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題名 探究現代越南政府與宗教之間的協同作用
Buddhism and Communism: The Case for Synergy in Modern Vietnam
作者 陳芳枝
貢獻者 湯京平
Tang, Ching Ping
關鍵詞 佛教
日期 2016
上傳時間 22-Aug-2016 11:50:38 (UTC+8)
摘要 採用馬克思主義意識形態為宗教動員理想狀態的人是被存疑的;然而,在特定環境中的集體社會,這兩個矛盾的信仰找到解決之道,共生和共存。本主題研究在越南共產主義和佛教之下,慈善組織和獨裁政權之間協同作用的可能性。透過探索該國歷史、傳統文化的魅力之下,研究者亦探討這兩股權力不得不尋找在不同時期共同目標的過程。
The ideal of religious mobilization in those who adopt Marxism ideology seems to be skeptical; however, in a collective community, within the particular circumstance, the two contradict beliefs find their resolution to survive, work and develop together. The study on Vietnamese Communist and Buddhism indicates a possibility of a synergetic relationship between philanthropic organizations and authoritarian regime. The process that the two powers had to search for the mutual goal in different periods will be explored through the country’s history, under the allure of traditional culture.
參考文獻 1Meyer, Hilbert. 2009. In M.Jorio&C. Sonderegger (Eds), Hítorisches Lẽikon Schweiz. Bern: HLS.
2Pao Ming. 1997. A Bomb in Beijing. Hong Kong: The Economsist.
3Bryant, C.G.A. 1994. A further comment on Kumar’s “civil society”, British Journal of Sociology, 45, 3, pp. 497–9
4 Casanova, Jose. 1994. Public Religions in the Modern World, Chicago: Chicago University Press.
5 Lunn, Jenny. 2009. The Role of Religion, Spirituality and Faith in Development: A critical theory approach. Third World Quarterly, 30(5), 937-951.
6 Aspinall, Edward. 2004. Indonesia: Transformation of Civil Society and Democratic Breakthrough. Civil Society and Political Change in Asia: Expanding and Contracting Democratic Space, M. Alagappa. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.
7 Unger, Jonathan, and Chan.A. 1995. China, Corporatism, and the East Asian Model Australian Journal of Chinese Affairs 33:29–53.
8Billings, D. B. (1994). Religion and Political Legitimation. Annual Review of Sociology, 20(1), 173-201
9 Ammerman NT. 1990. Baptist Battles: Social Change and Religious Conflict in the Southern Baptist Convention. New Brunswick: Rutgers University. Press
10 Herbert. D in Haynes, J. (2009). Routledge handbook of religion and politics. London: Routledge.
11 Bruce, S. (2003) Politics and Religion, Cambridge:Polity.
12 Andre.L. 2001. Buddhist Organizations and Democracy in Taiwan. American Asian Review. Proquest Research Library pg.97
13 Tatsuru.A. 2013. The role of Buddhism in Social Work Vietnam and Japan. Social Work Institute Asian Center for Welfare in Society.
14 Vu, Hien, Bailey, Stephen and Chen,James. Engaging Vietnam and Laos and Religious Freedom. The Review of Faith and International Affairs. UK: Taylor and Francis Groups, pp 86-92
15 Duiker, J Williams. 2000. Ho Chi Minh, A Life. NY: Hyperion.
16 State Records Management and Achieves III: Vietnamese Constitution. 2945-1946. File no 97.
17 Gheddo. P. 1970. The Cross and the Bo-tree: Catholics and Buddhists in Vietnam. Trans. Charles Quinn. New York: Sheed and Ward.
18 Jame S Olson & Randy Roberts. 1996. Where do the Dominos fell: America and Vietnam, 1945- 1990. NY: St Martin Press.
19 Michael E, Latham. 2006. Redirecting the revolution. Third World Quarterly, pp 27-41
20 Nguyen, Cong Luan. 2012. Nationalist in Vietnam Wars: Memoirs of a Victim Turned Soldier. Indiana University Press, p233
21 Fall, B Bernard. 1955. The Political-Religious Sects of Viet-Nam. Pacific Affairs, Vo.28, No.3, pp. 235-253
22 Ruth, Richard A. 2010. In Buddha’s Company: Thai soldiers in the Vietnam War. University of Hawai’i Press, pp 181-212
23 Ruth, Richard A. 2010. In Buddha’s Company: Thai soldiers in the Vietnam War. University of Hawai’i Press, pp 181-212
24 Tran, Q Le & Rambo, Terry and Garry D, Murfin. 1976. Why they Fled: Refugee Movement during the Spring 1975Communist Offensive in South Vietnam. University of California Press.
