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題名 我國文化行政組織機制調整之研究
作者 鄭美華
貢獻者 劉光華
關鍵詞 組織變革
Organization Reform
Restructuring Organization
Organization Mechanism
Organizational Effectiveness
Dual Hierarchy
Triple Hierarchy
Quadruple Hierarchy
日期 2002
上傳時間 2016-05-11
摘要 中文摘要
     Cultural development is not only the foundation of a nation`s social development but also the basis for its citizens` spiritual life. On November 10, 1965, the Ministry of Education set up the Cultural Bureau in order to promote the revival of traditional culture, literature and to conduct and inspect the radio and TV programs as well as motion pictures. For a number of reasons, the Cultural Bureau was disbanded in May 1973. In 1979, considering the growing cultural needs of the people, the government decided to establish an ad hoc organization to be in charge of cultural affairs. In July 1981, the Legislative Yuan passed the establishment of the Council for Cultural Affairs (CCA), which came into existence on November 10.
     Afterwards, people in different circles suggested the setup of the Ministry of Culture.
     Meanwhile, The Executive Yuan organized a committee for amending the organizational bill of the government in August 1987. In May 1988, a revised draft of the bill was completed and sent to the Legislative Yuan in October of the same year. However, due to the reorganization of the Legislative Yuan, the amendment was shelved in 1990. Two years later, the committee rediscussed the establishment of the Ministry of Culture. In June 1997, at the Second Symposium on Culture held by CCA, the former vice president Lien Chan declared the Ministry of Culture would be set up, and then the CCA soon formed a task force to deliberate its framework. Anyway, in October 1997, the ad hoc committee maintained that the establishment of the Ministry of Culture hinge on the amendments to the organizational bill of the government, and the draft of the bill would not be discussed until both the Acts of the Central Government Personnel Amount and the Central Government Organizational Criterion are passed into laws. In November 1998, the committee discussed the framework of the Ministry of Culture again, but failed to finish the legal process for the ministry`s establishment.
     With the government reshuffle in May 2000, the Executive Yuan asked the CCA to submit the organizational bill for further deliberations in the meeting. Nevertheless, due to the second period of streamlining Taiwan Provincial Government, the draft of the bill was postponed for one more year. During the second reading in the Legislative Yuan, the draft was shelved again because of the absence of cross-party consensus. If the amendment of the bill can`t pass the third-reading before the resignation ofthe lawmakers in January 2001, it has to be reexamined at both the Executive and the Legislative Yuans, it is perceived that the minute and complicated process to set up a ministry.
     Like political, economic and military growth, cultural development is an essential element of a nation. Taiwan has witnessed political democratization, economic miracle and a well-balanced national defense over the past several decades. However, we still have much to do in the area of cultural affairs, the promotion of cultural affairs falls under different government agencies, including the Ministries of Interior, Education, Transportation and Communications, and the Government Information Office in addition to CCA. Besides, unlike the Council for Economic Reconstruction Affairs, the CCA has no direct control over the distribution of the cultural budget and cannot examine the projects involving those ministries. There are some who keep arguing that if the CCA can make the mechanisms for overall plan, implementation, research and development on its own then it seems that the establishment of the Ministry of Culture is unnecessary or to reform organization with the Council for Sports as the Ministry of Culture and Sports. To put these issues in perspective, the writer takes forward a number of possible mechanisms that can efficiently and effectively promote high-quality cultural development, and intends to analyze the formulations for consolidating cultural administrative authority through Documentary Analysis, Interview Survey and the Delphi-technique.
