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題名 在科技變動下如何提高人員生產力之研究 作者 呂永富 貢獻者 林英峯
呂永富日期 1985 上傳時間 5-Dec-2016 15:52:08 (UTC+8) 摘要 目錄1第一章 緒論1第一節 研究動機與研究目的1第二節 研究方法、範圍與步驟4第三節 研究架構14第四節 研究限制15第二章 文獻探討19 第一節 可程式控制器產業概況19 第二節 科技變動與生產力24 第三節 科技變動對人員之衝擊33 第三章 實證研究40 第一節 層級建立與問卷設計45 第二節 問卷分析54 第四章 結論與建議102 第一節 結論102 第二節 建議104 參考文獻110 附錄圖表目錄圖次:1 ~ 1 本研究之研究步驟8 1 ~ 2 提高管理者生產力之分析層級10 1 ~ 3 組織階層12 1 ~ 4 前向規劃過程14 1 ~ 5 後向規劃過程14 1 ~ 6 研究架構15 2 ~ 1 評估生產力的衡量比率26 2 ~ 2 生產函數31 3 ~ 1 期望管理者生產力之提高42 3 ~ 2 期望工程師等生產力之提高43 3 ~ 3 期望工人生產力之提高44表次:2 ~ 1 科技的分類26 3 ~ 1 提高管理者生產力所面臨各項困難的優先度77 3 ~ 2 解決對科技變動缺乏正確認識之各項對策的優先度78 3 ~ 3 解決管理者引用新科技時,心理因素障礙的各項對策之優先度79 3 ~ 4 解決領導效能不佳的各項對策之優先度803 ~ 5 解決組織結構充分適應力各項對策之優先度81 3 ~ 6 解決選擇新科技之決策困難各項對策的優先度82 3 ~ 7 解決管理者生產力衡量困難之各項指標的優先度83 3 ~ 8 解決法令限制日增各項對策之優先度84 3 ~ 9 提高工程師等人員生產力所面臨各項困難的優先度85 3 ~ 10 解決缺乏對於整體貢獻之認識各項對策的優先度86 3 ~ 11 解決工程部門缺少通才主管各項對策之優先度87 3 ~ 12 解決工程人員過分專注在自己的技術之各項對策的優先度88 3 ~ 13 解決知識落後各項對策之優先度89 3 ~ 14 解決經驗累積效果不佳各項對策之優先度90 3 ~ 15 解決工程人員對公司忠誠度不高各項對策之優先度91 3 ~ 16 提高工人生產力所面臨各項困難之優先度92 3 ~ 17 解決工人技能廢舊問題各項對策之優先度933 ~ 18 解決失業威脅各項對策之優先度94 3 ~ 19 解決工作改組所造成的疏離感各項對策的優先度953 ~ 20 解決非正式群體阻礙,各項對策之優先度96 3 ~ 21 解決不良工作環境各項對策之優先度97 3 ~ 22 解決員工缺乏獻身工作意願各項對策之優先度98 參考文獻 一、中文部份行政院主計處:「衡量生產力方法之研究」,中國統計學報,第三十卷第七期,(民國71.年9月),p. 8333 。余朝權,企業生產力衡量與分析之研究,國立政治大學企業管理研究所七十二學年度博士論文,(中國生產力中心,民國73.年3月)。林英峰,現代生產與作業管理,上、下册,自印,(民國74.年元月,三版)。陳文哲,工業工程與管理,中興經營管理叢書。張炳耀,「台灣地區製造業生產力的衡量與分析(1972 - 1980)」台灣銀行季刊,第卅三卷,第一期,(民國71.年),pp. 51-69。楊淑貞,管理心理學。台北:三民書局,(民國66.年8月)。二、英文部份1. Ackoff, T. L., Gupta, S. K., and Minas, J. S., Scientific Method: Optimizing Applied Research Decision, New Youk: John Wiley & Sons, (1962), p.179.2. Asia Productiuity Organization, Guidelines for Productivity Measurement and Analysis for A. P.-D. Membev Countries, Tokyo: A. P. O., (1980).3. Barason, J.,"Transfer of Technical Knowledge by International Corporations to Developing Economics, " American Economic Review 56, (May 19 1966), p.259.4. Bernardin, H. John, and Alvarez, Kenneth, "The Management Grid as a Predictor of Conflict Resolution Method and Managerial Effectiveness, " Administistive Science Quarterly, Vol. 21, No. 1(March 1976).5. Biggart, Nicole Woolsey, "The Creative-Destructive Process of Organizational Change: The Case of the Post Office, " Administrative Science Quarterly, Vol. 22, No. 3 (Sep. 1977), pp. 410-426.6. Campbell, J.P., and Dunnetle, M., "Effectiveness of T-group Experience in Managerial Training and Development, " Psyclology Bulletin, Vol. 70 (1968), pp. 73-104.7. Chng, Meng Kng, "Productivity Through People in the Age of Changing Technology: Singapore Back ground Paper, " APO: Basic Research Project-III, (Fob. 1985), pp. 2-3).8. Christensen, L. R., Cummings, D., and Jorgenson, D. W., "Economic Growth, 1947-1973: An International Comparison, " in Kendrick and B. N. Vacoara (eds), New Developments in Productivity Measurement and Analysis, chicago: University of Chicago Press (1980), pp. 645-691.9. Connellan, Thomas