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題名 異文化初想:十八世紀法國視野的「中國式生活」
其他題名 Preliminary Study on Foreign Culture: A French View of Chinese Life in the Eighteenth Century
作者 林晴羽
Lin, Ching-Ying
關鍵詞 十八世紀;中法文化;中國風尚;物質文化;文化史研究
18 century;Sino-French;Chinoiserie;Material Culture Cultural history
日期 2014-09
上傳時間 23-Aug-2016 17:55:09 (UTC+8)
摘要 近代中法文化交流最初始於路易十四時代與清康熙時期。路易十四(LouisXIV, 1638~1715)親政後積極對外擴張,將目光轉向遠東。1685年他授與六位耶穌會士「國王的數學家」(Mathématiciens du roi)頭銜,派遣到中國進行科學文化的考察,自此展開近一世紀中法雙邊交流活動。由於法國耶穌會士從中穿針引線,在中國所見所聞寫成書信、報告與研究中國各類的書籍等陸續寄回法國與返回法國的耶穌會士現身說法、實況報導,不斷加溫對中國的好奇與熱情,於是中國思想文化成為法國知識界最熱門的討論話題,而中國工藝品成為上流社會貴族們爭相收藏的藝術品。從宮廷舞會到巴黎街頭,中國變成一種時尚,每一物件皆被傾慕與迷戀。職是,在這股熱潮裡中國如何以視覺化、空間化的形式出現在法國?在異文化裡如何被定義、被符號化?並透過什麼樣的修辭來影響消費、製造慾望並創造中國式生活。本文擬從物質文化的面向,以文獻與圖像史料作為參照和互證的研究方式,探討十七世紀中葉至十八世紀中葉之間中法文化的相遇,作為異文化的「他者」-中國,其物質文化如何給予法國新的感官經驗,醞釀出奇異又創意的中式生活方式與品味,進一步觀察中法文化的交流對法國藝術趣味的轉變與影響。
The modern communication of Sino-French culture initially began in the era of Louis XIV. Louis XIV was active in external expansion and turned his attention to the Far East after his accession to the throne. He granted the title of "King`s mathematician" for six Jesuits in 1685 and sent them to China for the investigation of science and culture. Since then, Sino-French bilateral exchanges were launched for nearly a century. Jesuits acted as the liaison: on one hand, they wrote what they saw and heard in China in letters and reports, sent them back to France with all kinds of books for a better understanding of China and talked with the Jesuits that returned to France and reported the actual situation, with a higher curiosity and passion about China. As a result, Chinese thinking and culture became the most popular topic in the intellectual circle and Chinese arts and crafts became the most fashionable arts collected by upper-class aristocracies. China became one kind of fashion from the royal ball to the streets of Paris and each article was admired and adored. However, how was China visualized and spatialized in this boom? How was China imagined, defined and symbolized in foreign culture? What kind of rhetoric was used to affect consumption and create desire and Chinese life? By adopting the research method of taking literature, images and historical data as the reference and mutual confirmation, this article aims to explore in the perspective of material culture the preliminary communication of Sino-French culture: how the material culture of China, as the otherness of foreign culture, gave French new sensory experience and created the special and creative Chinese lifestyle and taste, and further observation of the changes and influence of Sino-French culture communication on French art taste.
關聯 文化越界,1(12),149-194
Cross-cultural Studies
資料類型 article
dc.creator (作者) 林晴羽zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Lin, Ching-Ying (日期) 2014-09 23-Aug-2016 17:55:09 (UTC+8)- 23-Aug-2016 17:55:09 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 23-Aug-2016 17:55:09 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 近代中法文化交流最初始於路易十四時代與清康熙時期。路易十四(LouisXIV, 1638~1715)親政後積極對外擴張,將目光轉向遠東。1685年他授與六位耶穌會士「國王的數學家」(Mathématiciens du roi)頭銜,派遣到中國進行科學文化的考察,自此展開近一世紀中法雙邊交流活動。由於法國耶穌會士從中穿針引線,在中國所見所聞寫成書信、報告與研究中國各類的書籍等陸續寄回法國與返回法國的耶穌會士現身說法、實況報導,不斷加溫對中國的好奇與熱情,於是中國思想文化成為法國知識界最熱門的討論話題,而中國工藝品成為上流社會貴族們爭相收藏的藝術品。從宮廷舞會到巴黎街頭,中國變成一種時尚,每一物件皆被傾慕與迷戀。職是,在這股熱潮裡中國如何以視覺化、空間化的形式出現在法國?在異文化裡如何被定義、被符號化?並透過什麼樣的修辭來影響消費、製造慾望並創造中國式生活。本文擬從物質文化的面向,以文獻與圖像史料作為參照和互證的研究方式,探討十七世紀中葉至十八世紀中葉之間中法文化的相遇,作為異文化的「他者」-中國,其物質文化如何給予法國新的感官經驗,醞釀出奇異又創意的中式生活方式與品味,進一步觀察中法文化的交流對法國藝術趣味的轉變與影響。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) The modern communication of Sino-French culture initially began in the era of Louis XIV. Louis XIV was active in external expansion and turned his attention to the Far East after his accession to the throne. He granted the title of "King`s mathematician" for six Jesuits in 1685 and sent them to China for the investigation of science and culture. Since then, Sino-French bilateral exchanges were launched for nearly a century. Jesuits acted as the liaison: on one hand, they wrote what they saw and heard in China in letters and reports, sent them back to France with all kinds of books for a better understanding of China and talked with the Jesuits that returned to France and reported the actual situation, with a higher curiosity and passion about China. As a result, Chinese thinking and culture became the most popular topic in the intellectual circle and Chinese arts and crafts became the most fashionable arts collected by upper-class aristocracies. China became one kind of fashion from the royal ball to the streets of Paris and each article was admired and adored. However, how was China visualized and spatialized in this boom? How was China imagined, defined and symbolized in foreign culture? What kind of rhetoric was used to affect consumption and create desire and Chinese life? By adopting the research method of taking literature, images and historical data as the reference and mutual confirmation, this article aims to explore in the perspective of material culture the preliminary communication of Sino-French culture: how the material culture of China, as the otherness of foreign culture, gave French new sensory experience and created the special and creative Chinese lifestyle and taste, and further observation of the changes and influence of Sino-French culture communication on French art taste.
dc.format.extent 1761683 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.relation (關聯) 文化越界,1(12),149-194
dc.relation (關聯) Cross-cultural Studies
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 十八世紀;中法文化;中國風尚;物質文化;文化史研究
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 18 century;Sino-French;Chinoiserie;Material Culture Cultural history
dc.title (題名) 異文化初想:十八世紀法國視野的「中國式生活」zh_TW
dc.title.alternative (其他題名) Preliminary Study on Foreign Culture: A French View of Chinese Life in the Eighteenth Century
dc.type (資料類型) article