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題名 創新機會成長對消費部落規模影響之研究
A study of the effect of the development of innovative chances on the scope of consumer tribes
作者 林木花
Lin, Mu Hua
貢獻者 林我聰<br>洪朝富
Lin, Woo Tsong<br>Hong, Chao Fu
Lin, Mu Hua
關鍵詞 消費部落
Consumer tribes
The early adopters in Internet
Innovative use value
Innovative diffusion model
Technology acceptance model
日期 2016
上傳時間 2-Aug-2016 16:01:23 (UTC+8)
摘要 新商品上市後造成流行的機率低於25%(Cooper & Kleinschmidt, 1990;Cooper, 2011),但Rogers(唐錦超,民95)的創新擴散模型實驗卻提出若早期採用者接受新商品並分享他們的創意使用價值,則能影響早期消費大眾較快且容易接受新商品且在市場上誘發流行。因此本研究的動機是希望透過資訊技術,首先確認早期採用者存在於網路族群之中,再萃取被網際網路大量資料包圍的網路早期採用者與其在新商品的創意使用價值資料,希望能夠藉此影響早期消費大眾的接受意願,並跨越他們之間的鴻溝(Moore, 1991)。
The chance for a new product to be prevalent is lower than 25% (Cooper & Kleinschmidt, 1990; Cooper, 2011). However, in Rogers’ innovative diffusion model (Rogers, 2003), he proposed that if early adopters accepted new products and shared their innovative use value with others, the early majority may accept the new products quickly and readily. First of all, this study intends to use information technology to make sure that the early adopters exist on the Internet world. Then the author tries to extract innovative use information employed by the early adopters who are surrounded by huge amount of information. Hopefully, the early majority can be affected by such measures. That is, in the process of consuming merchandise, consumers tend to build mutual affections, value, and psychological sensation. This may enable the new products to cross over the chasm between the early adopters and early majority (Moore, 1991; 1995).
The purpose of this study is to explore the innovative use value created by early adopters existing on the Internet world. It is to affect the purchasing intention of the early majority when there is no social relationship network between early adopters and early majority so as to build a new innovative diffusion model. In order to achieve this, the innovative use value created in the Internet by the early adopters was designed as commercial fliers to directly stimulate the early majority. It is used to observe whether new products are accepted by the early majority. The experimental results proved that this measurement surely can move the early majority toward groups with high intention.
Moreover, talking about the continuing existence of a business, one needs to find out the rare and valuable information in the early stage in order to make the new products to cross over the chasm. The new innovative diffusion proposed by this study is able to extract the innovative use value created by the early adopters in Internet. And, for the purpose of reducing manpower and contracting the weak innovative information created by the early adopters, this study was conducted by using ICF algorithm which is derived from IDF concept existing in the text mining. It is to narrow the range of policy making, gain the chance point from the effect frontier, improve the quality and efficiency when making a decision, and reduce subjective judgement made by experts, which may help decision makers to make an effective policy based on their advantage and preference, and in the end, to reduce the complexity of making a policy.
參考文獻 中文文獻
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2.林祐聖、葉欣怡(譯)(民94)。社會資本 (Social capital)(原作者Nan Lin)。臺北:弘智(原著出版年:2001)。
4.唐錦超(譯)(民95)。創新的擴散 (Diffusion of Innovations)(原作者:Everett M. Rogers)。臺北:遠流(原著出版年:2003)。
6.張君玫(譯)(民91)。文化消費與日常生活 (Cultural Consumption and Everyday Life)(原作者:John Storey)。臺北:巨流圖書公司(原著出版年:1999)。
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描述 博士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 林我聰<br>洪朝富zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Lin, Woo Tsong<br>Hong, Chao Fuen_US (Authors) 林木花zh_TW (Authors) Lin, Mu Huaen_US
dc.creator (作者) 林木花zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Lin, Mu Huaen_US (日期) 2016en_US 2-Aug-2016 16:01:23 (UTC+8)- 2-Aug-2016 16:01:23 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 2-Aug-2016 16:01:23 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0095356503en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 博士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 資訊管理學系zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 95356503zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 新商品上市後造成流行的機率低於25%(Cooper & Kleinschmidt, 1990;Cooper, 2011),但Rogers(唐錦超,民95)的創新擴散模型實驗卻提出若早期採用者接受新商品並分享他們的創意使用價值,則能影響早期消費大眾較快且容易接受新商品且在市場上誘發流行。因此本研究的動機是希望透過資訊技術,首先確認早期採用者存在於網路族群之中,再萃取被網際網路大量資料包圍的網路早期採用者與其在新商品的創意使用價值資料,希望能夠藉此影響早期消費大眾的接受意願,並跨越他們之間的鴻溝(Moore, 1991)。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) The chance for a new product to be prevalent is lower than 25% (Cooper & Kleinschmidt, 1990; Cooper, 2011). However, in Rogers’ innovative diffusion model (Rogers, 2003), he proposed that if early adopters accepted new products and shared their innovative use value with others, the early majority may accept the new products quickly and readily. First of all, this study intends to use information technology to make sure that the early adopters exist on the Internet world. Then the author tries to extract innovative use information employed by the early adopters who are surrounded by huge amount of information. Hopefully, the early majority can be affected by such measures. That is, in the process of consuming merchandise, consumers tend to build mutual affections, value, and psychological sensation. This may enable the new products to cross over the chasm between the early adopters and early majority (Moore, 1991; 1995).