K., How to Improve Human Performance: Behaviorism in Basiness and Industrial, New York: Harper & Row, Publishers (1978).10. Dessler, Gary, Human Behavior: Improving Performance at Work, Reston Publishing Company, Inc.: A Prentice-Hall Company (1977).11. Drucker, Peter F., Management: Tasks, Responsibilities, Practices, New York: Harper & Row (1973).12. Fayol, Henri, General and Industrial Management. trans. by Constance Storrs. London: Sir Isaac Pitaman & Son, Ltd. (1949).13. Fiedler, F. E., A Theory of Leadership Effectiveness. New York: McGraw-Hill (1967).14. Galbraith, J. K. The New Industrial State, Boston:Hamish Hamilton (1967).15. Goldston, Eli, "The limits of Technology," in David W. Eoving, Technology Change and Management.16. Greene, Charlev, "Question of Causation in the Path-goal Theory of Leadership," Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 22, No. 1 (March, 1979), pp. 22-42.17. Greiner, Lauy, "Pattern of Organization Change," Harvard Business Review (May-June, 1967), pp. 623-624.18. Gieiner, Larry, and Barnes, Lewis, "Organizational Change and Development," in Paul Lawrence, Lewis Barnes, and Joy W. Lorsch, Organizational Behavior and Administration, Homewood, Ill: Irwin, (1976), pp. 621-633.19. Guest, R. H., "Man and Machine: An Assembly-line Worker Looks at His Job, " Personnel (May, 1965),p.6.20. Harvey, Edward, "Technology and the Structure of Organizations," American Sociological Review, Vol. 33 (April, 1968), pp. 247-259.21. Hodgetts, Richard M., Management: Theory, Process and Practice, (2nd ed.).22. Hornbruch, Frederick W., Raising Productivity, New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., (1977).23. Inkson, J. H., Pugh, D.S. and Hickson, D. J., "Organizational Contex and Structure: An Abbreviated Replication," Administrative Science Quarterly 15 (1970), pp. 318-329.24. Jamall, Shafigue, "Putting a Productivity Improvement Program into Action: A Six-Step Plan," Industrial Engineering, (Fob., 1983), p.69.25. Kendrick, John W., Productivity Trends in the United States, Princetion : Princetion University Press, (1961).26. Kilida, Tamiki, "A Framework-Technology Change a and Organization, " APO Basic Research III : Produtivity through People in the Age of Changing Technology, (Fod. 1985).27. Koontz, Harold, and O`Dennel, Cyril, Management. New York: McGraw-Hill, (1976).28. Latham, Gauy and Blades, J. James, "The Practical Significance of Locke`s Theory of Goal Setting," Journal of Applied Psychology 60, No. 1 (Feb., 19-5 1975), p.124.29. Latham, Gary and Yukl, Gary, "A Review of Resear Research on the Application of Goal Setting in Organizationa, "Academy of Management Journal 18, No. 4 (1975), p.840.30. Latham, Gary, Mitchell, Teience, and Dosetl, "Importance of Participative Goal Stling and Anlicipated Rowards on Goal Dofficulty and Job Performance," Journal of Applied Psychology, 63, No. 2 (April, 1978), pp.163-171).31. Leauitl, Harold