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題名 AppCAT: 基於手機應用程式評論情感分析和產品功能發掘 – 以 iOS 為例
AppCAT: Systematic Sentiment Analysis of Mobile Application Reviews
作者 黃書韋
Huang, Shu Wei
貢獻者 郁方
Yu, Fang
Huang, Shu Wei
關鍵詞 手機應用程式
mobile application
sentiment analysis
日期 2016
上傳時間 1-Sep-2016 23:46:01 (UTC+8)
摘要 使用者對於手機應用程式的評論經常包含抱怨或是建議,此對於手機開發者用於改善使用者經驗和提升滿意度是很有幫助的。然而由於這些評論的品質和當中的雜訊使得手動去分析這些評論並且得到有價值的數據是困難的。
User reviews of mobile apps often contain complaints or suggestions which are valuable for app developers to improve user experience and satisfaction. However, due to the large volume and noisy-nature of those reviews, manually analyzing them for useful opinions is quite challenging. To address this problem, we propose Ap- pCAT, a sentiment and feature mining framework for automated review analysis. AppCAT defines the initial sets of keywords of those comments. And it use word similarity technique to expand the initial sets by grouping other keywords to find out the product features of those apps. Furthermore, AppCAT detects the sentiment and its subject(a product feature) of those reviews and figure out the user attitude towards those product feature of a specific app. AppCAT use those data to plot a bar chart to visualize those feature polarities for users to facilitate if they should consider this app. For the app developers, they can use this system to get the opinion overview of users as a basis of revision.
參考文獻 [1] app-attention-span-research-report-1.pdf. uploaded-files/1425406960/app-attention-span-research-report-1.pdf.(Accessed on 03/03/2016).
[2] AppBrainStat. Accessed: 2015-06-12.
[3] Gartner Says Worldwide Sales of Cellular-Embedded Mobile PCs, Tablets and Mo- bile Hot Spot Devices Will Exceed 112 Million in 2015. newsroom/id/3064718. Accessed: 2015-06-12.
[4] Github - vacuumv/appcat: Mobile application in ios review semtiment analysis. (Visited on 01/27/2016).
[5] Google play android. store/apps?utm_source=apac_med&utm_medium=hasem&utm_ content=May2516&utm_campaign=Evergreen&pcampaignid= MKT-DR-apac-tw-all-med-hasem-py-Evergreen-May2516-1-BKWS%7c%2EHASEM_ kwid_43700011378110954&gclid=Cj0KEQjwhZm7BRCUyfS6ho2VjOEBEiQAumpGMt367Hff9cpZOE gclsrc=aw.ds#/now. (Accessed on 06/20/2016).
[6] mostrecent/page=1/json. (Accessed on 06/20/2016).
[7] Improving hls on android - jw player sdk for android 1.2. https://www.jwplayer. com/blog/improving-hls-android-sdk-1-2/. (Accessed on 03/03/2016).
[8] itunes apple. (Accessed on 06/20/2016).
[9] Product/service features and benefits - entrepreneur- productservice-features-and-benefits.aspx. (Accessed on 06/20/2016).
[10] The Statistics Portal. number-of-apps-available-in-leading-app-stores. Accessed: 2015-06-12.
[11] What app users care about when sharing personal data: Permissions – article_Mintz-Levin-Cohn-Ferris-Glovsky-Popeo-PC_2220436.htm. (Accessed on 03/03/2016).
[12] Lillian Lee Bo Pang. Opinion Mining and Sentiment Analysis. Foundations and Trends
[13] Xing Fang and Justin Zhan. Sentiment analysis using product review data. Journal of Big Data, 2(1):5, 2015.
[14] Leonard Hoon, Rajesh Vasa, Jean-guy Schneider, and John Grundy. An Analysis of the Mobile App Review Landscape : Trends and Implications. pages 1–23, 2013.
[15] Leonard Hoon, Rajesh Vasa, Jean-Guy Schneider, and John Grundy. An Analysis of the Mobile App Review Landscape: Trends and Implications. Technical report, Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering, Swinburne University of Technology, July 2013.
[16] Su Su Htay and Khin Thidar Lynn. Extracting product features and opinion words using pattern knowledge in customer reviews. TheScientificWorldJournal, 2013:394758, 2013.