Asian Survey, Vol. 16, No.9, pp 855-863
25 Bruce, Mathews. 1992. The Place of Religion in Vietnam Today. Buddhist-Christian studies, Vol.12, pp65-74
26 Marlaney, Shaun Kingsley. 2003. “Return to the Pass? The Dynamics of Contemporary Religious and Ritual Transformation” in in Hy V Luong eds.,Post War in Vietnam. Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield.
27 Zhang, XiaoMing. 2005. China’s 1979 War with Vietnam: A Reassessment. The China Quarterly, Vol. 1984, pp 851-874
28 Luong, V Hy. 2003. “Wealth, Power, and Inequality: Global Market, the State, and Local Sociocultural Dynamics”. in Hy V Luong eds., Post War in Vietnam. Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield.
29 Luong, V Hy. 2003. “Wealth, Power, and Inequality: Global Market, the State, and Local Sociocultural Dynamics”. in Hy V Luong eds., Post War in Vietnam. Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield.
30 Taylor, Keith Weller. 1983. The Birth of Vietnam.
Berkerly: University of California Press.
31Olga, Dror. 2007. Cult, Culture and Authority: Princess Lieu Hanh in Vietnamese History. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.
32 Thich Dao Tinh. Interview 2016. Taiwan: Dharma Mountain Sangha University.
33 Pham, Quynh Phuong. 2009. Hero and Deity. Chiang Mai: Mekong Press
34 Wells-Dang, Andrew. 2007. ‘ Foreign Religious organizations and Development in Vietnam’, cited in Philip Taylor, ‘ Modernity and Re-enchantment’. Singapore: Institutes of South East Asia Studies
35 Teacher Zhang. Interview 2016. Ho Chi Minh city: The Yi-guan Dao Temple.
36 Martin, David. 2005. The relevance of European model of secularization in Latin America and Africa. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press
37 McHale, Shawn Federick. 2004. Print and Power, Confucianism, Communism and Buddhism in the making of modern Vietnam. Honolulu: University of Hawai’I Press. 38 Long, Darui. 2000. Humanistic Buddhism From Venerable Tai Xu to Grand Master Hsing Yun. His Lai Journal of Humanistic Buddhism. Volume 1, pp. 53-84
39 Tai Xu Dashi Quanshu (The Complete Works of Venerable Tai Xu), volume 34, pp. 597-598.
40 Taylor, Philip. ed.2007. Modernity and Re-enchantment: Religion in Post revolutionary Vietnam. Singapore: Institutes of South East Asia Studies
41 Norton, Barley. 2009. Songs for the Spirits: Music and Mediums in Modern Vietnam. Chicago: University of Chicago Press
42 Cadiere, Leopold. 1944. Religious and Practices of the Vietnamese. Melbourne: Monash University
43 Chauvet Claire. 2011. Changing Spirit Identities: Rethinking the Four Palace’s Spirit representations in Northern Vietnam, in “Engaging the Spirit World” edited by Kristen W.Endres& Andrea Lauser
44 Laurel, Kendall. 1996. Korean Shamans and the Spirits of Capitalism. American Anthropologist, pp 512-27
45 Soucy, Alexander. 2013. The Buddha side: Gender, Power and Buddhist Practice in Vietnam. Honolulu: University of Hawai’I Press
46 Endres, Kristen W. & Lauser, Andrea. Contests of Commemoration: Virgin War Martyrs, State Memorials, and the Invocation of the Spirit World in Contemporary Vietnam. Britain: Berghahn Books
47 Olga, Dror. 2007. Cult, Culture and Authority: Princess Lieu Hanh in Vietnamese History. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.
