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題名 國民中學組織結構、導師角色壓力與職業倦怠關係之研究
Research on Relationship Among Junior High School Organizational Structure, Role of Tutor`s Stress, and Burnout
作者 張榮宗
貢獻者 秦夢群
關鍵詞 國民中學
日期 2002
上傳時間 9-May-2016 16:55:07 (UTC+8)
摘要   本研究目的主要在探討(一)現今國民中學組織結構及其實際運作情形。(二)國民中學組織結構對導師職業倦怠感受是否具有影響力。(三)國民中學導師背景變項對角色壓力的感受是否有相關性。(四)國民中學導師角色壓力是否對職業倦怠感受有所影響。(五)國民中學組織結構與導師角色壓力對職業倦怠的感受是否有交互作用。(六)國民中學導師背景變項對職業倦怠的感受是否有相關性。(七)國民中學組織結構、導師角色壓力、導師背景變項對職業倦怠的感受是否具有預測功能。
  The main objective of this research is to discuss (1) the present junior high school organizational structure and its practical operation conditions, (2) whether junior high school organizational structure having any influences on tutor`s burnout, (3) if any relation between the junior high school tutor`s background variables and their role stress, (4) if Junior high school tutor`s role stress having any influence on burnout, (5) if there having any interaction between junior high school organizational structure and tutor`s role stress towards burnout, (6) if there having any relationship between tutor`s background variables and burnout, and (7) if there any predicted function for junior high school organizational structure and tutor`s role stress towards burnout.
       This research has used questionnaire research, based on “Junior high school organizational structure and questionary of tutor`s working conditions”, the content of the questionnaire including 3 sections, which are questions on junior high school organizational structure, tutor`s role stress, and burnout. There are total of 681 junior high school tutors took part in this questionnaire research, they are from Taipei county, Tao Yuan county, Hsin Chu county, and Hsin Chu city, the questionnaire feedback rate is 93.9%, after the statistical analysis, the research result is described as following:
       1.There is an obvious difference between junior high school organizational structure due to the size of the school, different operation in different areas:
        a.Due to different size of Junior high school organizational structure, there is an obvious difference on formalization, centralization, standardization, and traditionalism operational range.
        b.Due to different regions of junior high school organizational structure, there is an obvious difference on specialization, centralization, and standardization operation ranges.
       2.The different level of junior high school organizational structure formalization, centralization, specialization, traditionalism has obvious differences on the experiences of tutor`s burnout.
       3.Junior high school tutor`s background variables (sex, age, annual pays, educational background, marriage status, school size) have obvious difference on role stress.
       4.The different levels of role ambiguity, role overload, role conflicts of junior high school tutors have obvious differences on the experiences of burnout.
       5.Junior high school organizational structure standardization and tutor`s role stress (role ambiguity, role overload) have interaction with personal accomplishment.
        a.When the level of organizational structure standardization is higher, the level of role ambiguity is higher, vice versa, when the level of role ambiguity is higher, relatively the level of organizational structure of standardization will decrease and the experience of personal accomplishment will be lower.
        b.When the level of organizational structure standardization is higher, the level of role overload will decrease and experiences of personal accomplishment will increase.
       6.Junior high school tutor`s background variables (sex, age, annual pays, educational background, marriage status) have an obvious difference on occupational burnout.
       7.Junior high school organizational structure, tutor`s role stress, and tutor`s background variables can be use in each range of burnout prediction.
        a.In predicting the ranges of depersonalization, personal accomplishment of tutor`s burnout, and the most predictable item is the role ambiguity.
        b.In predicting the ranges of tutor`s burnout, emotional exhaustion, and the most predictable item is the role overload.
       According to the research for Educational Institutes, schools, and tutors, there are some suggestions as following:
       1.Reducing number of students in a class, improving teaching environment, and establish a fair and objective tutor`s evaluation system.
       2.Increasing the opportunity of on job trainings and promoting tutor`s specialization knowledge and ability.
       3.Changing the method of principal leadership to set up “specialization”, “standardization”, and “formalization” of school organizational structure.
       4.Offering more opportunities of communication channels and allowing tutors who can involve in school development proposal and promotion.
