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題名 屏東縣國民中學家長會運作之研究
作者 蕭耀宗
Hsiao, Yao-Tsung
貢獻者 秦夢群
關鍵詞 屏東縣國民中學
Pingtung County junior high school
parent’s association
working of parents’ association
日期 2007
上傳時間 6-May-2016 17:06:39 (UTC+8)
摘要 本研究旨在瞭解屏東縣國民中學家長會之運作,並分析不同規模與所在地學校其家長會運作情況,最後依據研究結果,提出建議,做為學校經營者辦學之參考。


The aim of this research is to understand the operation of junior high school parents’ association of Pingtung County, to analyze the function of it in different school varied in scale and location, and, ultimately, to put forth the conclusion as a reference for principle executive decision, which is routed in the research.
The purpose of this research is to:
A, inquire into the function of “parents’ association” organization,
B, understand how the current conditions that the junior high school parent of Pingtung County operate,
C, understand what the problem will the junior high school parent of Pingtung County come across,
D, analyze which of the factors influence the parents’ association and how to improve it, and,
E put forth a suggestion based on the research as a guide line for educational administration organization, the administrative personnel of the school, and the parents and related personnel.
This research covered all the junior high school parent of Pingtung County and did a deep survey aiming at understanding the operating situation of parents’ association in Pingtung County by questionnaire and influencing factors analyzing debate on types and scales of parents’ association, try to understand the system function of parents’ association in Pingtung County. The questionnaire the oriented from researcher, which is designed for fitting the purpose of this research, set the variable of the sample background into: sex, school scale, school place region, parents’ association duty, and school duty. The research object adopts a census method to investigate 38 junior high school parents’ association in Pingtung County, by mailing 3 copies of questionnaire for 3 school personnel, which are principle, the chairman of the parents’ association affairs of school, and executive officer of parents’ association of school, and 3 copies for members of parents’ association, which are the chairman of parents’ association and 2 other members. We collect 114 questionnaires from each party and have 228 copies totally. After sorting and calculating, we analyze the data with number of times allotment, percentage, Chi-Fung square test, the indirect election analysis, and the covariance method.
The main conclusions are as follows:
First of all, the majority of the operation of association of junior high school parent in Pingtung County can not completely obey the “rule for all levels of school parents of Pingtung County”.
Second, Pingtung County parents’ association is much more positive function than negative.
Third, there is difference between parents’ association of levels of junior high school in Pingtung County.
(A) the number of times of meeting the parent will convene every year have already reached the legal standard, the rate of more than 30 classes schools are up to 83.3%, others have not reach a half.
(B) In spite of scale size of the school, its parent fee budget source depends on “parents’ membership dues that the student hands in”, contributing money of parent”, and “contributing money of parents’ member of committee”, each of them is equally one third.
Fourth, the school parent of junior high school location (ex. Pingtung City, village, or the region of aborigine) in Pingtung County will make huge difference.
(A) The number of times of meeting the parent will convene every year have already reached the legal standard in Pingtung City School, and then be up to 100%.
(B) the budget, source, Pingtung City school, all” parent the number of committee contribute money” rate is the highest, village and the school of aborigine then take “the membership dues of the parent whom the student hands in”, “the parent contribute money”, and “parent the member of committee contribute money” as majority source, each of them is equally the same.
(C) There is very high rate of aboriginal school didn’t collect any money.
Fifth, the junior high school parent of Pingtung County will face the difficulty such as” budget shortage”,” time arrangement of school enabling the participation of the parent”,” low enthusiasm parent association member”, and” not acquaint with the operating mode or short in foresight to effectively participate”.
Sixth, the ways to improve the organizational defect are” build up a set of ordinance that concretely working as a basis of parent association guide line”,” local bureau of education and parent altogether held the parent association training”,” parent association members could be selected from non-parent and open for warmhearted neighbor”, and”fund a local or national parents’ association to be a strong back-up system”.
Seventh, the ways to improve the operational defect are” first of all, fix the school schedule to fit the parents’ leisure time to enhance the participation of parents”,”second,carry out a parent association member study to improve their ability to participate in school administration”,and”carry out a training to enhance the quality of parents’ association”,then”try to support and encourage the parents to participate the school affair”,finally”build a reward system to praise the enthusiastic parents”.
Eighth, the research shows that: the majority of all approve to co-establish “parent participation education rule” by both school personnel and parents to be the legal basis for parent to participating school affaire and parent association in Pingtung County.
Finally, here I present some concretely advice for educational administration, school personels,amd parents to be some guide line, and also direct some possible suggestion as future survey direction.
Key word:Pingtung County junior high school, parent’s association, working of parents’ association
參考文獻 中文部分

