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題名 利用精實原則實施業務流程最適化之研究—以T公司客服中心為例
Research on Using Principles of Lean for Optimizing Business Process— A Case Study on Call Center of T Company
作者 張瑋誠
貢獻者 蔡瑞煌
關鍵詞 客服中心
Call Center
Principles of Lean
Value Stream Mapping
日期 2016
上傳時間 4-Jan-2017 11:55:37 (UTC+8)
摘要 客服中心是企業提供客戶服務的關鍵部門,隨著商業模式不斷創新,各企業紛紛運用客服中心作為提升顧客體驗及拓展客群的手段。尤其近來雲端技術的興起,導入新技術勢必造成客服中心在服務流程上的驟變,如何安排客服中心業務流程、提供客服人員舒適的工作環境、強化顧客滿意度以及提高客服中心的營運效率,已成為一個亟需解決的問題。
本研究起因於研究對象電力公司之客服中心面臨營運問題,包括過高的營運成本、人力配置不均以及人員流動率過高,另外還包含未妥善利用訊系統導致客服人員話務量增加與組織內部各單位資訊不同步造成資訊不準確等問題。為了解決這些問題,以客服中心之電話服務流程為主要研究範圍,採用精實方法之價值流圖(Value Stream Mapping, VSM)作為流程分析方法,剖析造成上述問題的原因,並基於精實原則(Principles of Lean)來思考,除了找出客服中心營運上的浪費之外,並針對個案公司所面臨的問題提出改善建議。
Call center is an important unit in contemporary enterprise. As more and more innovative business model appears, enterprises use call center as a means to provide high quality services and explore more customers. Along with importing advanced information technology, there would be a drastic change in the process of customer service. It has become an essential issue to arrange customer service process efficiently, provide comfortable working environment, and promote customer satisfaction in the call center.
The concept of the principles of lean concentrates on eliminating waste and focuses on enhancing valuable parts in business process. Lean principles were usually used in manufactory in the past to create smoothly seamless pull production. However, there are some researches show that using it in pure service environment will efficiently reduce costs as well.
The objective of this study is to use principles of lean to eliminate wastes and find the potential problems in the phone call service process of call center in the case company. The value stream mapping is used to analyze and assess the process of information and material flows currently required in the phone call customer service process. First, we establish a current state map, then we refine it iteratively and build Kaizen burst map. Finally, based on the kaizen burst map we provide some advices for optimizing phone call process of customer service for the case company.
參考文獻 [1] Aksin, Z., Armony, M., and Mehrotra, V., “The modern call center: A multi‐disciplinary perspective on operations management research,” Production and Operations Management, 16(6), pp. 665-688, 2007
[2] Anton, J., Monger, J., & Perkins, D. S., Call Center Management by the Numbers, Purdue University Press, 1997
[3] Belova, I. M. and Zhu, Y., “Value Stream Mapping for Waste Reduction in Playing System Components Flow: Leaning the Value Stream of Origo family components at HAGS Aneby ABansong,” pp. 21-30, 2008
[4] Bonaccorsi, A., Carmignani, G., and Zammori, F., “Service value stream management (SVSM): developing lean thinking in the service industry,” Journal of Service Science and Management, 4(04), p. 428, 2011
[5] Call Centre in Wikipedia. Retrieved from (Feb 22, 2016)
[6] Call Center Industry Benchmark In-house/Insourced Call Centers, White paper on Retrieved from (Mar 15, 2016)
[7] COPC CSP Standard: A Framework for Customer Contact Operations. Retrieved from (Jan 21, 2016)
[8] David, P. A., “Why are institutions the ‘carriers of history’? Path dependence and the evolution of conventions, organizations and institutions,” Structural change and economic dynamics, 5(2), pp. 205-220, 1994
[9] Ding, J., Wu, B., Ding, T., and Zhu, Q., “The case study on service encapsulation for web-based application system,” Computer Science & Service System (CSSS), 2012 International Conference on IEEE, pp. 1484-1487, 2012
[10] Eisenhardt K. M., “Building Theories from Case Study Research,” The Academy of Management Review, 14(4), pp. 532-550, 1989
[11] Emiliani, M. L., and Stec, D. J., “Using value-stream maps to improve leadership,” Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 25(8), pp. 622-645, 2004
[12] Global Industry Analysts (GIA) Research Reports. Retrieved from (Jan 11, 2016)
[13] Keyte, B., & Locher, D. A., The complete lean enterprise: Value stream mapping for administrative and office processes, CRC Press, 2004 (Chinese version).
