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其他題名 Analysis on Governance’s Ability of Chinese Local Congress─ Exam on State Capability
Pan, Chao-Min
Key Words地方人大; 治理能力; 國家能力; 組織弱化; 國家空洞化
Local People`s Congress; Governance`s Ability; National Ability; Thinning of Organization; Hollowing Out the State
Date Issued20-Jul-2016 16:06:40 (UTC+8)
How to adjust the governance`s ability of Local people`s congress so that it can adapt economic shift, is this article`s main purpose. With state theories, which are the main approach of this article, to analysis this article`s main theme: the higher governance`s ability of it, the closer relationship between it and local people, the lower governance`s ability of it, the more alienating between them and the result is a situation of thinning of administrative institutions and hollowing out the state. Therefore, This article`s conclusion is that local people`s congress not only has to establish his own governance`s ability and to promote the ability of legitimacy, but also has to set up an evaluation system to evaluate his efficiency. So that local people`s congress can earn the confidence from local people.
Relation東亞研究, 40(2), 63-98
East Asia Studies
dc.creator (作者) 潘兆民zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Pan, Chao-Min (日期) 2009-07 20-Jul-2016 16:06:40 (UTC+8)- 20-Jul-2016 16:06:40 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 20-Jul-2016 16:06:40 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本文主要是透過國家能力的分析途徑,探討中國地方人大在經歷經濟發展與權力不斷市場化後,由於原本應該扮演地方民眾福祉代言人與保護者的地方人大之回應性不足,產生治理能力持續弱化,甚而危及國家能力的運作等問題。並藉由檢視其實際治理能力弱化的因果關係,以便論證本文的研究主軸:即地方人大的合法性能力正是其國家能力的展現,合法性能力高,則其與民眾的關係勢必相當緊密。合法性能力愈低,則其弱化程度愈高,最終導致國家的空洞化;而組織弱化的結果,則民眾愈加疏離、認同感愈低,以及對於政府信任感的低落等危機。因此,如何透過其合法性能力的完善並建構一套應有的治理能力,以便提升國家能力,並且勾繪出一個具備服務型國家能力的地方民意機關圖像,實乃本文目的。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) How to adjust the governance`s ability of Local people`s congress so that it can adapt economic shift, is this article`s main purpose. With state theories, which are the main approach of this article, to analysis this article`s main theme: the higher governance`s ability of it, the closer relationship between it and local people, the lower governance`s ability of it, the more alienating between them and the result is a situation of thinning of administrative institutions and hollowing out the state. Therefore, This article`s conclusion is that local people`s congress not only has to establish his own governance`s ability and to promote the ability of legitimacy, but also has to set up an evaluation system to evaluate his efficiency. So that local people`s congress can earn the confidence from local people.
dc.format.extent 1912718 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.relation (關聯) 東亞研究, 40(2), 63-98
dc.relation (關聯) East Asia Studies
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 地方人大; 治理能力; 國家能力; 組織弱化; 國家空洞化
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Local People`s Congress; Governance`s Ability; National Ability; Thinning of Organization; Hollowing Out the State
dc.title (題名) 中國地方人大的治理能力分析─國家能力的檢視zh_TW
dc.title.alternative (其他題名) Analysis on Governance’s Ability of Chinese Local Congress─ Exam on State Capability
dc.type (資料類型) article