48 Nguyen, Ngoc Huy. 1998. ‘The Confucian Incursion into Vietnam’, in Confucianism and the Family, eds. Walter H. Slote & George A. Devos. New York: State University of New York Press
49 Woodside, Alexander. 1976. Community and Revolution in Modern Vietnam. New York: Houghton Mifflin
50 Wolters, Oliver. 1982. History, Culture and Region in Southeast Asian Perspectives. Singapore: Institutes of South East Asia Studies
51 Andrade, D’ Roy. 2008. The study of Personal and Cultural Values, American, Japanese and Vietnamese. New York: Palgrave MacMillan
52 Nguyen, Thi Hien. 2006. ‘ A bit of a spirit favor is equal to a Load of Mudane Gifts’: Votive Paper Offerings of Len Dong Rituals in Post-renovation Vietnam,’ in Possesses by the Spirtis: Mediumship in the Contemporary Vietnamese Communities, eds K. Fjelstad ad T.H. Nguyen. Ithaca, NY: South East Asia Program, Cornell University
53 Soucy, Alexander. 2013. The Buddha side: Gender, Power and Buddhist Practice in Vietnam. Honolulu: University of Hawai’I Press
54 Hearn, Adrian H. 2008. Cuba: Religion, Social Capital, and Development. Durham: Duke University Press
55 Crahan, Magaret E. 1985. Cuba: Religion and Revolutionary Institutionalization. Journal of Latin American Studies. UK: Cambridge University Press.
描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 湯京平zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Tang, Ching Pingen_US (Authors) 陳芳枝zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) 陳芳枝zh_TW (日期) 2016en_US 22-Aug-2016 11:50:38 (UTC+8)- 22-Aug-2016 11:50:38 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 22-Aug-2016 11:50:38 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0103461017en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國際傳播英語碩士學位學程(IMICS)zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 103461017zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 採用馬克思主義意識形態為宗教動員理想狀態的人是被存疑的;然而,在特定環境中的集體社會,這兩個矛盾的信仰找到解決之道,共生和共存。本主題研究在越南共產主義和佛教之下,慈善組織和獨裁政權之間協同作用的可能性。透過探索該國歷史、傳統文化的魅力之下,研究者亦探討這兩股權力不得不尋找在不同時期共同目標的過程。zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) The ideal of religious mobilization in those who adopt Marxism ideology seems to be skeptical; however, in a collective community, within the particular circumstance, the two contradict beliefs find their resolution to survive, work and develop together. The study on Vietnamese Communist and Buddhism indicates a possibility of a synergetic relationship between philanthropic organizations and authoritarian regime. The process that the two powers had to search for the mutual goal in different periods will be explored through the country’s history, under the allure of traditional culture.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 6
1.1 Research Goals 7
1.2 Research Motivations 9
1.2.1. Religion and Politic Interactions 9
1.2.2. Buddhism and the State in Vietnam 14
2.1. Religious Engagement 18
2.2. The Buddhist Activists 22
2.4. Research Methodology 24
3.1 The Dawn of Communist Era, Wars and Unification (1945-1975) 29
3.1.3. The Southern and Northern government (1955-1975) 34
3.2 Motivations to release Re-innovation Policy (1975-1990) 43
4.1 How Buddhism Identity is recognized in Vietnam? 61
4.2 Buddhism, the Traditional Cults and the Elites 63
4.2.1 The Role of Buddhism in Traditional Cults practice 64
4.3 The Confucius Value in Vietnamese Society 69
4.4 The Supernatural Blessing of the Ancestors 72
5.1 Beyond the development 79
5.2 The Contemporary Policy Implications on Cuba in Comparative Perspective 82
5.3 Research Limitation 86
References 88
Appendices 92
dc.format.extent 1438772 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 佛教zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 共產主義zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 越南zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Buddhismen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Communismen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Vietnamen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Politicen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Religionen_US
dc.title (題名) 探究現代越南政府與宗教之間的協同作用zh_TW
dc.title (題名) Buddhism and Communism: The Case for Synergy in Modern Vietnamen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 1Meyer, Hilbert. 2009. In M.Jorio&C. Sonderegger (Eds), Hítorisches Lẽikon Schweiz. Bern: HLS.
