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其他題名 Environmental Governance in the High-tech IT Sector: Inspiration from International Policies and Local Activism
Tu, Wen-Ling
Key Words中部科學園區; 環境影響評估; 高科技電子產業; 環境政策
Date Issued10-May-2016 11:35:03 (UTC+8)
A series of controversies about Central Taiwan Science Park’s environmental impact assessment (EIA) review again catch public eye. The controversies raised the inquiries whether high environmental standards hinder the high-tech development. By analyzing the environmental characteristics and the trend of international environmental governance in relation to high-tech information technology (IT) sector, as well as Hsinchu Science Industrial Park’s (HSIP’s) environmental experience, this article wishes to provide an alternative view for making national IT development policies. This article argues that a higher environmental standard can be a source of competitive advantage for Taiwan, as the international trend aims to push the IT product design, manufacturing, consumption, and disposal to be more environmentally friendly. The government thus should adopt higher environmental demands to promote ongoing process of industrial upgrading and high-end production, which in turn ensure Taiwan’s comparative advantages in current global IT production lines.
Relation公共行政學報, 19,169-174
Journal of Public Administration National Chengchi University
dc.creator (作者) 杜文苓zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Tu, Wen-Ling (日期) 2006-06 10-May-2016 11:35:03 (UTC+8)- 10-May-2016 11:35:03 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 10-May-2016 11:35:03 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 中部科學園區后里、七星基地的環境影響評估審查所引發的一連串爭議事件,再度使科學園區的開發案備受矚目。到底高標準的環境規範是否就是投資障礙?本文從高科技產業發展的環境特性出發,探討高科技電子產業的全球規範趨勢,以及分析竹科在地的環境經驗,希望提供我國在發展高科技產業過程中,另一層制度面向的參考。藉由國際趨勢與在地經驗的闡述,本文建議相關決策者在高科技政策制定上應有前瞻性的政策思維,積極納入全球趨勢與在地經驗所發展出來的兩股進步力量,使之正面回饋到政策機制,引領我國科技電子業積極回應各種新的環境標準,才能台灣高科技產業邁向更具前瞻性、競爭力的未來。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) A series of controversies about Central Taiwan Science Park’s environmental impact assessment (EIA) review again catch public eye. The controversies raised the inquiries whether high environmental standards hinder the high-tech development. By analyzing the environmental characteristics and the trend of international environmental governance in relation to high-tech information technology (IT) sector, as well as Hsinchu Science Industrial Park’s (HSIP’s) environmental experience, this article wishes to provide an alternative view for making national IT development policies. This article argues that a higher environmental standard can be a source of competitive advantage for Taiwan, as the international trend aims to push the IT product design, manufacturing, consumption, and disposal to be more environmentally friendly. The government thus should adopt higher environmental demands to promote ongoing process of industrial upgrading and high-end production, which in turn ensure Taiwan’s comparative advantages in current global IT production lines.
dc.format.extent 287439 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.relation (關聯) 公共行政學報, 19,169-174
dc.relation (關聯) Journal of Public Administration National Chengchi University
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 中部科學園區; 環境影響評估; 高科技電子產業; 環境政策
dc.title (題名) 高科技產業的環境治理:全球規範與在地行動的啟發zh_TW
dc.title.alternative (其他題名) Environmental Governance in the High-tech IT Sector: Inspiration from International Policies and Local Activism
dc.type (資料類型) article