J., "Applied Organization Change in Industry," in J. G. March (eds.) Handbook of Organization. Chicago: Rand McNally (1965), pp.1144-1167.32. Leauitl, Harold J., Managerial Psychology, Chicago: The University of Chicage Press (3rd edi. 1925).33. Likert, Rensis, New Patlern of Management. N.Y. McGraw-Hill, (1961).34. Mali, Paul, Improving Total Productivity New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc. (1978).35. Mansfield, Edwin, Technological Change, New York: W. W. Norton & Company Inc. (1971).36. Maslow, Abraham H., "A Theory of Human Motivation , " Psychology Review. 50 (1943), pp. 370-396.37. Mason, R.D. and Swanson E. B., "Measurement for Management Decision : A Perspective, " California Management Review, Vol. 21, No. 3 (Sping 1979), p.71.38. Mayo, Elton., The Human Problems of an Industrial Ciuilization. N.Y.: Macmillian, (1933).39. McCormick, Ernest J. and Jiffin, Joseph, Industrial Psychology, (1974).40. McGregor, D. M., The Human Side of Enterprise, N.Y.: McGraw-Hill, (1960).41. Mechanic, David, "Sources of Power of Lower Participants in Complex Organiz ation, " Administrative Science Quarterly, Vol. 7. No. 3 (1962), pp. 349-364.42. O. E. C. D., Choice and Adaptation of Technology Developing Countiies: An Overuiew of Major Policy Issues, Pario: O. E. C. D. (1972), p.24.43. Keith Pauitl, "International Technology and the U.S. Economy: Is There a Problem?" The Effects of International Technology Transfer on the U.S. Economy. National Science Foundation, Washington, (July, 1974), p.62.44. Riggs, James L. and Felix, Glewa H., Productivity by Objectives. Prentice-Hall, Inc. ( ).45. Ross, Timotly L. and Bullock, R. J., "Integrating Measurenent of Productivity into a Standard Cost System," Financial Exocutive, (October, 1980),46. Schumpeter, Joseph A., "The Theory of Economy Development," The Managerial Mind: Science and Theory in Policy Decision, pp. 675-659.47. Schein, E. H., Organizational Psychology. (2nd ed edi.) Foundations of Modern Psychology Series. Englewood Cliff, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, Inc. (1970).48. Solow, R. M., "Technical Change and The Aggregate Production Function," Reriew of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 39, No.3, (August 1957), pp. 312-320.49. Stevens, S. S., "Measurement, Psychophsics and Utility," in C, West Churchman and P. Ratoosh (eds.), Measurement: Definition and Theories. New York: John Wiley & Sons (1967), pp. 18-63.50. Taylor, Frederick W. Scientific Management. N.Y. Harper, (1947).51. Soaty, Thomas L., "Analytical Hierchy Process," Wiley, N.Y. (1980).52. Woodward, Joan, Management and Technology, London: Her Majesty`s Printing Office (1958), p.12. 關聯 國立政治大學