     附錄三德菲法第二次問卷……………350 附錄四德菲法第三次問卷……………362
     附錄六深度訪談記錄(一) ……………393
     附錄七深度訪談記錄(二) ……………409 附錄八深度訪談記錄(三) ……………416 附錄九深度訪談記錄(四) ……………429
     附錄十深度訪談記錄(五) ……………441
     附錄十一深度訪談記錄(六) ……………460
     附錄十二深度訪談記錄(七) ……………469
     附錄十三深度訪談記錄(八) ……………473
     附錄十四立法院關係文書摘要(一) ……………489
     附錄十五立法院關係文書摘要(二) ……………494
     附錄十六立法院關係文書摘要(三) ……………501
     圖1-1 :研究架構……………15
     圖1-2 :研究流程……………16
     圖2-1 :組織設計分析架構……………31
     圖3-1 :文建會業務暨組織調整對照……………79
     圖3-2: 調整文化事權文建會組織規劃圖……………80
     圖3-3 :法案審議流程圖……………81
     圖3-5 :文化支出近五年增減比較圖……………84
     圖4-1 :美國國家藝術基金會暨人文基金會組織架構圖……………96
     圖4-2 :英國文化行政組織圖……………107
     圖4-3 :英國國家樂透彩券經費運作圖……………108
     圖4-4 :法國文化暨傳播部組織圖……………114
     圖4-5 :日本文化行政組織圖……………119
     圖4-6 :中國大陸文化行政組織圖……………126
     圖8-1 :文建會及所屬預算與補助地方經費比較圖……………285
     圖8-2 :近五年中央總預算與文化支出增減比較圖……………286
     圖8-3 :調整文化事權之文建會組織結構建議圖……………294
     圖8-4 :文化部組織結構設計圖……………295
     圖8-5 :文化體育部組織結構設計圖……………296
     表2-1 :組織型式比較表……………22
     表2-2 :組織結構比較表……………23
     表2-3 :國外組織變革與重組之相關研究……………33
     表2-4 :國內組織變革與重組之相關研究……………34
     表2-5 :效能評估的假設與設計……………44
     表3-1 :文化建設方案計畫比較表……………55
     表3-2 :社區總體營造之核心計畫、輔助計畫與相關計畫之內容……………60
     表3-3 :組織趨同變遷與轉向變遷之比較表……………71
     表3-4 :政府再造推動計畫……………72
     表3-5 :中央政府文化預算明細表……………82
     表3-6 :行政院文建會所屬機關組織調整員額增減表……………87
     表3 -7 :文化建設相關法規……………89
     表4-1 :美國聯邦政府的文化行政組織……………95
     表4-2 :美國國家藝術基金會補助項目……………97
     表4-3 :美國國家人文基金會補助項目……………99
     表4-4 :英國年度文化之都或文化地區……………106
     表4-5 :法國文化暨傳播部業務執掌……………115
     表4-6 :日本文部省文化廳的業務職掌……………120
     表5-1 :量化研究與質化研究之比較……………141
     表5-2: 德菲法專家小組成員……………155
     表5-3 :原預定三次問卷之實施日程……………158
     表5-4 :實際回收問卷之日程……………158
     表5-5 :深度訪談對象暨訪談日期……………162
     表5-6 :決策首長暨立委意見文獻……………163
     表6-1 :第一次德菲問卷統計表(一) ……………168
     表6-2 :第一次德菲問卷統計表(二) ……………170
     表6-3 :第一次德菲問卷統計表(三) ……………173
     表6-4 :第一次德菲問卷統計表(四) ……………175
     表6-5 :第一次德菲問卷統計表(五) ……………176
     表6-6 :第一次德菲問卷統計表(六) ……………177
     表6-7 : :第一次德菲問卷統計表(七) ……………179
     表6-8 :第二次調查問卷增修指標項目表……………181
     表6-9 :第二次德菲問卷統計表(一) ……………182
     表6-10 :第二次德菲問卷統計表(二) ……………185
     表6-11 :第二次德菲問卷統計表(三) ……………189
     表6-12 :第二次德菲問卷統計表(四) ……………190
     表6-13 :第二次德菲問卷統計表(五) ……………191
     表6-14: :第二次德菲問卷統計表(六) ……………192
     表6-15 :第二次德菲問卷統計表(七) ……………193
     表6-16 :第三次調查問卷增修指標項目表……………197
     表6-17 :第三次德菲問卷統計表(一) ……………200
     表6-18 :第三次德菲問卷統計表(二) ……………204
     表6-19 :第三次德菲問卷統計表(三) ……………209
     表6-20 :第三次德菲問卷統計表(四) ……………210
     表6-21 :第三次德菲問卷統計表(五) ……………212
     表6-22 :第三次德菲問卷統計表(六) ……………213
     表6-23 :第三次德菲問卷統計表(七) ……………214
     表6-24 :三次德菲問卷結果改變程度一覽表……………222
     表7-1 :國立中正文化中心營運方式比較表……………270
     表7-2 :行政院文建會暨附屬機構組織員額調整增減表……………273
     表7-3 :文化藝術重要法規修正計畫……………274
     表7-4 :文化支出預算表……………276
     表8-1 :設置文化部之SWOT 分析……………291
     表8-2 :九十年度文化建設計畫型補助經費……………298
