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題名 我國賦稅收入廻歸分析之研究
作者 凌忠嫄
貢獻者 徐偉初
日期 1984
上傳時間 9-Nov-2016 17:12:02 (UTC+8)
摘要 提要
第四章為本文重點所在,利用迴歸分析最小平方法,以本校Prime750系統及SHAZAM套裝程式為工具,就現行稅法規定,並考慮我國財經制度的特質,選擇各項稅收的決定因素,就反覆試驗結果,選取最佳之迴歸式。此外,另使用SUR (Seemingly Unrelated Regression) 方法從事迴歸分析,並與最小平方法之迴歸結果加以比較分析,得知利用SUR從事迴歸分析可以獲致一個更佳的迴歸模型。
謝辭 壹
圖表目次 肆
第一章 緒論1
第一節 研究動機及目的1
第二節 研究範圍及架構3
第二章 文獻探討及我國賦稅收入結構分析6
第一節 國內文獻評述6
第二節 我國賦稅收入結構分析10
第三章 方法論及資料來源22
第一節 方法論22
第二節 資料來源28
第四章 我國賦稅收入迴歸分析32
第一節 我國主要各稅收入的決定因素32
第二節 SUR及OLS 結果之比較分析50
第五章 結論59


1. 研究架構圖5

參考文獻 中文部分:
3. ________「台灣賦稅收入的預測」,台大經濟論文叢刊,民國六十七年十一月:頁41-90。
1. Ando A., E Cary Brown and Earl W. Adams, Jr. “Government Revenues and Expenditures. ” in The Brookings Quarterly Econometric Model of The United States. Edited by J. S. Duesenberry, G. Fromm, L. R. Klein and E. Kuh. Chicago: Rand McNally & Company (1965):533-585.
2. Bennett, James P. and Bruce R. Riggs.“Forecasting Receipts From the Federal Individual Income Tax. ” National Tax Journal (December 1968) :425-436.
3. Buchanan, James M. and Dwight R. Lee. “Tax Rate and Tax Revenues in Political Equilibrium: Some Simple Analysis. ” Econ. Inquiry 20(3) (July 1982) :344-54.
4. Buchanan, Shepard C. and Bruce A. Weber. “Growth and Residential Property Taxes: A Model for Estimating Direct and Indirect Population Impacts. ” Land Economics 58(3) (August 1982):324-37.
5. Byrnes, James C., Gerald F. Donahoe, Mary W. Hook and Robert P. Parker. “Monthly Estimates of Personal Income Taxes and Outlays. ” Surrey of Current Business 59(11)(November 1979): 18-38.
6. Carlson, Keith M. “Trends in Federal Revenues :1955-86. ” Federal Reserve Bank st. Louis Review 63(5)(May 1981):31-39.
7. Chamber, John C., Mullicks K. Mullick and Donald D. Smith. “How to Choose the Right Forecasting Technique.” Harvard Business Review (July-Aug 1971):45-89.
8. Chang, Semoon. “Municipal Revenues Forecasting. ” Growth and Change 10(4) (October 1979): 38-46.
9. Cochrane, D. and G. H. Orcutt. “Application of Least Squares Regressions to Relationships Containing Autocorrelated Error Terms. ” Journal of the American Statistical Association Vol. 44 (March 1949):32-61.
10. Freg, Bruno S. and Friedrich Schneider. “A Political-economic Model of the United Kingdon.” Economic Journal Vol. 88(1978):243-53.
11.________, “A Political-economic Model of the U.K. : New Estimates and Predictions. ”Econonic Journal Vol. 91(1981): 737-40.
12. Harberger, Arnold C. “The Incidence of the Corporation Income Tax. ” Journal of Political Economy Lxx (June 1962):215-40.
13. Hinrichs, Harl H. “Determinants of Government Revenue Share Among Less Developed Countries. ” The Economic Journal Vol. 75(1965):546-56.
14. Kmenta, Jan. Elements of Econometrics. New York: Macmilla 1971.
15. Krzyzaniak, Marian and R.A. Musgrave. The Shifting of the Corporation Income Tax. Baltimore: John Hopkins Univ. Press, 1963.
16. Longo, Carlos A. “A note on Local Tax Revenues: The Case of Brazilian Municipalities. ” Pulbic Finance Quarterly 9(3)(July 1981): 343-52.
17. Mclaren, Alec J: ”An Income Tax Simulation Model For the State of Minnesota. ” National Tax Journal Vol. 26(1973):71-77.
18. Mikesell, John L. “The Structure of State Revenue Administration. ” National Tax Journal 34(2)(June 1981):217-34.
19. Norman, Morris and Robert Rusell. “A Personal Income Tax Simulation Model Wth an Application to the State of Hawaii.” National Tax Journal(1970):429-34.
20. Peacock, Alan “Model Building and Fiscal Policy: Then and Now.” Finanzarchir 39(1) (1981) :43-52.
21. Rao, Govinda M. “Ideological Factors, Political Stability and Tax Revenue Determination-A Case Study of Four States in Indian Federation. ”Public Finance 34(1)(1979):114-28.