       5.Opening up tutor`s social range, seeking for different social support system, and reducing burnout.
       6.Verifying tutor`s responsibilities and strengthening their assisting ability.
       7. Educating tutors the responding strategies and abilities towards burnout and promoting self-grow up.
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描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 秦夢群zh_TW (Authors) 張榮宗zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) 張榮宗zh_TW (日期) 2002en_US 9-May-2016 16:55:07 (UTC+8)- 9-May-2016 16:55:07 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 9-May-2016 16:55:07 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) A2010000416en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 教育學系zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 88911005zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要)   本研究目的主要在探討(一)現今國民中學組織結構及其實際運作情形。(二)國民中學組織結構對導師職業倦怠感受是否具有影響力。(三)國民中學導師背景變項對角色壓力的感受是否有相關性。(四)國民中學導師角色壓力是否對職業倦怠感受有所影響。(五)國民中學組織結構與導師角色壓力對職業倦怠的感受是否有交互作用。(六)國民中學導師背景變項對職業倦怠的感受是否有相關性。(七)國民中學組織結構、導師角色壓力、導師背景變項對職業倦怠的感受是否具有預測功能。
dc.description.abstract (摘要)   The main objective of this research is to discuss (1) the present junior high school organizational structure and its practical operation conditions, (2) whether junior high school organizational structure having any influences on tutor`s burnout, (3) if any relation between the junior high school tutor`s background variables and their role stress, (4) if Junior high school tutor`s role stress having any influence on burnout, (5) if there having any interaction between junior high school organizational structure and tutor`s role stress towards burnout, (6) if there having any relationship between tutor`s background variables and burnout, and (7) if there any predicted function for junior high school organizational structure and tutor`s role stress towards burnout.
       This research has used questionnaire research, based on “Junior high school organizational structure and questionary of tutor`s working conditions”, the content of the questionnaire including 3 sections, which are questions on junior high school organizational structure, tutor`s role stress, and burnout. There are total of 681 junior high school tutors took part in this questionnaire research, they are from Taipei county, Tao Yuan county, Hsin Chu county, and Hsin Chu city, the questionnaire feedback rate is 93.9%, after the statistical analysis, the research result is described as following:
       1.There is an obvious difference between junior high school organizational structure due to the size of the school, different operation in different areas:
        a.Due to different size of Junior high school organizational structure, there is an obvious difference on formalization, centralization, standardization, and traditionalism operational range.
        b.Due to different regions of junior high school organizational structure, there is an obvious difference on specialization, centralization, and standardization operation ranges.
       2.The different level of junior high school organizational structure formalization, centralization, specialization, traditionalism has obvious differences on the experiences of tutor`s burnout.
       3.Junior high school tutor`s background variables (sex, age, annual pays, educational background, marriage status, school size) have obvious difference on role stress.
       4.The different levels of role ambiguity, role overload, role conflicts of junior high school tutors have obvious differences on the experiences of burnout.
       5.Junior high school organizational structure standardization and tutor`s role stress (role ambiguity, role overload) have interaction with personal accomplishment.
        a.When the level of organizational structure standardization is higher, the level of role ambiguity is higher, vice versa, when the level of role ambiguity is higher, relatively the level of organizational structure of standardization will decrease and the experience of personal accomplishment will be lower.
        b.When the level of organizational structure standardization is higher, the level of role overload will decrease and experiences of personal accomplishment will increase.
       6.Junior high school tutor`s background variables (sex, age, annual pays, educational background, marriage status) have an obvious difference on occupational burnout.
       7.Junior high school organizational structure, tutor`s role stress, and tutor`s background variables can be use in each range of burnout prediction.
        a.In predicting the ranges of depersonalization, personal accomplishment of tutor`s burnout, and the most predictable item is the role ambiguity.
        b.In predicting the ranges of tutor`s burnout, emotional exhaustion, and the most predictable item is the role overload.
       According to the research for Educational Institutes, schools, and tutors, there are some suggestions as following:
       1.Reducing number of students in a class, improving teaching environment, and establish a fair and objective tutor`s evaluation system.
