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題名 P2P借貸平台個案研究
P2P Lending Case Study作者 林柔秀
Lin, Jou Hsiu貢獻者 邱奕嘉<br>鄭至甫
Chiu, Yi Chia<br>Jeng, Jyh Fu
Lin, Jou Hsiu關鍵詞 P2P借貸
P2P lending
platform business model
disintermediation日期 2016 上傳時間 2-Sep-2016 01:35:45 (UTC+8) 摘要 人類借貸行為可回溯到古希臘雅典城邦,數千年來,即使科技不斷創新,然而人類對於「借貸」的需求並未改變。當前世界各國正迎來金融創新的浪潮,網際網路、行動技術及物聯網正在重新形塑金融業的面貌。金融科技(Financial Technology,簡稱FinTech)改變傳統的銀行及金融機構的方式中,即包含扭轉傳統金融行為必須透過金融機構的印象,不以銀行為「中介」的P2P 網路借貸平台(Peer-to-Peer Lending,P2P,以下簡稱P2P借貸)。P2P借貸是透過網際網路平台媒合有閒置資金的投資人以及有資金需求的借款者,從中收取服務費獲得報酬。本研究試圖以P2P借貸平台經營模式為基礎,探討在金融「去中介化」之價值主張下,P2P借貸平台於借貸交易中所需扮演之角色,以及其平台機制之設計,如何滿足投資人在一定風險下賺取合理報酬、借款者之資金需求與符合主管機關之規範,建立P2P借貸平台與三方之信任關係。因此,本研究之研究問題係總結為以下兩點:1. P2P借貸平台商業模式;2. ZOPA、Lending Club及宜人貸之平台經營模式。
The history of lending between humans can be traced back to the ancient Athenian Civilization. For thousands of years, regardless of constant technological advancement, the needs for loans have not changed at all. Nowadays, countries around the world are embracing the wave of financial innovations, while the Internet, mobile technologies, and the internet of things are reshaping the financial industry.Financial Technology (FinTech) changes traditional banks and financial institutes in many ways including the web-based lending platforms, Peer-to-Peer lending platforms (P2P, P2P lending will be used as the abbreviation in the following section). P2P lending replaces banks as the intermediator, transforming the traditional idea that finance has to be handled through financial institutions. By merging investors holding idle capital with borrowers having funding needs through web platforms, P2P lending acquires remuneration for the service it provides.The present study attempts to use the business model of P2P lending platforms as the basis and with the view of financial disintermediation, investigate the role P2P lending platforms play in loan transactions. In the meantime, the study looks into how the design of the platform mechanism can allow investors to gain reasonable rewards despite bearing certain risks, satisfy the funding needs of the borrowers, ad comply with government regulations, eventually building trust between P2P lending platforms, lenders, and borrowers. Therefore, the research questions of the present study are as follows:1. The business model of P2P lending platforms2. The business model of ZOPA, Lending Club, and Yirendai.com參考文獻 中文部分Lending Club簡史(第一財經新金融研究中心譯)(2013)。北京市:中國經濟出版社。(原著出版年:2012)李頂倫(2014)。個人對個人貸款價值創造與平台策略之分析-以 Lending Club 為例。國立臺灣大學國際企業管理組碩士論文,未出版,臺北市。宜人貸官方網站美股煉金術(2015年10月31日)。淺論美國P2P借貸I-Lending Club(LC)。2016年7月23日,取自:個案研究法(尚榮安譯)(2001)。臺北市:弘智文化。(原著出版年:1994)秦賦融(2015)。P2P 網路個人借貸之研究。國立臺灣大學國際企業學研究所碩士論文,未出版,臺北市。翁書婷(2015年 11 月 28 日)。六大金融科技模式一次看。數位時代,259,66-69。曹磊,錢海利(2016)。FinTech金融科技革命:網路金融新體系,改變你我消費、理財、保險與借貸的未來。臺北市:商周出版。單小懿(2015年 7 月 2 日)。找「婉君」標會 借貸人、放款人都賺到。商業周刊,1442,76-78。單小懿(2015年 12 月 24 日)。它讓你用閒錢助人圓夢 還年賺五%。商業周刊,1467,102-103。彭采薇(2015年3月24日)。邁向Bank 3.0-借鏡Lending Club 台灣推P2P經濟5關鍵。工商時報。2016年7月23日,取自:趙毓馨(2014)。群眾募資法制之研究-以P2P借貸及股權模式群眾募資平台為中心。國立政治大學法律學系碩士論文,未出版,臺北市。謝安田(1979)。《企業研究方法》。臺北市:水牛出版社。簡榮宗(2014年2月20日)。P2P貸款服務平台法律問題初探。2016年7月23日,取自:英文部分Bain, S. (2013). New safeguards add extra security for peer-to-peer lending schemes. Herald Scotland. Retrieved July 23, 2016, from:, E. (2015, June 23). PEER-TO-PEER LENDING: How digital lending marketplaces are disrupting the predominant banking model. Business Insider. Retrieved July 23, 2016, from: Kirby and Shane Worner, Staff Working Paper of the IOSCO Research Department, Crowd-funding: An Infant Industry Growing Fast, (2014).Freixas, X., & Rochet, J.-C. (2008). Microeconomics of banking (2nd ed.). Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.Funk, B., Bachmann, A., Becker, A., Buerckner, D., Hilker, M., Kock, F., ... & Tiburtius, P. (2015). Online Peer-to-Peer Lending? A Literature Review. The Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce, 2011.Goldberg, Lena G., Paul Healy, and Nancy Hua Dai. (2014). CreditEase: Providing Credit and Financial Services for China`s Underclass.Lending Club官方網站, S. C., & Wieandt, A. (2013). The future of peer-to-peer finance. Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung, 466-487.Piskorski, M. J., Fernandez-Mateo, I., & Chen, D. (2009). Zopa: The Power of Peer-to-Peer Lending.Scharfstein, D., Sunderam, A., Ference, J., & Roane, P. (2014). Lending Club: Time to Join?.SEC, Post-Effective Amendment No. 3 to Form S-1 REGISTRATION STATEMENTTufano, P., Jackson, H., & Ryan, A. (2010). Lending Club. Harvard Business School, 22nd February.UNDER THE SECURITIES ACT OF 1933 PROSPER MARKETPLACE, INC. PROSPER MARKETPLACE, INC., December 17, 2010Wiseclerk, Zopa Rapid Return Secondary Market (2010). Retrieved July 23, 2016, from:, R. K. (1989). Case study research: Design and methods, revised edition.Applied Social Research Methods Series, 5. Zopa 官方網站宜人貸投資人官方網站 描述 碩士
194363055資料來源 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 邱奕嘉<br>鄭至甫 zh_TW dc.contributor.advisor Chiu, Yi Chia<br>Jeng, Jyh Fu en_US (Authors) 林柔秀 zh_TW (Authors) Lin, Jou Hsiu en_US dc.creator (作者) 林柔秀 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) Lin, Jou Hsiu en_US (日期) 2016 en_US 2-Sep-2016 01:35:45 (UTC+8) - 2-Sep-2016 01:35:45 (UTC+8) - (上傳時間) 2-Sep-2016 01:35:45 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G1043630551 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) - dc.description (描述) 碩士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 企業管理研究所(MBA學位學程) zh_TW dc.description (描述) 194363055 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) 人類借貸行為可回溯到古希臘雅典城邦,數千年來,即使科技不斷創新,然而人類對於「借貸」的需求並未改變。當前世界各國正迎來金融創新的浪潮,網際網路、行動技術及物聯網正在重新形塑金融業的面貌。金融科技(Financial Technology,簡稱FinTech)改變傳統的銀行及金融機構的方式中,即包含扭轉傳統金融行為必須透過金融機構的印象,不以銀行為「中介」的P2P 網路借貸平台(Peer-to-Peer Lending,P2P,以下簡稱P2P借貸)。P2P借貸是透過網際網路平台媒合有閒置資金的投資人以及有資金需求的借款者,從中收取服務費獲得報酬。本研究試圖以P2P借貸平台經營模式為基礎,探討在金融「去中介化」之價值主張下,P2P借貸平台於借貸交易中所需扮演之角色,以及其平台機制之設計,如何滿足投資人在一定風險下賺取合理報酬、借款者之資金需求與符合主管機關之規範,建立P2P借貸平台與三方之信任關係。因此,本研究之研究問題係總結為以下兩點:1. P2P借貸平台商業模式;2. ZOPA、Lending Club及宜人貸之平台經營模式。 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) The history of lending between humans can be traced back to the ancient Athenian Civilization. For thousands of years, regardless of constant technological advancement, the needs for loans have not changed at all. Nowadays, countries around the world are embracing the wave of financial innovations, while the Internet, mobile technologies, and the internet of things are reshaping the financial industry.Financial Technology (FinTech) changes traditional banks and financial institutes in many ways including the web-based lending platforms, Peer-to-Peer lending platforms (P2P, P2P lending will be used as the abbreviation in the following section). P2P lending replaces banks as the intermediator, transforming the traditional idea that finance has to be handled through financial institutions. By merging investors holding idle capital with borrowers having funding needs through web platforms, P2P lending acquires remuneration for the service it provides.The present study attempts to use the business model of P2P lending platforms as the basis and with the view of financial disintermediation, investigate the role P2P lending platforms play in loan transactions. In the meantime, the study looks into how the design of the platform mechanism can allow investors to gain reasonable rewards despite bearing certain risks, satisfy the funding needs of the borrowers, ad comply with government