22. Reaume, David M. “ Forecaoting State Income Tax Collections. A New Approach” Public Finance Quarterly Vol. 6 (Jan. 1978):67-91.
23. Rooy, De Jacob. “Local Taxes and Personal Income. :An Impact Analysis.” Public Finance Quarterly 10(4)(October 1982):457-78.
24. Sen, Tapas Kumar. “Empirical Test of Tax Implications in Williamson Model: A Suggested Approach.” Public Finance 34(3)(1979):384-94.
25. Singer, Neil M. “The Use of Dummy Variables in Estimating the Income Elasticity of State Income Tax Revenue.” National Tax Journal ( June 1968):200-204.
26. ________ . “Estimating State Income Tax Revenues: A New Approach.” Review of Economics & Statistics (November 1970):427-33.
27. Snickars, F. and. Granholm A. “A Multiregional Planning and Forecasting Model With Special Regard to the Public Sector.” Regional Science and Urban Economics 11(3) (1981):377-404.
28. Suits, Daniel B. “Forecasting and Analysis With an Ecnometric Model. “ The American Economic Review (March 1962):104-132.
29. Taubman, Paul. “Econometric Functions for Government Receipts.” in The Brookings Model: Sone Further Results. Edited by J. S. Duesenberry, G. Fromm, L. R. Klein and E. Kuh. Chicago: Rand McNally & Company (196G9):187-220.
30. Werber, William C. “The Size Determination of Income in an Income Tax Revenue Forecasting Model. Public Finance Quarterly 7(2) (April 1979):182-98.
31. Wilford, Sykes D. & Wilford T. Walton. “Comment on” Mexican Fiscal Revenue Performance 1950-77: A Revisit.” Public Finance 34(1) (1979) :134-37.
32. Williamson, Jeffrey G. “Public Expenditure and Revenue: An International Comparison..” The Manchester School of Economics and Social Studies. Vol. XXIX(1961):43-57.
33. White, K. J. SHAZAM-An Econometrics Computer Program-User’s Manual. 1983.
34. Zellner, Arnold. “An Efficient Method of Estimating Seemingly Unrelated Regressions and Tests for Aggregation Bias.” Journal of American Statistical Association (June 1962) :348-68.
關聯 國立政治大學
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 徐偉初 (Authors) 凌忠嫄
dc.creator (作者) 凌忠嫄zh_TW (日期) 1984 9-Nov-2016 17:12:02 (UTC+8)- 9-Nov-2016 17:12:02 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 9-Nov-2016 17:12:02 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 提要
第四章為本文重點所在,利用迴歸分析最小平方法,以本校Prime750系統及SHAZAM套裝程式為工具,就現行稅法規定,並考慮我國財經制度的特質,選擇各項稅收的決定因素,就反覆試驗結果,選取最佳之迴歸式。此外,另使用SUR (Seemingly Unrelated Regression) 方法從事迴歸分析,並與最小平方法之迴歸結果加以比較分析,得知利用SUR從事迴歸分析可以獲致一個更佳的迴歸模型。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 謝辭 壹
圖表目次 肆
第一章 緒論1
第一節 研究動機及目的1
第二節 研究範圍及架構3
第二章 文獻探討及我國賦稅收入結構分析6
第一節 國內文獻評述6
第二節 我國賦稅收入結構分析10
第三章 方法論及資料來源22
第一節 方法論22
第二節 資料來源28
第四章 我國賦稅收入迴歸分析32
第一節 我國主要各稅收入的決定因素32
第二節 SUR及OLS 結果之比較分析50
第五章 結論59


1. 研究架構圖5

dc.format.extent 115 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype text/html-
dc.relation (關聯) 國立政治大學
dc.relation (關聯) 財政研究所
dc.relation (關聯) 碩士
dc.relation (關聯) 72
dc.title (題名) 我國賦稅收入廻歸分析之研究zh_TW
dc.type (資料類型) thesis
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 中文部分:
3. ________「台灣賦稅收入的預測」,台大經濟論文叢刊,民國六十七年十一月:頁41-90。
1. Ando A., E Cary Brown and Earl W. Adams, Jr. “Government Revenues and Expenditures. ” in The Brookings Quarterly Econometric Model of The United States. Edited by J. S. Duesenberry, G. Fromm, L. R. Klein and E. Kuh. Chicago: Rand McNally & Company (1965):533-585.
2. Bennett, James P. and Bruce R. Riggs.“Forecasting Receipts From the Federal Individual Income Tax. ” National Tax Journal (December 1968) :425-436.
3. Buchanan, James M. and Dwight R. Lee. “Tax Rate and Tax Revenues in Political Equilibrium: Some Simple Analysis. ” Econ. Inquiry 20(3) (July 1982) :344-54.
4. Buchanan, Shepard C. and Bruce A. Weber. “Growth and Residential Property Taxes: A Model for Estimating Direct and Indirect Population Impacts. ” Land Economics 58(3) (August 1982):324-37.
