymaking Process”, Journal of Communication, Summer 1980. 44. Seabrook, Richard H.C., M. Osman Yousuf and Arthur, Bennett, Computing and Telecommunication Planning. Task Force, (Washington D.C.: Corporation for Public Broadcasting, Computer and Information Service, 1980) 45. Skornia, Harry J. Television and Society, (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1965) 46. Smith, F. Leslie. Perspectives on Radio and Television: An Introduction to Broadcasting in the United States, (New York: Harper & Row, 1979) 47. Smythe, Ted C. and George A. Mastroianni, (eds.), Issues in Broadcasting. 48. Stanley, Robert H. (ed.) The Broadcast Industry: An Examination of Major Issues. 49. Sterling, Christopher H. and Timothy R., Haight, The Mass Media: Aspen Institute Guide to Communication Industry Trends (New York: Praeger, 1978.) 50. Summers, Harrison B., Robert E. Summers, and John H., Pennybacker, Broadcasting and the Public, 2nd editin, (California: Wadsworth, 1978) 51. Summers, Robert E. and Harrison B., Summers, Broad casting and the Public (California: Wadsworth, 1966) 52.Traub, .James. “Low-Power TV: Broadcasting in a Minor Key”Channels of Communications, Vol. 2, No. 4, Nov-Dec 1982. 53. Tressel, George W., Donald P., Buckelew, John T.Suchy., and Patricia L., Brown, The Future of Educational Telecommunication, (Massachusetts: Lexington, 1975) 54. Valenzuela, Nicholas A. Public Television and the Mexican-American Audience in the Southwest, Riport CPB/OCR 214, January 1974. 55. VanLeuven, Jim. U.S. Public Broadcasting: Building a Strong System from a Weak Structure, Draft paper for presentation Summer Communication Seminar East-West Communication Institute, June 1983. 56.朱立,美國聯邦傳播委員會之研究,政大新聞研究所論文. 57.朱立,傳播拼盤,(台北,時報出版公司,民國七十年). 58.李文中,美國HBO有線電視公司,(廣播與電視,第四十一期,民國七十一年三月). 59.李瞻,美國電視制度之分析,(新聞學研究,第三集,民國五十八年五月). 60.李瞻,比較電視制度--兼論我國電視發展之方向,(台北,政大新聞研究所,民國六十二年) . 61.李瞻,世界新聞史,(台北,政大新聞研究所,民國六十六年)。 62.徐鉅昌,「公共電視」問題,中央日報,民國七十二年三月四日及五日. 63.徐鉅昌,「公共電視」理論之探討,(廣播與電視,第四十三期,民國七十二年三月) 64.陳世敏,我國公共電視去向,(廣播與電視,第四十一期,民國七十一年三月) 65.張繼高,我們的電視怎麼辦?--兼釋「公共電視制」和「公共電視台」,(廣播與電視,第四十一期,民國七十一年三月)。 66.萬道清,孕育中的美國公共電視,(廣播與電視,第四期,民國五十六年十月) 67.鄭士杰譯,美國的公共廣播--卡耐基委員會關於公眾信託未來的報告,(廣播與電視,第四十一期,民國七十一年三月)" 描述 碩士
新聞學系資料來源 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 汪琪 zh_TW dc.contributor.advisor WANG, GI en_US (Authors) 林玉清 zh_TW (Authors) LIN, YU-GING en_US dc.creator (作者) 林玉清 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) LIN, YU-GING en_US (日期) 1985 en_US 5-May-2016 15:35:25 (UTC+8) - 5-May-2016 15:35:25 (UTC+8) - (上傳時間) 5-May-2016 15:35:25 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) B2002006726 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) - dc.description (描述) 碩士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 新聞學系 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本論文主旨在於探討美國公共電視的過去、現在與未來發展,希望能作為我國公共電 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) "第一章 緒論 1 第一節 美國電視事業的發展 1 第二節 商業電視的流弊 6 第二章 公共電視發展的簡史15 第一節 教育電視的發展15 第二節 公共電視的源起 20 第三節 公共電視的發展23 第三章 公共電視的現況32 第一節 經費32 第二節 電視台40 第三節 節目46 第四章 公共電視的問題與影響58 第一節 問題58 第二節 影響67 第五章 公共電視的未來發展77 第一節 新傳播科技77 第二節 公共電視的未來五年計劃87 第六章 結論105 參考書目115 表目錄 表 1-1 電視台和電視機的成長5 表 3-1 公共廣播的經費收入35 表 3-2 公共廣播公司的經費收入36 表 3-3 電視節目製作費和電視台經費之比較39 表 4-1 私人商業團體贊助節目的經費62 表 5-1 有線電視的成長79 表 5-2 有線電視公司的規模80 表 5-3 公共電視的節目89 表 5-4 公共電視節目的製作單位90 表 5-5 公共電視體系衛星時間之使用100 圖目錄 圖 1-1 1941 ━ 1978特高頻率電視台和超高頻率電視台的數目4 圖 3-1 公共電視台的成長41" - dc.source.uri (資料來源) en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) 公共電視 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 商業電視 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 教育電視 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) PUBLIC-TELEVISION en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) COMMERCIAL-TELEVISION en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) EDUCATION-TELEVISION en_US dc.title (題名) 美國近年公共電視之研究 zh_TW dc.type (資料類型) thesis en_US dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) "1. Adler, Richard. and Walter S. Baer. Aspen Notebook: Cable and Continuing Education, (New York : Praeger 1973) 2. Agostino, Don. “New Technologies: Problem or Solution?” Journal of Communication, Summer 1980. 