       2.Increasing the opportunity of on job trainings and promoting tutor`s specialization knowledge and ability.
       3.Changing the method of principal leadership to set up “specialization”, “standardization”, and “formalization” of school organizational structure.
       4.Offering more opportunities of communication channels and allowing tutors who can involve in school development proposal and promotion.
       5.Opening up tutor`s social range, seeking for different social support system, and reducing burnout.
       6.Verifying tutor`s responsibilities and strengthening their assisting ability.
       7. Educating tutors the responding strategies and abilities towards burnout and promoting self-grow up.
dc.description.tableofcontents 謝辭
     第一章 緒論
       第一節 研究動機與目的-----1
       第二節 研究問題與假設-----3
       第三節 名詞解釋-----5
       第四節 研究範圍與限制-----6
     第二章 文獻探討
       第一節 學校組織結構的性質與測量-----8
       第二節 角色壓力理論與研究-----27
       第三節 職業倦怠理論與研究-----42
       第四節 學校組織結構、角色壓力與教師職業倦怠之相關研究-----63
     第三章 研究方法與設計
       第一節 研究設計概念架構-----67
       第二節 研究對象-----67
       第三節 研究工具-----70
       第四節 調查研究之實施-----80
       第五節 資料統計處理-----83
     第四章 研究結果分析與討論
       第一節 國民中學學校組織結構運作情形分析-----84
       第二節 國民中學組織結構與導師職業倦怠關係之分析-----91
       第三節 導師背景變項與角色壓力關係之分析-----101
       第四節 導師角色壓力與職業倦怠關係之分析-----110
       第五節 國民中學組織結構、導師角色壓力與職業倦怠關係分析-----116
       第六節 導師背景變項與職業倦怠關係之分析-----132
       第七節 國民中學組織結構、導師角色壓力與職業倦怠之迴歸分析-----143
     第五章 結論與建議
       第一節 研究發現與討論-----146
       第二節 結論-----156
       第三節 建議-----157
       附錄一 國民中學組織結構與導師工作狀況調查表(預試問卷)-----172
       附錄二 國民中學組織結構與導師工作狀況調查表(正式問卷)-----178
       附錄三 問卷題庫-----183
       附錄四 抽樣縣市學校班級數現況-----199
     表2-1 Hage組織型態特性-----17
     表2-2 整合性組織模式特徵圖-----18
     表2-3 不同規模學校組織結運作情形之比較-----25
     表2-4 不同地區學校組織結構運作情形之比較-----26
     表2-5 教師職業倦怠的徵候與指標-----46
     表2-6 國民中學教師背景變項在職業倦怠上的影響-----60
     表2-7 學校組織結構對職業倦怠各層面相關性之比較-----64
     表2-8 角色壓力各層面在職業倦怠層面相關性之比較-----66
     表3-1 抽樣縣市國民中學不同規模學校數現況-----68
     表3-2 取樣學校地區、導師人數分配-----69
     表3-4 預試樣本分配-----71
     表3-5 組織結構量表因素分析及信度考驗摘要表-----72
     表3-6 組織結構正式問卷各層面題目分配情形-----73
     表3-7 導師角色壓力量表因素分析及信度考驗摘要表-----75
     表3-8 導師角色壓力正式問卷各層面題目分配情形-----76
     表3-9 職業倦怠量表因素分析及信度考驗摘要表-----78
     表3-10 職業倦怠正式問卷各層面題目分配情形-----79
     表3-11 取樣學校地區、學校規模及回收問卷數量分析-----80
