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題名 北京外地戶籍青年勞動者的居住與戶籍問題之研究
Housing and Household Registration Problem of Young Workers without Local Permanent Residency Permits in Beijing
作者 陳胤祖
貢獻者 邱炫元
關鍵詞 蟻族
Ant Tribe
inhabited village
housing poverty
household registration system
日期 2016
上傳時間 9-Aug-2016 11:48:33 (UTC+8)
摘要   本研究旨在探討中國大陸超大城市中流動人口的生存處境,特別以城市青年流動人口為研究對象,對於他們的城市空間和社會空間進行定位,進一步研究該群體在北京市的居住和社會流動情形,並指出制度性因素如何造成他們的城市居住和流動問題。
The study discusses the situations of floating population in big cities in China. The author especially views youth floating population in cities as object of research, probes their geographical and social position in cities so as to study their living condition and social mobility, and points out how institutional factors lead to their living and social mobility problems in cities.
First of all, Beijing is the field of research, and Ant Tribe is the original type of object of research in the study. According to the research outcome, because Beijing’s structure of income and industry and its structure of planning and development changed, Ant Tribe’s income level and living condition have improved. Moreover, since the concept of Ant Tribe exist contradictions itself, there are limitations while the author uses the concept of Ant Tribe. As a result, the author extends the concept of Ant Tribe, proposes the broader concept called Young Workers without Local Permanent Residency Permits, and views them as object of research in the study.
In the meanwhile, as the proposer of the concept of Ant Tribe, Lian Si’s Ant Tribe studies lack of discussions on Ant Tribe’s living space “inhabited village,” so the study discusses the definition, character, and forming context of inhabited villages. Furthermore, “Yung Wang village” is the case study, and the author explains how the village forms under the interaction of population migration, geographical space, social structure, and governmental policies. What’s more, the demolition of inhabited villages reveals problems of the floating population’s living right in cities.
Due to the broader scope of concept than Ant Tribe, inhabited villages are not the only living space for Young Workers without Local Permanent Residency Permits. They not only may live in informal settlements, such as partitioned rooms, basements, and alleys constructed disorderly, but also may live in formal settlements, such as housing estates and faculty dormitories in campuses. Besides, each kind of settlements has different living properties. According one’s demand, Young Workers without Local Permanent Residency Permits will choose the settlements most appropriate for them to live in. In this way, their living space appears to be various, shows the meaning of class, and reveals the serious problems of housing poverty.
In addition, the author investigated the migration motives of Young Workers without Local Permanent Residency Permits, and found that although economic factor is still the main reason for them to migrate, social and cultural factors have an impact on their motives to migrate to big cities at the same time. However, many of them don’t intend to stay in Beijing in the long run, because they can’t afford houses in Beijing, their occupations’ prospects are not well, their economic condition doesn’t improve in the long run, and they can’t acquire local permanent residency permits in Beijing. Hence, they tend to regard their working experiences in Beijing as self-training, and leave for second or third-tier cities or return to their hometown so as to seek better opportunities by their working experiences in Beijing.
In the end, according to the research outcome, Young Workers without Local Permanent Residency Permits are difficult to reach upward mobility, even though their income level has improved after they worked for some years. However, most of their income level only paces up and down the average of income level of staff and workers in Beijing. What’s worse, the household registration system sets some restrict limitations on floating population, which make them hard to access the resources and rights of house and education in Beijing, obstructing them to reach real upward mobility. Also, the differentiation of residency permits brings about the special married mechanism between locals and outsiders in Beijing. On the basis of the unequal status of resources and rights, the barriers between people with different residency permits and socioeconomic status are consolidated by means of marriage.
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“Housing for Inclusive Cities: the Economic Impact of High Housing Costs,” Global Cities Business Alliance,
描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 邱炫元zh_TW (Authors) 陳胤祖zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) 陳胤祖zh_TW (日期) 2016en_US 9-Aug-2016 11:48:33 (UTC+8)- 9-Aug-2016 11:48:33 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 9-Aug-2016 11:48:33 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0102261019en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國家發展研究所zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 102261019zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要)   本研究旨在探討中國大陸超大城市中流動人口的生存處境,特別以城市青年流動人口為研究對象,對於他們的城市空間和社會空間進行定位,進一步研究該群體在北京市的居住和社會流動情形,並指出制度性因素如何造成他們的城市居住和流動問題。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) The study discusses the situations of floating population in big cities in China. The author especially views youth floating population in cities as object of research, probes their geographical and social position in cities so as to study their living condition and social mobility, and points out how institutional factors lead to their living and social mobility problems in cities.
First of all, Beijing is the field of research, and Ant Tribe is the original type of object of research in the study. According to the research outcome, because Beijing’s structure of income and industry and its structure of planning and development changed, Ant Tribe’s income level and living condition have improved. Moreover, since the concept of Ant Tribe exist contradictions itself, there are limitations while the author uses the concept of Ant Tribe. As a result, the author extends the concept of Ant Tribe, proposes the broader concept called Young Workers without Local Permanent Residency Permits, and views them as object of research in the study.
In the meanwhile, as the proposer of the concept of Ant Tribe, Lian Si’s Ant Tribe studies lack of discussions on Ant Tribe’s living space “inhabited village,” so the study discusses the definition, character, and forming context of inhabited villages. Furthermore, “Yung Wang village” is the case study, and the author explains how the village forms under the interaction of population migration, geographical space, social structure, and governmental policies. What’s more, the demolition of inhabited villages reveals problems of the floating population’s living right in cities.