3. Avery, Robert K and Robert. Pepper, “An Institutional History of Public Broadcasting”, Journal of Communication, Summer 1980. 4. Berkman, Dave “Minorities in Public Broadcasting”, Journal of Communication, Summer 1980. 5. Blakely, Robert F. The People’s Instrument: A Philosophy of Programming for Public Television, (Washington D.C.: Public Affairs Press, 1971) 6. Brown, Les. Television: The Business Behind the Box, (New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1971) 7. Campbell, David C. and Joyce B.. Campbell, “Public Television as a Public good”, Journal of Communication, Winter 1978. 8. Cantor, Muriel G.. Women and Public Broadcasting, Journal of Communication, Winter 1977. 9. Carnegie Commission on Educational Television, Public Television: A Program for Action, (New York: Bantem, 1967) 10. Carnegie Commission, A Public Trust: The Report of the Carnegie Commission on the Future of Public Broadcasting, (New York: Bantem, 1979) 11. Cater, Douglass, and Michael J, Nyhan, (eds.) The Future of Public Broadcasting (New York: Praeger, 1976) 12. Chester, Girand, Garnet R. Jarrison and Edgar E.Willis, Television and Radio, 4th edition (New York Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1971) 13. Cole, Barry (ed), Television Today: A Close-up View, (New York: Oxford University Press, 1981) 14. Coppa, Frank J. (ed), Screen and Society: The Impact of Television upon Aspects of Contemporary Civilization, (Chicago: Nelson-Hall, 1979) 15. Corporation for Public Broadcasting, 1973 Annual Report of CPB (Washington D.C.: CPB, 1974) 16. Corporation for Public Broadcasting, 1980 Annual Report of CPB (Washington D.C.: CPB, 1981) 17. Corporation for Public Broadcasting, 1981 Annual Report of CPB (Washington D.C.: CPB, 1982) 18. Corporation for Public Broadcasting, Five Year Plan for Public Telecommunications 1981-1985 (Washington D.C.: CPB) 19. Dizard, Wilson P. Television: A World View, (New York: Syracuse University Press, 1966) 20. Frank, Ronald E. and Masshall G. Greenberg, The Public’s Use of Television: Who Watches and Why, (London: Sage, 1980) 21. Head, Sydney W. Broudcasting in America: A Survey of Television and Radio, 3rd edition, (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1976) 22. Head, Sydney W. and Christopher H., Sterling, Broadcasting in America: A Survey of Television, Radio, and New Technologies, 4th edition, (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1982) 23. Hezel, Richard T. “Public Broadcasting: Can It Teach?” Journal of Communication, Summer 1980. 24. Ho Ya-Wei, The Development of Public Television in the United States, unpublished paper. 25. Kahn, Frank J. (ed.) Documents of American Broadcasting, (New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1973) 26. Keegan, Carol A.V. “Qualitative Audience Research in Public Television, “Journal of Communication, Summer 1980. 27. Koughan, Martin. “The Fall and Rise of Public Television”, Channels of Communications, May-June 1983. 28. Leroy, David J. “Who Watches Public Television?”, Journal of Communication, Summer 1980. 29. Lichty, Lawrence W. and Malachi C., Topping, American Broadcasting: A Source Book on the History of Radio and Television, (New York: Hastings House, 1976) 30. Liebert, Robert M., John M., Neale and Emily S. Davidson, The Early Window: Effects of Television on Children and Youth, (New York: Pergamon, 1973) 31. Lyle, Jack. Public Television and the Urban Black Audience, Report CPB/OCR 310, September 1973. 