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題名 內部控制制度之可靠性模式分析與研究 作者 龍瓏 貢獻者 汪泱若
龍瓏日期 1985 上傳時間 14-Nov-2016 16:01:45 (UTC+8) 摘要 論文提要企業規模日漸龐大,獨立於所有權的專業經營及組織職能的詳細分工,促使企業須建立妥善的內部控制制度,以確保資產安全、會計資訊正確可靠及管理政策的有效推行,俾提高經營績效,達成經濟資源的合理運用。欲建立良好的內部控制制度,須從控制制度的設計與評估著手。為改進由內部稽核人員或獨立審計人員主觀判斷的傳統方式,本研究擬引用Barry E . Cushing 1974 年發表的數學模式來衡量內部控制的可靠性,並作成本效益分析,以評估控制制度施行的價值。藉由此種數量化的分析,獲得較客觀的結果,而能有利於內部控制制度的建立與維繫。本研究並欲採用模擬資料,以瞭解數學模式在實際運用上各種可能的情況和限制,期能有助於未來相關之研究與發展。全文共分五章十三節,約五萬字。
第一章 緒論1 第一節 研究動機與目的1 第二節 相關文獻與研究範圍3 第三節 研究方法與限制5 第四節 論文架構7 第二章 內部控制制度的建立與評估11 第一節 內部控制概述12 第二節 企業如何建立內部會計控制22 第三節 內部會計控制的研討評估29 第三章 可靠度模式之分析39 第一節 基本模式之介紹40 第二節 模式之擴展變化53 第三節 模式運用上之考慮及限制59 第四章 可靠度模式之模擬運用63 第一節 採購商品及支付貨款內部控制制度之說明64 第二節 分析與評估採購商品之內部控制制度76 第三節 分析與評估支付貨款之內部控制制度96 第五章 結論與建議104參考文獻112圖表目錄圖 2 - 1 回饋控制系統18 圖 2 - 2 前饋控制系統20 圖 2 - 3 研討評估內部會計控制方法的總覽31 圖 3 - 1 機率樹狀圖42 圖 3 - 2 單一控制 - 單一錯誤情況43 圖 3 - 3 單一控制 - 兩種錯誤情況46 圖 3 - 4 兩項控制 - 單一錯誤情況48 圖 3 - 5 兩項控制 - 兩種錯誤情況51 圖 3 - 6 重新處理錯誤交易之情況57 圖 4 - 1 進貨與現金支出交易執行系統圖71 圖 4 - 2 進貨及現金支出交易記錄系統圖74 圖 4 - 3 進貨交易之控制流程圖77 圖 4 - 4 請購單79 圖 4 - 5 訂購單81 圖 4 - 6 驗收報告單82 圖 4 - 7 現金支出控制流程圖97 表 4 - 1 評估進貨交易內部控制制度之比較分析表95參考文獻 一、中文書目1.高松譯,「審計準則報告彙編」,自印,民國70年。2.馮拙人譯,「審計學原理」,第七版,大中國圖書公司,民國72年。3.邱添彥撰,「評估內部控制制度其模式建立之研究」,國立成功大學工業管理研究所碩士論文,民國73年。二、英文書目1. Auditing Standard Board, " AICPA Codification of Statements on Auditing Standards ", New York 1982。2. Cashin, James A , " Hand book for Auditors ", 開發書局翻印,1971。3. Cushing, Barry E., "Accounting Information Systems and Business Organizations ", 松崗翻印,3 / e 1982。4. Holmes, Arthur W. and. Burns, David C., "Auditing︰Standards and Procedures ", 天一翻印,9 / e,1979。5. Jancura, Elise G. and Boos, Robert V., " Establishing Controls and Auditing the Computerized Accounting System ",松崗翻印,1981。6. Johnson, kenneth P. and Jaenicke, Henry R., "Evaluating Internal Control; concepts, guidelines, procedures, and documentation " , Coopers & Lybrand, 1980。7. Li, David H., "Accounting Information Systems, A Control Emphasis " , 天一翻印,1983。8. Kell, Walter G. and Ziegler, Richard E., "Modern Auditing ",華泰翻印,2 / e 1983。三、英文期刊1. Ashton, Robert H., " An Experimental Study of Internal Control Judgements " , Journal of Accounting Research, Spring 1974, PP. 143~157。2. Ashton, Robert H., and Brown, Paul R. "Descriptive Modeling of Auditor`s Internal Control Judgements: Replication and Extension ", Journal of Accounting Research, Spring 1980, P.269。3. Barrett, M. J., Baker, D. W., and. Ricketts, D. E., "Internal Control Systems: How to Calculate Incremental Effective and Cost Using Reliability Concepts " , The Internal Auditor, October 1977, P.31。4. Bodnar, George. "Reliability Modeling of Intrnal Control Systems ", The Accounting Review, October 1975, PP. 747~757。