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題名 網際網路治理之建制分析-以世界貿易組織電信服務業為例
作者 張文諴
貢獻者 鄧中堅<br>陳光禎
日期 2002
上傳時間 10-May-2016 16:41:43 (UTC+8)
參考文獻 一、中文部分
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     Open Services Markets Matter,,EN-home-24-nodirectorate-no-no--24,00.html
     GATS: The Case for Open Services Markets,,EN-home-24-nodirectorate-no-no--24,00.html
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     OECD Information Technology Outlook 2002,,EN-document-13-nodirectorate-no-1-30897-13,00.html
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     EBIP Workshp, 29-30 October, Rome
     Background: The Electronic commerce Business Impacts Project,,EN-document-110-nodirectorate-no-20-20435-13,00.html
     Trends in IP Technology: Their Impact on the Traditional Telephony Carrier World,,EN-home-41-nodirectorate-no-no-no-13,00.html
     Internet Traffic Exchange and the Development of End-to-end International Telecommnication Competition,,EN-home-41-nodirectorate-no-no-no-13,00.html
     OECD Global Conference on Telecommunications Policy for the Digital Economy, 21-23 January, Dubai,,EN-home-41-nodirectorate-no-no-no-13,00.html
     Joint WPIE/ TISP Workshop: Broadband: Infrasrcuture, applications and use,,EN-document-41-nodirectorate-no-20-23235-13,00.html
     About Electronic Commerce and Development,,EN-about-273-nodirectorate-no-no-no-29,00.html
     Home Global Forum: Knowledge Economy — Digital Economy,,EN-home-679-nodirectorate-no-no-no-29,00.html
     Measuring the Information Economy,,EN-home-570-nodirectorate-no-no-no-29,00.html
     Trade Aspect of the New Economy,,EN-home-338-nodirectorate-no-no-no-29,00.html
     The Internet and Business Performance, Mons, Belgium, 25 Sep., 2001,,EN-document-7-nodirectorate-no-20-4666-7,00.html
     The New Economy , Beyond the Hype
     (4)歐洲聯盟(European Union, EU)
     Summary Of The EC`s Initial Requests To Third Countries In The GATS Negotiations
     EC Approach To Services
     GATS 2000 : Telecommunications Proposal from the EC and their Member States1
     E-Commerce : contributions to the WTO Communication from the European Communities and their Member States: Electronic Commerce Work Programme
     E-Commerce : contributions to the WTO Work programme on electronic commerce:Communication from the European Communities and their Member States
     E-Commerce : contributions to the WTO Work programme on electronic commerce: Progress Report to the General Council
     E-Commerce : contributions to the WTO WORK PROGRAMME ON ELECTRONIC COMMERCE Progress Report to the General Council adopted by the Council for Trade in Services on 19 July 1999
     E-Commerce : contributions to the WTO Work programme on electronic commerce adopted by the General Council
     E-Commerce : contributions to the WTO 3rd communication from the European Communities and their Member States March 1999
     E-Commerce : contributions to the WTO 2nd Communication by the European Communities and their Member State March 1999
     E-Commerce : contributions to the WTO 1st Communication from the European Communities and their Member States March 1999
     E-Commerce : contributions to the WTO Communication from the European Communities and their Member States to the Council for trade in services on the Work Programme on Electronic Commerce : Scope and Classification Issues March 1999
     E-Commerce : contributions to the WTO Work programme on electronic commerce: Information provided to the General Council26 July 1999 Discussion Paper on Eletronic Commerce and the WTO
     (5)國際電信組織(International Telecommunication Union, ITU)
     Treands in Telecommunications Reforms: Country Profile
     Telecommunications Regulatory Survey: 2002
     Effective Regulations: Case Studies
     Istanbul Action Plan: E- Strategies and E- Services
     Istanbul Action Plan: Technologies and Network Development
     Istanbul Action Plan: Regulatory Reform
     Telecommunication Information on ITU Member-States
     Telecommunications Advisory Group (TDAG)
     World and Regional Telecommunication Development Conference