2Pao Ming. 1997. A Bomb in Beijing. Hong Kong: The Economsist.
3Bryant, C.G.A. 1994. A further comment on Kumar’s “civil society”, British Journal of Sociology, 45, 3, pp. 497–9
4 Casanova, Jose. 1994. Public Religions in the Modern World, Chicago: Chicago University Press.
5 Lunn, Jenny. 2009. The Role of Religion, Spirituality and Faith in Development: A critical theory approach. Third World Quarterly, 30(5), 937-951.
6 Aspinall, Edward. 2004. Indonesia: Transformation of Civil Society and Democratic Breakthrough. Civil Society and Political Change in Asia: Expanding and Contracting Democratic Space, M. Alagappa. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.
7 Unger, Jonathan, and Chan.A. 1995. China, Corporatism, and the East Asian Model Australian Journal of Chinese Affairs 33:29–53.
8Billings, D. B. (1994). Religion and Political Legitimation. Annual Review of Sociology, 20(1), 173-201
9 Ammerman NT. 1990. Baptist Battles: Social Change and Religious Conflict in the Southern Baptist Convention. New Brunswick: Rutgers University. Press
10 Herbert. D in Haynes, J. (2009). Routledge handbook of religion and politics. London: Routledge.
11 Bruce, S. (2003) Politics and Religion, Cambridge:Polity.
12 Andre.L. 2001. Buddhist Organizations and Democracy in Taiwan. American Asian Review. Proquest Research Library pg.97
13 Tatsuru.A. 2013. The role of Buddhism in Social Work Vietnam and Japan. Social Work Institute Asian Center for Welfare in Society.
14 Vu, Hien, Bailey, Stephen and Chen,James. Engaging Vietnam and Laos and Religious Freedom. The Review of Faith and International Affairs. UK: Taylor and Francis Groups, pp 86-92
15 Duiker, J Williams. 2000. Ho Chi Minh, A Life. NY: Hyperion.
16 State Records Management and Achieves III: Vietnamese Constitution. 2945-1946. File no 97.
17 Gheddo. P. 1970. The Cross and the Bo-tree: Catholics and Buddhists in Vietnam. Trans. Charles Quinn. New York: Sheed and Ward.
18 Jame S Olson & Randy Roberts. 1996. Where do the Dominos fell: America and Vietnam, 1945- 1990. NY: St Martin Press.
19 Michael E, Latham. 2006. Redirecting the revolution. Third World Quarterly, pp 27-41
20 Nguyen, Cong Luan. 2012. Nationalist in Vietnam Wars: Memoirs of a Victim Turned Soldier. Indiana University Press, p233
21 Fall, B Bernard. 1955. The Political-Religious Sects of Viet-Nam. Pacific Affairs, Vo.28, No.3, pp. 235-253
22 Ruth, Richard A. 2010. In Buddha’s Company: Thai soldiers in the Vietnam War. University of Hawai’i Press, pp 181-212
23 Ruth, Richard A. 2010. In Buddha’s Company: Thai soldiers in the Vietnam War. University of Hawai’i Press, pp 181-212
24 Tran, Q Le & Rambo, Terry and Garry D, Murfin. 1976. Why they Fled: Refugee Movement during the Spring 1975Communist Offensive in South Vietnam. University of California Press.
Asian Survey, Vol. 16, No.9, pp 855-863
25 Bruce, Mathews. 1992. The Place of Religion in Vietnam Today. Buddhist-Christian studies, Vol.12, pp65-74
26 Marlaney, Shaun Kingsley. 2003. “Return to the Pass? The Dynamics of Contemporary Religious and Ritual Transformation” in in Hy V Luong eds.,Post War in Vietnam. Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield.
27 Zhang, XiaoMing. 2005. China’s 1979 War with Vietnam: A Reassessment. The China Quarterly, Vol. 1984, pp 851-874
28 Luong, V Hy. 2003. “Wealth, Power, and Inequality: Global Market, the State, and Local Sociocultural Dynamics”. in Hy V Luong eds., Post War in Vietnam. Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield.
29 Luong, V Hy. 2003. “Wealth, Power, and Inequality: Global Market, the State, and Local Sociocultural Dynamics”. in Hy V Luong eds., Post War in Vietnam. Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield.