     表3-12 取樣學校、分配導師人數及回收情形-----81
     表3-13 有效樣本基本資料分析-----82
     表4-1 不同學校規模之國民中學在組織結構各層面之變異數分析摘要表-----85
     表4-2 不同學校規模之國民中學在組織結構正式化程度之多重比較-----85
     表4-3 不同學校規模之國民中學在組織結構集中化程度之多重比較-----86
     表4-4 不同學校規模之國民中學在組織結構標準化程度之多重比較-----86
     表4-5 不同學校規模之國民中學在組織結構傳統化程度之多重比較-----86
     表4-6 不同地區之國民中學在組織結構各層面之變異數分析摘要表-----88
     表4-7 不同地區之國民中學在組織結構專門化程度之多重比較-----89
     表4-8 不同地區之國民中學在組織結構集中化程度之多重比較-----89
     表4-9 不同地區之國民中學在組織結構標準化程度之多重比較-----89
     表4-10 國民中學組織結構不同的正式化程度在職業倦怠各層面之變項顯著性考驗摘要表-----91
     表4-11 國民中學組織結構不同的正式化程度在職業倦怠各層面之變異數分析摘要表-----92
     表4-12 國民中學組織結構不同的正式化程度在職業倦怠上平均數之比較92
     表4-13 國民中學組織結構不同的集中化程度在職業倦怠各層面之變項顯著性考驗摘要表-----93
     表4-14 國民中學組織結構不同的集中化程度在職業倦怠各層面之變異數分析摘要表-----93
     表4-15 國民中學組織結構不同的集中化程度在職業倦怠上平均數之比較-----94
     表4-16 國民中學組織結構不同的專門化程度在職業倦怠各層面之變項顯著性考驗摘要表-----95
     表4-17 國民中學組織結構不同的專門化程度在職業倦怠各層面之變異數分析摘要表-----95
     表4-18 國民中學組織結構不同的專門化程度在職業倦怠上平均數之比較-----96
     表4-19 國民中學組織結構不同的標準化程度在職業倦怠各層面之變項顯著性考驗摘要表-----96
     表4-20 國民中學組織結構不同的標準化程度在職業倦怠各層面之變異數分析摘要表-----97
     表4-21 國民中學不同的組織結構標準化程度在職業倦怠上平均數之比較-----97
     表4-22 國民中學組織結構不同的傳統化程度在職業倦怠各層面之變項顯著性考驗摘要表-----98
     表4-23 國民中學組織結構不同的傳統化程度在職業倦怠各層面之變異數分析摘要表-----98
     表4-24 國民中學組織結構不同的傳統化程度在職業倦怠上平均數之比較-----99
     表4-25 不同性別導師在角色壓力各層面之變異數分析摘要表-----101
     表4-26 不同年齡導師在角色壓力各層面之變異數分析摘要表-----102
     表4-27 不同婚姻狀況導師在角色壓力各層面之變異數分析摘要表-----103
     表4-28 不同學歷的導師在角色壓力各層面之變異數分析摘要表-----104
     表4-29 任教科目不同的導師在角色壓力各層面之變異數分析摘要表-----104
     表4-30 導師年資不同在角色壓力各層面之變異數分析摘要表-----105
     表4-31 不同學校規模的導師在角色壓力各層面之變異數分析摘要表-----106
     表4-32 不同學校地區的導師在角色壓力各層面之變異數分析摘要表-----106
     表4-33 擔任不同年級導師在角色壓力各層面之變異數分析摘要表-----107
     表4-34 國民中學導師背景變項與角色壓力關係摘要表-----107
     表4-35 導師不同程度的角色模糊在職業倦怠各層面之多變項顯著性考驗摘要表-----110
     表4-36 導師不同程度的角色模糊在職業倦怠各層面之變異數分析摘要表-----111
     表4-37 導師不同程度的角色模糊在職業倦怠上平均數之比較-----111
     表4-38 導師不同程度的角色過度負荷在職業倦怠各層面之多變項顯著性考驗摘要表-----112
     表4-39 導師不同程度的角色過度負荷在職業倦怠各層面之變異數分析摘要表-----112
     表4-40 導師不同程度的角色過度負荷在職業倦怠上平均數之比較-----113
     表4-41 導師不同程度的角色衝突在職業倦怠各層面之多變項顯著性考驗摘要表-----113
     表4-42 導師不同程度的角色衝突在職業倦怠各層面之變異數分析摘要表-----114
     表4-43 導師不同程度的角色衝突在職業倦怠上平均數之比較-----114
     表4-44 不同程度的組織結構各層面、角色模糊在職業倦怠上之平均數標準差及各組人數摘要表-----116
     表4-45 不同程度的組織結構各層面、角色模糊在職業倦怠上之二因子多變量變異數分析及事後比較摘要表-----118
     表4-46 不同程度的組織結構各層面、角色過度負荷在職業倦怠上之平均數、標準差及各組人數摘要表-----120