regulations, eventually building trust between P2P lending platforms, lenders, and borrowers. Therefore, the research questions of the present study are as follows:1. The business model of P2P lending platforms2. The business model of ZOPA, Lending Club, and en_US dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 1第一節 研究背景與動機 1第二節 研究目的與研究問題 4第三節 研究範圍與步驟 5第二章 文獻探討 6第一節 P2P金融 6第二節 P2P借貸平台經營模式 9第三節 P2P借貸決定因素 16第三章 研究方法 19第一節 研究方法 19第二節 研究設計 20第三節 研究對象 22第四章 個案分析 23第一節 P2P借貸 23第二節 Zopa 24第三節 Lending Club 32第四節 宜人貸 39第五章 研究分析與討論 45第一節 P2P借貸平台經營模式 47第二節 Zopa、Lending Club與宜人貸成功之關鍵 55第六章 結論與建議 59第一節 結論 59第二節 研究限制 61第三節 後續研究建議 61參考文獻 63 zh_TW dc.format.extent 1647147 bytes - dc.format.mimetype application/pdf - dc.source.uri (資料來源) en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) P2P借貸 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 平台經營模式 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 去中介化 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) P2P lending en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) platform business model en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) disintermediation en_US dc.title (題名) P2P借貸平台個案研究 zh_TW dc.title (題名) P2P Lending Case Study en_US dc.type (資料類型) thesis en_US dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 中文部分Lending Club簡史(第一財經新金融研究中心譯)(2013)。北京市:中國經濟出版社。(原著出版年:2012)李頂倫(2014)。個人對個人貸款價值創造與平台策略之分析-以 Lending Club 為例。國立臺灣大學國際企業管理組碩士論文,未出版,臺北市。宜人貸官方網站美股煉金術(2015年10月31日)。淺論美國P2P借貸I-Lending Club(LC)。2016年7月23日,取自:個案研究法(尚榮安譯)(2001)。臺北市:弘智文化。(原著出版年:1994)秦賦融(2015)。P2P 網路個人借貸之研究。國立臺灣大學國際企業學研究所碩士論文,未出版,臺北市。翁書婷(2015年 11 月 28 日)。六大金融科技模式一次看。數位時代,259,66-69。曹磊,錢海利(2016)。FinTech金融科技革命:網路金融新體系,改變你我消費、理財、保險與借貸的未來。臺北市:商周出版。單小懿(2015年 7 月 2 日)。找「婉君」標會 借貸人、放款人都賺到。商業周刊,1442,76-78。單小懿(2015年 12 月 24 日)。它讓你用閒錢助人圓夢 還年賺五%。商業周刊,1467,102-103。彭采薇(2015年3月24日)。邁向Bank 3.0-借鏡Lending Club 台灣推P2P經濟5關鍵。工商時報。2016年7月23日,取自:趙毓馨(2014)。群眾募資法制之研究-以P2P借貸及股權模式群眾募資平台為中心。國立政治大學法律學系碩士論文,未出版,臺北市。謝安田(1979)。《企業研究方法》。臺北市:水牛出版社。簡榮宗(2014年2月20日)。P2P貸款服務平台法律問題初探。2016年7月23日,取自:英文部分Bain, S. (2013). New safeguards add extra security for peer-to-peer lending schemes. Herald Scotland. Retrieved July 23, 2016, from:, E. (2015, June 23). PEER-TO-PEER LENDING: How digital lending marketplaces are disrupting the predominant banking model. Business Insider. Retrieved July 23, 2016, from: Kirby and Shane Worner, Staff Working Paper of the IOSCO Research Department, Crowd-funding: An Infant Industry Growing Fast, (2014).Freixas, X., & Rochet, J.-C. (2008). Microeconomics of banking (2nd ed.). Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press.Funk, B., Bachmann, A., Becker, A., Buerckner, D., Hilker, M., Kock, F., ... & Tiburtius, P. (2015). Online Peer-to-Peer Lending? A Literature Review. The Journal of Internet Banking and Commerce, 2011.Goldberg, Lena G., Paul Healy, and Nancy Hua Dai. (2014). CreditEase: Providing Credit and Financial Services for China`s Underclass.Lending Club官方網站, S. C., & Wieandt, A. (2013). The future of peer-to-peer finance. Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung, 466-487.Piskorski, M. J., Fernandez-Mateo, I., & Chen, D. (2009). Zopa: The Power of Peer-to-Peer Lending.Scharfstein, D., Sunderam, A., Ference, J., & Roane, P. (2014). Lending Club: Time to Join?.SEC, Post-Effective Amendment No. 3 to Form S-1 REGISTRATION STATEMENTTufano, P., Jackson, H., & Ryan, A. (2010). Lending Club. Harvard Business School, 22nd February.UNDER THE SECURITIES ACT OF 1933 PROSPER MARKETPLACE, INC. PROSPER MARKETPLACE, INC., December 17, 2010Wiseclerk, Zopa Rapid Return Secondary Market (2010). Retrieved July 23, 2016, from:, R. K. (1989). Case study research: Design and methods, revised edition.Applied Social Research Methods Series, 5. Zopa 官方網站宜人貸投資人官方網站 zh_TW