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題名 仲介員特性與房屋交易時的議價能力之關聯性
The correlation between characteristics of a real estate agent and power of negotiation
作者 李亞叡
Lee, Ya Jui
貢獻者 吳文傑
Wu, Jack
Lee, Ya Jui
關鍵詞 特徵價格理論
hedonic house pricing
power of negotiation
agency problem
日期 2016
上傳時間 20-Jul-2016 16:54:26 (UTC+8)
摘要 本研究之目的可分為二,第一個是希望探討具有不同特性之仲介員,在交易過程中是否有某些特性對於議價能力有顯著影響。第二個目的,希望探討在不同房屋類型之交易案件中,是否由更為適任之仲介員經手交易,能獲得更好的成果。透過模型設計,將特徵價格模型配合本研究目的加以修改,以實證迴歸分析那些仲介員特性更能夠在交易過程中,展現議價能力使買家提高願付價格(willingness to pay),讓委託人取得更好之賣價,同時也為公司創造更高價值。
根據實證結果顯示,仲介員性別、年齡對於議價達成率所產生的影響並不顯著,教育水準、年資與血型才是影響議價達成率的關鍵。仲介員教育程度越高議價能力越強,也越能達成委託人所委託之目標。同時本研究也發現年資高之仲介員容易產生代理人問題(agency problem),年資高之仲介員傾向於利用訊息優勢,左右買賣雙方之交易決策,使交易價格降低,不但背離委託人初衷,亦對公司造成負面影響。另一方面,血型為AB型之仲介員在議價能力上的表現最佳,該類仲介員普遍具有好的協商能力、邏輯分析能力,其次是順從、負責的A型仲介員,表現最差的反而是一般認為積極熱情的B型與O型。
There are two purposes of this article. The first one is to identify the correlation between characteristics of a real estate agent and power of negotiation/bargain. The second one is to find if there are some characteristics of a real estate agent that are more suitable for dealing certain type of housing, including apartment, mansion and high-rise.
Using the method of hedonic house pricing as a basic model, the article takes a bargain rate as dependent variable instead of housing prices, while characteristics of real estate agents are included in independent variables. It should be noted that higher bargain rate means greater power of negotiation.
The results of this article are (a) education, blood type are positively significant, (b) seniority is negatively significant, (c) gender, age, astrology are not. It is also found that there are agency problems in housing markets since agents with more seniority are more likely to have poor power of negotiation, which is opposite of our expectations. The study findings may serve as a guide for further research on management and leadership of real estate industries.
參考文獻 中文文獻
李春長、游淑滿、張維倫,2012,「公共設施, 環境品質與不動產景氣對住宅價格影響之研究─兼論不動產景氣之調節效果」,《住宅學報》,21(1),67-68。

高振順,2011,「壽險業務人員績效表現的分析 --以X壽險公司為例」,國立高雄第一科技大學風險管理與保險研究所,碩士論文。

Barrick, M. R., G. L. Stewart and M. Piotrowski, 2002, “Personality and Job Performance: Test of the Mediating Effects of Motivation among Sales Representatives,” Journal of Applied Psychology, 87:1, 43-51.
Bartik, T. J. and V. K. Smith, 1987, “Urban Amenities and Public Policy. In: Mills, E.S. (Ed.), Handbook on Urban Economics,” North Holland Publishers, Amsterdam, 1207-1254.
Beron, K., J. Murdoch and M. Thayer, 2001, “The Benefit of Visibility Improvement: New Evidence from the Los Angeles Metropolitan Area,” Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 22, 319-337.
Bourassa, S., M. Hoesli and J. Sun, 2005, “The Price of Aesthetic Externalities,” Journal of Real Estate Literature, 13, 2, 165-188.
Boyle, M. A. and K. A. Kiel, 2001, “A survey of house price hedonic studies of the impact of environmental externalities,” Journal of Real Estate Literature, 9, 117-144.
Can, A., 1992, “Specification and Estimation of Hedonic Housing Price Models,” Regional Science and Urban Economics, 22, 453-474.
Daneshvary, N. and T. Clauretie, 2012, “Agent Change and Seller Bargaining Power: A Case of Principal Agent Problem in the Housing Market,” Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 47, 416-433.
Do, A. Q., R. W. Wilbur and J. L. Short, 1994, “An Empirical Examination of the Externalities of Neighborhood Churches on Housing Values,” Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 9:2, 127-136.