The purpose of this study is to explore the innovative use value created by early adopters existing on the Internet world. It is to affect the purchasing intention of the early majority when there is no social relationship network between early adopters and early majority so as to build a new innovative diffusion model. In order to achieve this, the innovative use value created in the Internet by the early adopters was designed as commercial fliers to directly stimulate the early majority. It is used to observe whether new products are accepted by the early majority. The experimental results proved that this measurement surely can move the early majority toward groups with high intention.
Moreover, talking about the continuing existence of a business, one needs to find out the rare and valuable information in the early stage in order to make the new products to cross over the chasm. The new innovative diffusion proposed by this study is able to extract the innovative use value created by the early adopters in Internet. And, for the purpose of reducing manpower and contracting the weak innovative information created by the early adopters, this study was conducted by using ICF algorithm which is derived from IDF concept existing in the text mining. It is to narrow the range of policy making, gain the chance point from the effect frontier, improve the quality and efficiency when making a decision, and reduce subjective judgement made by experts, which may help decision makers to make an effective policy based on their advantage and preference, and in the end, to reduce the complexity of making a policy.
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景:生活價值的遷移與受網路影響的現代生活模式 1
第二節 研究動機:新型創新擴散理論 7
第三節 研究目的:建立網路早期採用者影響早期消費大眾的模型 9
第四節 研究問題 13
第二章 文獻探討 14
第一節 運用消費部落與社會網路分析辨識網路早期採用者 14
第二節 部落創新擴散與弱關聯:資料關聯網路與機會探索 18
第三節 網路早期採用者創意擴散到早期消費大眾的驗證模式 24
第三章 研究方法 29
第一節 辨識網路早期採用者 30
第二節 運用關聯網路辨識創意使用價值 34
第三節 建立驗證情境與驗證 38
第四節 微弱創意辨識 41
第四章 案例分析 47
第一節 辨識網路早期採用者 47
第二節 辨識創意使用價值 51
第三節 建立驗證情境與驗證 58
第四節 微弱創意使用價值辨識 73
第五章 結論與研究限制 78
第一節 結論 78
第二節 管理意涵 81
第三節 研究限制 83
參考文獻 84
中文文獻 84
英文文獻 86
附錄一 初版問卷構面及問項 92
附錄二 修改後問卷構面及問項 94
dc.format.extent 2976002 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 消費部落zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 網路早期採用者zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 創意使用價值zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 創新擴散模型zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 科技接受模型zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Consumer tribesen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) The early adopters in Interneten_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Innovative use valueen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Innovative diffusion modelen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Technology acceptance modelen_US
dc.title (題名) 創新機會成長對消費部落規模影響之研究zh_TW
dc.title (題名) A study of the effect of the development of innovative chances on the scope of consumer tribesen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 中文文獻
1.李華夏(譯)(民96)。有閒階級論 (The Theory of the Leisure Class)(原作者:Thorstein Veblen)。臺北:左岸文化(原著出版年:1899)。
2.林祐聖、葉欣怡(譯)(民94)。社會資本 (Social capital)(原作者Nan Lin)。臺北:弘智(原著出版年:2001)。
4.唐錦超(譯)(民95)。創新的擴散 (Diffusion of Innovations)(原作者:Everett M. Rogers)。臺北:遠流(原著出版年:2003)。
6.張君玫(譯)(民91)。文化消費與日常生活 (Cultural Consumption and Everyday Life)(原作者:John Storey)。臺北:巨流圖書公司(原著出版年:1999)。
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