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題名 管理浮動滙率與通貨替代
作者 張傳章
貢獻者 曹添旺
日期 1985
上傳時間 5-Dec-2016 17:17:19 (UTC+8)
摘要 第一章 導論1
第二章 管理浮動滙率與通貨替代的總體模型分析5
第一節 緒言5
第二節 理論架構6
第三節 各種不同滙率制度下的政策效果比較14
第四節 通貨替代彈性與政策效果的關係25
第五節 政府干預參數與政策效果29
第三章 結論39
參考文獻 中文部份
7. Artus, J. R. "Exchange Rate Stability and Managed Floating: The Experience of The Federal Republic of Germany" I.M.F. Staff Papers, Vol. XXII, No.2, July 1976, PP.312-333.
8. Calvo, G. and Rodriguez C, "A Model of Exchange Rate Determination Under Currency Substitution and Rational Expectations", JPE, 85(1977), PP.617-625.
9. Chen, C.N. "Diversified Currency Holdings and Flexible Exchange Rate", QJE 87 (Feb. 1973), PP. 96-110.
10.________ "Currency Denomination and The Price level", JPE, Vol, 84, No.1, 1976, PP.179-183.
11.________ , T. W. Tsaur, and C. F. Chou "Gross Substitution Currency Interflow, Gresham`s Law and Hayek`s Free Currency System" JOM (1981), PP.547-557.
12. ________ , ________ , "Currency Substitution and Foreign Inflation QJE (1983), PP.177-184.
13. Friedman, M., "The Case for Flexible Exchange Rates" in Caves, R. E. and H. G. Johnson, ends Readings in International Economics (Homewood, IV: R. D. Irwin, Inc, 1968) , 413-437.
14. Hayek, F. A. "Choice in Currency", London, Institution of Economic Affairs, Occassional Paper 48. 1976.
15. I.M.F. "Guidelines for Countries Authorized to Adopt Floating Rates" Annual Paper of Excecutive Directors for Fiscal Year Ended Apr. 30, 1974, I.M.F Appendix II.
16.Laffer, A. B. "Two Arguments for Fixed Rates", in Johnson, H. G, and A. K. Swoboda ends., The Economics of Common Currencies (London: George Allen and Unwin, 1973), 25-34.
17. Laursen, S. and Metzler, L. A., "Flexible Exchange Rates and the Theory of Employment", The Review of Economics statistics, 32 (1950), PP.281-299.
18. Mckinnon, R. I., "Private and Official International Money: The Case for the Dollar" Princeton University, Internationl Financ Section, April 1969.
19.________ "Currency Substitution and Unstability in the World Dollar Standard" AER 1982, PP. 320-333.
20. Miles, M. A., "Currency Substitution, Flexible Exchange Rates and Moneatry Independence", AER 68 (1978), PP.428-436.
21. Mundel, R. A, "International Economics", New York, Macmillon 1968.
22. Salop, J. "Devaluation and the Balance of Trade under Flexible Wages" in G. Horwich, and P. A. Samuelson ends., Trade Stability and Macroeconomics (New York: Academic Press).
23. Schadler, S. "Sources of Exchange Rate Variability: Theory and Empirical Evidences", I.M.F Staff Papers, Vol. XXIV, No.2, July, 1977, PP. 253-296.
24. Shieh, Y. N. and C.C. Mai, "A Macroeconomics Analysis on the Wage-Push Effect of Deualution", Estratto da: Metroecoromica, 16 (June, 1979), PP.259-268.
25. Swoboda, A. K. "Equilibrium, Quasi-Equilibrium, and Macroeconomic Policy Under Fixed Exchang Rate" QJE. Vol, 86. Feb., 1972, PP.62-171.
26. Tosini, P. A."Leaning Against the Wind: A Standard for Managed Floating", Essays In International Finance, No.126, Dec. 1977.
