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題名 組織創新氛圍與創造力之研究-以3D動畫公司為例
作者 陳宣輔
貢獻者 李仁芳
關鍵詞 動畫
Organizational Atmosphere
Innovative Atmosphere
Innovation Management
日期 2009
上傳時間 9-May-2016 15:08:34 (UTC+8)
摘要 3D動畫企業之營運結合藝術、科技與管理,本研究選擇D公司、P公司進行個案研究,希望透過研究的過程,找到我國專注於原創的D公司的優勢,以及與國外重要的原創動畫公司P公司相比,能否有我國動畫公司可以學習的地方,整合訪談與量化研究作出結論與建議,為我國動畫產業發展、為我國管理領域發展盡一份心力。
      研究範圍則是涵蓋D公司所有與3D動畫創作有直接關連的部門,計有Layout、Lighting、TD、RD、MIS、Surface、Prop design、Animation、SFX、compose、model、Rigging、APM、音效等十四個部門。在實務面可以探討3D動畫領域相關之管理議題;在學術面可以為我國組織創新氛圍之研究開創新猷;也提出如何優化組織創新氛圍的模型,未來可以更進一步深入研究。
When talking about art management, we cannot ignore 3D animation industries. The art management in the past did not involve technology, but right now technological aesthetic gradually becomes the mainstream.Technology and art are two discrete fields, but nowadays the upgrade of people’s aesthetic and taste allows the combination of the two. Both in the art and industrial sectors, domestic and foreign scholars start to focus on art management.
      Also, because the 3D animation`s art management is a field that combines art, technology and management, using the 3D animation company as the case study is the first choice. This research will use this industry as case study to discuss the issue of art management and how Taiwan can break away from the limit of agent manufacture and become innovative and creative.
      The company I choose in this research is D company which emphasizes originality and has the largest scale in Taiwan. I hope through the process of the research to find the advantage of Taiwan’s animation industry. I will also compare with P company, an important foreign animation company, to analyze whether or not we can copy their mode. After all, because of the cultural factors, there may be some problems if we just copy everything. I combine interview and quantitative research to draw a conclusion and make some suggestions, and hope to devote to the development of Taiwan’s animation industry and art management.
      To discuss how an originative animation company succeeds, aside from the business philosophy, experts, technology, through reflecting on the literatures, I found that there is also some unique part of P company’s organizational innovative atmosphere which can enhance creativity. Thus focusing on the organizational innovative atmosphere, I will also use statistical analysis to assess its influence. With “organizational innovative atmosphere scale” as a tool, improved by NCCU from KEYS of Amabile, we can evaluate the members’ perception of the organizational innovative atmosphere and their confidence in engaging in the innovative activities. The organizational innovative atmosphere perceived by the members will activate their innovative motivation, creativity, and promote the innovation of the organization. Also, through the interview we conduct quality study of D company`s organizational innovative atmosphere, and compared that with P company.
      The scope of the study cover all the fourteen departments related to 3D animation making in D company, including Layout, Lighting, TD, RD, MIS, Surface, Prop design, Animation, SFX, compose, model, Rigging, APM, sound effect, and so.
      To sum up, this research touches on the art management especially on the part of animation originality. It can also apply the “organizational innovative atmosphere scale” to the other animation-related or art-related industries. It provides the model for how art management can improve the working atmosphere which allows further research.