     表4-47 不同程度的組織結構各層面、角色過度模糊在職業倦怠上之二因子多變量變異數分析及事後比較摘要表-----122
     表4-48 不同程度的組織結構各層面、角色衝突在職業倦怠上之平均數、標準差及各組人數摘要表-----125
     表4-49 不同程度的組織結構各層面、角色衝突在職業倦怠上之二因子多變量變異數分析及事後比較摘要表-----126
     表4-50 不同的組織結構標準化、角色模糊在個人成就感之單純主要效果分析及事後比較-----129
     表4-51 不同的組織結構標準化、角色過度負荷在個人成就感之單純主要效果分析及事後比較-----130
     表4-52 不同性別國民中學導師在職業倦怠上之變異數分析摘要表-----132
     表4-53 不同性別國民中學導師在職業倦怠上之平均數、標準差-----133
     表4-54 不同年齡國民中學導師在職業倦怠上之變異數分析摘要表-----133
     表4-55 不同年齡國民中學導師在職業倦怠上無人情味之多重比較-----134
     表4-56 不同年齡國民中學導師在職業倦怠個人成就感上之多重比較-----134
     表4-57 不同年資國民中學導師在職業倦怠上之變異數分析摘要表-----135
     表4-58 不同年資國民中學導師在職業倦怠上無人情味之多重比較-----135
     表4-59 不同學歷國民中學導師在職業倦怠上之變異數分析摘要表-----136
     表4-60 不同學歷國民中學導師在職業倦怠個人成就感之多重比較-----136
     表4-61 任教科目不同之國民中學導師在職業倦怠上之變異數分析摘要表-----137
     表4-62 不同婚姻狀況之國民中學導師在職業倦怠上之變異數分析摘要表-----138
     表4-63 不同婚姻狀況之國民中學導師在職業倦怠情緒耗竭之多重比較-----138
     表4-64 不同婚姻狀況之國民中學導師在職業倦怠無人情味之多重比較-----138
     表4-65 不同婚姻狀況之國民中學導師在職業倦怠個人成就感之多重比較-----139
     表4-66 擔任年級不同國民中學導師在職業倦怠上之變異數分析摘要表-----139
     表4-67 不同學校規模國民中學導師在職業倦怠上之變異數分析摘要表-----140
     表4-68 不同地區國民中學導師在職業倦怠上之變異數分析摘要表-----140
     表4-69 國民中學導師背景變項與職業倦怠關係摘要表-----141
     表4-70 國民中學組織結構、導師角色壓力、教師背景變項預測職業倦怠「情緒耗竭」之逐步多元迴歸分析-----143
     表4-71 國民中學組織結構、導師角色壓力、教師背景變項預測職業倦怠「無人情味」之逐步多元迴歸分析-----144
     表4-72 國民中學組織結構、導師角色壓力、教師背景變項預測職業倦怠「個人成就感」之逐步多元迴歸分析-----144
     圖2-1 科層體制理想型之特徵-----14
     圖2-2 組織結構與組織產出的關係-----15
     圖2-3 角色中介模式-----31
     圖2-4 社會系統要素-----33
     圖2-5 學校社會系統修正模式圖-----34
     圖2-6 角色衝突起源模式-----35
     圖2-7 角色衝突模式-----37
     圖2-8 職業倦怠形成過程-----47
     圖2-9 職業倦怠惡性循環-----49
     圖2-10 教師工作-表現動機理論模式-----50
     圖2-11 社會能力模式-----51
     圖2-12 專業期望模式-----52
     圖2-13 負向壓力模式-----53
     圖2-14 社會生態模式-----54
     圖3-1 研究設計架構-----67
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 國民中學zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 導師zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 組織結構zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 角色壓力zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 職業倦怠zh_TW
dc.title (題名) 國民中學組織結構、導師角色壓力與職業倦怠關係之研究zh_TW
dc.title (題名) Research on Relationship Among Junior High School Organizational Structure, Role of Tutor`s Stress, and Burnouten_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
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