關聯 國立政治大學
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 曹添旺 (Authors) 張傳章
dc.creator (作者) 張傳章zh_TW (日期) 1985 5-Dec-2016 17:17:19 (UTC+8)- 5-Dec-2016 17:17:19 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 5-Dec-2016 17:17:19 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 第一章 導論1
第二章 管理浮動滙率與通貨替代的總體模型分析5
第一節 緒言5
第二節 理論架構6
第三節 各種不同滙率制度下的政策效果比較14
第四節 通貨替代彈性與政策效果的關係25
第五節 政府干預參數與政策效果29
第三章 結論39
dc.format.extent 115 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype text/html-
dc.relation (關聯) 國立政治大學
dc.relation (關聯) 國際貿易研究所
dc.relation (關聯) 碩士
dc.relation (關聯) 73
dc.title (題名) 管理浮動滙率與通貨替代zh_TW
dc.type (資料類型) thesis
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 中文部份
7. Artus, J. R. "Exchange Rate Stability and Managed Floating: The Experience of The Federal Republic of Germany" I.M.F. Staff Papers, Vol. XXII, No.2, July 1976, PP.312-333.
8. Calvo, G. and Rodriguez C, "A Model of Exchange Rate Determination Under Currency Substitution and Rational Expectations", JPE, 85(1977), PP.617-625.
9. Chen, C.N. "Diversified Currency Holdings and Flexible Exchange Rate", QJE 87 (Feb. 1973), PP. 96-110.
10.________ "Currency Denomination and The Price level", JPE, Vol, 84, No.1, 1976, PP.179-183.
11.________ , T. W. Tsaur, and C. F. Chou "Gross Substitution Currency Interflow, Gresham`s Law and Hayek`s Free Currency System" JOM (1981), PP.547-557.
12. ________ , ________ , "Currency Substitution and Foreign Inflation QJE (1983), PP.177-184.
13. Friedman, M., "The Case for Flexible Exchange Rates" in Caves, R. E. and H. G. Johnson, ends Readings in International Economics (Homewood, IV: R. D. Irwin, Inc, 1968) , 413-437.
14. Hayek, F. A. "Choice in Currency", London, Institution of Economic Affairs, Occassional Paper 48. 1976.
15. I.M.F. "Guidelines for Countries Authorized to Adopt Floating Rates" Annual Paper of Excecutive Directors for Fiscal Year Ended Apr. 30, 1974, I.M.F Appendix II.
16.Laffer, A. B. "Two Arguments for Fixed Rates", in Johnson, H. G, and A. K. Swoboda ends., The Economics of Common Currencies (London: George Allen and Unwin, 1973), 25-34.
17. Laursen, S. and Metzler, L. A., "Flexible Exchange Rates and the Theory of Employment", The Review of Economics statistics, 32 (1950), PP.281-299.
18. Mckinnon, R. I., "Private and Official International Money: The Case for the Dollar" Princeton University, Internationl Financ Section, April 1969.
19.________ "Currency Substitution and Unstability in the World Dollar Standard" AER 1982, PP. 320-333.
20. Miles, M. A., "Currency Substitution, Flexible Exchange Rates and Moneatry Independence", AER 68 (1978), PP.428-436.
21. Mundel, R. A, "International Economics", New York, Macmillon 1968.
22. Salop, J. "Devaluation and the Balance of Trade under Flexible Wages" in G. Horwich, and P. A. Samuelson ends., Trade Stability and Macroeconomics (New York: Academic Press).
23. Schadler, S. "Sources of Exchange Rate Variability: Theory and Empirical Evidences", I.M.F Staff Papers, Vol. XXIV, No.2, July, 1977, PP. 253-296.
24. Shieh, Y. N. and C.C. Mai, "A Macroeconomics Analysis on the Wage-Push Effect of Deualution", Estratto da: Metroecoromica, 16 (June, 1979), PP.259-268.
25. Swoboda, A. K. "Equilibrium, Quasi-Equilibrium, and Macroeconomic Policy Under Fixed Exchang Rate" QJE. Vol, 86. Feb., 1972, PP.62-171.
26. Tosini, P. A."Leaning Against the Wind: A Standard for Managed Floating", Essays In International Finance, No.126, Dec. 1977.