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描述 碩士
資料來源 http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0093911002
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 秦夢群zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (Authors) 蕭耀宗zh_TW
dc.contributor.author (Authors) Hsiao,Yao-Tsungen_US
dc.creator (作者) 蕭耀宗zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Hsiao, Yao-Tsungen_US
dc.date (日期) 2007en_US
dc.date.accessioned 6-May-2016 17:06:39 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 6-May-2016 17:06:39 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 6-May-2016 17:06:39 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0093911002en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/94605-
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 學校行政碩士在職專班zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 93911002zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本研究旨在瞭解屏東縣國民中學家長會之運作,並分析不同規模與所在地學校其家長會運作情況,最後依據研究結果,提出建議,做為學校經營者辦學之參考。


dc.description.abstract (摘要) The aim of this research is to understand the operation of junior high school parents’ association of Pingtung County, to analyze the function of it in different school varied in scale and location, and, ultimately, to put forth the conclusion as a reference for principle executive decision, which is routed in the research.
The purpose of this research is to:
A, inquire into the function of “parents’ association” organization,
B, understand how the current conditions that the junior high school parent of Pingtung County operate,
C, understand what the problem will the junior high school parent of Pingtung County come across,
D, analyze which of the factors influence the parents’ association and how to improve it, and,
E put forth a suggestion based on the research as a guide line for educational administration organization, the administrative personnel of the school, and the parents and related personnel.
This research covered all the junior high school parent of Pingtung County and did a deep survey aiming at understanding the operating situation of parents’ association in Pingtung County by questionnaire and influencing factors analyzing debate on types and scales of parents’ association, try to understand the system function of parents’ association in Pingtung County. The questionnaire the oriented from researcher, which is designed for fitting the purpose of this research, set the variable of the sample background into: sex, school scale, school place region, parents’ association duty, and school duty. The research object adopts a census method to investigate 38 junior high school parents’ association in Pingtung County, by mailing 3 copies of questionnaire for 3 school personnel, which are principle, the chairman of the parents’ association affairs of school, and executive officer of parents’ association of school, and 3 copies for members of parents’ association, which are the chairman of parents’ association and 2 other members. We collect 114 questionnaires from each party and have 228 copies totally. After sorting and calculating, we analyze the data with number of times allotment, percentage, Chi-Fung square test, the indirect election analysis, and the covariance method.
The main conclusions are as follows:
First of all, the majority of the operation of association of junior high school parent in Pingtung County can not completely obey the “rule for all levels of school parents of Pingtung County”.
Second, Pingtung County parents’ association is much more positive function than negative.
Third, there is difference between parents’ association of levels of junior high school in Pingtung County.
(A) the number of times of meeting the parent will convene every year have already reached the legal standard, the rate of more than 30 classes schools are up to 83.3%, others have not reach a half.
(B) In spite of scale size of the school, its parent fee budget source depends on “parents’ membership dues that the student hands in”, contributing money of parent”, and “contributing money of parents’ member of committee”, each of them is equally one third.
Fourth, the school parent of junior high school location (ex. Pingtung City, village, or the region of aborigine) in Pingtung County will make huge difference.
(A) The number of times of meeting the parent will convene every year have already reached the legal standard in Pingtung City School, and then be up to 100%.
(B) the budget, source, Pingtung City school, all” parent the number of committee contribute money” rate is the highest, village and the school of aborigine then take “the membership dues of the parent whom the student hands in”, “the parent contribute money”, and “parent the member of committee contribute money” as majority source, each of them is equally the same.
(C) There is very high rate of aboriginal school didn’t collect any money.
Fifth, the junior high school parent of Pingtung County will face the difficulty such as” budget shortage”,” time arrangement of school enabling the participation of the parent”,” low enthusiasm parent association member”, and” not acquaint with the operating mode or short in foresight to effectively participate”.
Sixth, the ways to improve the organizational defect are” build up a set of ordinance that concretely working as a basis of parent association guide line”,” local bureau of education and parent altogether held the parent association training”,” parent association members could be selected from non-parent and open for warmhearted neighbor”, and”fund a local or national parents’ association to be a strong back-up system”.
Seventh, the ways to improve the operational defect are” first of all, fix the school schedule to fit the parents’ leisure time to enhance the participation of parents”,”second,carry out a parent association member study to improve their ability to participate in school administration”,and”carry out a training to enhance the quality of parents’ association”,then”try to support and encourage the parents to participate the school affair”,finally”build a reward system to praise the enthusiastic parents”.
Eighth, the research shows that: the majority of all approve to co-establish “parent participation education rule” by both school personnel and parents to be the legal basis for parent to participating school affaire and parent association in Pingtung County.
Finally, here I present some concretely advice for educational administration, school personels,amd parents to be some guide line, and also direct some possible suggestion as future survey direction.
Key word:Pingtung County junior high school, parent’s association, working of parents’ association
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論