30 Taylor, Keith Weller. 1983. The Birth of Vietnam.
Berkerly: University of California Press.
31Olga, Dror. 2007. Cult, Culture and Authority: Princess Lieu Hanh in Vietnamese History. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.
32 Thich Dao Tinh. Interview 2016. Taiwan: Dharma Mountain Sangha University.
33 Pham, Quynh Phuong. 2009. Hero and Deity. Chiang Mai: Mekong Press
34 Wells-Dang, Andrew. 2007. ‘ Foreign Religious organizations and Development in Vietnam’, cited in Philip Taylor, ‘ Modernity and Re-enchantment’. Singapore: Institutes of South East Asia Studies
35 Teacher Zhang. Interview 2016. Ho Chi Minh city: The Yi-guan Dao Temple.
36 Martin, David. 2005. The relevance of European model of secularization in Latin America and Africa. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press
37 McHale, Shawn Federick. 2004. Print and Power, Confucianism, Communism and Buddhism in the making of modern Vietnam. Honolulu: University of Hawai’I Press. 38 Long, Darui. 2000. Humanistic Buddhism From Venerable Tai Xu to Grand Master Hsing Yun. His Lai Journal of Humanistic Buddhism. Volume 1, pp. 53-84
39 Tai Xu Dashi Quanshu (The Complete Works of Venerable Tai Xu), volume 34, pp. 597-598.
40 Taylor, Philip. ed.2007. Modernity and Re-enchantment: Religion in Post revolutionary Vietnam. Singapore: Institutes of South East Asia Studies
41 Norton, Barley. 2009. Songs for the Spirits: Music and Mediums in Modern Vietnam. Chicago: University of Chicago Press
42 Cadiere, Leopold. 1944. Religious and Practices of the Vietnamese. Melbourne: Monash University
43 Chauvet Claire. 2011. Changing Spirit Identities: Rethinking the Four Palace’s Spirit representations in Northern Vietnam, in “Engaging the Spirit World” edited by Kristen W.Endres& Andrea Lauser
44 Laurel, Kendall. 1996. Korean Shamans and the Spirits of Capitalism. American Anthropologist, pp 512-27
45 Soucy, Alexander. 2013. The Buddha side: Gender, Power and Buddhist Practice in Vietnam. Honolulu: University of Hawai’I Press
46 Endres, Kristen W. & Lauser, Andrea. Contests of Commemoration: Virgin War Martyrs, State Memorials, and the Invocation of the Spirit World in Contemporary Vietnam. Britain: Berghahn Books
47 Olga, Dror. 2007. Cult, Culture and Authority: Princess Lieu Hanh in Vietnamese History. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press.
48 Nguyen, Ngoc Huy. 1998. ‘The Confucian Incursion into Vietnam’, in Confucianism and the Family, eds. Walter H. Slote & George A. Devos. New York: State University of New York Press
49 Woodside, Alexander. 1976. Community and Revolution in Modern Vietnam. New York: Houghton Mifflin
50 Wolters, Oliver. 1982. History, Culture and Region in Southeast Asian Perspectives. Singapore: Institutes of South East Asia Studies
51 Andrade, D’ Roy. 2008. The study of Personal and Cultural Values, American, Japanese and Vietnamese. New York: Palgrave MacMillan
52 Nguyen, Thi Hien. 2006. ‘ A bit of a spirit favor is equal to a Load of Mudane Gifts’: Votive Paper Offerings of Len Dong Rituals in Post-renovation Vietnam,’ in Possesses by the Spirtis: Mediumship in the Contemporary Vietnamese Communities, eds K. Fjelstad ad T.H. Nguyen. Ithaca, NY: South East Asia Program, Cornell University
53 Soucy, Alexander. 2013. The Buddha side: Gender, Power and Buddhist Practice in Vietnam. Honolulu: University of Hawai’I Press
54 Hearn, Adrian H. 2008. Cuba: Religion, Social Capital, and Development. Durham: Duke University Press
55 Crahan, Magaret E. 1985. Cuba: Religion and Revolutionary Institutionalization. Journal of Latin American Studies. UK: Cambridge University Press.