     (6)網際網路網域名稱與位址管理機構(The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, ICANN)相關資料,詳見 或
     Digital Economy 2000 Report
     Assurance Protocols and Small Web Retailers
     Falling Through the Net: Defining the Digital Divide
     Digital Divide Summit
     WTO Services Negotiations
     U.S. Announces Proposals for Liberalizing Trade in Services
     Services Exports and the U.S. Economy
     U.S. Services Output and Employment
     U.S. Services Exports
     Top Ten U.S. Services Exports
     Regional Markets for U.S. Services
     Foreign Sales of Services by U.S. Subsidiaries
     Detailed Services Transactions Data
     Services Exports and the U.S. Economy
     Services Markets Opportunities
描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 鄧中堅<br>陳光禎zh_TW (Authors) 張文諴zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) 張文諴zh_TW (日期) 2002en_US 10-May-2016 16:41:43 (UTC+8)- 10-May-2016 16:41:43 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 10-May-2016 16:41:43 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) A2010000522en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 外交學系zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) zh_TW
dc.description.tableofcontents 謝辭
     圖2-1 電子商務成長的週期-----25
     圖3-1 同意全面開放之會員佔全球電信收益之比例-----53
     圖3-2 相關會員開放項目數目承諾表-----58
     圖4-1 我國網際網路成長趨勢圖-----107
     圖4-2 我國寬頻網際網路用戶成長圖-----108
     圖4-3 我國前十大ISP連外寬頻統計圖-----109
     圖4-4 世界主要國家網際網路普及率-----110
     圖4-5 我國與世界主要國家室內電話通話費比較-----113
     圖4-6 台灣有線電視普及率-----114
     圖4-7 各國行動電話普及率-----115
     圖4-8 相關行動電話業務服務項目-----116
     圖4-9 行動通訊話費調降情形-----117
     圖4-10 我國行動通信頻普使用狀況-----118
     圖4-11 行動電話用戶WAP與GPRS用戶數-----119
     表1-1 工業時代至資訊時代的差異-----4
     表1-2 電子商務的層次意義-----5
     表2-1 國際資本市場每年成長的百分比統計-----18
     表2-2 運輸及通訊成本的降低統計表-----19
     表2-3 各國服務業總產值-----21
     表2-4 服務業貿易談判進程表-----30
     表3-1 電信服務業分類表-----40
     表3-2 各國關於服務部門及服務提供模式之承諾程度-----43
     表2-3 關於電信業內容類別-----45
     表3-4 全球前二十名固網線路業者-----50
     表3-5 全球電信收益、投資及雇用狀況-----51
     表3-6 市場進入限制類型及服務提供模式-----82
     表3-7 國民待遇措施類型及服務提供模式-----84
     表3-8 各國關於電信服務業特定承諾開放概要-----86
     表4-1 各國關於網路立法的相關內容-----98
     附錄一 我國電信自由化之進程-----163
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.title (題名) 網際網路治理之建制分析-以世界貿易組織電信服務業為例zh_TW
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 一、中文部分
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     High-level meeting of the negotiating group on Basic Telecommunications, 6 October 1995: Statement by the Director-General of the WTO
     Next great challenge facing WTO Governments is liberalization of Trade in Telecommunications - says Director-General Ruggiero
     WTO`S Basic Telecommunications Negotiations result in substantial offers: re-examination in early 1997
     WTO Director-General`s statement on basic telecommunications negotiations
     Background Note on The WTO Negotiations on Basic Telecommunications
     Data on Telecommunications Markets covered by the WTO Negotiations on Basic Telecommunications
     Negotiating group on basic telecommunications
     History of the telecommunication negotiations
     Schedules of commitments and lists of Article II exemptions
     Highlights of the basic telecommunication commitments and exemptions
     Results of the basic telecommunication negotiations
     Telecommunications commitments and exemptions
     Fourth protocol to the General Agreement on Trade in Services
     Annex on telecommunications
     Explanation of the Annex on telecommunications
     General Agreement on Trade in Services
     Proposals for the new negotiations
     The new negotiations
     Uruguay Round decision on negotiations on basic telecommunications
     Coverage of basic telecommunications and value-added services
     Special session on telecommunications services
     Movement of natural persons (mode 4) under the GATS
     Joint WTO-World Bank Symposium, Geneva, 11-12 April 2002
     SERVICES: SYMPOSIUM ─ 14-15 MARCH 2002 Symposium on assessment of trade in services
     SERVICES: SYMPOSIUM ON TOURISM SERVICES ─ 22-23 FEBRUARY 2001 WTO addresses developing country concerns in tourism symposium