73資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 林英峯 (Authors) 呂永富 dc.creator (作者) 呂永富 zh_TW (日期) 1985 5-Dec-2016 15:52:08 (UTC+8) - 5-Dec-2016 15:52:08 (UTC+8) - (上傳時間) 5-Dec-2016 15:52:08 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier.uri (URI) - dc.description.abstract (摘要) 目錄1第一章 緒論1第一節 研究動機與研究目的1第二節 研究方法、範圍與步驟4第三節 研究架構14第四節 研究限制15第二章 文獻探討19 第一節 可程式控制器產業概況19 第二節 科技變動與生產力24 第三節 科技變動對人員之衝擊33 第三章 實證研究40 第一節 層級建立與問卷設計45 第二節 問卷分析54 第四章 結論與建議102 第一節 結論102 第二節 建議104 參考文獻110 附錄圖表目錄圖次:1 ~ 1 本研究之研究步驟8 1 ~ 2 提高管理者生產力之分析層級10 1 ~ 3 組織階層12 1 ~ 4 前向規劃過程14 1 ~ 5 後向規劃過程14 1 ~ 6 研究架構15 2 ~ 1 評估生產力的衡量比率26 2 ~ 2 生產函數31 3 ~ 1 期望管理者生產力之提高42 3 ~ 2 期望工程師等生產力之提高43 3 ~ 3 期望工人生產力之提高44表次:2 ~ 1 科技的分類26 3 ~ 1 提高管理者生產力所面臨各項困難的優先度77 3 ~ 2 解決對科技變動缺乏正確認識之各項對策的優先度78 3 ~ 3 解決管理者引用新科技時,心理因素障礙的各項對策之優先度79 3 ~ 4 解決領導效能不佳的各項對策之優先度803 ~ 5 解決組織結構充分適應力各項對策之優先度81 3 ~ 6 解決選擇新科技之決策困難各項對策的優先度82 3 ~ 7 解決管理者生產力衡量困難之各項指標的優先度83 3 ~ 8 解決法令限制日增各項對策之優先度84 3 ~ 9 提高工程師等人員生產力所面臨各項困難的優先度85 3 ~ 10 解決缺乏對於整體貢獻之認識各項對策的優先度86 3 ~ 11 解決工程部門缺少通才主管各項對策之優先度87 3 ~ 12 解決工程人員過分專注在自己的技術之各項對策的優先度88 3 ~ 13 解決知識落後各項對策之優先度89 3 ~ 14 解決經驗累積效果不佳各項對策之優先度90 3 ~ 15 解決工程人員對公司忠誠度不高各項對策之優先度91 3 ~ 16 提高工人生產力所面臨各項困難之優先度92 3 ~ 17 解決工人技能廢舊問題各項對策之優先度933 ~ 18 解決失業威脅各項對策之優先度94 3 ~ 19 解決工作改組所造成的疏離感各項對策的優先度953 ~ 20 解決非正式群體阻礙,各項對策之優先度96 3 ~ 21 解決不良工作環境各項對策之優先度97 3 ~ 22 解決員工缺乏獻身工作意願各項對策之優先度98 dc.format.extent 115 bytes - dc.format.mimetype text/html - dc.relation (關聯) 國立政治大學 dc.relation (關聯) 企業管理研究所 dc.relation (關聯) 碩士 dc.relation (關聯) 73 dc.title (題名) 在科技變動下如何提高人員生產力之研究 zh_TW dc.type (資料類型) thesis dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 一、中文部份行政院主計處:「衡量生產力方法之研究」,中國統計學報,第三十卷第七期,(民國71.年9月),p. 8333 。余朝權,企業生產力衡量與分析之研究,國立政治大學企業管理研究所七十二學年度博士論文,(中國生產力中心,民國73.年3月)。林英峰,現代生產與作業管理,上、下册,自印,(民國74.年元月,三版)。陳文哲,工業工程與管理,中興經營管理叢書。張炳耀,「台灣地區製造業生產力的衡量與分析(1972 - 1980)」台灣銀行季刊,第卅三卷,第一期,(民國71.年),pp. 51-69。楊淑貞,管理心理學。台北:三民書局,(民國66.年8月)。二、英文部份1. Ackoff, T. L., Gupta, S. K., and Minas, J. S., Scientific Method: Optimizing Applied Research Decision, New Youk: John Wiley & Sons, (1962), p.179.2. Asia Productiuity Organization, Guidelines for Productivity Measurement and Analysis for A. P.-D. Membev Countries, Tokyo: A. P. O., (1980).3. Barason, J.,"Transfer of Technical Knowledge by International Corporations to Developing Economics, " American Economic Review 56, (May 19 1966), p.259.4. Bernardin, H. John, and Alvarez, Kenneth, "The Management Grid as a Predictor of Conflict Resolution Method and Managerial Effectiveness, " Administistive Science Quarterly, Vol. 21, No. 1(March 1976).5. Biggart, Nicole Woolsey, "The Creative-Destructive Process of Organizational Change: The Case of the Post Office, " Administrative Science Quarterly, Vol. 22, No. 3 (Sep. 1977), pp. 410-426.6. Campbell, J.P., and Dunnetle, M., "Effectiveness of T-group Experience in Managerial Training and Development, " Psyclology Bulletin, Vol. 70 (1968), pp. 73-104.7. Chng, Meng Kng, "Productivity Through People in the Age of Changing Technology: Singapore Back ground Paper, " APO: Basic Research Project-III, (Fob. 1985), pp. 2-3).8. Christensen, L. R., Cummings, D., and Jorgenson, D. W., "Economic