     第一章 緒論................................1
     1-1 研究背景與動機......................1
     1-2 研究架構與目的.......................4
     第二章 文獻回顧...........................10
     2-1 創新的管理意涵.......................11
     2-2 環境對創造力的影響.....................12
     2-3 組織氛圍的意涵.......................16
     2-4 組織創新氛圍的營造..................18
     第三章 3D動畫企業與產業.................22
     3-1 3D動畫產業暨原創與共創介紹............22
     3-2 世界3D原創動畫之首-P公司................24
     3-2.1 P公司之組織鼓勵.........................27
     3-2.2 P公司之主管鼓勵.........................29
     3-2.3 P公司之工作團隊支持...................30
     3-2.4 P公司之資源適足性.....................31
     3-2.5 P公司之工作挑戰性......................31
     3-2.6 P公司之工作自主性.........................32
     3-2.7 P公司之學習成長.........................32
     3-2.8 P公司之組織障礙.........................33
     3-2.9 P公司之空間環境..........................33
     3-3 我國3D原創動畫公司龍頭-D公司..............34
     3-3.1 D公司之組織鼓勵.........................39
     3-3.2 D公司之主管鼓勵.........................41
     3-3.3 D公司之工作團隊支持.....................41
     3-3.4 D公司之資源適足性.......................43
     3-3.5 D公司之工作挑戰性........................44
     3-3.6 D公司之工作自主性........................46
     3-3.7 D公司之學習成長............................47
     3-3.8 D公司之組織障礙.........................49
     3-3.9 D公司之空間環境.........................49
     第四章 研究設計與實施方法.....................50
     4-1 研究過程..................................50
     4-2 研究工具..................................51
     4-3 研究限制...................................55
     第五章 組織創新氛圍分析.......................57
     5-1 樣本描述統計分析..........................57
     5-2 信度檢定與因素分析........................58
     5-3 各變項之敘述性統計分析....................60
     5-4 組織創新氛圍描述分析.......................67
     5-5 跨國比較描述分析...........................68
     5-6 部門差異分析..............................70
     第六章 研究發現與建議.........................76
     6-1 組織鼓勵.................................82
     6-2 主管鼓勵.................................85
     6-3 工作團隊支持.............................86
     6-4 資源適足性...............................87
     6-5 工作挑戰性...............................88
     6-6 工作自主性...............................90
     6-7 學習成長.................................91
     6-8 組織障礙.................................92
     6-9 空間環境.................................94
     6-10 原創程度不同下的差異性探討...............95
     6-11 以優質組織創新氛圍提升創造力.............97
     表5-2、組織創新氛圍量表之次構面的Cronbach’s α係數.......59
     表5-3、創新行為與工作滿足感問卷之次構面的Cronbach’s α係數....59
     表5-4、問卷主構面的Cronbach’s α係數....................60
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描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 李仁芳zh_TW (Authors) 陳宣輔zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) 陳宣輔zh_TW (日期) 2009en_US 9-May-2016 15:08:34 (UTC+8)- 9-May-2016 15:08:34 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 9-May-2016 15:08:34 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0096359011en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 科技管理研究所zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 96359011zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 3D動畫企業之營運結合藝術、科技與管理,本研究選擇D公司、P公司進行個案研究,希望透過研究的過程,找到我國專注於原創的D公司的優勢,以及與國外重要的原創動畫公司P公司相比,能否有我國動畫公司可以學習的地方,整合訪談與量化研究作出結論與建議,為我國動畫產業發展、為我國管理領域發展盡一份心力。
      研究範圍則是涵蓋D公司所有與3D動畫創作有直接關連的部門,計有Layout、Lighting、TD、RD、MIS、Surface、Prop design、Animation、SFX、compose、model、Rigging、APM、音效等十四個部門。在實務面可以探討3D動畫領域相關之管理議題;在學術面可以為我國組織創新氛圍之研究開創新猷;也提出如何優化組織創新氛圍的模型,未來可以更進一步深入研究。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) When talking about art management, we cannot ignore 3D animation industries. The art management in the past did not involve technology, but right now technological aesthetic gradually becomes the mainstream.Technology and art are two discrete fields, but nowadays the upgrade of people’s aesthetic and taste allows the combination of the two. Both in the art and industrial sectors, domestic and foreign scholars start to focus on art management.