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描述 博士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 劉光華zh_TW (Authors) 鄭美華zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) 鄭美華zh_TW (日期) 2002en_US 2016-05-11- 2016-05-11- (上傳時間) 2016-05-11-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G91NCCW1092012en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 博士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 公共行政學系zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 中文摘要zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Abstract
     Cultural development is not only the foundation of a nation`s social development but also the basis for its citizens` spiritual life. On November 10, 1965, the Ministry of Education set up the Cultural Bureau in order to promote the revival of traditional culture, literature and to conduct and inspect the radio and TV programs as well as motion pictures. For a number of reasons, the Cultural Bureau was disbanded in May 1973. In 1979, considering the growing cultural needs of the people, the government decided to establish an ad hoc organization to be in charge of cultural affairs. In July 1981, the Legislative Yuan passed the establishment of the Council for Cultural Affairs (CCA), which came into existence on November 10.
     Afterwards, people in different circles suggested the setup of the Ministry of Culture.
     Meanwhile, The Executive Yuan organized a committee for amending the organizational bill of the government in August 1987. In May 1988, a revised draft of the bill was completed and sent to the Legislative Yuan in October of the same year. However, due to the reorganization of the Legislative Yuan, the amendment was shelved in 1990. Two years later, the committee rediscussed the establishment of the Ministry of Culture. In June 1997, at the Second Symposium on Culture held by CCA, the former vice president Lien Chan declared the Ministry of Culture would be set up, and then the CCA soon formed a task force to deliberate its framework. Anyway, in October 1997, the ad hoc committee maintained that the establishment of the Ministry of Culture hinge on the amendments to the organizational bill of the government, and the draft of the bill would not be discussed until both the Acts of the Central Government Personnel Amount and the Central Government Organizational Criterion are passed into laws. In November 1998, the committee discussed the framework of the Ministry of Culture again, but failed to finish the legal process for the ministry`s establishment.
     With the government reshuffle in May 2000, the Executive Yuan asked the CCA to submit the organizational bill for further deliberations in the meeting. Nevertheless, due to the second period of streamlining Taiwan Provincial Government, the draft of the bill was postponed for one more year. During the second reading in the Legislative Yuan, the draft was shelved again because of the absence of cross-party consensus. If the amendment of the bill can`t pass the third-reading before the resignation ofthe lawmakers in January 2001, it has to be reexamined at both the Executive and the Legislative Yuans, it is perceived that the minute and complicated process to set up a ministry.
