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題名 多樣而分殊化全球城市之分析:以上海轉型為例
Analyzing a diverse and specialized global city : the case of the transformation of Shanghai作者 羅高特
Robert, Koszta貢獻者 冷則剛
Leng, Tse-kang
Robert, Koszta關鍵詞 全球化城市
Global city
World city
Urban geography
Financial market
Free-trade zone
Urban economy日期 2017 上傳時間 1-Mar-2017 17:34:08 (UTC+8) 摘要 檢視中國的城市化進程與全球城市化研究將為被忽略的地區帶來新的視野
The examination of urbanization processes in China with the combinationof global and world city research are expected to provide new insights tothis neglected area. Global city idea had often emerged in contemporarycity development plans, mainly indicating rapid modernization efforts viabuilding a so-called global city. The wide-scale embeddedness of thisidea suggests that it became the synonym of international competitivenessand prosperity. The best example of that is China with its massivenetwork of cities. Until recently public datas were less accessibleregarding the major Chinese cities, sith the reasons behind their growthand properity are still widely unexplored.The goal of this thesis would be to collect data and examine the mostrelevant segments of a specific Chinese city, namely Shanghai in thecontext of global city formation and competition. In order to justify ordeny the overall achievements of industrial and spatial restructuring, thethesis will rely on the latest datas, including the related theoretical aspectsand two short case studies.There are multiple layers of conducting city-related research from which,there are statistically less traceable ones. Thus, the intention of the thesisis to highlight two, internationally relevant and comparable areas, such asthe financial industry and the newly upgraded free trade zone. Accordingto the author’s intentions the strengths and the weaknesses of Shanghai asa global city will be empirically tested, while at the same time there willbe a strong emphasis on the introduction of world- and global cities’theoretical background as well. Within that the Chinese global city ideawill be distinguished from its Western counterpart and the contraints ofcurrent political system will be pointed out in terms of operation ormanagement. The main subject of inquiry would be to learn more aboutthe extent of global city transformation in the city, compared to thegeneral assumptions on an actual global city. Since this thesis has its ownlimitations both in size and data processing capability, thus it mainlyanalyzed and used second-hand sources to derive its conclusions.The main purpose of this work would be to contest the aspects ofShanghai’s global citiness.參考文獻 Acuto, M., & Steele, W. (2013). Global City Challenges. Debating a Concept,Improving the Practise. London: Palgrave Macmillan.Ancien, D. (2011). Global City Theory and the New Urban Politics Twenty Years On:The Case for a Geohistorical Materialist Approach to the (New) Urban Politicsof Global Cities. Urban Studies, 48(12), 2473-2493.Bloomberg News. (2016, June 28). Sorry Shanghai, There`s a New China StockExchange King. Retrieved November 3, 2016, from, N., & Keil, R. (2014). From Global Cities to Globalized Urbanization.Glocalism: Journal of Culture, Politics and Innovation.Breznitz, D., & Murphee, M. (2011). Run of the Red Queen. New Haven and London:Yale University Press.Cheng, D., & Jiang, B. (2016). Reflection on the Development Strategy of ShanghaiPilot FTZ. In Z. Yuan (Ed.), New Strategic Research on China (Shanghai)Pilot Free Trade Zone (pp. 29-56). New Jersey: World Century.China Highlights. (2016). Shanghai Maps. Retrieved December 30, 2016, from, I., & Brooker, D. (2013). Multiple pathways to global city formation: Afunctional approach and review of recent evidence in China. Cities, 35, 181-189.Curtis, S. (2011). Global cities and the transformation of the International System.Review of International Studies, 37, 1923-1947.Csomós, G. (2015). A világvárosok rangsorolása az irányító és ellenőrző funkciójukalapján, és a formálódó új gazdasági erőközpontok. [Ranking world cities onthe basis of their command-and-control functions and the emerging globaleconomic power-houses]. Tér és Társadalom, 29(3), 115-134.Csomós, G., & Derudder, B. (2014). Ranking Asia-Pacific cities: Economicperformance of multinational corporations and the regional urban hierarchy.(D. a.-M. Szymańska, Ed.) Bulletin of Geography. Socio-economic Series No.25, 69-80.Csomós, G., & Tóth, G. (2016). Exploring the position of cities in global corporateresearch and development: a bibliometric analysis by two differentgeographical approaches. Journal of Infometrics, 10, 1.Desjardins, J. (2016, February 16). All of the World’s Stock Exchanges by Size.(Visual Capitalist Media Company) Retrieved October 26, 2016, from (2012). Stocks vs. Bonds. Retrieved October 31, 2016, from Diffen:ürrschmidt, J., & Taylor, G. (2007). Urban Worlds and Global Cities. InGlobalization, Modernity and Social Change. Hotspots of Transition (pp. 13-35). Houndmills-Basingstoke, UK and New York: Palgrave Macmillan.Eckert, C. J. (1993). The South Korean bourgeoisie: a class in search of hegemony. InH. Koo (Ed.), State and Society in Contemporary Korea. New York, Ithaca:Cornell University Press. 