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題名 廣告模特兒外表吸引力的迷思?--不同男性產品之探討
其他題名 Is Highly Attractive Model a Myth?: Investigation into Different Male Products
作者 蔡佳靜
關鍵詞 外表吸引力;男性產品;模特兒;模特兒膚色;廣告效果
physical attractiveness;male products;models;race of models;advertising effectiveness
日期 2006-01
上傳時間 14-Dec-2016 11:57:24 (UTC+8)
摘要 模特兒吸引力的研究,過去多著重於探討女性目標市場,且早期研究主張外表具高度吸引力(Highly Attractive Models,簡稱:HAM)的女性模特兒,能產生較佳的廣告效果,近年卻有研究發現HAM對廣告效果會有不良的影響。因此,本研究主要即針對男性目標市場探討廣告模特兒外表吸引力是否是一種迷思?此外,不同膚色的男模特兒是否會影響模特兒吸引力的廣告效果,以及針對不同的男性產品廣告,模特兒外表吸引力對廣告效果的影響為何,皆是本研究所欲探討之課題。主要研究結果發現,無論何種男性產品市場,模特兒的外表吸引力與膚色會顯著影響廣告效果,且使用與受測者膚色不同的白種人與黑種人模特兒,高度吸引力模特兒所產生的廣告效果皆比適度吸引力模特兒好;使用與受測者膚色相似的黃種人模特兒,高度吸引力模特兒所產生的廣告效果卻比適度吸引力的模特兒差。顯見,廣告模特兒外表吸引力有時候確是一種迷思。
In this study, the impact of physical attractiveness of models on the effectiveness of advertising for the products targeting the male was investigated. Meanwhile, I take the race of models into consideration. The study found that both physical attractiveness of models and race of models have significant impact on advertising effectiveness. No matter for which product, highly attractive models cause better advertising effectiveness than normally ones when white and black races of models were used; highly attractive models cause worse advertising effectiveness than normally ones when yellow race of models were used.
關聯 廣告學研究, 25, 107-129
資料類型 article
dc.creator (作者) 蔡佳靜zh_TW (日期) 2006-01 14-Dec-2016 11:57:24 (UTC+8)- 14-Dec-2016 11:57:24 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 14-Dec-2016 11:57:24 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 模特兒吸引力的研究,過去多著重於探討女性目標市場,且早期研究主張外表具高度吸引力(Highly Attractive Models,簡稱:HAM)的女性模特兒,能產生較佳的廣告效果,近年卻有研究發現HAM對廣告效果會有不良的影響。因此,本研究主要即針對男性目標市場探討廣告模特兒外表吸引力是否是一種迷思?此外,不同膚色的男模特兒是否會影響模特兒吸引力的廣告效果,以及針對不同的男性產品廣告,模特兒外表吸引力對廣告效果的影響為何,皆是本研究所欲探討之課題。主要研究結果發現,無論何種男性產品市場,模特兒的外表吸引力與膚色會顯著影響廣告效果,且使用與受測者膚色不同的白種人與黑種人模特兒,高度吸引力模特兒所產生的廣告效果皆比適度吸引力模特兒好;使用與受測者膚色相似的黃種人模特兒,高度吸引力模特兒所產生的廣告效果卻比適度吸引力的模特兒差。顯見,廣告模特兒外表吸引力有時候確是一種迷思。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) In this study, the impact of physical attractiveness of models on the effectiveness of advertising for the products targeting the male was investigated. Meanwhile, I take the race of models into consideration. The study found that both physical attractiveness of models and race of models have significant impact on advertising effectiveness. No matter for which product, highly attractive models cause better advertising effectiveness than normally ones when white and black races of models were used; highly attractive models cause worse advertising effectiveness than normally ones when yellow race of models were used.
dc.format.extent 702895 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.relation (關聯) 廣告學研究, 25, 107-129
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 外表吸引力;男性產品;模特兒;模特兒膚色;廣告效果
dc.subject (關鍵詞) physical attractiveness;male products;models;race of models;advertising effectiveness
dc.title (題名) 廣告模特兒外表吸引力的迷思?--不同男性產品之探討zh_TW
dc.title.alternative (其他題名) Is Highly Attractive Model a Myth?: Investigation into Different Male Products
dc.type (資料類型) article