[17] Khairullah Khan, Baharum Baharudin, and Aurangzeb Khan. Identifying product features from customer reviews using hybrid patterns. International Arab Journal of Information Technology, 11(3):281–286, 2014.
[18] Efthymios Kouloumpis, Theresa Wilson, and Johanna Moore. Twitter Sentiment Analysis : The Good the Bad and the OMG ! pages 538–541, 2011.
[19] Bing Liu. Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining. Synthesis Lectures on Human Language Technologies, 5(1):1–167, 2012.
[20] George A. Miller. Wordnet: A lexical database for english. COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM, 38:39–41, 1995.
[21] Subhabrata Mukherjee and Pushpak Bhattacharyya. Feature specific sentiment anal- ysis for product reviews. Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing, pages 1–12, 2012.
[22] Rebecca Passonneau. Sentiment Analysis of Twitter Data.
[23] Ana Maria Popescu and Orena Etzioni. Extracting product features and opinions from reviews. Natural Language Processing and Text Mining, (October):9–28, 2007.
[24] Ana-Maria Popescu and Orena Etzioni. Extracting Product Features and Opinions from Reviews, pages 9–28. Springer London, London, 2007.
[25] Phong Minh Vu, Tam The Nguyen, Hung Viet Pham, and Tung Thanh Nguyen. Mining User Opinions in Mobile App Reviews : A Keyword-based Approach. 2015.
描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 郁方zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Yu, Fangen_US (Authors) 黃書韋zh_TW (Authors) Huang, Shu Weien_US
dc.creator (作者) 黃書韋zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Huang, Shu Weien_US (日期) 2016en_US 1-Sep-2016 23:46:01 (UTC+8)- 1-Sep-2016 23:46:01 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 1-Sep-2016 23:46:01 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0103356026en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 資訊管理學系zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 103356026zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 使用者對於手機應用程式的評論經常包含抱怨或是建議,此對於手機開發者用於改善使用者經驗和提升滿意度是很有幫助的。然而由於這些評論的品質和當中的雜訊使得手動去分析這些評論並且得到有價值的數據是困難的。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) User reviews of mobile apps often contain complaints or suggestions which are valuable for app developers to improve user experience and satisfaction. However, due to the large volume and noisy-nature of those reviews, manually analyzing them for useful opinions is quite challenging. To address this problem, we propose Ap- pCAT, a sentiment and feature mining framework for automated review analysis. AppCAT defines the initial sets of keywords of those comments. And it use word similarity technique to expand the initial sets by grouping other keywords to find out the product features of those apps. Furthermore, AppCAT detects the sentiment and its subject(a product feature) of those reviews and figure out the user attitude towards those product feature of a specific app. AppCAT use those data to plot a bar chart to visualize those feature polarities for users to facilitate if they should consider this app. For the app developers, they can use this system to get the opinion overview of users as a basis of revision.en_US
dc.description.tableofcontents 1 Introduction 1
2 Related Work 3
2.1 Research on Mobile Application Reviews 3
2.2 Identifying Product Feature 3
2.3 SentimentAnalysis 5
3 Methodology 5
3.1 Review preprocess 6
3.1.1 Download review data 7
3.1.2 NaturalLanguageProcessing 7
3.1.3 Filter and Add Frequent Words 7
3.2 FetchProductFeature 8
3.2.1 DefineInitialProductFeatureKeywords 8
3.2.2 Transform tokens into vector 10
3.2.3 Form feature keyword sets 10
3.3 Sentiment Analysis on Product Feature 10
3.3.1 FindReviewSubject 10
3.3.2 AnalyzeSentiment 11
3.3.3 Visualization 12
4 Experiment 12
4.1 Some Apps with privacy issue 13
4.2 Apps in Finance Category 13
4.3 Apps in Weather Category 18
5 Validation with AppReco 21
6 Conclusion 22
dc.format.extent 897684 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 手機應用程式zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 情感分析zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 評論zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) mobile applicationen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) sentiment analysisen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) reviewsen_US
dc.title (題名) AppCAT: 基於手機應用程式評論情感分析和產品功能發掘 – 以 iOS 為例zh_TW
dc.title (題名) AppCAT: Systematic Sentiment Analysis of Mobile Application Reviewsen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) [1] app-attention-span-research-report-1.pdf. uploaded-files/1425406960/app-attention-span-research-report-1.pdf.(Accessed on 03/03/2016).