65Friedmann, J. (1986). The World City Hypothesis. Development and Change, 17(1),69-83.Golden, P. (2016). China looks forward to second phase of CIPS. RetrievedNovember 7, 2016, from Euromoney:, C., Wei, Y. D., & Cook, I. G. (2015). Planning Beijing: socialist city, transtionalcity, and global city. Urban Geography, 36(6), 905-926.Guan, B., Fu, C., & Li, Y. (2014). Influences on Shanghai Free Trade Zone onChina`s Foreign Trade Enterprises and Countermeasures. InternationalConference on Global Economy, Commerce and Service Science (GECSS,2014). Phuket: Atlantis Press.Haacke, O. (2016). Movement in the Free Trade Zones Signal Openings. RetrievedFebruary 03, 2017, from, G. (2015, August 25). The Shanghai Stock Exchange: where the state does itstrading. Retrieved November 2016, from Deutsche Welle:, R. C., & Kim, J. W. (2001). Global cities & Developmental States: New York,Tokyo, Seoul. Urban Studies(Special Issue).HKTDC Research. (2016, July 18). Shanghai FTZ Foreign Investment ManagementModel Set to Expand Nationwide . Retrieved February 7, 2017, from Research. (2016, December 28). Shanghai: market profile. RetrievedFebruary 7, 2017, from Kong Exchanges and Clearing Ltd. (2016). Hong Kong Exchanges andClearing Ltd., 28th October. Retrieved October 30, 2016, from, SASS. (2015). China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone and the Futureof Asia. Online:, V. (2012). China’s Headquarters Economy: A New Path towards IndustrialUpgradation. Retrieved December 23, 2016, from China Briefing:, H. (2010). The Present State of Shanghai as an International FinancialCentre. Retrieved October 29, 2016, from Frankfurt School of Finance andManagement: Stock Exchange. (2016). Main Market Factsheet - London Stock Exchange.Retrieved October 28, 2016, from London Stock Exchange:, R. (2012). Shanghai as an International Financial Center - Aspiration, Realityand Implication. Undergraduate Economic Review, 8(1).Marro, N. (2015, June 1). Foreign Company R&D: In China, For China. RetrievedFebruary 05, 2017, from, C. (2013, November). China’s Securities Regulator Prepares to Reopen IPOMarket in January 2014. Retrieved February 05, 2017, from, M. K., & Hall, P. (2003). World cities or great cities? A comparative study of fiveAsian metropolises. Cities, 20(3), 151-165.OECD. (2012). China in Focus: Lessons and Challenges. OECD report, Paris.OECD. (2016). OECD.Stat. Retrieved October 25, 2016, from Patents by Region:, K., & Yeung, H. (2011). Pathways to global city formation: a view from thedevelopmental city-state of Singapore. Review of International PoliticalEconomy, 11(3), 489-521.Parilla, J., & Trujillo, J. L. (2016). Brookings. Retrieved 10 12, 2016, from, T., & Wyly, E. (2005). Globalization and World Cities. Retrieved June 16,2016, from University of British Columbia, Department of Geography: Business. (c2013). Development Parks for Business. Retrieved December 31,2016, from (2015, January). Banking and finance in China: The outlook for 2015. (M.Phillips, R. Yung, J. Leung, W. Yung, & R. Zhu, Eds.) Retrieved October 20,2016, from PwC: Zhong Tian LLP. (2013). Retrieved November 13, 2015, from PwC:, Y. (2016). Shanghai ranks high in financial power. Retrieved October 27, 2016,from China Daily USA:, Y. (2016). Tertiary sector growth gives the right impetus for Shanghai`seconomic future. Retrieved October 28, 2016, from China Daily Europe:, S. (2015). Difference Between Share and Stock. Retrieved October 30, 2016, fromKey Differences:, S. (1991). The Global City: New York, London, Tokyo (First ed.). Princeton:Princeton University Press.Sassen, S. (2001). Seminar web-edition. Retrieved 07 09, 2016, from, S. (2001). The Global City: New York, London, Tokyo (2nd ed.). New Jersey:Princeton University Press. 67Shanghai (Pilot) Free Trade Zone. (c2015). About SHFTZ: Introduction. RetrievedDecember 31, 2016, from Daily. (2015). China`s R&D expenditure surges. Retrieved October 25,2016, from Stock Exchange. (2009). Indices & Statistics, Retrieved November 3, 2016, from Stock Exchange. (2016). Indices & Statistics, November 3, 2016, from Stock Exchange website. (c.2013). International Financial Hub | ShanghaiStock Exchange. Retrieved October 27, 2016, from (n/a). State Level Developmental Zones. Retrieved December 31, 2016,from, P. J. (2001). Specification of the World City Network. Geographical Analysis,33(2), 181-194.Timberlake, M., & Ma, X. (2012). World City Typologies and National City SystemDeterritorialization: USA, China and Japan. Urban Studies, 50(2), 255-275.Timberlake, M., Wei, Y. D., Ma, X., & Hao, J. (2014). Global cities with Chinesecharacteristics. Cities, 41, 162-170.Tsang, A. (2016, January 7). Chinese Markets Rise After Volatile Opening. RetrievedNovember 1, 2016, from The New York Times: Shanghai. (2013). Urban Shanghai. Retrieved December 30, 2016, from, R. K., Savitch, H. V., Jiang, X., Yeh, A., Wu, W., Sancton, A., et al. (2010).Governing global city regions in China and the West. Progress in Planning,73, 1-75.Wang, J. (2016). Cross-Border Investment and Financing Reforms in Shanghai PilotFree Trade Zone. Journal of Financial Risk Management, 5, 94-100.Wang, J.