     SERVICES: POST-NEGOTIATIONS Post-Uruguay Round negotiations (1994-97)
     The Services Council, its Committees and other subsidiary bodies
     The new negotiations
     Proposals for the new negotiations
     DOHA WTO MINISTERIAL 2001: MINISTERIAL DECLARATION WT/MIN(01)/DEC/1 20 November 2001 Ministerial declaration
     WTO services talks press ahead Members adopt negotiating guidelines at Special Session, 28-30 March
     25 February 2000 Services negotiations formally launched
     7 February 2000 WTO Services and Agriculture negotiations: meetings set for February and March
     WTO database on line
     Guide to reading the GATS schedules of specific commitments and the list of article II (MFN) exemptions
     TRADING INTO THE FUTURE: THE INTRODUCTION TO THE WTO Services: rules for growth and investment
     The General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS): objectives, coverage and disciplines
     October 1999 Trade in Services Division AN INTRODUCTION TO THE GATS
     19 February 2001 Risks and benefits for developing country banking systems from the internationalization of financial services examined in new book by the WTO and the World Bank
     27 February 2001 Tourism Symposium at the WTO
     GATS ─ Fact and fiction
     28 June 2002 Services negotiations offer real opportunities for all WTO members and more so for developing countries
     Director-general of WTO and chairman of WTO services negotiations reject misguided claims that public services are under threat
     A Quantitative Assessment of Electronic Commerce
     Seminar on government facilitation of e-commerce for development
     WTO, Geneva, Monday, 22 April 2002 Seminar on revenue implications of e-commerce
     Report (1999) of the Committee on Trade and Development to the General Council
     Work programme on electronic commerce
     Adopted by the General Council on 25 September 1998
     25 May 1998 The Geneva Ministerial Declaration on global electronic commerce
     ELECTRONIC COMMERCE: BRIEFING NOTE Work programme reflects growing importance
     (2)亞太經合會(Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation, APEC)
     Electronic Commerce in APEC FORA
     Development of Electronic Commerce in APEC
     Development of Electronic Commerce in International Organizations
     APEC Blueprint for Action on Electronic Commerce
     Meeting of Steering Group on Electronic Commerce, 27-28 June 1999, Auckland, New Zealand
     Telecommunications and Information Working Group
     Telecommunications and Information Working Group (TEL)
     APEC TEL Interconnection Training Project
     Website for the 5th APEC Ministerial Meeting of Telecommunications and Information Industries, 27-31 May 2002, Shanghai, China
     APEC TEL WG Website
     The Telecommunications Research Project (TRP)
     Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Mutual Recognition Arrangement for Conformity Assessment of Telecommunications Equipment May 8, 1998
     E-com Legal Guide
     APEC Working Group of Telecommunications Vision Statement and Policy Objectives
     APEC SME Electronic Commerce Study
     Group on Economic Infrastructure
     APEC 2000 Public-Private/Business Sector Infrastructure Dialogue
     (3)經濟合作暨開發組織(Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, OECD)
     Development Dimentions of Trade,,EN-home-24-nodirectorate-no-no--24,00.html
     Open Services Markets Matter,,EN-home-24-nodirectorate-no-no--24,00.html
     GATS: The Case for Open Services Markets,,EN-home-24-nodirectorate-no-no--24,00.html
     Home International Trade in Services ( About International Trade in Services),,EN-home-423-nodirectorate-no-no-no-24,00.html
     OECD Information Technology Outlook 2002,,EN-document-13-nodirectorate-no-1-30897-13,00.html
     OECD Global Forum on the Knowledge Economy: Policy Frameworks for ICTs, Innovation, and Human Resources, 16-17 September 2002, Brasilia, Brazil,,EN-document-110-nodirectorate-no-20-31890-13,00.html
     EBIP Workshp, 29-30 October, Rome
     Background: The Electronic commerce Business Impacts Project,,EN-document-110-nodirectorate-no-20-20435-13,00.html