      Also, because the 3D animation`s art management is a field that combines art, technology and management, using the 3D animation company as the case study is the first choice. This research will use this industry as case study to discuss the issue of art management and how Taiwan can break away from the limit of agent manufacture and become innovative and creative.
      The company I choose in this research is D company which emphasizes originality and has the largest scale in Taiwan. I hope through the process of the research to find the advantage of Taiwan’s animation industry. I will also compare with P company, an important foreign animation company, to analyze whether or not we can copy their mode. After all, because of the cultural factors, there may be some problems if we just copy everything. I combine interview and quantitative research to draw a conclusion and make some suggestions, and hope to devote to the development of Taiwan’s animation industry and art management.
      To discuss how an originative animation company succeeds, aside from the business philosophy, experts, technology, through reflecting on the literatures, I found that there is also some unique part of P company’s organizational innovative atmosphere which can enhance creativity. Thus focusing on the organizational innovative atmosphere, I will also use statistical analysis to assess its influence. With “organizational innovative atmosphere scale” as a tool, improved by NCCU from KEYS of Amabile, we can evaluate the members’ perception of the organizational innovative atmosphere and their confidence in engaging in the innovative activities. The organizational innovative atmosphere perceived by the members will activate their innovative motivation, creativity, and promote the innovation of the organization. Also, through the interview we conduct quality study of D company`s organizational innovative atmosphere, and compared that with P company.
      The scope of the study cover all the fourteen departments related to 3D animation making in D company, including Layout, Lighting, TD, RD, MIS, Surface, Prop design, Animation, SFX, compose, model, Rigging, APM, sound effect, and so.
      To sum up, this research touches on the art management especially on the part of animation originality. It can also apply the “organizational innovative atmosphere scale” to the other animation-related or art-related industries. It provides the model for how art management can improve the working atmosphere which allows further research.
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 目錄.............................I
     第一章 緒論................................1
     1-1 研究背景與動機......................1
     1-2 研究架構與目的.......................4
     第二章 文獻回顧...........................10
     2-1 創新的管理意涵.......................11
     2-2 環境對創造力的影響.....................12
     2-3 組織氛圍的意涵.......................16
     2-4 組織創新氛圍的營造..................18
     第三章 3D動畫企業與產業.................22
     3-1 3D動畫產業暨原創與共創介紹............22
     3-2 世界3D原創動畫之首-P公司................24
     3-2.1 P公司之組織鼓勵.........................27
     3-2.2 P公司之主管鼓勵.........................29
     3-2.3 P公司之工作團隊支持...................30
     3-2.4 P公司之資源適足性.....................31
     3-2.5 P公司之工作挑戰性......................31
     3-2.6 P公司之工作自主性.........................32
     3-2.7 P公司之學習成長.........................32
     3-2.8 P公司之組織障礙.........................33
     3-2.9 P公司之空間環境..........................33
     3-3 我國3D原創動畫公司龍頭-D公司..............34
     3-3.1 D公司之組織鼓勵.........................39
     3-3.2 D公司之主管鼓勵.........................41
     3-3.3 D公司之工作團隊支持.....................41
     3-3.4 D公司之資源適足性.......................43
     3-3.5 D公司之工作挑戰性........................44
     3-3.6 D公司之工作自主性........................46
     3-3.7 D公司之學習成長............................47
     3-3.8 D公司之組織障礙.........................49
     3-3.9 D公司之空間環境.........................49
     第四章 研究設計與實施方法.....................50
     4-1 研究過程..................................50
     4-2 研究工具..................................51
     4-3 研究限制...................................55
     第五章 組織創新氛圍分析.......................57
     5-1 樣本描述統計分析..........................57
     5-2 信度檢定與因素分析........................58