第一節 研究動機------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1
第二節 研究目的------------------------------------------------------------------------ 5
第三節 研究範圍與研究問題-------------------------------------------------------- 6
第四節 研究限制------------------------------------------------------------------------ 7
第五節 名詞釋義------------------------------------------------------------------------ 8

第二章 文獻探討
第一節 家長參與學校教育之基本論說------------------------------------------- 9
第二節 家長會參與學校運作之分析---------------------------------------------- 34
第三節 家長會運作之相關研究----------------------------------------------------- 67

第三章 研究設計與實施
第一節 研究架構------------------------------------------------------------------------ 73
第二節 研究對象與樣本-------------------------------------------------------------- 75
第三節 研究工具------------------------------------------------------------------------ 79
第四節 調查研究之實施-------------------------------------------------------------- 81
第五節 資料處理與分析-------------------------------------------------------------- 83

第四章 研究結果與討論
第一節 屏東縣國民中學家長會組織運作的現況------------------------------- 85
第二節 屏東縣國民中學家長會運作面臨問題-------------------------------- 126
第三節 屏東縣國民中學家長會運作改進之道---------------------------------- 139

第五章 結論與建議
第一節 主要研究發現------------------------------------------------------------------ 145
第二節 結論------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 161
第三節 建議------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 166

中文部份------------------------------------------------------------------------ 171
西文部份------------------------------------------------------------------------ 175

附錄一、 屏東縣國民中學家長會運作研究調查問卷--------------------------- 177
附錄二、 屏東縣各級學校家長會設置辦法---------------------------------------- 185

