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題名 大學生英語學習與批判思考能力之相關研究:問題初探
其他題名 Learning English while Nurturing Critical Thinking Skills--- An Initial Investigation
作者 崔正芳
關鍵詞 批判思考;英語學習
Critical thinking;EFL teaching
日期 2004
上傳時間 18-Apr-2007 18:30:44 (UTC+8)
Publisher 臺北市:國立政治大學語言視聽教育中心
摘要 本研究意在探討批判思考教學應用於大學生學習英文為外語的環境下(EFL)之學習效應,其目的為二:其一為瞭解以英文為外語的學生是否可以從英文教授的批判思考教學中受益;其二為瞭解學生的英文程度是否影響其受益程度。研究樣本為112名修習大一必修英文的台北某國立大學大一新生,實驗組50名同學在學習英文必修教材的同時,接受批判思考的訓練;而對照組的62名同學則在學習同樣教材的情況下,接收傳統的文法單字教學。兩組都施與「康乃爾批判思考測驗乙級」以及中文同等之測驗為前測,而在實驗結束後,再施與後測。研究結果顯示實驗組在16 週的學習後,不管在英文或中文的批判思考成績表現上都勝過對照組,特別是他們的英文程度以大學入學英文學測的成績看來,並無顯著的不同。至於學生的英文程度是否影響其對批判思考教學的受益程度,結果顯示英文程度較低的學生受益較大。實驗組與對照組英文程度較低的同學,在實驗初期的英文程度並無顯著差異,但在英文的批判思考後測中實驗組表現卻顯著優於對照組,這個結果證明了即使是英文程度較低的學生仍然能受益於批判思考教學,甚至更有受益潛能。本研究並提出教學的相關建議。
The current study examines the effect of critical thinking instruction on college students in an EFL context. The purpose is twofold: (1) to examine whether EFL students would benefit from learning critical thinking skills taught in English; (2) to understand whether students` English proficiency levels have any bearing on the outcome of such learning. A total of 112 freshman students who were taking the required Freshman English course in a public university in Taipei, Taiwan were the subjects. The experimental group (N=50) received critical thinking training when learning the required English texts. The control group (N=62) received traditional grammar and vocabulary teaching for the same texts. Both groups were given a pretest that consisted of Cornell Critical Thinking Test, Level Z and the Chinese equivalent test. In the end of the treatment, the same tests were administered to all students as the posttest. Results show that the experimental group outperformed the control group after the 16-week treatment on both the English and the Chinese critical thinking tests, particularly given the fact that the two groups did not differ significantly on their English proficiency level, as measured by the College Entrance English Exam. As for students` susceptibility to the critical thinking instruction due to their English proficiency, the treatment effect was most evident on the English low achievers. The lower end of the students in both treatment conditions started out on the same proficiency level, but the experimental group showed significant progress on the English critical thinking test than the control group. The encouraging results demonstrate that students of lower English proficiency are just as capable, if not more, of benefiting from critical thinking teaching. Pedagogical implications and future research are suggested as well.
描述 核定金額:410400元
資料類型 report
dc.coverage.temporal 計畫年度:93 起迄日期:20040801~20050731en_US
dc.creator (作者) 崔正芳zh_TW (日期) 2004en_US 18-Apr-2007 18:30:44 (UTC+8)en_US 8-Sep-2008 15:34:27 (UTC+8)- 18-Apr-2007 18:30:44 (UTC+8)en_US 8-Sep-2008 15:34:27 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 18-Apr-2007 18:30:44 (UTC+8)en_US
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) 932411H004043.pdfen_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 核定金額:410400元en_US
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本研究意在探討批判思考教學應用於大學生學習英文為外語的環境下(EFL)之學習效應,其目的為二:其一為瞭解以英文為外語的學生是否可以從英文教授的批判思考教學中受益;其二為瞭解學生的英文程度是否影響其受益程度。研究樣本為112名修習大一必修英文的台北某國立大學大一新生,實驗組50名同學在學習英文必修教材的同時,接受批判思考的訓練;而對照組的62名同學則在學習同樣教材的情況下,接收傳統的文法單字教學。兩組都施與「康乃爾批判思考測驗乙級」以及中文同等之測驗為前測,而在實驗結束後,再施與後測。研究結果顯示實驗組在16 週的學習後,不管在英文或中文的批判思考成績表現上都勝過對照組,特別是他們的英文程度以大學入學英文學測的成績看來,並無顯著的不同。至於學生的英文程度是否影響其對批判思考教學的受益程度,結果顯示英文程度較低的學生受益較大。實驗組與對照組英文程度較低的同學,在實驗初期的英文程度並無顯著差異,但在英文的批判思考後測中實驗組表現卻顯著優於對照組,這個結果證明了即使是英文程度較低的學生仍然能受益於批判思考教學,甚至更有受益潛能。本研究並提出教學的相關建議。-
dc.description.abstract (摘要) The current study examines the effect of critical thinking instruction on college students in an EFL context. The purpose is twofold: (1) to examine whether EFL students would benefit from learning critical thinking skills taught in English; (2) to understand whether students` English proficiency levels have any bearing on the outcome of such learning. A total of 112 freshman students who were taking the required Freshman English course in a public university in Taipei, Taiwan were the subjects. The experimental group (N=50) received critical thinking training when learning the required English texts. The control group (N=62) received traditional grammar and vocabulary teaching for the same texts. Both groups were given a pretest that consisted of Cornell Critical Thinking Test, Level Z and the Chinese equivalent test. In the end of the treatment, the same tests were administered to all students as the posttest. Results show that the experimental group outperformed the control group after the 16-week treatment on both the English and the Chinese critical thinking tests, particularly given the fact that the two groups did not differ significantly on their English proficiency level, as measured by the College Entrance English Exam. As for students` susceptibility to the critical thinking instruction due to their English proficiency, the treatment effect was most evident on the English low achievers. The lower end of the students in both treatment conditions started out on the same proficiency level, but the experimental group showed significant progress on the English critical thinking test than the control group. The encouraging results demonstrate that students of lower English proficiency are just as capable, if not more, of benefiting from critical thinking teaching. Pedagogical implications and future research are suggested as well.-
dc.format applicaiton/pdfen_US
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dc.format.extent 118757 bytes-
dc.format.extent 15400 bytes-
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dc.language zh-TWen_US
dc.language.iso zh-TWen_US
dc.publisher (Publisher) 臺北市:國立政治大學語言視聽教育中心en_US
dc.rights (Rights) 行政院國家科學委員會en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 批判思考;英語學習-
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Critical thinking;EFL teaching-
dc.title (題名) 大學生英語學習與批判思考能力之相關研究:問題初探zh_TW
dc.title.alternative (其他題名) Learning English while Nurturing Critical Thinking Skills--- An Initial Investigation-
dc.type (資料類型) reporten