5. Cooley, John W. and Hicks, James O. JR., " A Fuzzy Set Approach to Aggregating Internal Control Judgements " , Management Science, March 1983,PP. 317 - 334。6. Cushing, Barry E., " A Mathematical Approach to the Analysis and. Design of Internal Control Systems " , The Accounting Review, January 1974,PP. 24~41。7. _________, " A Further Note on Mathematical Approach to Internal Control " , The Accounting Review, January 1975, PP. 151~154。8. Hamlen, Susan S., " A Chance-Constrained Mixed Integer Programming Model for Internal Control Design " , The Accounting Review, October 1980,PP. 578~593。9. Ishikawa, Akira, " A Mathematical Approach to the Analysis and Design of Internal Control System: A Brief Comment " , The Accounting Review, January 1975, PP. 148~150。10. Joyce, Edward, "Expert Judgment in Audit Planning ", Journal of Accounting Research, Supplementary 1976, P.29。11. Kinney, William R. JR., " Decision Theory Aspects of Internal Control System Design / Compliance and Substantive Tests " , Journal of Accounting Research, Supplementary 1975, PP. 14~29。12. Lobbecke, James K. and Zuber, George R., "Evaluating Internal Control " , The Journal of Accountancy, February 1980, PP. 49~56。13. Martin, J. W., " Identifying Critical Internal Controls " , CPA Journal, September 1980, PP. 41~45。14. Mock, Theodore J., and Willingham, John J., " An Improved Method of Documenting and Evaluating a System of Internal Accounting Controls " ,Auditing, Spring 1983 V.2. PP. 91~99。15. Moriarity, Shane, "Discussion of Decision Theory Aspects of Internal Control System Design /Compliance and Substantive Tests " , Journal of Accounting Research, Supplement 1975, PP. 30~34。16. Stratton, William O., "Accounting Systems: The Reliability Approach to Internal Control Evaluation " , Decision Sciences Vol 12, 1981 PP. 51~67。17. Taylor, Robert G., " Discussion of Decision Theory Aspects of Internal Control System Design / Compliance and Substantive Test " , Journal of Accounting Research, Supplement 1975, PP. 35~37。18. Terrell, Junius H., "A Conceptual Auditing Methodology-Interrelationships Between the Finacial Statements, Internal Controls, and the Audit Program ", The Accounting Review, January 1974, PP. 176~180。19. Weber, " Auditor Decision Making on Overall System Reliability:Accuracy, Concensus, and the Usefulness of a Simulation Decision Aid ", Journalof Accounting Research, Autumn 1978, P.368。20. Yu, Seongjae and Neter, John, " A Stochastic Models of the Internal Control System ", Journal of Accounting Research, Autumn 1973, PP. 273~295。 關聯 國立政治大學