Gatto, M. and G. A. De Leo, 2000, “Pricing Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services: The Never-Ending Story,” Bioscience, 50, 347-355.
Goldberg, L. R., 1990, “An Alternative "Description of Personality: The Big-Five Factor Structure,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 59:6, 1216-1229.
Goodman, A. C., 1978, “Hedonic Prices, Price Indices and Housing Markets,” Journal of Urban Economics, 5, 471-484.
Haab, T. C. and K. E. McConnell, 2002, “Valuing Environmental and Natural Resources: The Econometrics of Non-market Valuation,” Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK.
Harding, J. P., S. S. Rosenthal and C. F. Sirmans, 2003, “Estimating Bargaining Power in the Market for Existing Homes,” The Review of Economics and Statistics, 85:1, 178-188.
Harrison, D. and D. Rubinfeld, 1978, “Hedonic Housing Prices and the Demand for Clean Air,” Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 5, 81-102.
Hite, D., W. Chern, F. Hitzhusen and A. Randall, 2001, “Property-Value Impacts of an Environmental Disamenity: The Case of Landfills,” Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 22, 2, 185-202.
Horwitz, J. L., 1992, “The Role of the List Price in Housing Markets: Theory and an Econometric Model,” Journal of Applied Econometrics, 7, 115-129.
Hoshino, T. and K. Kuriyama, 2010, “Measuring the Benefits of Neighborhood Park Amenities: Application and Comparison of Spatial Hedonic Approaches,” Environmental and Resource Economics, 45, 429-444.
Jim, C. Y., 2009, “Value of Scenic Views: Hedonic Assessment of Private Housing in Hong Kong,” Landscape and Urban Planning, 91, 226-236.
Jud, G. and J. Frew, 1986, “Real Estate Brokers, Housing Prices, and the Demand for Housing,” Urban Studies, 23, 21-31.
Kagie, M. and M. V. Wezel, 2007, “Hedonic Price Models and Indices Based on Boosting Applied to The Dutch Housing Market,” Intelligent System in Accounting Finance and Management, 15, 85-106.
Knight, J. R., 2002, “Listing Price, Time on the Market, and Ultimate Selling Price: Causes and Effects of Listing Price Changes,” Real Estate Economics, 20:2, 213-237.
Leggett, C. G. and N. E. Bockstael, 2000, “Evidence of the Effects of Water Quality on Residential Land Prices,” Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 39, 121-144.
Levitt, S. and C. Syverson, 2008, “Market Distortions When Agents Are Better Informed: The Value of Information in Real Estate Transactions,” The Review of Economics and Statistics, 90:4, 599-611.
Li, M. M. and H. J. Brown, 1980, “Micro-Neighborhood Externalities and Hedonic Housing Prices,” Land Economics, 56:2, 125-141.
Rosen, S., 1974, “Hedonic Prices and Implicit Markets: Product Differentiation in Pure Competition,” Journal of Political Economy, 82:1, 34-55.
Rutherford, R. C., T. M. Springer and A. Yavas, 2005, “Conflicts between Principals and Agents: Evidence from Residential Brokerage,” Journal of Financial Economics, 76, 627-665.
Sheppard, S., 1999, “Hedonic Analysis of Housing Markets,” Handbook of Regional and Urban Economics, 3, 1595-1635.
Singell, L. D. and J. H. Lillydahl, 1990, “An Empirical Examination of the Effect of Impact Fees on the Housing Market,” Land Economics, 66:1, 82-92.
Tyrvainen, L., 1997, “The Amenity Value of the Urban Forest: An Application of the Hedonic Pricing Method,” Landscape and Urban Planning, 37:3-4, 211-222.
Tyrvainen, L. and A. Miettinen, 2000, “Property Prices and Urban Forest Amenities,” Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 39, 205-223.
Webster’s New International Dictionary 1925.
Yavas, A. and S. X. Yang, 1995, “The strategic role of listing price in marketing real estate: Theory and evidence,” Real Estate Economics, 23:3, 347-368.