     Like political, economic and military growth, cultural development is an essential element of a nation. Taiwan has witnessed political democratization, economic miracle and a well-balanced national defense over the past several decades. However, we still have much to do in the area of cultural affairs, the promotion of cultural affairs falls under different government agencies, including the Ministries of Interior, Education, Transportation and Communications, and the Government Information Office in addition to CCA. Besides, unlike the Council for Economic Reconstruction Affairs, the CCA has no direct control over the distribution of the cultural budget and cannot examine the projects involving those ministries. There are some who keep arguing that if the CCA can make the mechanisms for overall plan, implementation, research and development on its own then it seems that the establishment of the Ministry of Culture is unnecessary or to reform organization with the Council for Sports as the Ministry of Culture and Sports. To put these issues in perspective, the writer takes forward a number of possible mechanisms that can efficiently and effectively promote high-quality cultural development, and intends to analyze the formulations for consolidating cultural administrative authority through Documentary Analysis, Interview Survey and the Delphi-technique.
dc.description.abstract (摘要) "目錄
     附錄三德菲法第二次問卷……………350 附錄四德菲法第三次問卷……………362
     附錄六深度訪談記錄(一) ……………393
     附錄七深度訪談記錄(二) ……………409 附錄八深度訪談記錄(三) ……………416 附錄九深度訪談記錄(四) ……………429
     附錄十深度訪談記錄(五) ……………441
     附錄十一深度訪談記錄(六) ……………460
     附錄十二深度訪談記錄(七) ……………469
     附錄十三深度訪談記錄(八) ……………473
     附錄十四立法院關係文書摘要(一) ……………489
     附錄十五立法院關係文書摘要(二) ……………494
     附錄十六立法院關係文書摘要(三) ……………501
     圖1-1 :研究架構……………15
     圖1-2 :研究流程……………16
     圖2-1 :組織設計分析架構……………31
     圖3-1 :文建會業務暨組織調整對照……………79
     圖3-2: 調整文化事權文建會組織規劃圖……………80
     圖3-3 :法案審議流程圖……………81
     圖3-5 :文化支出近五年增減比較圖……………84
     圖4-1 :美國國家藝術基金會暨人文基金會組織架構圖……………96
     圖4-2 :英國文化行政組織圖……………107
     圖4-3 :英國國家樂透彩券經費運作圖……………108
     圖4-4 :法國文化暨傳播部組織圖……………114
     圖4-5 :日本文化行政組織圖……………119
     圖4-6 :中國大陸文化行政組織圖……………126
     圖8-1 :文建會及所屬預算與補助地方經費比較圖……………285
     圖8-2 :近五年中央總預算與文化支出增減比較圖……………286
     圖8-3 :調整文化事權之文建會組織結構建議圖……………294
     圖8-4 :文化部組織結構設計圖……………295
     圖8-5 :文化體育部組織結構設計圖……………296
     表2-1 :組織型式比較表……………22
     表2-2 :組織結構比較表……………23
     表2-3 :國外組織變革與重組之相關研究……………33
     表2-4 :國內組織變革與重組之相關研究……………34
     表2-5 :效能評估的假設與設計……………44
     表3-1 :文化建設方案計畫比較表……………55
     表3-2 :社區總體營造之核心計畫、輔助計畫與相關計畫之內容……………60
     表3-3 :組織趨同變遷與轉向變遷之比較表……………71
     表3-4 :政府再造推動計畫……………72
     表3-5 :中央政府文化預算明細表……………82