     Trends in IP Technology: Their Impact on the Traditional Telephony Carrier World,,EN-home-41-nodirectorate-no-no-no-13,00.html
     Internet Traffic Exchange and the Development of End-to-end International Telecommnication Competition,,EN-home-41-nodirectorate-no-no-no-13,00.html
     OECD Global Conference on Telecommunications Policy for the Digital Economy, 21-23 January, Dubai,,EN-home-41-nodirectorate-no-no-no-13,00.html
     Joint WPIE/ TISP Workshop: Broadband: Infrasrcuture, applications and use,,EN-document-41-nodirectorate-no-20-23235-13,00.html
     About Electronic Commerce and Development,,EN-about-273-nodirectorate-no-no-no-29,00.html
     Home Global Forum: Knowledge Economy — Digital Economy,,EN-home-679-nodirectorate-no-no-no-29,00.html
     Measuring the Information Economy,,EN-home-570-nodirectorate-no-no-no-29,00.html
     Trade Aspect of the New Economy,,EN-home-338-nodirectorate-no-no-no-29,00.html
     The Internet and Business Performance, Mons, Belgium, 25 Sep., 2001,,EN-document-7-nodirectorate-no-20-4666-7,00.html
     The New Economy , Beyond the Hype
     (4)歐洲聯盟(European Union, EU)
     Summary Of The EC`s Initial Requests To Third Countries In The GATS Negotiations
     EC Approach To Services
     GATS 2000 : Telecommunications Proposal from the EC and their Member States1
     E-Commerce : contributions to the WTO Communication from the European Communities and their Member States: Electronic Commerce Work Programme
     E-Commerce : contributions to the WTO Work programme on electronic commerce:Communication from the European Communities and their Member States
     E-Commerce : contributions to the WTO Work programme on electronic commerce: Progress Report to the General Council
     E-Commerce : contributions to the WTO WORK PROGRAMME ON ELECTRONIC COMMERCE Progress Report to the General Council adopted by the Council for Trade in Services on 19 July 1999
     E-Commerce : contributions to the WTO Work programme on electronic commerce adopted by the General Council
     E-Commerce : contributions to the WTO 3rd communication from the European Communities and their Member States March 1999
     E-Commerce : contributions to the WTO 2nd Communication by the European Communities and their Member State March 1999
     E-Commerce : contributions to the WTO 1st Communication from the European Communities and their Member States March 1999
     E-Commerce : contributions to the WTO Communication from the European Communities and their Member States to the Council for trade in services on the Work Programme on Electronic Commerce : Scope and Classification Issues March 1999
     E-Commerce : contributions to the WTO Work programme on electronic commerce: Information provided to the General Council26 July 1999 Discussion Paper on Eletronic Commerce and the WTO
     (5)國際電信組織(International Telecommunication Union, ITU)
     Treands in Telecommunications Reforms: Country Profile
     Telecommunications Regulatory Survey: 2002
     Effective Regulations: Case Studies
     Istanbul Action Plan: E- Strategies and E- Services
     Istanbul Action Plan: Technologies and Network Development
     Istanbul Action Plan: Regulatory Reform
     Telecommunication Information on ITU Member-States
     Telecommunications Advisory Group (TDAG)
     World and Regional Telecommunication Development Conference
     (6)網際網路網域名稱與位址管理機構(The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, ICANN)相關資料,詳見 或
     Digital Economy 2000 Report
     Assurance Protocols and Small Web Retailers
     Falling Through the Net: Defining the Digital Divide
     Digital Divide Summit
     WTO Services Negotiations
     U.S. Announces Proposals for Liberalizing Trade in Services
     Services Exports and the U.S. Economy
     U.S. Services Output and Employment
     U.S. Services Exports
     Top Ten U.S. Services Exports
     Regional Markets for U.S. Services
     Foreign Sales of Services by U.S. Subsidiaries
     Detailed Services Transactions Data
     Services Exports and the U.S. Economy
     Services Markets Opportunities