73資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 汪泱若 (Authors) 龍瓏 dc.creator (作者) 龍瓏 zh_TW (日期) 1985 14-Nov-2016 16:01:45 (UTC+8) - 14-Nov-2016 16:01:45 (UTC+8) - (上傳時間) 14-Nov-2016 16:01:45 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier.uri (URI) - dc.description.abstract (摘要) 論文提要企業規模日漸龐大,獨立於所有權的專業經營及組織職能的詳細分工,促使企業須建立妥善的內部控制制度,以確保資產安全、會計資訊正確可靠及管理政策的有效推行,俾提高經營績效,達成經濟資源的合理運用。欲建立良好的內部控制制度,須從控制制度的設計與評估著手。為改進由內部稽核人員或獨立審計人員主觀判斷的傳統方式,本研究擬引用Barry E . Cushing 1974 年發表的數學模式來衡量內部控制的可靠性,並作成本效益分析,以評估控制制度施行的價值。藉由此種數量化的分析,獲得較客觀的結果,而能有利於內部控制制度的建立與維繫。本研究並欲採用模擬資料,以瞭解數學模式在實際運用上各種可能的情況和限制,期能有助於未來相關之研究與發展。全文共分五章十三節,約五萬字。 dc.description.abstract (摘要) 第一章 緒論1 第一節 研究動機與目的1 第二節 相關文獻與研究範圍3 第三節 研究方法與限制5 第四節 論文架構7 第二章 內部控制制度的建立與評估11 第一節 內部控制概述12 第二節 企業如何建立內部會計控制22 第三節 內部會計控制的研討評估29 第三章 可靠度模式之分析39 第一節 基本模式之介紹40 第二節 模式之擴展變化53 第三節 模式運用上之考慮及限制59 第四章 可靠度模式之模擬運用63 第一節 採購商品及支付貨款內部控制制度之說明64 第二節 分析與評估採購商品之內部控制制度76 第三節 分析與評估支付貨款之內部控制制度96 第五章 結論與建議104參考文獻112圖表目錄圖 2 - 1 回饋控制系統18 圖 2 - 2 前饋控制系統20 圖 2 - 3 研討評估內部會計控制方法的總覽31 圖 3 - 1 機率樹狀圖42 圖 3 - 2 單一控制 - 單一錯誤情況43 圖 3 - 3 單一控制 - 兩種錯誤情況46 圖 3 - 4 兩項控制 - 單一錯誤情況48 圖 3 - 5 兩項控制 - 兩種錯誤情況51 圖 3 - 6 重新處理錯誤交易之情況57 圖 4 - 1 進貨與現金支出交易執行系統圖71 圖 4 - 2 進貨及現金支出交易記錄系統圖74 圖 4 - 3 進貨交易之控制流程圖77 圖 4 - 4 請購單79 圖 4 - 5 訂購單81 圖 4 - 6 驗收報告單82 圖 4 - 7 現金支出控制流程圖97 表 4 - 1 評估進貨交易內部控制制度之比較分析表95 dc.format.extent 115 bytes - dc.format.mimetype text/html - dc.relation (關聯) 國立政治大學 dc.relation (關聯) 會計研究所 dc.relation (關聯) 碩士 dc.relation (關聯) 73 dc.title (題名) 內部控制制度之可靠性模式分析與研究 zh_TW dc.type (資料類型) thesis dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 一、中文書目1.高松譯,「審計準則報告彙編」,自印,民國70年。2.馮拙人譯,「審計學原理」,第七版,大中國圖書公司,民國72年。3.邱添彥撰,「評估內部控制制度其模式建立之研究」,國立成功大學工業管理研究所碩士論文,民國73年。二、英文書目1. Auditing Standard Board, " AICPA Codification of Statements on Auditing Standards ", New York 1982。2. Cashin, James A , " Hand book for Auditors ", 開發書局翻印,1971。3. Cushing, Barry E., "Accounting Information Systems and Business Organizations ", 松崗翻印,3 / e 1982。4. Holmes, Arthur W. and. Burns, David C., "Auditing︰Standards and Procedures ", 天一翻印,9 / e,1979。5. Jancura, Elise G. and Boos, Robert V., " Establishing Controls and Auditing the Computerized Accounting System ",松崗翻印,1981。6. Johnson, kenneth P. and Jaenicke, Henry R., "Evaluating Internal Control; concepts, guidelines, procedures, and documentation " , Coopers & Lybrand, 1980。7. Li, David H., "Accounting Information Systems, A Control Emphasis " , 天一翻印,1983。8. Kell, Walter G. and Ziegler, Richard E., "Modern Auditing ",華泰翻印,2 / e 1983。三、英文期刊1. Ashton, Robert H., " An Experimental Study of Internal Control Judgements " , Journal of Accounting Research, Spring 1974, PP. 143~157。2. Ashton, Robert H., and Brown, Paul R. "Descriptive Modeling of Auditor`s Internal Control Judgements: Replication and Extension ", Journal of Accounting Research, Spring 1980, P.269。3. Barrett, M. J., Baker, D. W., and. Ricketts, D. E., "Internal Control Systems: How to Calculate Incremental Effective and Cost Using Reliability Concepts " , The Internal Auditor, October 1977, P.31。