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題名 EUと東アジア不戦共同体-日本国憲法第9条との関連で-
作者 三石善吉
關鍵詞 二つの国際統合論(新機能主義アプローチ+交流主義アプローチ); ダール(ポリアーキー論); リンス/ステパン(民主主義体制+権威主義体制+全体主義体制+ポスト全体主義体制+スルタン主義体制)・ポリアーキーへの移行(台湾・韓国・インドネシア・フィリッピン・タイ・カンボジア)
日期 2006-01
上傳時間 30-八月-2016 16:13:26 (UTC+8)
摘要 歐洲聯盟EU是今日最早超越國民國家的新興超國家,實現相互不交戰的不戰共同體。我們希望在東亞地區也能形成如同EU一般,由ASEAN+3〈中日韓〉+台灣+北韓〈+香港〉所組成之共同體。 為什麼在歐洲有可能達成統合。本稿的第一章介紹Ernst Hass教授的「新機能主義之approach〈嘗試〉」與Karl Deusch教授提倡的「不戰共同體non-war community」,第二章則介紹Robert Dahl教授的「Polyarchy〈多頭政治〉」理論與Juan Lintz/Alfred Stepan兩教授的『Problems of Democratic Transition and Consolidation』〈1996〉[『民主化的理論』一藝社,2005]中的政治體制5類型論。 因紙幅有限,本稿只於第一章、第二章介紹理論,預定第三章提及的具體分析事例則在中間考察介紹其中一部分。
The European Union is a new form of “super” state and a new form of security community which never provokes war each other. It is sincerely hoped that such a community be established in East-Asia which includes ASEAN10+3,Taiwan and North Korea. Why it was made possible in Europe to integrate many nation-states into the Union? At first, the Neo-functionalist approach Ernst Haas et al advocate is examined. Secondly, Robert Dahl’s polyarchy and Lintz-Stepan’s 5 types of political regime are studied. For the reason of space, however, only Chapters 2 and 3 which deal with theoretical matters are covered in full. In Chapter 4, only an outline of the concrete analysis of the Asian nations is presented in a simplified form as an intermediate consideration.
關聯 政大日本研究,第三號,1-30
Chengchi journal of Japanese studies
資料類型 article
dc.creator (作者) 三石善吉zh_TW
dc.date (日期) 2006-01-
dc.date.accessioned 30-八月-2016 16:13:26 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.available 30-八月-2016 16:13:26 (UTC+8)-
dc.date.issued (上傳時間) 30-八月-2016 16:13:26 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI) http://nccur.lib.nccu.edu.tw/handle/140.119/100912-
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 歐洲聯盟EU是今日最早超越國民國家的新興超國家,實現相互不交戰的不戰共同體。我們希望在東亞地區也能形成如同EU一般,由ASEAN+3〈中日韓〉+台灣+北韓〈+香港〉所組成之共同體。 為什麼在歐洲有可能達成統合。本稿的第一章介紹Ernst Hass教授的「新機能主義之approach〈嘗試〉」與Karl Deusch教授提倡的「不戰共同體non-war community」,第二章則介紹Robert Dahl教授的「Polyarchy〈多頭政治〉」理論與Juan Lintz/Alfred Stepan兩教授的『Problems of Democratic Transition and Consolidation』〈1996〉[『民主化的理論』一藝社,2005]中的政治體制5類型論。 因紙幅有限,本稿只於第一章、第二章介紹理論,預定第三章提及的具體分析事例則在中間考察介紹其中一部分。-
dc.description.abstract (摘要) The European Union is a new form of “super” state and a new form of security community which never provokes war each other. It is sincerely hoped that such a community be established in East-Asia which includes ASEAN10+3,Taiwan and North Korea. Why it was made possible in Europe to integrate many nation-states into the Union? At first, the Neo-functionalist approach Ernst Haas et al advocate is examined. Secondly, Robert Dahl’s polyarchy and Lintz-Stepan’s 5 types of political regime are studied. For the reason of space, however, only Chapters 2 and 3 which deal with theoretical matters are covered in full. In Chapter 4, only an outline of the concrete analysis of the Asian nations is presented in a simplified form as an intermediate consideration.-
dc.format.extent 115 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype text/html-
dc.relation (關聯) 政大日本研究,第三號,1-30-
dc.relation (關聯) Chengchi journal of Japanese studies-
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 二つの国際統合論(新機能主義アプローチ+交流主義アプローチ); ダール(ポリアーキー論); リンス/ステパン(民主主義体制+権威主義体制+全体主義体制+ポスト全体主義体制+スルタン主義体制)・ポリアーキーへの移行(台湾・韓国・インドネシア・フィリッピン・タイ・カンボジア)-
dc.title (題名) EUと東アジア不戦共同体-日本国憲法第9条との関連で--
dc.type (資料類型) article-