5. Byrnes, James C., Gerald F. Donahoe, Mary W. Hook and Robert P. Parker. “Monthly Estimates of Personal Income Taxes and Outlays. ” Surrey of Current Business 59(11)(November 1979): 18-38.
6. Carlson, Keith M. “Trends in Federal Revenues :1955-86. ” Federal Reserve Bank st. Louis Review 63(5)(May 1981):31-39.
7. Chamber, John C., Mullicks K. Mullick and Donald D. Smith. “How to Choose the Right Forecasting Technique.” Harvard Business Review (July-Aug 1971):45-89.
8. Chang, Semoon. “Municipal Revenues Forecasting. ” Growth and Change 10(4) (October 1979): 38-46.
9. Cochrane, D. and G. H. Orcutt. “Application of Least Squares Regressions to Relationships Containing Autocorrelated Error Terms. ” Journal of the American Statistical Association Vol. 44 (March 1949):32-61.
10. Freg, Bruno S. and Friedrich Schneider. “A Political-economic Model of the United Kingdon.” Economic Journal Vol. 88(1978):243-53.
11.________, “A Political-economic Model of the U.K. : New Estimates and Predictions. ”Econonic Journal Vol. 91(1981): 737-40.
12. Harberger, Arnold C. “The Incidence of the Corporation Income Tax. ” Journal of Political Economy Lxx (June 1962):215-40.
13. Hinrichs, Harl H. “Determinants of Government Revenue Share Among Less Developed Countries. ” The Economic Journal Vol. 75(1965):546-56.
14. Kmenta, Jan. Elements of Econometrics. New York: Macmilla 1971.
15. Krzyzaniak, Marian and R.A. Musgrave. The Shifting of the Corporation Income Tax. Baltimore: John Hopkins Univ. Press, 1963.
16. Longo, Carlos A. “A note on Local Tax Revenues: The Case of Brazilian Municipalities. ” Pulbic Finance Quarterly 9(3)(July 1981): 343-52.
17. Mclaren, Alec J: ”An Income Tax Simulation Model For the State of Minnesota. ” National Tax Journal Vol. 26(1973):71-77.
18. Mikesell, John L. “The Structure of State Revenue Administration. ” National Tax Journal 34(2)(June 1981):217-34.
19. Norman, Morris and Robert Rusell. “A Personal Income Tax Simulation Model Wth an Application to the State of Hawaii.” National Tax Journal(1970):429-34.
20. Peacock, Alan “Model Building and Fiscal Policy: Then and Now.” Finanzarchir 39(1) (1981) :43-52.
21. Rao, Govinda M. “Ideological Factors, Political Stability and Tax Revenue Determination-A Case Study of Four States in Indian Federation. ”Public Finance 34(1)(1979):114-28.
22. Reaume, David M. “ Forecaoting State Income Tax Collections. A New Approach” Public Finance Quarterly Vol. 6 (Jan. 1978):67-91.
23. Rooy, De Jacob. “Local Taxes and Personal Income. :An Impact Analysis.” Public Finance Quarterly 10(4)(October 1982):457-78.
24. Sen, Tapas Kumar. “Empirical Test of Tax Implications in Williamson Model: A Suggested Approach.” Public Finance 34(3)(1979):384-94.
25. Singer, Neil M. “The Use of Dummy Variables in Estimating the Income Elasticity of State Income Tax Revenue.” National Tax Journal ( June 1968):200-204.
26. ________ . “Estimating State Income Tax Revenues: A New Approach.” Review of Economics & Statistics (November 1970):427-33.
27. Snickars, F. and. Granholm A. “A Multiregional Planning and Forecasting Model With Special Regard to the Public Sector.” Regional Science and Urban Economics 11(3) (1981):377-404.
28. Suits, Daniel B. “Forecasting and Analysis With an Ecnometric Model. “ The American Economic Review (March 1962):104-132.
29. Taubman, Paul. “Econometric Functions for Government Receipts.” in The Brookings Model: Sone Further Results. Edited by J. S. Duesenberry, G. Fromm, L. R. Klein and E. Kuh. Chicago: Rand McNally & Company (196G9):187-220.
30. Werber, William C. “The Size Determination of Income in an Income Tax Revenue Forecasting Model. Public Finance Quarterly 7(2) (April 1979):182-98.
31. Wilford, Sykes D. & Wilford T. Walton. “Comment on” Mexican Fiscal Revenue Performance 1950-77: A Revisit.” Public Finance 34(1) (1979) :134-37.
32. Williamson, Jeffrey G. “Public Expenditure and Revenue: An International Comparison..” The Manchester School of Economics and Social Studies. Vol. XXIX(1961):43-57.
33. White, K. J. SHAZAM-An Econometrics Computer Program-User’s Manual. 1983.
34. Zellner, Arnold. “An Efficient Method of Estimating Seemingly Unrelated Regressions and Tests for Aggregation Bias.” Journal of American Statistical Association (June 1962) :348-68.