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題名 台北市幼稚園後設評鑑之研究
作者 賴志峰
貢獻者 秦夢群
Chin, Meng-Chu
日期 1996
上傳時間 2016-05-11
摘要 在研究旨在探討後設評鑑的相關理論與實務,進行台北市幼稚園評鑑(八十二至八十四學年度)之後設評鑑研究,以了解台北市幼稚園評鑑實施在效用性、可行性、適切性、精確性之價值與優缺點,並提出具體改進建議。
The purpose of this research is to explore relative theories and practice of metaevaluation, and to undertake the metaevaluation study of the Taipei Kindergarten educational evaluation (from 1993 to 1995 school year) in order to understand the value, merits and demerits of its implementation in utility, feasibility, properity, and accuracy, and accuracy, and to provide feasible suggestions for improvement.
      The metaevaluation research is carried out in the method of document analysis, while the metaevaluation of Taipei Kindergarten educational evaluation is carried out with metaevaluation checklist and in archival analysis. First of all, the metaevaluation checklist of Taipei public and private kindergartens is edited from The Program Evaluation Standards of The Joint Committee on Standards for Educational Evaluation which is modified on the basis of metaevaluation theory and documents of evaluation theories and practice. Then the metaevaluation checklist is send to the evaluators and the kindergartens, which were evaluated, to fill in for the purpose of understanding their ideas and to assess the merits and demerits of the Taipei kindergarten evaluation. Secondly, the crude material collected from related conference records and reports is reanalyzed in archival analysis in order to evaluate the quality of Taipei kindergarten educational evaluation from different aspects. The material obtained from the methods of metaevaluation mentioned above, according to its characters, is analyzed in the method of qualitilization or quantitilization.
      The conclusion of this research tries to induce the value, merits and demerits of Taipei kindergarten educational evaluation according to the four aspects of utility, feasibility, properity, and accuracy, and on the basis of documents study and the research conclusion provides the following suggestions to the Taipei kindergarten educational evaluation:
     1.The professional kindergarten education evaluation system should be the primary goal to achieve. And the metaevaluation should be a part of it in order to promote its credibility.
     2.Because the educational administration has its innate limit when conductiong such evaluation, it’s better to adopt the Accreditation in which evaluation standards are accredited by professional organizations in order to ensure the quality of the evaluation.
     3.Establish more sound election system for evaluators in order to promote their quality.
     4.Improve the procedures and the manual of evaluation yearly, and clarify the limitation of the evaluation itself.
     5.Establishing right ideas on evaluation contributes to the implementation of the three cycles of evaluation (self-study, on-site evaluation, follow-up evaluation).
     6.Propagandize efficiently information of evaluations through diverse methods in order that information can be shared by those who have related interests.
     7.The rules for the kindergarten educational evaluation are conclude after years of discussion by evaluators can be regarded as the critical successful factors of the kindergarten.
參考文獻 一中文部分:
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描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 秦夢群zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Chin, Meng-Chuen_US (Authors) 賴志峰zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) 賴志峰zh_TW (日期) 1996en_US 2016-05-11- 2016-05-11- (上傳時間) 2016-05-11-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G91NCCV0052012en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 教育學系zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 在研究旨在探討後設評鑑的相關理論與實務,進行台北市幼稚園評鑑(八十二至八十四學年度)之後設評鑑研究,以了解台北市幼稚園評鑑實施在效用性、可行性、適切性、精確性之價值與優缺點,並提出具體改進建議。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) The purpose of this research is to explore relative theories and practice of metaevaluation, and to undertake the metaevaluation study of the Taipei Kindergarten educational evaluation (from 1993 to 1995 school year) in order to understand the value, merits and demerits of its implementation in utility, feasibility, properity, and accuracy, and accuracy, and to provide feasible suggestions for improvement.
      The metaevaluation research is carried out in the method of document analysis, while the metaevaluation of Taipei Kindergarten educational evaluation is carried out with metaevaluation checklist and in archival analysis. First of all, the metaevaluation checklist of Taipei public and private kindergartens is edited from The Program Evaluation Standards of The Joint Committee on Standards for Educational Evaluation which is modified on the basis of metaevaluation theory and documents of evaluation theories and practice. Then the metaevaluation checklist is send to the evaluators and the kindergartens, which were evaluated, to fill in for the purpose of understanding their ideas and to assess the merits and demerits of the Taipei kindergarten evaluation. Secondly, the crude material collected from related conference records and reports is reanalyzed in archival analysis in order to evaluate the quality of Taipei kindergarten educational evaluation from different aspects. The material obtained from the methods of metaevaluation mentioned above, according to its characters, is analyzed in the method of qualitilization or quantitilization.
      The conclusion of this research tries to induce the value, merits and demerits of Taipei kindergarten educational evaluation according to the four aspects of utility, feasibility, properity, and accuracy, and on the basis of documents study and the research conclusion provides the following suggestions to the Taipei kindergarten educational evaluation:
     1.The professional kindergarten education evaluation system should be the primary goal to achieve. And the metaevaluation should be a part of it in order to promote its credibility.
     2.Because the educational administration has its innate limit when conductiong such evaluation, it’s better to adopt the Accreditation in which evaluation standards are accredited by professional organizations in order to ensure the quality of the evaluation.
     3.Establish more sound election system for evaluators in order to promote their quality.
     4.Improve the procedures and the manual of evaluation yearly, and clarify the limitation of the evaluation itself.
     5.Establishing right ideas on evaluation contributes to the implementation of the three cycles of evaluation (self-study, on-site evaluation, follow-up evaluation).
     6.Propagandize efficiently information of evaluations through diverse methods in order that information can be shared by those who have related interests.
     7.The rules for the kindergarten educational evaluation are conclude after years of discussion by evaluators can be regarded as the critical successful factors of the kindergarten.
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章緒論..........1
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.title (題名) 台北市幼稚園後設評鑑之研究zh_TW
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 一中文部分:
     王靜珠(民76) 。 幼稚園園務及教學評鑑。台灣教育, 436 , 20-26 。
     台北市立師範學院(民83) 。”當前幼稚園教育問題及意見之調查研究。
     台北市政府教育局(民83b) 。台北市八十三年度公私立幼稚園評鑑實施要點。
     台北市政府教育局(民84a) 。台北市八十三年度公私立幼稚園教育評鑑報告。
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     江啟昱(民82) 。 CIPP評鑑模式之研究。 國立台灣師範大學教育研究所
     李阿成(民73) 。談幼稚園教育評鑑。國教天地, 59 ,28-33 。
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