     表3-6 :行政院文建會所屬機關組織調整員額增減表……………87
     表3 -7 :文化建設相關法規……………89
     表4-1 :美國聯邦政府的文化行政組織……………95
     表4-2 :美國國家藝術基金會補助項目……………97
     表4-3 :美國國家人文基金會補助項目……………99
     表4-4 :英國年度文化之都或文化地區……………106
     表4-5 :法國文化暨傳播部業務執掌……………115
     表4-6 :日本文部省文化廳的業務職掌……………120
     表5-1 :量化研究與質化研究之比較……………141
     表5-2: 德菲法專家小組成員……………155
     表5-3 :原預定三次問卷之實施日程……………158
     表5-4 :實際回收問卷之日程……………158
     表5-5 :深度訪談對象暨訪談日期……………162
     表5-6 :決策首長暨立委意見文獻……………163
     表6-1 :第一次德菲問卷統計表(一) ……………168
     表6-2 :第一次德菲問卷統計表(二) ……………170
     表6-3 :第一次德菲問卷統計表(三) ……………173
     表6-4 :第一次德菲問卷統計表(四) ……………175
     表6-5 :第一次德菲問卷統計表(五) ……………176
     表6-6 :第一次德菲問卷統計表(六) ……………177
     表6-7 : :第一次德菲問卷統計表(七) ……………179
     表6-8 :第二次調查問卷增修指標項目表……………181
     表6-9 :第二次德菲問卷統計表(一) ……………182
     表6-10 :第二次德菲問卷統計表(二) ……………185
     表6-11 :第二次德菲問卷統計表(三) ……………189
     表6-12 :第二次德菲問卷統計表(四) ……………190
     表6-13 :第二次德菲問卷統計表(五) ……………191
     表6-14: :第二次德菲問卷統計表(六) ……………192
     表6-15 :第二次德菲問卷統計表(七) ……………193
     表6-16 :第三次調查問卷增修指標項目表……………197
     表6-17 :第三次德菲問卷統計表(一) ……………200
     表6-18 :第三次德菲問卷統計表(二) ……………204
     表6-19 :第三次德菲問卷統計表(三) ……………209
     表6-20 :第三次德菲問卷統計表(四) ……………210
     表6-21 :第三次德菲問卷統計表(五) ……………212
     表6-22 :第三次德菲問卷統計表(六) ……………213
     表6-23 :第三次德菲問卷統計表(七) ……………214
     表6-24 :三次德菲問卷結果改變程度一覽表……………222
     表7-1 :國立中正文化中心營運方式比較表……………270
     表7-2 :行政院文建會暨附屬機構組織員額調整增減表……………273
     表7-3 :文化藝術重要法規修正計畫……………274
     表7-4 :文化支出預算表……………276
     表8-1 :設置文化部之SWOT 分析……………291
     表8-2 :九十年度文化建設計畫型補助經費……………298
dc.description.tableofcontents 目錄
     附錄三德菲法第二次問卷……………350 附錄四德菲法第三次問卷……………362
     附錄六深度訪談記錄(一) ……………393
     附錄七深度訪談記錄(二) ……………409 附錄八深度訪談記錄(三) ……………416 附錄九深度訪談記錄(四) ……………429
     附錄十深度訪談記錄(五) ……………441
     附錄十一深度訪談記錄(六) ……………460
     附錄十二深度訪談記錄(七) ……………469
     附錄十三深度訪談記錄(八) ……………473
     附錄十四立法院關係文書摘要(一) ……………489
     附錄十五立法院關係文書摘要(二) ……………494
     附錄十六立法院關係文書摘要(三) ……………501
     圖1-1 :研究架構……………15
     圖1-2 :研究流程……………16
     圖2-1 :組織設計分析架構……………31
     圖3-1 :文建會業務暨組織調整對照……………79
     圖3-2: 調整文化事權文建會組織規劃圖……………80
     圖3-3 :法案審議流程圖……………81
     圖3-5 :文化支出近五年增減比較圖……………84
     圖4-1 :美國國家藝術基金會暨人文基金會組織架構圖……………96
     圖4-2 :英國文化行政組織圖……………107
     圖4-3 :英國國家樂透彩券經費運作圖……………108
     圖4-4 :法國文化暨傳播部組織圖……………114
     圖4-5 :日本文化行政組織圖……………119
     圖4-6 :中國大陸文化行政組織圖……………126
     圖8-1 :文建會及所屬預算與補助地方經費比較圖……………285
     圖8-2 :近五年中央總預算與文化支出增減比較圖……………286
     圖8-3 :調整文化事權之文建會組織結構建議圖……………294
     圖8-4 :文化部組織結構設計圖……………295
     圖8-5 :文化體育部組織結構設計圖……………296
     表2-1 :組織型式比較表……………22
     表2-2 :組織結構比較表……………23
     表2-3 :國外組織變革與重組之相關研究……………33
     表2-4 :國內組織變革與重組之相關研究……………34
     表2-5 :效能評估的假設與設計……………44
     表3-1 :文化建設方案計畫比較表……………55
     表3-2 :社區總體營造之核心計畫、輔助計畫與相關計畫之內容……………60
     表3-3 :組織趨同變遷與轉向變遷之比較表……………71