     5-3 各變項之敘述性統計分析....................60
     5-4 組織創新氛圍描述分析.......................67
     5-5 跨國比較描述分析...........................68
     5-6 部門差異分析..............................70
     第六章 研究發現與建議.........................76
     6-1 組織鼓勵.................................82
     6-2 主管鼓勵.................................85
     6-3 工作團隊支持.............................86
     6-4 資源適足性...............................87
     6-5 工作挑戰性...............................88
     6-6 工作自主性...............................90
     6-7 學習成長.................................91
     6-8 組織障礙.................................92
     6-9 空間環境.................................94
     6-10 原創程度不同下的差異性探討...............95
     6-11 以優質組織創新氛圍提升創造力.............97
     表5-2、組織創新氛圍量表之次構面的Cronbach’s α係數.......59
     表5-3、創新行為與工作滿足感問卷之次構面的Cronbach’s α係數....59
     表5-4、問卷主構面的Cronbach’s α係數....................60
dc.description.tableofcontents 目錄.............................I
     第一章 緒論................................1
     1-1 研究背景與動機......................1
     1-2 研究架構與目的.......................4
     第二章 文獻回顧...........................10
     2-1 創新的管理意涵.......................11
     2-2 環境對創造力的影響.....................12
     2-3 組織氛圍的意涵.......................16
     2-4 組織創新氛圍的營造..................18
     第三章 3D動畫企業與產業.................22
     3-1 3D動畫產業暨原創與共創介紹............22
     3-2 世界3D原創動畫之首-P公司................24
     3-2.1 P公司之組織鼓勵.........................27
     3-2.2 P公司之主管鼓勵.........................29
     3-2.3 P公司之工作團隊支持...................30
     3-2.4 P公司之資源適足性.....................31
     3-2.5 P公司之工作挑戰性......................31
     3-2.6 P公司之工作自主性.........................32
     3-2.7 P公司之學習成長.........................32
     3-2.8 P公司之組織障礙.........................33
     3-2.9 P公司之空間環境..........................33
     3-3 我國3D原創動畫公司龍頭-D公司..............34
     3-3.1 D公司之組織鼓勵.........................39
     3-3.2 D公司之主管鼓勵.........................41
     3-3.3 D公司之工作團隊支持.....................41
     3-3.4 D公司之資源適足性.......................43
     3-3.5 D公司之工作挑戰性........................44
     3-3.6 D公司之工作自主性........................46
     3-3.7 D公司之學習成長............................47
     3-3.8 D公司之組織障礙.........................49
     3-3.9 D公司之空間環境.........................49
     第四章 研究設計與實施方法.....................50
     4-1 研究過程..................................50
     4-2 研究工具..................................51
     4-3 研究限制...................................55
     第五章 組織創新氛圍分析.......................57
     5-1 樣本描述統計分析..........................57
     5-2 信度檢定與因素分析........................58
     5-3 各變項之敘述性統計分析....................60
     5-4 組織創新氛圍描述分析.......................67
     5-5 跨國比較描述分析...........................68
     5-6 部門差異分析..............................70
     第六章 研究發現與建議.........................76
     6-1 組織鼓勵.................................82
     6-2 主管鼓勵.................................85
     6-3 工作團隊支持.............................86
     6-4 資源適足性...............................87
     6-5 工作挑戰性...............................88
     6-6 工作自主性...............................90
     6-7 學習成長.................................91
     6-8 組織障礙.................................92
     6-9 空間環境.................................94
     6-10 原創程度不同下的差異性探討...............95
     6-11 以優質組織創新氛圍提升創造力.............97
     表5-2、組織創新氛圍量表之次構面的Cronbach’s α係數.......59
     表5-3、創新行為與工作滿足感問卷之次構面的Cronbach’s α係數....59
     表5-4、問卷主構面的Cronbach’s α係數....................60
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 動畫zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 組織氛圍zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 創新氛圍zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 創造力zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 創新管理zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Animationen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Organizational Atmosphereen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Innovative Atmosphereen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Creativityen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Innovation Managementen_US
dc.title (題名) 組織創新氛圍與創造力之研究-以3D動畫公司為例zh_TW
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
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