[14] Koskela, L. J., “Moving on-beyond lean thinking,” Lean Construction Journal, 1(1), pp. 24-37, 2004
[15] Lean manufacturing tools, principles, implementation, and graphs. Retrieved from (Feb 15, 2016)
[16] Leite, H. D. R., and Vieira, G. E., “Lean philosophy and its applications in the service industry: a review of the current knowledge,” Production, 25(3), pp. 529-541, 2015
[17] Piercy, N., and Rich, N., “Lean transformation in the pure service environment: the case of the call service centre,” International journal of operations & production management, 29(1), pp. 54-76, 2009
[18] Rother, M. and Shook, J., “Learning to See: Value Stream Mapping to Create Value and Eliminate Muda,” Lean Enterprise Institute, Massachusetts, 2009
[19] Spear, S. J., “Learning to lead at Toyota,” Harvard business review, 82(5), pp. 78-91, 2004
[20] Tapping, D. and Shuker, T., “Value Stream Management for the Lean Office,” Productivity Press, New York, 2003
[21] Teichgräber, U. K., and de Bucourt, M., “Applying value stream mapping techniques to eliminate non-value-added waste for the procurement of endovascular stents,” European journal of radiology, 81(1), pp. 47-52, 2012
[22] Weske, M., Business Process Management, Springer Science & Business Media, USA, 2012
[23] Womack, J. P., and Jones, D. T., Lean thinking: Banish waste and create wealth in your organization, Simon and Shuster, USA, 1996
[24] Womack, J. P., and Jones, D. T., Lean thinking: banish waste and create wealth in your corporation, Simon and Schuster, USA, 2010
描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 蔡瑞煌zh_TW (Authors) 張瑋誠zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) 張瑋誠zh_TW (日期) 2016en_US 4-Jan-2017 11:55:37 (UTC+8)- 4-Jan-2017 11:55:37 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 4-Jan-2017 11:55:37 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0101356042en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 資訊管理學系zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 101356042zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 客服中心是企業提供客戶服務的關鍵部門,隨著商業模式不斷創新,各企業紛紛運用客服中心作為提升顧客體驗及拓展客群的手段。尤其近來雲端技術的興起,導入新技術勢必造成客服中心在服務流程上的驟變,如何安排客服中心業務流程、提供客服人員舒適的工作環境、強化顧客滿意度以及提高客服中心的營運效率,已成為一個亟需解決的問題。
本研究起因於研究對象電力公司之客服中心面臨營運問題,包括過高的營運成本、人力配置不均以及人員流動率過高,另外還包含未妥善利用訊系統導致客服人員話務量增加與組織內部各單位資訊不同步造成資訊不準確等問題。為了解決這些問題,以客服中心之電話服務流程為主要研究範圍,採用精實方法之價值流圖(Value Stream Mapping, VSM)作為流程分析方法,剖析造成上述問題的原因,並基於精實原則(Principles of Lean)來思考,除了找出客服中心營運上的浪費之外,並針對個案公司所面臨的問題提出改善建議。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Call center is an important unit in contemporary enterprise. As more and more innovative business model appears, enterprises use call center as a means to provide high quality services and explore more customers. Along with importing advanced information technology, there would be a drastic change in the process of customer service. It has become an essential issue to arrange customer service process efficiently, provide comfortable working environment, and promote customer satisfaction in the call center.
The concept of the principles of lean concentrates on eliminating waste and focuses on enhancing valuable parts in business process. Lean principles were usually used in manufactory in the past to create smoothly seamless pull production. However, there are some researches show that using it in pure service environment will efficiently reduce costs as well.
The objective of this study is to use principles of lean to eliminate wastes and find the potential problems in the phone call service process of call center in the case company. The value stream mapping is used to analyze and assess the process of information and material flows currently required in the phone call customer service process. First, we establish a current state map, then we refine it iteratively and build Kaizen burst map. Finally, based on the kaizen burst map we provide some advices for optimizing phone call process of customer service for the case company.
dc.description.tableofcontents 圖目錄 vi
表目錄 viii