     表3-4 :政府再造推動計畫……………72
     表3-5 :中央政府文化預算明細表……………82
     表3-6 :行政院文建會所屬機關組織調整員額增減表……………87
     表3 -7 :文化建設相關法規……………89
     表4-1 :美國聯邦政府的文化行政組織……………95
     表4-2 :美國國家藝術基金會補助項目……………97
     表4-3 :美國國家人文基金會補助項目……………99
     表4-4 :英國年度文化之都或文化地區……………106
     表4-5 :法國文化暨傳播部業務執掌……………115
     表4-6 :日本文部省文化廳的業務職掌……………120
     表5-1 :量化研究與質化研究之比較……………141
     表5-2: 德菲法專家小組成員……………155
     表5-3 :原預定三次問卷之實施日程……………158
     表5-4 :實際回收問卷之日程……………158
     表5-5 :深度訪談對象暨訪談日期……………162
     表5-6 :決策首長暨立委意見文獻……………163
     表6-1 :第一次德菲問卷統計表(一) ……………168
     表6-2 :第一次德菲問卷統計表(二) ……………170
     表6-3 :第一次德菲問卷統計表(三) ……………173
     表6-4 :第一次德菲問卷統計表(四) ……………175
     表6-5 :第一次德菲問卷統計表(五) ……………176
     表6-6 :第一次德菲問卷統計表(六) ……………177
     表6-7 : :第一次德菲問卷統計表(七) ……………179
     表6-8 :第二次調查問卷增修指標項目表……………181
     表6-9 :第二次德菲問卷統計表(一) ……………182
     表6-10 :第二次德菲問卷統計表(二) ……………185
     表6-11 :第二次德菲問卷統計表(三) ……………189
     表6-12 :第二次德菲問卷統計表(四) ……………190
     表6-13 :第二次德菲問卷統計表(五) ……………191
     表6-14: :第二次德菲問卷統計表(六) ……………192
     表6-15 :第二次德菲問卷統計表(七) ……………193
     表6-16 :第三次調查問卷增修指標項目表……………197
     表6-17 :第三次德菲問卷統計表(一) ……………200
     表6-18 :第三次德菲問卷統計表(二) ……………204
     表6-19 :第三次德菲問卷統計表(三) ……………209
     表6-20 :第三次德菲問卷統計表(四) ……………210
     表6-21 :第三次德菲問卷統計表(五) ……………212
     表6-22 :第三次德菲問卷統計表(六) ……………213
     表6-23 :第三次德菲問卷統計表(七) ……………214
     表6-24 :三次德菲問卷結果改變程度一覽表……………222
     表7-1 :國立中正文化中心營運方式比較表……………270
     表7-2 :行政院文建會暨附屬機構組織員額調整增減表……………273
     表7-3 :文化藝術重要法規修正計畫……………274
     表7-4 :文化支出預算表……………276
     表8-1 :設置文化部之SWOT 分析……………291
     表8-2 :九十年度文化建設計畫型補助經費……………298
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 組織變革zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 組織重組zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 組織機制zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 組織效能zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 二元層級體系zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 三元層級體系zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 四元層級體系zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Organization Reformen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Restructuring Organizationen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Organization Mechanismen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Organizational Effectivenessen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Dual Hierarchyen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Triple Hierarchyen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Quadruple Hierarchyen_US
dc.title (題名) 我國文化行政組織機制調整之研究zh_TW
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 參考書目
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