[2] AppBrainStat. Accessed: 2015-06-12.
[3] Gartner Says Worldwide Sales of Cellular-Embedded Mobile PCs, Tablets and Mo- bile Hot Spot Devices Will Exceed 112 Million in 2015. newsroom/id/3064718. Accessed: 2015-06-12.
[4] Github - vacuumv/appcat: Mobile application in ios review semtiment analysis. (Visited on 01/27/2016).
[5] Google play android. store/apps?utm_source=apac_med&utm_medium=hasem&utm_ content=May2516&utm_campaign=Evergreen&pcampaignid= MKT-DR-apac-tw-all-med-hasem-py-Evergreen-May2516-1-BKWS%7c%2EHASEM_ kwid_43700011378110954&gclid=Cj0KEQjwhZm7BRCUyfS6ho2VjOEBEiQAumpGMt367Hff9cpZOE gclsrc=aw.ds#/now. (Accessed on 06/20/2016).
[6] mostrecent/page=1/json. (Accessed on 06/20/2016).
[7] Improving hls on android - jw player sdk for android 1.2. https://www.jwplayer. com/blog/improving-hls-android-sdk-1-2/. (Accessed on 03/03/2016).
[8] itunes apple. (Accessed on 06/20/2016).
[9] Product/service features and benefits - entrepreneur- productservice-features-and-benefits.aspx. (Accessed on 06/20/2016).
[10] The Statistics Portal. number-of-apps-available-in-leading-app-stores. Accessed: 2015-06-12.
[11] What app users care about when sharing personal data: Permissions – article_Mintz-Levin-Cohn-Ferris-Glovsky-Popeo-PC_2220436.htm. (Accessed on 03/03/2016).
[12] Lillian Lee Bo Pang. Opinion Mining and Sentiment Analysis. Foundations and Trends
[13] Xing Fang and Justin Zhan. Sentiment analysis using product review data. Journal of Big Data, 2(1):5, 2015.
[14] Leonard Hoon, Rajesh Vasa, Jean-guy Schneider, and John Grundy. An Analysis of the Mobile App Review Landscape : Trends and Implications. pages 1–23, 2013.
[15] Leonard Hoon, Rajesh Vasa, Jean-Guy Schneider, and John Grundy. An Analysis of the Mobile App Review Landscape: Trends and Implications. Technical report, Department of Computer Science and Software Engineering, Swinburne University of Technology, July 2013.
[16] Su Su Htay and Khin Thidar Lynn. Extracting product features and opinion words using pattern knowledge in customer reviews. TheScientificWorldJournal, 2013:394758, 2013.
[17] Khairullah Khan, Baharum Baharudin, and Aurangzeb Khan. Identifying product features from customer reviews using hybrid patterns. International Arab Journal of Information Technology, 11(3):281–286, 2014.
[18] Efthymios Kouloumpis, Theresa Wilson, and Johanna Moore. Twitter Sentiment Analysis : The Good the Bad and the OMG ! pages 538–541, 2011.
[19] Bing Liu. Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining. Synthesis Lectures on Human Language Technologies, 5(1):1–167, 2012.
[20] George A. Miller. Wordnet: A lexical database for english. COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM, 38:39–41, 1995.
[21] Subhabrata Mukherjee and Pushpak Bhattacharyya. Feature specific sentiment anal- ysis for product reviews. Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing, pages 1–12, 2012.
[22] Rebecca Passonneau. Sentiment Analysis of Twitter Data.
[23] Ana Maria Popescu and Orena Etzioni. Extracting product features and opinions from reviews. Natural Language Processing and Text Mining, (October):9–28, 2007.
[24] Ana-Maria Popescu and Orena Etzioni. Extracting Product Features and Opinions from Reviews, pages 9–28. Springer London, London, 2007.
[25] Phong Minh Vu, Tam The Nguyen, Hung Viet Pham, and Tung Thanh Nguyen. Mining User Opinions in Mobile App Reviews : A Keyword-based Approach. 2015.