Growth, 1947-1973: An International Comparison, " in Kendrick and B. N. Vacoara (eds), New Developments in Productivity Measurement and Analysis, chicago: University of Chicago Press (1980), pp. 645-691.9. Connellan, Thomas K., How to Improve Human Performance: Behaviorism in Basiness and Industrial, New York: Harper & Row, Publishers (1978).10. Dessler, Gary, Human Behavior: Improving Performance at Work, Reston Publishing Company, Inc.: A Prentice-Hall Company (1977).11. Drucker, Peter F., Management: Tasks, Responsibilities, Practices, New York: Harper & Row (1973).12. Fayol, Henri, General and Industrial Management. trans. by Constance Storrs. London: Sir Isaac Pitaman & Son, Ltd. (1949).13. Fiedler, F. E., A Theory of Leadership Effectiveness. New York: McGraw-Hill (1967).14. Galbraith, J. K. The New Industrial State, Boston:Hamish Hamilton (1967).15. Goldston, Eli, "The limits of Technology," in David W. Eoving, Technology Change and Management.16. Greene, Charlev, "Question of Causation in the Path-goal Theory of Leadership," Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 22, No. 1 (March, 1979), pp. 22-42.17. Greiner, Lauy, "Pattern of Organization Change," Harvard Business Review (May-June, 1967), pp. 623-624.18. Gieiner, Larry, and Barnes, Lewis, "Organizational Change and Development," in Paul Lawrence, Lewis Barnes, and Joy W. Lorsch, Organizational Behavior and Administration, Homewood, Ill: Irwin, (1976), pp. 621-633.19. Guest, R. H., "Man and Machine: An Assembly-line Worker Looks at His Job, " Personnel (May, 1965),p.6.20. Harvey, Edward, "Technology and the Structure of Organizations," American Sociological Review, Vol. 33 (April, 1968), pp. 247-259.21. Hodgetts, Richard M., Management: Theory, Process and Practice, (2nd ed.).22. Hornbruch, Frederick W., Raising Productivity, New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., (1977).23. Inkson, J. H., Pugh, D.S. and Hickson, D. J., "Organizational Contex and Structure: An Abbreviated Replication," Administrative Science Quarterly 15 (1970), pp. 318-329.24. Jamall, Shafigue, "Putting a Productivity Improvement Program into Action: A Six-Step Plan," Industrial Engineering, (Fob., 1983), p.69.25. Kendrick, John W., Productivity Trends in the United States, Princetion : Princetion University Press, (1961).26. Kilida, Tamiki, "A Framework-Technology Change a and Organization, " APO Basic Research III : Produtivity through People in the Age of Changing Technology, (Fod. 1985).27. Koontz, Harold, and O`Dennel, Cyril, Management. New York: McGraw-Hill, (1976).28. Latham, Gauy and Blades, J. James, "The Practical Significance of Locke`s Theory of Goal Setting," Journal of Applied Psychology 60, No. 1 (Feb., 19-5 1975), p.124.29. Latham, Gary and Yukl, Gary, "A Review of Resear Research on the Application of Goal Setting in Organizationa, "Academy of Management Journal 18, No. 4 (1975), p.840.30. Latham, Gary, Mitchell, Teience, and Dosetl, "Importance of Participative Goal Stling and Anlicipated Rowards on Goal Dofficulty and Job Performance," Journal of Applied Psychology, 63, No. 2 (April, 1978), pp.163-171).31. Leauitl, Harold J., "Applied Organization Change in Industry," in J. G. March (eds.) Handbook of Organization. Chicago: Rand McNally (1965), pp.1144-1167.32. Leauitl, Harold J., Managerial Psychology, Chicago: The University of Chicage Press (3rd edi. 1925).33. Likert, Rensis, New Patlern of Management. N.Y. McGraw-Hill, (1961).34. Mali, Paul, Improving Total Productivity New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc. (1978).35. Mansfield, Edwin, Technological Change, New York: W. W. Norton & Company Inc. (1971).36. Maslow, Abraham H., "A Theory of Human Motivation , " Psychology Review. 50 (1943), pp. 370-396.37. Mason, R.D. and Swanson E. B., "Measurement for Management Decision : A Perspective, " California Management Review, Vol. 21, No. 3 (Sping 1979), p.71.38. Mayo, Elton., The Human Problems of an Industrial Ciuilization. N.Y.: Macmillian, (1933).39. McCormick, Ernest J. and Jiffin, Joseph, Industrial Psychology, (1974).40. McGregor, D. M., The Human Side of Enterprise, N.Y.: McGraw-Hill, (1960).41. Mechanic, David, "Sources of Power of Lower Participants in Complex Organiz ation, " Administrative Science Quarterly, Vol. 7. No. 3 (1962), pp. 349-364.42. O. E. C. D., Choice and Adaptation of Technology Developing Countiies: An Overuiew of Major Policy Issues, Pario: O. E. C. D. (1972), p.24.43. Keith Pauitl, "International Technology and the U.S. Economy: Is There a Problem?" The Effects of International Technology Transfer on the U.S. Economy. National Science Foundation, Washington, (July, 1974), p.62.44. Riggs, James L. and Felix, Glewa H., Productivity by Objectives. Prentice-Hall, Inc. ( ).45. Ross, Timotly L. and Bullock, R. J., "Integrating Measurenent of Productivity into a Standard Cost System," Financial Exocutive, (October, 1980),46. Schumpeter, Joseph A., "The Theory of Economy Development," The Managerial Mind: Science and Theory in Policy Decision, pp. 675-659.47. Schein, E. H., Organizational Psychology. (2nd ed edi.) Foundations of Modern Psychology Series. Englewood Cliff, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, Inc. (1970).48. Solow, R. M., "Technical Change and The Aggregate Production Function," Reriew of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 39, No.3, (August 1957), pp. 312-320.49. Stevens, S. S., "Measurement, Psychophsics and Utility," in C, West Churchman and P. Ratoosh (eds.), Measurement: Definition and Theories. New York: John Wiley & Sons (1967), pp. 18-63.50. Taylor, Frederick W. Scientific Management. N.Y. Harper, (1947).51. Soaty, Thomas L., "Analytical Hierchy Process," Wiley, N.Y. (1980).52. Woodward, Joan, Management and Technology, London: Her Majesty`s Printing Office (1958), p.12.