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題名 台灣銀行業的績效分析-網絡資料包絡分析法
The performance analysis of the banking industry in Taiwan-the application of network DEA model
作者 李璧芸
Lee, Pi-Yun
貢獻者 傅祖壇<br>吳中書
Fu, Tsu-Tan<br>Wu, Chung-Shu
關鍵詞 網絡資料包絡分析法
Network DEA
日期 2009
上傳時間 9-May-2016 15:42:05 (UTC+8)
摘要 本文使用Network DEA模型,將台灣銀行業的生產過程分解成營運階段以及財務階段來討論,並將所有樣本銀行分成金控下子銀行V.S.非金控下子銀行,民營銀行V.S.泛公股銀行,商業銀行V.S.其他專業銀行以及新銀行V.S.舊銀行進行比較,希望藉此使各銀行經理人更了解自己經營銀行在各方面的優劣點,並且更容易從中檢討出無效率的來源,進而改善之。另外,各銀行的風險管理愈來愈受主管機關以及社會大眾的重視,本文特別將風險變數以及資本適足率限制納入模型中,以期能更忠實反映各銀行的經營績效。
This paper examines the performance of the banking industry in Taiwan via Network DEA model, which decomposes the production process into operational, and financial ones. Furthermore, as more and more attention is aroused by the public in the topic of the risk management, we incorporate risk variables and the restriction of the BIS ratio in order to have efficiency scores more faithfully.
      We divide the banks into groups and compare the efficiency results, and it turns out that the banks in public ownership exhibit superior performance on financial efficiency than the privately owned banks; The banks established before 1990s perform better operational and financial efficiency than that of the banks established after 1990s.
參考文獻 英文參考文獻
     1.Berger ,A.N. and Humphrey, D. B. (1992),“Measurement and Efficiency Issues in Commercial Banking”,pp.245-279,Output Measurement in the Service Sectors,Zvi Griliches,National Bureau of Economic Research,Chicago.
     2.Berger, A.N. and Humphrey, D. B. (1997),“Efficiency of financial institutions:International survey and directions for future research.” European Journal of Operational Research 98 ,pp.175-212.
     3.Berger, A.N. and Mester, L. J.(1997),“Inside the black box:What explains differences in the efficiencies of financial institutions?”Journal of Banking and Finance 21,pp.895-947.
     4.Kao, C. (2007),“Efficiency decomposition in network data envelopment analysis:A relational model.” European Journal of Operational Research 192,pp.949-962.
     5.Kao, C., Hwang, S. N. (2008),“Efficiency decomposition in two-stage data envelopment analysis:An application to non-life insurance compies in Taiwan.” European Journal of Operational Research 185,pp.418-429.
     6.Chang, C.C. (1999),“The Nonparametric Risk-Adjusted Efficiency Measurement :An Applicattion to Taiwan’s Major Rural Financial Intermediaries,”American Journal Agricultural Economics 81,pp. 902-913.
     7.Tripe, D. (2008),“The relative efficiency of banks,using a customer satisfaction rating.”Centre for Banking Studies Massey University,New Zealand
     8.Pastor, J. T.; Ruiz, J. L.; Sirvent, I. (2002),“A Statistical Test for Nested Radial DEA Models.”Operations Research 50,pp. 728-735.
     9.Pastor, J. M. (2002),“Credit risk and efficiency in the European banking system:A three-stage analysis.” Applied Financial Economics 12, pp.895-911.
     10.Pastor, J. M. (1999),“Efficiency and risk management in Spanish banking:a method to decompose risk.”Applied Financial Economics 9, pp. 371-384.
     11.Seiford, L. M., Zhu, J.,“Modeling undesirable factors in efficiency evaluation,” European Journal of Operational Research 142,pp.16-20.
     12.Seiford, L. M. and Zhu, J. (1999),“Profitability and Marketability of the Top 55 U.S. Commercial Banks.”Management Sceience 45,pp.1270-1288.
     13.Mester, L. J. (1995),“A study of bank efficiency taking into account risk-preferences ,”Journal of Banking and Finance 20,pp.1025-1045.
     14.Löthgren, M., Tambour ,M. (1999),“Productivity and customer satisfaction in Swedish pharmacies:A DEA network model.”European Journal of Operational Research 115,pp.449-458.
     15.Yeh, Q. J. (1996),“The Application of Data Envelopment Analysis in Conjunction with Financial Ratios for Bank Performance Evaluation.”The journal of the Operational Research Society 47,pp.980-988.
     16.Färe, R., Grosskopf, S. (2000),“Network DEA.”Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 34, pp. 35-49.
     17.Färe, R., Grosskopf, S.,and Weber, W. L. (2004),“The effect of risk-based capital requirements on profit efficiency in banking.”Applied Economics 36:15, pp. 1731-1743.
