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題名 電子化跨域治理影響因素之研究:多個案之探索
其他題名 Influential Factors of Electronic Cross-Boundary Governance: An Exploratory Study with Multiple Cases
作者 胡龍騰;曾冠球;張智凱;黃榮志
Hu, Lung-Teng;Tseng, Kuan-Chiu;Chang, Chih-Kai;Huang, Rong-Chih
關鍵詞 電子治理; 跨域治理; 電子化政府; 後端平台整合; 跨組織系統
electronic governance; cross-boundary governance; e-government; back-office integration; interorganizational system
日期 2013-09
上傳時間 11-May-2016 17:04:57 (UTC+8)
摘要 隨著全球與社會環境的快速變遷,公共事務的範疇和內涵日趨複雜,依據傳統社會型態所形成的政府組織架構,顯已不足以應付劇烈變動下所衍生的許多有賴透過跨機關或跨部門合作等「跨域」方式加以解決的棘手性議題。但在已習於部門化和專業分工的政府部門中處理跨域問題,實是當前公共治理中的一大挑戰。在民眾向政府申辦的案件處理上,同樣面臨跨域問題的挑戰,因此政府部門亟思透過資通科技的協助,藉以改善傳統組織分工下的跨域治理問題。但在引入資通科技後,政府真能解決現階段後端組織整合之問題?有哪些因素對於跨機關整合具有關鍵性的影響?甚者,業務相互關聯的機關間是否真有其意願採納跨域服務整合的觀念?爰此,本研究之主要目的,即在於由電子治理的角度,耙梳歸納當前理論文獻針對電子跨域整合所討論的相關影響因素,並進而檢視我國目前在電子化服務中跨域整合管理的代表性個案所呈現之影響成敗的關鍵因素,以期透過此理論與個案的交互對話補充,提出更為廣博的電子化跨機關整合服務之影響因素架構,作為電子化跨機關整合在實務推動或理論研究時參照與思辨的基礎。
Accompanying with the rapid evolution of information and communication technologies, customer service delivery has been confronted a radical transformation in both the public and private sectors. One-stop service with inter-organizational integration, even joined-up government, has become a beautiful vision as well as desired expectation of future public service. As a strong body of literature in business process reengineering and interorganizational system presents the possibility of ubiquitous public service delivery, however, we still do not have a clear idea in terms of what factors that may influence agency’s decision to adopt or not to adopt electronic cross-boundary initiatives. Still, we remain unclear about the critical success factors of such electronic cross-boundary public initiatives. Therefore, the present paper aims to explore the factors which may influence public agency’s intention of adopting electronic cross-boundary initiatives to provide integrated public services. On the other hand, the critical success factors of such back-office reforms in the public sector will be examined as well. In addition to the literature reviews of business process reengineering and interorganizational system theories, multiple case studies in Taiwan’s government agencies along with in-depth interviews and focus group interviews were employed as the primary methods of the study. Research findings and implications for the application of electronic cross-boundary governance in Taiwan will be discussed at the end of the present paper.
關聯 公共行政學報, 45,1-39
Journal of Public Administration National Chengchi University
資料類型 article
dc.creator (作者) 胡龍騰;曾冠球;張智凱;黃榮志zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Hu, Lung-Teng;Tseng, Kuan-Chiu;Chang, Chih-Kai;Huang, Rong-Chih (日期) 2013-09 11-May-2016 17:04:57 (UTC+8)- 11-May-2016 17:04:57 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 11-May-2016 17:04:57 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 隨著全球與社會環境的快速變遷,公共事務的範疇和內涵日趨複雜,依據傳統社會型態所形成的政府組織架構,顯已不足以應付劇烈變動下所衍生的許多有賴透過跨機關或跨部門合作等「跨域」方式加以解決的棘手性議題。但在已習於部門化和專業分工的政府部門中處理跨域問題,實是當前公共治理中的一大挑戰。在民眾向政府申辦的案件處理上,同樣面臨跨域問題的挑戰,因此政府部門亟思透過資通科技的協助,藉以改善傳統組織分工下的跨域治理問題。但在引入資通科技後,政府真能解決現階段後端組織整合之問題?有哪些因素對於跨機關整合具有關鍵性的影響?甚者,業務相互關聯的機關間是否真有其意願採納跨域服務整合的觀念?爰此,本研究之主要目的,即在於由電子治理的角度,耙梳歸納當前理論文獻針對電子跨域整合所討論的相關影響因素,並進而檢視我國目前在電子化服務中跨域整合管理的代表性個案所呈現之影響成敗的關鍵因素,以期透過此理論與個案的交互對話補充,提出更為廣博的電子化跨機關整合服務之影響因素架構,作為電子化跨機關整合在實務推動或理論研究時參照與思辨的基礎。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Accompanying with the rapid evolution of information and communication technologies, customer service delivery has been confronted a radical transformation in both the public and private sectors. One-stop service with inter-organizational integration, even joined-up government, has become a beautiful vision as well as desired expectation of future public service. As a strong body of literature in business process reengineering and interorganizational system presents the possibility of ubiquitous public service delivery, however, we still do not have a clear idea in terms of what factors that may influence agency’s decision to adopt or not to adopt electronic cross-boundary initiatives. Still, we remain unclear about the critical success factors of such electronic cross-boundary public initiatives. Therefore, the present paper aims to explore the factors which may influence public agency’s intention of adopting electronic cross-boundary initiatives to provide integrated public services. On the other hand, the critical success factors of such back-office reforms in the public sector will be examined as well. In addition to the literature reviews of business process reengineering and interorganizational system theories, multiple case studies in Taiwan’s government agencies along with in-depth interviews and focus group interviews were employed as the primary methods of the study. Research findings and implications for the application of electronic cross-boundary governance in Taiwan will be discussed at the end of the present paper.
dc.format.extent 957515 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.relation (關聯) 公共行政學報, 45,1-39
dc.relation (關聯) Journal of Public Administration National Chengchi University
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 電子治理; 跨域治理; 電子化政府; 後端平台整合; 跨組織系統
dc.subject (關鍵詞) electronic governance; cross-boundary governance; e-government; back-office integration; interorganizational system
dc.title (題名) 電子化跨域治理影響因素之研究:多個案之探索zh_TW
dc.title.alternative (其他題名) Influential Factors of Electronic Cross-Boundary Governance: An Exploratory Study with Multiple Cases
dc.type (資料類型) article