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題名 中日文學中的愛與死―以殉情作品為探討主題
其他題名 Love and Death in Japanese and Chinese Literature— On Works with the Theme of Suicide because of Frustrated Love
作者 徐翔生
Hsu, Hsiang-Sheng
關鍵詞 《孔雀東南飛》; 《曾根崎心中》; 愛與死; 殉情; 死生觀
The Peacocks Flying Southeast; Sone Zaki Sin Juu; love and death
日期 2011-01
上傳時間 10-Sep-2016 14:16:45 (UTC+8)
摘要 愛與死,是人生之重要課題,亦為世界各國文學作品之永恆主題。中國歷代文學名著中,對愛與死即有諸多描寫,日本文學作品亦然。然與日本文學對照之下,中國文學雖然是以愛與死為主題,對男女之愛與生死離別悲歡之情有著深入描述,但男女共同赴死之殉情作品卻頗為罕見,對於死及死後之場景大多亦無具體呈現。相較之下,日本文學則將愛與死深刻聯結,描寫殉情之作品不勝枚舉,並對死亡有著高度憧憬,甚至呈現出一種死亡美學,與中國文學對死之概念迥然不同。究竟中國人是如何思考愛與死,日本人又是如何詮釋愛與死亡?本論文以中日文學中之殉情作品為例,探討其中所見之愛與死,檢証中日兩國對愛與死亡認知之不同,並以比較思想之觀點,試論中日兩族對愛與死概念之差異,並探究其思想差異形成之緣由。期藉拙論,釐清中日兩國對愛與死之觀念,闡明二國於死生觀之差異,並期藉此研究,對中日文化思想之比較研究能有所助益。
Love and death, the most important lessons in our life, are eternal themes in world literature. Many Chinese classics in different times describe love and death, so do Japanese literary works. However, in comparison with Japanese literature, although the theme of love and death can be found in Chinese Literature, and although these works also have elaborate descriptions about love, death, and sadness over separation, few Chinese works deal with the couple’s double suicide, nor do they offer the scenes about death and after death. As a contrast, Japanese literature tends to connect love and death. Numerous works delineate suicides because of frustrated love; they have a tremendous longing, and even develop a kind of death aesthetics, which is drastically different from the concept of death in Chinese literature. How exactly do Chinese view love and death? How do Japanese interpret love and death? This paper intends to discuss love and death in the works about suicide for frustrated love in both Chinese and Japanese literatures to examine the difference between Chinese and Japanese recognition of love and death. Furthermore, from the comparative point of view, this paper also investigates the difference between Chinese and Japanese concepts of love and death and explores the causes of such differences. It is hoped that this paper may clarify Chinese and Japanese concepts of love and death and explicate the different concepts of death and love between the two countries. It is also hoped that this research may benefit the comparative research on Chinese and Japanese culture and thinking.
關聯 外國語文研究, 13, 131-142
Foreign language studies
資料類型 article
dc.creator (作者) 徐翔生zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Hsu, Hsiang-Sheng (日期) 2011-01 10-Sep-2016 14:16:45 (UTC+8)- 10-Sep-2016 14:16:45 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 10-Sep-2016 14:16:45 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 愛與死,是人生之重要課題,亦為世界各國文學作品之永恆主題。中國歷代文學名著中,對愛與死即有諸多描寫,日本文學作品亦然。然與日本文學對照之下,中國文學雖然是以愛與死為主題,對男女之愛與生死離別悲歡之情有著深入描述,但男女共同赴死之殉情作品卻頗為罕見,對於死及死後之場景大多亦無具體呈現。相較之下,日本文學則將愛與死深刻聯結,描寫殉情之作品不勝枚舉,並對死亡有著高度憧憬,甚至呈現出一種死亡美學,與中國文學對死之概念迥然不同。究竟中國人是如何思考愛與死,日本人又是如何詮釋愛與死亡?本論文以中日文學中之殉情作品為例,探討其中所見之愛與死,檢証中日兩國對愛與死亡認知之不同,並以比較思想之觀點,試論中日兩族對愛與死概念之差異,並探究其思想差異形成之緣由。期藉拙論,釐清中日兩國對愛與死之觀念,闡明二國於死生觀之差異,並期藉此研究,對中日文化思想之比較研究能有所助益。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Love and death, the most important lessons in our life, are eternal themes in world literature. Many Chinese classics in different times describe love and death, so do Japanese literary works. However, in comparison with Japanese literature, although the theme of love and death can be found in Chinese Literature, and although these works also have elaborate descriptions about love, death, and sadness over separation, few Chinese works deal with the couple’s double suicide, nor do they offer the scenes about death and after death. As a contrast, Japanese literature tends to connect love and death. Numerous works delineate suicides because of frustrated love; they have a tremendous longing, and even develop a kind of death aesthetics, which is drastically different from the concept of death in Chinese literature. How exactly do Chinese view love and death? How do Japanese interpret love and death? This paper intends to discuss love and death in the works about suicide for frustrated love in both Chinese and Japanese literatures to examine the difference between Chinese and Japanese recognition of love and death. Furthermore, from the comparative point of view, this paper also investigates the difference between Chinese and Japanese concepts of love and death and explores the causes of such differences. It is hoped that this paper may clarify Chinese and Japanese concepts of love and death and explicate the different concepts of death and love between the two countries. It is also hoped that this research may benefit the comparative research on Chinese and Japanese culture and thinking.
dc.format.extent 456431 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.relation (關聯) 外國語文研究, 13, 131-142
dc.relation (關聯) Foreign language studies
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 《孔雀東南飛》; 《曾根崎心中》; 愛與死; 殉情; 死生觀
dc.subject (關鍵詞) The Peacocks Flying Southeast; Sone Zaki Sin Juu; love and death
dc.title (題名) 中日文學中的愛與死―以殉情作品為探討主題zh_TW
dc.title.alternative (其他題名) Love and Death in Japanese and Chinese Literature— On Works with the Theme of Suicide because of Frustrated Love
dc.type (資料類型) article