     18.Färe, R., Grosskopf, S.(2003),“Modeling undesirable factors in efficiency evaluation:Comment,”European Journal of Operational Research 157,pp.242-245.
     19.Hwang, S. N. and Kao, T. L. (2006),“Measuring Managerial Efficiency in Non-Life Insurance Companies:An Application of Two-Stage Data Envelopment Analysis.”International Journal of Management 23,pp.699-720.
     20.Sexton, T. R. and Lewis, H. F. (2003),“Two-Stage DEA:An Application to Major League Baseball,”Journal of Productivity Analysis 19,pp.227-249.
     21.Sexton, T. R. and Lewis, H. F. (2004),“Network DEA:efficiency analysis of organizations with complex internal structure.”Computers and Operational Research 31,pp.1365-1410.
     22.Fitzpatrick, T. and McQuinn, K. (2008),“Measuring bank profit efficiency.”Applied Financial Economics 18,pp.1-8.
     23.Chen, T. Y. (2002),“Measuring Operation, Market and Financial Efficiency in the Management of Taiwan`s Banks.” Services Marketing Quarterly, 1533-2977, 24, pp.15 – 27.
     24.Weber, W. L. and Devancy, M. (1999),“Bank Efficiency,Risk-Based Capital,and Real Estate Exposure:The Credit Crunch Revisited,”Real Estate Economics 27,pp.1-25.
     25.Luo, X. (2001),“Evaluating the profitability and marketability efficiency of large banks An application of data envelopment analysis,”Journal of Business Research 56,pp. 627-635.
     26.Yang, Z. (2006),“A two-stage DEA model to evaluate the overall performance of Canadian life and health insurance companies.”Mathematical and Computer Modelling 43,pp.910-919.
描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 傅祖壇<br>吳中書zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Fu, Tsu-Tan<br>Wu, Chung-Shuen_US (Authors) 李璧芸zh_TW (Authors) Lee,Pi-Yunen_US
dc.creator (作者) 李璧芸zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Lee, Pi-Yunen_US (日期) 2009en_US 9-May-2016 15:42:05 (UTC+8)- 9-May-2016 15:42:05 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 9-May-2016 15:42:05 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0096258024en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 經濟學系zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 96258024zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本文使用Network DEA模型,將台灣銀行業的生產過程分解成營運階段以及財務階段來討論,並將所有樣本銀行分成金控下子銀行V.S.非金控下子銀行,民營銀行V.S.泛公股銀行,商業銀行V.S.其他專業銀行以及新銀行V.S.舊銀行進行比較,希望藉此使各銀行經理人更了解自己經營銀行在各方面的優劣點,並且更容易從中檢討出無效率的來源,進而改善之。另外,各銀行的風險管理愈來愈受主管機關以及社會大眾的重視,本文特別將風險變數以及資本適足率限制納入模型中,以期能更忠實反映各銀行的經營績效。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) This paper examines the performance of the banking industry in Taiwan via Network DEA model, which decomposes the production process into operational, and financial ones. Furthermore, as more and more attention is aroused by the public in the topic of the risk management, we incorporate risk variables and the restriction of the BIS ratio in order to have efficiency scores more faithfully.
      We divide the banks into groups and compare the efficiency results, and it turns out that the banks in public ownership exhibit superior performance on financial efficiency than the privately owned banks; The banks established before 1990s perform better operational and financial efficiency than that of the banks established after 1990s.
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒 論....................................1
     第一節 研究動機..................................1
     第二節 研究目的..................................3
     第二章 研究方法..................................4
     第一節 資料包絡分析法的概念與發展..................5
     第二節 Network DEA之理論........................10
     第三節 Directional Distance Function的理論介紹...14
     第三章 文獻回顧..................................17
     第一節 應用One-Stage DEA模型評估銀行業經營績效的文獻回 顧以及投入及產出選擇......................................20
     第二節 利用兩階段以上DEA模型應用在衡量銀行業經營績效的文獻回顧 22
     第三節 衡量銀行業加入風險變數後經營績效的相關文獻............ 24
     第四章 樣本銀行與實證模型................................. 27
     第一節 樣本銀行的選取.................................... 27
     第二節 投入與產出的選取.................................. 29
     第三節 實證模型......................................... 33
     第五章 實證結果分析...................................... 37
     第一節 各銀行在營運面以及財務面的表現與趨勢................. 37
     第二節 風險變數對銀行效率的影響........................... 47
     第三節 加入資本適足率限制後對效率可達邊界的影響............. 48
     第四節 不同銀行分類的效率比較............................. 51
     第五節 營運面、行銷面以及財務面效率排名的相關性............. 56
     第六章 結論............................................ 58
     參考文獻............................................... 61
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 網絡資料包絡分析法zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Network DEAen_US
dc.title (題名) 台灣銀行業的績效分析-網絡資料包絡分析法zh_TW
dc.title (題名) The performance analysis of the banking industry in Taiwan-the application of network DEA modelen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 英文參考文獻
     1.Berger ,A.N. and Humphrey, D. B. (1992),“Measurement and Efficiency Issues in Commercial Banking”,pp.245-279,Output Measurement in the Service Sectors,Zvi Griliches,National Bureau of Economic Research,Chicago.