描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 吳文傑zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Wu, Jacken_US (Authors) 李亞叡zh_TW (Authors) Lee, Ya Juien_US
dc.creator (作者) 李亞叡zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Lee, Ya Juien_US (日期) 2016en_US 20-Jul-2016 16:54:26 (UTC+8)- 20-Jul-2016 16:54:26 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 20-Jul-2016 16:54:26 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0103255002en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 財政學系zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 103255002zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本研究之目的可分為二,第一個是希望探討具有不同特性之仲介員,在交易過程中是否有某些特性對於議價能力有顯著影響。第二個目的,希望探討在不同房屋類型之交易案件中,是否由更為適任之仲介員經手交易,能獲得更好的成果。透過模型設計,將特徵價格模型配合本研究目的加以修改,以實證迴歸分析那些仲介員特性更能夠在交易過程中,展現議價能力使買家提高願付價格(willingness to pay),讓委託人取得更好之賣價,同時也為公司創造更高價值。
根據實證結果顯示,仲介員性別、年齡對於議價達成率所產生的影響並不顯著,教育水準、年資與血型才是影響議價達成率的關鍵。仲介員教育程度越高議價能力越強,也越能達成委託人所委託之目標。同時本研究也發現年資高之仲介員容易產生代理人問題(agency problem),年資高之仲介員傾向於利用訊息優勢,左右買賣雙方之交易決策,使交易價格降低,不但背離委託人初衷,亦對公司造成負面影響。另一方面,血型為AB型之仲介員在議價能力上的表現最佳,該類仲介員普遍具有好的協商能力、邏輯分析能力,其次是順從、負責的A型仲介員,表現最差的反而是一般認為積極熱情的B型與O型。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) There are two purposes of this article. The first one is to identify the correlation between characteristics of a real estate agent and power of negotiation/bargain. The second one is to find if there are some characteristics of a real estate agent that are more suitable for dealing certain type of housing, including apartment, mansion and high-rise.
Using the method of hedonic house pricing as a basic model, the article takes a bargain rate as dependent variable instead of housing prices, while characteristics of real estate agents are included in independent variables. It should be noted that higher bargain rate means greater power of negotiation.
The results of this article are (a) education, blood type are positively significant, (b) seniority is negatively significant, (c) gender, age, astrology are not. It is also found that there are agency problems in housing markets since agents with more seniority are more likely to have poor power of negotiation, which is opposite of our expectations. The study findings may serve as a guide for further research on management and leadership of real estate industries.
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章、緒論 1
第一節、研究背景與動機 1
第二節、研究目的 6
第三節、研究方法 7
第四節、研究範圍與限制 8
第二章、相關理論與文獻回顧 13
第一節、影響不動產價格之因素 13
第二節、仲介特性對於業績表現之影響 17
第三節、小結 21
第三章、研究設計 23
第一節、模型建構 24
第二節、資料與變數說明 29
第三節、敘述統計 40
第四章、研究結果與討論 47
第一節、整體樣本仲介員議價能力之迴歸結果與討論 48
第二節、以房屋類型區分仲介員議價能力之迴歸結果 51
第三節、討論 55
第五章、結論 61
參考文獻 65
中文文獻 65
外文文獻 67
dc.format.extent 1133233 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 特徵價格理論zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 仲介員議價能力zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 代理人問題zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) hedonic house pricingen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) power of negotiationen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) agency problemen_US
dc.title (題名) 仲介員特性與房屋交易時的議價能力之關聯性zh_TW
dc.title (題名) The correlation between characteristics of a real estate agent and power of negotiationen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 中文文獻
李春長、游淑滿、張維倫,2012,「公共設施, 環境品質與不動產景氣對住宅價格影響之研究─兼論不動產景氣之調節效果」,《住宅學報》,21(1),67-68。

高振順,2011,「壽險業務人員績效表現的分析 --以X壽險公司為例」,國立高雄第一科技大學風險管理與保險研究所,碩士論文。

Barrick, M. R., G. L. Stewart and M. Piotrowski, 2002, “Personality and Job Performance: Test of the Mediating Effects of Motivation among Sales Representatives,” Journal of Applied Psychology, 87:1, 43-51.
Bartik, T. J. and V. K. Smith, 1987, “Urban Amenities and Public Policy. In: Mills, E.S. (Ed.), Handbook on Urban Economics,” North Holland Publishers, Amsterdam, 1207-1254.
Beron, K., J. Murdoch and M. Thayer, 2001, “The Benefit of Visibility Improvement: New Evidence from the Los Angeles Metropolitan Area,” Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 22, 319-337.
Bourassa, S., M. Hoesli and J. Sun, 2005, “The Price of Aesthetic Externalities,” Journal of Real Estate Literature, 13, 2, 165-188.
Boyle, M. A. and K. A. Kiel, 2001, “A survey of house price hedonic studies of the impact of environmental externalities,” Journal of Real Estate Literature, 9, 117-144.