32. Lyle, Jack. WNET Viewers and “The 51st State” Spring 1973, CPB/OCR 308, January 1974. 33. Lyle, Jack. Research and Public Broadcasting in the U.S.A., (Washington, D.C.: Communication Research Corporation for Public Broadcasting, 1974) 34. Mayer, Martin. About Television, (New York: Harper and Row, 1972) 35. Mosco, Vincent. Broadcasting in the United States: Innovative Challenge and Organizational Control (New Jersey: Ablex, 1979) 36. Noll, Roger G., Merton J. Peck, and John J. Mcgowan, Economic Aspects of Television Regulation, (Washington D.C.: The Brooking Institution, 1973) 37. Palmgreen, Philip and J.D., Rayburn II, “Uses and Gratifications and Exposure to Public Television”, Communication Research, April 1979. 38. Property of the United States Government, 90th Congress, 1st Session, 1967, Vol. 81, (Washington: Government Printing Office, 1968) 39. Public Service Satellite Consortium, Public Television Service in Rural America, CPB Report 791. 40. Reidy, John S. “An Economic Perspective: The Business of Communicating,” Channels of communications, Vol. 2, No. 4, Nov-Dec 1982. 41. Robb, Scott H. Television/Radio Age Communications Coursebook 1979-80, (New York: Communications Research Institute, 1981) 42. Roman, James. “Programming for Public Television” Journal of Communication, Summer 1980. 43. Rowland, Jr., Williard D. “The Federal Regulatory and Policymaking Process”, Journal of Communication, Summer 1980. 44. Seabrook, Richard H.C., M. Osman Yousuf and Arthur, Bennett, Computing and Telecommunication Planning. Task Force, (Washington D.C.: Corporation for Public Broadcasting, Computer and Information Service, 1980) 45. Skornia, Harry J. Television and Society, (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1965) 46. Smith, F. Leslie. Perspectives on Radio and Television: An Introduction to Broadcasting in the United States, (New York: Harper & Row, 1979) 47. Smythe, Ted C. and George A. Mastroianni, (eds.), Issues in Broadcasting. 48. Stanley, Robert H. (ed.) The Broadcast Industry: An Examination of Major Issues. 49. Sterling, Christopher H. and Timothy R., Haight, The Mass Media: Aspen Institute Guide to Communication Industry Trends (New York: Praeger, 1978.) 50. Summers, Harrison B., Robert E. Summers, and John H., Pennybacker, Broadcasting and the Public, 2nd editin, (California: Wadsworth, 1978) 51. Summers, Robert E. and Harrison B., Summers, Broad casting and the Public (California: Wadsworth, 1966) 52.Traub, .James. “Low-Power TV: Broadcasting in a Minor Key”Channels of Communications, Vol. 2, No. 4, Nov-Dec 1982. 53. Tressel, George W., Donald P., Buckelew, John T.Suchy., and Patricia L., Brown, The Future of Educational Telecommunication, (Massachusetts: Lexington, 1975) 54. Valenzuela, Nicholas A. Public Television and the Mexican-American Audience in the Southwest, Riport CPB/OCR 214, January 1974. 55. VanLeuven, Jim. U.S. Public Broadcasting: Building a Strong System from a Weak Structure, Draft paper for presentation Summer Communication Seminar East-West Communication Institute, June 1983. 56.朱立,美國聯邦傳播委員會之研究,政大新聞研究所論文. 57.朱立,傳播拼盤,(台北,時報出版公司,民國七十年). 58.李文中,美國HBO有線電視公司,(廣播與電視,第四十一期,民國七十一年三月). 59.李瞻,美國電視制度之分析,(新聞學研究,第三集,民國五十八年五月). 60.李瞻,比較電視制度--兼論我國電視發展之方向,(台北,政大新聞研究所,民國六十二年) . 61.李瞻,世界新聞史,(台北,政大新聞研究所,民國六十六年)。 62.徐鉅昌,「公共電視」問題,中央日報,民國七十二年三月四日及五日. 63.徐鉅昌,「公共電視」理論之探討,(廣播與電視,第四十三期,民國七十二年三月) 64.陳世敏,我國公共電視去向,(廣播與電視,第四十一期,民國七十一年三月) 65.張繼高,我們的電視怎麼辦?--兼釋「公共電視制」和「公共電視台」,(廣播與電視,第四十一期,民國七十一年三月)。 66.萬道清,孕育中的美國公共電視,(廣播與電視,第四期,民國五十六年十月) 67.鄭士杰譯,美國的公共廣播--卡耐基委員會關於公眾信託未來的報告,(廣播與電視,第四十一期,民國七十一年三月)" -