     2.Berger, A.N. and Humphrey, D. B. (1997),“Efficiency of financial institutions:International survey and directions for future research.” European Journal of Operational Research 98 ,pp.175-212.
     3.Berger, A.N. and Mester, L. J.(1997),“Inside the black box:What explains differences in the efficiencies of financial institutions?”Journal of Banking and Finance 21,pp.895-947.
     4.Kao, C. (2007),“Efficiency decomposition in network data envelopment analysis:A relational model.” European Journal of Operational Research 192,pp.949-962.
     5.Kao, C., Hwang, S. N. (2008),“Efficiency decomposition in two-stage data envelopment analysis:An application to non-life insurance compies in Taiwan.” European Journal of Operational Research 185,pp.418-429.
     6.Chang, C.C. (1999),“The Nonparametric Risk-Adjusted Efficiency Measurement :An Applicattion to Taiwan’s Major Rural Financial Intermediaries,”American Journal Agricultural Economics 81,pp. 902-913.
     7.Tripe, D. (2008),“The relative efficiency of banks,using a customer satisfaction rating.”Centre for Banking Studies Massey University,New Zealand
     8.Pastor, J. T.; Ruiz, J. L.; Sirvent, I. (2002),“A Statistical Test for Nested Radial DEA Models.”Operations Research 50,pp. 728-735.
     9.Pastor, J. M. (2002),“Credit risk and efficiency in the European banking system:A three-stage analysis.” Applied Financial Economics 12, pp.895-911.
     10.Pastor, J. M. (1999),“Efficiency and risk management in Spanish banking:a method to decompose risk.”Applied Financial Economics 9, pp. 371-384.
     11.Seiford, L. M., Zhu, J.,“Modeling undesirable factors in efficiency evaluation,” European Journal of Operational Research 142,pp.16-20.
     12.Seiford, L. M. and Zhu, J. (1999),“Profitability and Marketability of the Top 55 U.S. Commercial Banks.”Management Sceience 45,pp.1270-1288.
     13.Mester, L. J. (1995),“A study of bank efficiency taking into account risk-preferences ,”Journal of Banking and Finance 20,pp.1025-1045.
     14.Löthgren, M., Tambour ,M. (1999),“Productivity and customer satisfaction in Swedish pharmacies:A DEA network model.”European Journal of Operational Research 115,pp.449-458.
     15.Yeh, Q. J. (1996),“The Application of Data Envelopment Analysis in Conjunction with Financial Ratios for Bank Performance Evaluation.”The journal of the Operational Research Society 47,pp.980-988.
     16.Färe, R., Grosskopf, S. (2000),“Network DEA.”Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 34, pp. 35-49.
     17.Färe, R., Grosskopf, S.,and Weber, W. L. (2004),“The effect of risk-based capital requirements on profit efficiency in banking.”Applied Economics 36:15, pp. 1731-1743.
     18.Färe, R., Grosskopf, S.(2003),“Modeling undesirable factors in efficiency evaluation:Comment,”European Journal of Operational Research 157,pp.242-245.
     19.Hwang, S. N. and Kao, T. L. (2006),“Measuring Managerial Efficiency in Non-Life Insurance Companies:An Application of Two-Stage Data Envelopment Analysis.”International Journal of Management 23,pp.699-720.
     20.Sexton, T. R. and Lewis, H. F. (2003),“Two-Stage DEA:An Application to Major League Baseball,”Journal of Productivity Analysis 19,pp.227-249.
     21.Sexton, T. R. and Lewis, H. F. (2004),“Network DEA:efficiency analysis of organizations with complex internal structure.”Computers and Operational Research 31,pp.1365-1410.
     22.Fitzpatrick, T. and McQuinn, K. (2008),“Measuring bank profit efficiency.”Applied Financial Economics 18,pp.1-8.
     23.Chen, T. Y. (2002),“Measuring Operation, Market and Financial Efficiency in the Management of Taiwan`s Banks.” Services Marketing Quarterly, 1533-2977, 24, pp.15 – 27.
     24.Weber, W. L. and Devancy, M. (1999),“Bank Efficiency,Risk-Based Capital,and Real Estate Exposure:The Credit Crunch Revisited,”Real Estate Economics 27,pp.1-25.
     25.Luo, X. (2001),“Evaluating the profitability and marketability efficiency of large banks An application of data envelopment analysis,”Journal of Business Research 56,pp. 627-635.
     26.Yang, Z. (2006),“A two-stage DEA model to evaluate the overall performance of Canadian life and health insurance companies.”Mathematical and Computer Modelling 43,pp.910-919.