Can, A., 1992, “Specification and Estimation of Hedonic Housing Price Models,” Regional Science and Urban Economics, 22, 453-474.
Daneshvary, N. and T. Clauretie, 2012, “Agent Change and Seller Bargaining Power: A Case of Principal Agent Problem in the Housing Market,” Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 47, 416-433.
Do, A. Q., R. W. Wilbur and J. L. Short, 1994, “An Empirical Examination of the Externalities of Neighborhood Churches on Housing Values,” Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 9:2, 127-136.
Gatto, M. and G. A. De Leo, 2000, “Pricing Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services: The Never-Ending Story,” Bioscience, 50, 347-355.
Goldberg, L. R., 1990, “An Alternative "Description of Personality: The Big-Five Factor Structure,” Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 59:6, 1216-1229.
Goodman, A. C., 1978, “Hedonic Prices, Price Indices and Housing Markets,” Journal of Urban Economics, 5, 471-484.
Haab, T. C. and K. E. McConnell, 2002, “Valuing Environmental and Natural Resources: The Econometrics of Non-market Valuation,” Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK.
Harding, J. P., S. S. Rosenthal and C. F. Sirmans, 2003, “Estimating Bargaining Power in the Market for Existing Homes,” The Review of Economics and Statistics, 85:1, 178-188.
Harrison, D. and D. Rubinfeld, 1978, “Hedonic Housing Prices and the Demand for Clean Air,” Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 5, 81-102.
Hite, D., W. Chern, F. Hitzhusen and A. Randall, 2001, “Property-Value Impacts of an Environmental Disamenity: The Case of Landfills,” Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 22, 2, 185-202.
Horwitz, J. L., 1992, “The Role of the List Price in Housing Markets: Theory and an Econometric Model,” Journal of Applied Econometrics, 7, 115-129.
Hoshino, T. and K. Kuriyama, 2010, “Measuring the Benefits of Neighborhood Park Amenities: Application and Comparison of Spatial Hedonic Approaches,” Environmental and Resource Economics, 45, 429-444.
Jim, C. Y., 2009, “Value of Scenic Views: Hedonic Assessment of Private Housing in Hong Kong,” Landscape and Urban Planning, 91, 226-236.
Jud, G. and J. Frew, 1986, “Real Estate Brokers, Housing Prices, and the Demand for Housing,” Urban Studies, 23, 21-31.
Kagie, M. and M. V. Wezel, 2007, “Hedonic Price Models and Indices Based on Boosting Applied to The Dutch Housing Market,” Intelligent System in Accounting Finance and Management, 15, 85-106.
Knight, J. R., 2002, “Listing Price, Time on the Market, and Ultimate Selling Price: Causes and Effects of Listing Price Changes,” Real Estate Economics, 20:2, 213-237.
Leggett, C. G. and N. E. Bockstael, 2000, “Evidence of the Effects of Water Quality on Residential Land Prices,” Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 39, 121-144.
Levitt, S. and C. Syverson, 2008, “Market Distortions When Agents Are Better Informed: The Value of Information in Real Estate Transactions,” The Review of Economics and Statistics, 90:4, 599-611.
Li, M. M. and H. J. Brown, 1980, “Micro-Neighborhood Externalities and Hedonic Housing Prices,” Land Economics, 56:2, 125-141.
Rosen, S., 1974, “Hedonic Prices and Implicit Markets: Product Differentiation in Pure Competition,” Journal of Political Economy, 82:1, 34-55.
Rutherford, R. C., T. M. Springer and A. Yavas, 2005, “Conflicts between Principals and Agents: Evidence from Residential Brokerage,” Journal of Financial Economics, 76, 627-665.
Sheppard, S., 1999, “Hedonic Analysis of Housing Markets,” Handbook of Regional and Urban Economics, 3, 1595-1635.
Singell, L. D. and J. H. Lillydahl, 1990, “An Empirical Examination of the Effect of Impact Fees on the Housing Market,” Land Economics, 66:1, 82-92.
Tyrvainen, L., 1997, “The Amenity Value of the Urban Forest: An Application of the Hedonic Pricing Method,” Landscape and Urban Planning, 37:3-4, 211-222.
Tyrvainen, L. and A. Miettinen, 2000, “Property Prices and Urban Forest Amenities,” Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 39, 205-223.
Webster’s New International Dictionary 1925.
Yavas, A. and S. X. Yang, 1995, “The strategic role of listing price in marketing real estate: Theory and evidence,” Real Estate Economics, 23:3, 347-368.