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題名 彈性用人制度之檢討與展望:政策價值衝突的分析
其他題名 Discussion and Perspective of the Flexible Employment Institution: An Analysis of Policy Value Conflict
作者 林水吉
Lin, Shui-Chi
關鍵詞 彈性用人制度; 政策價值衝突分析; 制度變革; 組織績效; 組織信任
The Flexible Employment Institution; Analysis of Policy Value Conflict; Institutional Reform; Organizational Performance; Organizational Trust
日期 2007-03
上傳時間 10-May-2016 15:37:49 (UTC+8)
摘要 本文希望從彈性用人制度的背景及其時代意義開始,探討人事制度所追求的普世價值,以及當前人力資源管理的重要議題,引導出政府推動人力運用彈性化之發靭,並就我國實施彈性用人之現況提出評析,剖析彈性用人制度與永業文官體制兩制接軌的政策價值衝突,並提出政策價值衝突分析的策略途徑,同時,檢討分析如何轉化政策價值衝突引發之現象,成為建構人事制度引發政策價值衝突類型之基礎,希望達到提昇組織績效與效率、完善組織目標,這才是制度設計或制度變革之最終目的。本文對策略性彈性用人制度的評估,強調制度設計的公平性、穩定性、回應性、連結性、意願性、課責性、團隊性、排斥性、一致性…等作為指標,用以檢證彈性用人制度是否符合評估指標的要求,成就彈性用人制度的願景,落實參與心、投入情、權能感與責任識,發展共同的理解,\\r而為組織變革生存站穩立基,並提出政策建議。\\r最後,本文認為彈性用人制度之展望,在於是否能提昇組織信任,累積組織人力資本,並兼顧組織績效與效率的提昇,達到彈性用人制度與永業文官體制互補的作用,並創造綜效的價值,正是彈性用人立法建制之原始初衷。
By introducing the background and significance of The Flexible Employment Institution, this article intends to examine the universal value of personnel system and several key issues surrounding the management of human resources. Following that, this academic endeavor will address the origin of the government-initiated policy on The Flexible Employment Institution and its evaluation. Efforts will also be made to discuss the approach and strategy of the Analysis of policy value conflict, with a hope to converge both the theoretic and pragmatic perspectives. Additionally, this paper will delve into the Analysis of policy value conflict between The Flexible Employment Institution and The Bureaucratic System. Last, a strategic paradigm for policy value conflict analysis will be proposed to deal with relevant phenomenon and to serve as the foundation for constructing the model of personnel value conflict, as well as to assess and crystallize The Flexible Employment Institution. The criteria used to evaluate The Flexible Employment Institution Reform in this article include the followings: fairness, stability, responsiveness, linkage, willingness, responsibility, team spirit, exclusiveness, and consistency. These criteria are to examine whether or not the Institutional Reform meets the requirement; help realize the organizational performance and objective; encourage participation; establish the sense of accountability and responsibility; develop common understanding; stabilize the evolutional survival of an organization; and propose policy suggestions. To sum up, this paper asserts that the purpose of The Flexible Employment Institutional Reform is critical in the elevation of mutual trust within an organization, the accumulation of human capital, and the improvement of organizational performance, so that The Flexible Employment Institution and The Bureaucratic System can be complementary and hopefully generate overwhelming synergistic value. This is the original purpose of the promotion of The Flexible Employment Institutional Reform.
關聯 公共行政學報, 22,1-37
Journal of Public Administration National Chengchi University
資料類型 article
dc.creator (作者) 林水吉zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Lin, Shui-Chi (日期) 2007-03 10-May-2016 15:37:49 (UTC+8)- 10-May-2016 15:37:49 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 10-May-2016 15:37:49 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本文希望從彈性用人制度的背景及其時代意義開始,探討人事制度所追求的普世價值,以及當前人力資源管理的重要議題,引導出政府推動人力運用彈性化之發靭,並就我國實施彈性用人之現況提出評析,剖析彈性用人制度與永業文官體制兩制接軌的政策價值衝突,並提出政策價值衝突分析的策略途徑,同時,檢討分析如何轉化政策價值衝突引發之現象,成為建構人事制度引發政策價值衝突類型之基礎,希望達到提昇組織績效與效率、完善組織目標,這才是制度設計或制度變革之最終目的。本文對策略性彈性用人制度的評估,強調制度設計的公平性、穩定性、回應性、連結性、意願性、課責性、團隊性、排斥性、一致性…等作為指標,用以檢證彈性用人制度是否符合評估指標的要求,成就彈性用人制度的願景,落實參與心、投入情、權能感與責任識,發展共同的理解,\\r而為組織變革生存站穩立基,並提出政策建議。\\r最後,本文認為彈性用人制度之展望,在於是否能提昇組織信任,累積組織人力資本,並兼顧組織績效與效率的提昇,達到彈性用人制度與永業文官體制互補的作用,並創造綜效的價值,正是彈性用人立法建制之原始初衷。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) By introducing the background and significance of The Flexible Employment Institution, this article intends to examine the universal value of personnel system and several key issues surrounding the management of human resources. Following that, this academic endeavor will address the origin of the government-initiated policy on The Flexible Employment Institution and its evaluation. Efforts will also be made to discuss the approach and strategy of the Analysis of policy value conflict, with a hope to converge both the theoretic and pragmatic perspectives. Additionally, this paper will delve into the Analysis of policy value conflict between The Flexible Employment Institution and The Bureaucratic System. Last, a strategic paradigm for policy value conflict analysis will be proposed to deal with relevant phenomenon and to serve as the foundation for constructing the model of personnel value conflict, as well as to assess and crystallize The Flexible Employment Institution. The criteria used to evaluate The Flexible Employment Institution Reform in this article include the followings: fairness, stability, responsiveness, linkage, willingness, responsibility, team spirit, exclusiveness, and consistency. These criteria are to examine whether or not the Institutional Reform meets the requirement; help realize the organizational performance and objective; encourage participation; establish the sense of accountability and responsibility; develop common understanding; stabilize the evolutional survival of an organization; and propose policy suggestions. To sum up, this paper asserts that the purpose of The Flexible Employment Institutional Reform is critical in the elevation of mutual trust within an organization, the accumulation of human capital, and the improvement of organizational performance, so that The Flexible Employment Institution and The Bureaucratic System can be complementary and hopefully generate overwhelming synergistic value. This is the original purpose of the promotion of The Flexible Employment Institutional Reform.
dc.format.extent 599142 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.relation (關聯) 公共行政學報, 22,1-37
dc.relation (關聯) Journal of Public Administration National Chengchi University
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 彈性用人制度; 政策價值衝突分析; 制度變革; 組織績效; 組織信任
dc.subject (關鍵詞) The Flexible Employment Institution; Analysis of Policy Value Conflict; Institutional Reform; Organizational Performance; Organizational Trust
dc.title (題名) 彈性用人制度之檢討與展望:政策價值衝突的分析zh_TW
dc.title.alternative (其他題名) Discussion and Perspective of the Flexible Employment Institution: An Analysis of Policy Value Conflict
dc.type (資料類型) article