Due to the broader scope of concept than Ant Tribe, inhabited villages are not the only living space for Young Workers without Local Permanent Residency Permits. They not only may live in informal settlements, such as partitioned rooms, basements, and alleys constructed disorderly, but also may live in formal settlements, such as housing estates and faculty dormitories in campuses. Besides, each kind of settlements has different living properties. According one’s demand, Young Workers without Local Permanent Residency Permits will choose the settlements most appropriate for them to live in. In this way, their living space appears to be various, shows the meaning of class, and reveals the serious problems of housing poverty.
In addition, the author investigated the migration motives of Young Workers without Local Permanent Residency Permits, and found that although economic factor is still the main reason for them to migrate, social and cultural factors have an impact on their motives to migrate to big cities at the same time. However, many of them don’t intend to stay in Beijing in the long run, because they can’t afford houses in Beijing, their occupations’ prospects are not well, their economic condition doesn’t improve in the long run, and they can’t acquire local permanent residency permits in Beijing. Hence, they tend to regard their working experiences in Beijing as self-training, and leave for second or third-tier cities or return to their hometown so as to seek better opportunities by their working experiences in Beijing.
In the end, according to the research outcome, Young Workers without Local Permanent Residency Permits are difficult to reach upward mobility, even though their income level has improved after they worked for some years. However, most of their income level only paces up and down the average of income level of staff and workers in Beijing. What’s worse, the household registration system sets some restrict limitations on floating population, which make them hard to access the resources and rights of house and education in Beijing, obstructing them to reach real upward mobility. Also, the differentiation of residency permits brings about the special married mechanism between locals and outsiders in Beijing. On the basis of the unequal status of resources and rights, the barriers between people with different residency permits and socioeconomic status are consolidated by means of marriage.
dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景 1
第二節 問題意識 2
第三節 中國大陸城市流動人口的歷史成因 3
一、 戶籍制度 3
二、 城鄉差距 4
第四節 文獻回顧 7
一、 戶籍制度與城鄉二元世界 7
二、 土地制度與城市的非正式空間 9
三、 青年流動人口的類型與成因 11
第五節 理論基礎 14
一、 貧民區理論:非正式空間的形成與發展 14
二、 移民理論:外籍青年勞動者的遷移與流動 15
第六節 研究問題 16
第七節 研究方法 16
一、 文獻分析法 17
二、 田野研究法 18
三、 研究地點與研究對象 20
第八節 各章梗概 22
第九節 研究架構與概念 24
第二章 對北京外籍青年勞動者的識別:蟻族概念的運用與批判 25
第一節 蟻族的型態變化與界定問題 26
第二節 結構變動與蟻族的型態變化 29
一、 北京市的收入與產業結構 30
二、 北京市的規劃與開發結構 33
三、 北京市的戶口政策結構 39
第三節 蟻族概念的延展:北京外籍青年勞動者 44
一、 蟻族概念與蟻族現況的衝突 45
二、 外籍青年勞動者及其界定方式 47
第四節 小結 48
第三章 聚居村中的蟻族 50
第一節 聚居村的定義 50
一、 非正式住房的定義 51
二、 聚居村的形成脈絡及其非正式性 51
第二節 對於廉思之聚居村研究的批判性回顧 55
第三節 蟻族的居住空間:以永旺村為例 57
第四節 小結 88
第四章 北京外籍青年的居住空間類型與分布 90
第一節 北京外籍青年勞動者的居住空間類型 91
一、 北京市的非正式住房 91
二、 北京市的正式住房 111
第二節 新、舊北京市區的居住空間屬性對比 114
一、 舊市區的正式住房 115
二、 舊市區的非正式住房 116
三、 新市區的正式住房 117
四、 新市區的非正式住房 118
第三節 小結 119
第五章 遷徙與流動 122
第一節 北京外籍青年勞動者的遷移動機 122
一、 外地至本地 123
二、 本地區域間 130
三、 本地至外地 132
第二節 北京外籍青年勞動者的流動情形 137
第三節 北京外籍青年勞動者的戶籍牽制 141
第四節 小結 146
第六章 結論 148
第一節 北京外籍青年勞動者的現況與未來 148
第二節 尚待解決的北京市居住與戶籍問題 150
第三節 研究限制與建議 152
第四節 田野研究歷程的反思 153
參考文獻 157
附錄一:受訪者基本情況表 171
附錄二:第一次田野調查訪談大綱 174
附錄三:第二次田野調查訪談大綱(外地青年) 176
附錄四:第二次田野調查訪談大綱(永旺村商販、房東) 179
附錄五:第二次田野調查訪談大綱(非政府組織) 181
附錄六:第二次田野調查訪談大綱(韓嘉玲教授) 182
附錄七:第二次田野調查訪談大綱(陸杰華教授) 184
附錄八:第二次田野調查訪談大綱(廉思教授) 186
附錄九:第二次田野調查訪談大綱(李強教授) 187
dc.format.extent 5491894 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 蟻族zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 青年zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 聚居村zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 居住貧困zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 戶籍制度zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Ant Tribeen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) youthen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) inhabited villageen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) housing povertyen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) household registration systemen_US
dc.title (題名) 北京外地戶籍青年勞動者的居住與戶籍問題之研究zh_TW
dc.title (題名) Housing and Household Registration Problem of Young Workers without Local Permanent Residency Permits in Beijingen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 中文文獻
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