第壹章、 緒論 1
第一節、 研究背景與動機 1
(一)、 研究背景 1
(二)、 研究動機 1
第二節、 研究目的 3
第三節、 研究範圍 3
第四節、 研究程序 3

第貳章、 文獻探討 5
第一節、 客服中心簡介 5
(一)、 客服中心的發展 5
(二)、 客服中心主要功能 7
(三)、 客服中心核心技術 7
第二節、 精實原則 8
(一)、 精實生產 8
(二)、 價值流圖 13
(三)、 價值與浪費 23
(四)、 七種浪費 24
(五)、 未來理想狀態圖 25
第三節、 客服中心導入精實原則 26
第四節、 客服中心效能的衡量指標 30

第參章、 研究架構與方法 37
第一節、 研究架構 37
第二節、 研究方法 37
第三節、 研究步驟 38

第肆章、 實例分析與討論 39
第一節、 個案公司背景介紹 40
(一)、 客服中心現況與規模 40
(二)、 客服中心系統與其他相關系統介接 42
(三)、 客服中心系統之組成 54
第二節、 客服作業流程說明 57
(一)、 客服人員服務流程 57
(二)、 互動式語音系統流程 60
(三)、 後送案件流程 61
第三節、 繪製個案公司客服流程價值流圖 62
(一)、 選擇價值流圖標 62
(二)、 界定繪製範圍 63
(三)、 建立流程步驟 63
(四)、 加入資訊流 69
(五)、 蒐集過程資料 71
(六)、 加入時間軸 75
第四節、 流程問題分析與討論 77
第五節、 改善與建議 81

第伍章、 結論 85
第一節、 結論 85
第二節、 研究限制及未來工作 85

參考文獻 87
dc.format.extent 4104838 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 客服中心zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 精實原則zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 價值流圖zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Call Centeren_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Principles of Leanen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Value Stream Mappingen_US
dc.title (題名) 利用精實原則實施業務流程最適化之研究—以T公司客服中心為例zh_TW
dc.title (題名) Research on Using Principles of Lean for Optimizing Business Process— A Case Study on Call Center of T Companyen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) [1] Aksin, Z., Armony, M., and Mehrotra, V., “The modern call center: A multi‐disciplinary perspective on operations management research,” Production and Operations Management, 16(6), pp. 665-688, 2007
[2] Anton, J., Monger, J., & Perkins, D. S., Call Center Management by the Numbers, Purdue University Press, 1997
[3] Belova, I. M. and Zhu, Y., “Value Stream Mapping for Waste Reduction in Playing System Components Flow: Leaning the Value Stream of Origo family components at HAGS Aneby ABansong,” pp. 21-30, 2008
[4] Bonaccorsi, A., Carmignani, G., and Zammori, F., “Service value stream management (SVSM): developing lean thinking in the service industry,” Journal of Service Science and Management, 4(04), p. 428, 2011
[5] Call Centre in Wikipedia. Retrieved from (Feb 22, 2016)
[6] Call Center Industry Benchmark In-house/Insourced Call Centers, White paper on Retrieved from (Mar 15, 2016)
[7] COPC CSP Standard: A Framework for Customer Contact Operations. Retrieved from (Jan 21, 2016)
[8] David, P. A., “Why are institutions the ‘carriers of history’? Path dependence and the evolution of conventions, organizations and institutions,” Structural change and economic dynamics, 5(2), pp. 205-220, 1994
[9] Ding, J., Wu, B., Ding, T., and Zhu, Q., “The case study on service encapsulation for web-based application system,” Computer Science & Service System (CSSS), 2012 International Conference on IEEE, pp. 1484-1487, 2012
[10] Eisenhardt K. M., “Building Theories from Case Study Research,” The Academy of Management Review, 14(4), pp. 532-550, 1989
[11] Emiliani, M. L., and Stec, D. J., “Using value-stream maps to improve leadership,” Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 25(8), pp. 622-645, 2004
[12] Global Industry Analysts (GIA) Research Reports. Retrieved from (Jan 11, 2016)
[13] Keyte, B., & Locher, D. A., The complete lean enterprise: Value stream mapping for administrative and office processes, CRC Press, 2004 (Chinese version).
[14] Koskela, L. J., “Moving on-beyond lean thinking,” Lean Construction Journal, 1(1), pp. 24-37, 2004
[15] Lean manufacturing tools, principles, implementation, and graphs. Retrieved from (Feb 15, 2016)
[16] Leite, H. D. R., and Vieira, G. E., “Lean philosophy and its applications in the service industry: a review of the current knowledge,” Production, 25(3), pp. 529-541, 2015
[17] Piercy, N., and Rich, N., “Lean transformation in the pure service environment: the case of the call service centre,” International journal of operations & production management, 29(1), pp. 54-76, 2009
[18] Rother, M. and Shook, J., “Learning to See: Value Stream Mapping to Create Value and Eliminate Muda,” Lean Enterprise Institute, Massachusetts, 2009
[19] Spear, S. J., “Learning to lead at Toyota,” Harvard business review, 82(5), pp. 78-91, 2004
[20] Tapping, D. and Shuker, T., “Value Stream Management for the Lean Office,” Productivity Press, New York, 2003
[21] Teichgräber, U. K., and de Bucourt, M., “Applying value stream mapping techniques to eliminate non-value-added waste for the procurement of endovascular stents,” European journal of radiology, 81(1), pp. 47-52, 2012
[22] Weske, M., Business Process Management, Springer Science & Business Media, USA, 2012
[23] Womack, J. P., and Jones, D. T., Lean thinking: Banish waste and create wealth in your organization, Simon and Shuster, USA, 1996
[24] Womack, J. P., and Jones, D. T., Lean thinking: banish waste and create wealth in your corporation, Simon and Schuster, USA, 2010