表 次
表2-3-1 國內家長會組織運作的相關研究摘要表---------------------------------------- 67
表3-2-1 背景變項摘要表------------------------------------------------------------------------ 76
表3-2-2 屏東縣公立國民中學學校規模及比例分配摘要表---------------------------- 77
表3-2-3 屏東縣公立國民中學學校數、學校規模及抽樣比例分配摘要表--------- 78
表4-1-1 依不同規模學校家長委員選出方式分析表------------------------------------- 86
表4-1-2 依不同學校規模家長委員選出方式的次數分配表---------------------------- 87
表4-1-3 家長委員選出方式卡方考驗表----------------------------------------------------- 87
表4-1-4 屏東縣國民中學38所學校委員人數次數統計表------------------------------- 89
表4-1-5 依不同學校規模與家長委員人數的分析表------------------------------------- 89
表4-1-6 家長會委員人數卡方考驗表-------------------------------------------------------- 90
表4-1-7 學校有無設置班親會的次數分配表----------------------------------------------- 90
表4-1-8 依不同學校規模與班親會設置的分析表---------------------------------------- 91
表4-1-9 依學校所在地與班親會設置分析表----------------------------------------------- 92
表4-1-10 各校是否聘請顧問及聘請顧問目的的次數分配表---------------------------- 93
表4-1-11 依不同學校規模與聘請顧問目的的分析表------------------------------------- 94
表4-1-12 依不同學校所在地與聘請顧問目的的分析表---------------------------------- 94
表4-1-13 學校是否設置義工組織分析表----------------------------------------------------- 95
表4-1-14 依學校規模與各校有義工組織其隸屬於處室及組織統計表--------------- 95
表4-1-15 依學校所在地與設置義工組織分析表-------------------------------------------- 96
表4-1-16 家長會是否有成立家長義工組織卡方考驗表---------------------------------- 97
表4-1-17 家長會召開的次數分配表------------------------------------------------------------ 98
表4-1-18 依不同學校規模家長會召開次數分析表---------------------------------------- 98
表4-1-19 依不同學校所在地家長會召開的次數分析表-------------------------------- 99
表4-1-20 家長會召開的次數卡方考驗表--------------------------------------------------- 100
表4-1-21 家長會有無專屬辦公室的次數分配表----------------------------------------- 100
表4-1-22 依不同學校規模與家長會有無專屬辦公室的次數分析表---------------- 101
表4-1-23 依不同學校所在地與家長會有無專屬辦公室分析表---------------------- 101
表4-1-24 家長會在校內有無專屬辦公室卡方考驗表----------------------------------- 102
表4-1-25 家長會是否發行會刊、會訊或建置網站的次數分配表------------------- 102
表4-1-26 不同學校規模與家長會是否發行會刊、會訊或建置網站分析表------- 103
表4-1-27 同學校所在地與家長會是否發行會刊、會訊或建置網站分析表------- 103
表4-1-28 家長會是否發行會刊,會訊或建置網站卡方考驗表---------------------- 104
表4-1-29 家長會參與會議項目比較表------------------------------------------------------ 105
表4-1-30 依不同學校規模與家長會派員參加會議的交叉分析表------------------- 105
表4-1-31 依學校所在地與家長會派員參加會議的交叉分析表---------------------- 106
表4-1-32 家長會經費來源分析表------------------------------------------------------------ 108
表4-1-33 依學校規模與家長會經費來源交叉分析表----------------------------------- 108
表4-1-34 依學校所在地與家長會經費來源交叉分析表-------------------------------- 109
表4-1-35 家長會捐款來源分析表------------------------------------------------------------ 110
表4-1-36 不同規模學校家長會捐款來源分析表----------------------------------------- 111
表4-1-37 依學校所在地與家長會捐款來源交叉分析表-------------------------------- 112
表4-1-38 家長會經費主要用途交叉分析表------------------------------------------------ 113
表4-1-39 依不同時學校規模與家長會經費主要用途交叉分析表------------------- 113
表4-1-40 表4-1-40 家長會經費管理使用方式分配表----------------------------------- 114
表4-1-41 依不同學校規模與家長會經費管理使用交叉分析表---------------------- 115
表4-1-42 依學校所在地與家長會經費管理使用交叉分析表------------------------- 116
表4-1-43 家長會經費管理使用的方式卡方考驗表-------------------------------------- 116
表4-1-44 家長會經費主要用途交叉分析表------------------------------------------------ 117
表4-1-45 依學校規模與家長會經費主要用途交叉分析表----------------------------- 118
表4-1-46 依學校所在地與家長會經費由誰支配交叉分析表------------------------- 118
表4-1-47 家長會正面功能分析表------------------------------------------------------------ 119
表4-1-48 依不同規模學校與家長會正面功能交叉分析表----------------------------- 120
表4-1-49 依學校所在地與家長會正面功能交叉分析表-------------------------------- 121
表4-1-50 家長會負面功能調查分配表------------------------------------------------------ 122
表4-1-51 依學校規模與家長會負面功能交叉分析表----------------------------------- 122
表4-1-52 依學校所在地與家長會負面功能交叉分析表-------------------------------- 123
表4-1-53 家長會是否受到學校相關人員的重視分配表-------------------------------- 124
表4-1-54 依學校規模與學校相關人員重視交叉分析表-------------------------------- 125
表4-1-55 依學校所在地與學校相關人員重視交叉分析表---------------------------- 125
表4-2-1 家長會運作時困難分析表--------------------------------------------------------- 126
表4-2-2 依學校規模與家長會運作時可能遇到的困難交叉分析表---------------- 127
表4-2-3 依學校所在地與家長會運作時,可能遇到的困難交叉分析表---------- 128
表4-2-4 遴選家長委員時,可能遇到那些困難的分析表----------------------------- 129
表4-2-5 依學校規模與遴選家長委員的困難交叉分析表----------------------------- 130
表4-2-6 依學校所在地與遴選家長委員的困難交叉分析表------------------------- 131
表4-2-7 學校家長會一年可運用的經費統計表----------------------------------------- 132
表4-2-8 依學校規模與家長會每年可用經費約多少交叉分析表------------------- 132
表4-2-9 依學校所在地與家長會每年可用經費約多少交叉分析表---------------- 134
表4-2-10 每年可運用的家長會經費考方考驗表----------------------------------------- 134
表4-2-11 家長會經費運用分析表------------------------------------------------------------ 135
表4-2-12 依學校規模與家長會如何運用經費交叉分析表----------------------------- 135
表4-2-13 依學校所在地與家長會如何運用經費交叉分析表------------------------- 136
表4-2-14 家長會組織問題分析表------------------------------------------------------------ 137
表4-2-15 依學校規模與家長會的問題交叉分析表-------------------------------------- 137
表4-2-16 依學校所在地與家長會的問題交叉分析表----------------------------------- 138
表4-3-1 目前家長會在組織方面,可以有那些改進途徑次數統計表-------------------------- 140
表4-3-2 認為家長會在運作時,可以有那些改進途徑次數統計表---------------- 141
表4-3-3 聯合各校國中的家長會共同成立縣級的家長會組織次數統計表------ 142
表4-3-4 聯合各校國中的家長會,共同成立縣級的家長會組織卡方考驗表--- 142
表4-3-5 訂定家長參與教育法做為家長會運作時的法源基礎次數統計表--------------------- 143
表4-3-6 訂定家長參與教育法以做為家長會運作時的法源基礎卡方考驗表--- 143

圖 次
圖3-1-1 研究架構圖------------------------------------------------------------------------- 73
dc.source.uri (資料來源) http://thesis.lib.nccu.edu.tw/record/#G0093911002en_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 屏東縣國民中學zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 家長會zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 家長會運作zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Pingtung County junior high schoolen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) parent’s associationen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) working of parents’ associationen_US
dc.title (題名) 屏東縣國民中學家長會運作之研究zh_TW
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 中文部分

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