4. Bodnar, George. "Reliability Modeling of Intrnal Control Systems ", The Accounting Review, October 1975, PP. 747~757。5. Cooley, John W. and Hicks, James O. JR., " A Fuzzy Set Approach to Aggregating Internal Control Judgements " , Management Science, March 1983,PP. 317 - 334。6. Cushing, Barry E., " A Mathematical Approach to the Analysis and. Design of Internal Control Systems " , The Accounting Review, January 1974,PP. 24~41。7. _________, " A Further Note on Mathematical Approach to Internal Control " , The Accounting Review, January 1975, PP. 151~154。8. Hamlen, Susan S., " A Chance-Constrained Mixed Integer Programming Model for Internal Control Design " , The Accounting Review, October 1980,PP. 578~593。9. Ishikawa, Akira, " A Mathematical Approach to the Analysis and Design of Internal Control System: A Brief Comment " , The Accounting Review, January 1975, PP. 148~150。10. Joyce, Edward, "Expert Judgment in Audit Planning ", Journal of Accounting Research, Supplementary 1976, P.29。11. Kinney, William R. JR., " Decision Theory Aspects of Internal Control System Design / Compliance and Substantive Tests " , Journal of Accounting Research, Supplementary 1975, PP. 14~29。12. Lobbecke, James K. and Zuber, George R., "Evaluating Internal Control " , The Journal of Accountancy, February 1980, PP. 49~56。13. Martin, J. W., " Identifying Critical Internal Controls " , CPA Journal, September 1980, PP. 41~45。14. Mock, Theodore J., and Willingham, John J., " An Improved Method of Documenting and Evaluating a System of Internal Accounting Controls " ,Auditing, Spring 1983 V.2. PP. 91~99。15. Moriarity, Shane, "Discussion of Decision Theory Aspects of Internal Control System Design /Compliance and Substantive Tests " , Journal of Accounting Research, Supplement 1975, PP. 30~34。16. Stratton, William O., "Accounting Systems: The Reliability Approach to Internal Control Evaluation " , Decision Sciences Vol 12, 1981 PP. 51~67。17. Taylor, Robert G., " Discussion of Decision Theory Aspects of Internal Control System Design / Compliance and Substantive Test " , Journal of Accounting Research, Supplement 1975, PP. 35~37。18. Terrell, Junius H., "A Conceptual Auditing Methodology-Interrelationships Between the Finacial Statements, Internal Controls, and the Audit Program ", The Accounting Review, January 1974, PP. 176~180。19. Weber, " Auditor Decision Making on Overall System Reliability:Accuracy, Concensus, and the Usefulness of a Simulation Decision Aid ", Journalof Accounting Research, Autumn 1978, P.368。20. Yu, Seongjae and Neter, John, " A Stochastic Models of the Internal Control System ", Journal of Accounting Research, Autumn 1973, PP. 273~295。