-H., & Leng, T.-K. (2012). Production of Space and Space of Production:High-tech Industrial Parks in Beijing and Shanghai. Cross Currents - EastAsia History and Culture Review, 1(1), 47-76.Wang, Y., Shibusawa, H., Leman, E., & Mao, G. (2013). A study of Shanghai`sdevelopment strategy to 2020. Regional Science Policy & Practise.Wei, Y. D., & Leung, C. K. (2005). Development Zones, Foreign Investment, andGlobal City Formation in Shanghai. Growth and Change, 36(1), 16-40.Whalley, J. (2015). The China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone: Backgrounds,Developments and Preliminary Assessment of Initial Impacts. RetrievedNovember 13, 2016, from Centre for International Governance and Innovation: 68Wildau, G. (2015). Shanghai free-trade zone struggles for relevance. RetrievedDecember 14, 2016, from, Y. (2016). Shanghai aims to become world`s top financial center by 2020.Retrieved October 27, 2016, from China Daily Europe:, L. (2016). National Test: System Design of China (Shanghai) Pilot Free TradeZone. Singapore: Truth and Wisdom Press & Springer.Xinran, L. (2016, December 30). Streamlined policies boost business activity inShanghai Free Trade Zone. Retrieved December 31, 2016, from News Agency. (2011). S. Korea`s ratio of R&D spending to GDP ranks 3rdhighestworldwide. Retrieved October 25, 2016, from Yonhap News Agency:, X. (2016, May 27). Shanghai, Shenzhen stock markets tighten rules on sharetrade suspension ahead of MSCI review. Retrieved November 1, 2016, fromSouth China Morning Post:, L. Y. (2016). Winning the War for Talent in China’s “New Normal”.Retrieved February 03., 2017, from, L.-Y. (2012). Dynamics and Constraints of State-led Global City Formation inEmerging Economies: The Case of Shanghai. Urban Studies, 51(6), 1162-1178.Zhang, M. (2015, March). Internationalization of Renminbi. New Thinking and theNew G20 Series(Paper NO. 2).Zhu, S. (2014). Introduction to China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone. Coalition forPeace & Ethics Working Papers, 4(1), 1-15. 描述 碩士
103926039資料來源 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 冷則剛 zh_TW dc.contributor.advisor Leng, Tse-kang en_US (Authors) 羅高特 zh_TW (Authors) Robert, Koszta en_US dc.creator (作者) 羅高特 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) Robert, Koszta en_US (日期) 2017 en_US 1-Mar-2017 17:34:08 (UTC+8) - 1-Mar-2017 17:34:08 (UTC+8) - (上傳時間) 1-Mar-2017 17:34:08 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0103926039 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) - dc.description (描述) 碩士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 亞太研究英語碩士學位學程(IMAS) zh_TW dc.description (描述) 103926039 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) 檢視中國的城市化進程與全球城市化研究將為被忽略的地區帶來新的視野 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) The examination of urbanization processes in China with the combinationof global and world city research are expected to provide new insights tothis neglected area. Global city idea had often emerged in contemporarycity development plans, mainly indicating rapid modernization efforts viabuilding a so-called global city. The wide-scale embeddedness of thisidea suggests that it became the synonym of international competitivenessand prosperity. The best example of that is China with its massivenetwork of cities. Until recently public datas were less accessibleregarding the major Chinese cities, sith the reasons behind their growthand properity are still widely unexplored.The goal of this thesis would be to collect data and examine the mostrelevant segments of a specific Chinese city, namely Shanghai in thecontext of global city formation and competition. In order to justify ordeny the overall achievements of industrial and spatial restructuring, thethesis will rely on the latest datas, including the related theoretical aspectsand two short case studies.There are multiple layers of conducting city-related research from which,there are statistically less traceable ones. Thus, the intention of the thesisis to highlight two, internationally relevant and comparable areas, such asthe financial industry and the newly upgraded free trade zone. Accordingto the author’s intentions the strengths and the weaknesses of Shanghai asa global city will be empirically tested, while at the same time there willbe a strong emphasis on the introduction of world- and global cities’theoretical background as well. Within that the Chinese global city ideawill be distinguished from its Western counterpart and the contraints ofcurrent political system will be pointed out in terms of operation ormanagement. The main subject of inquiry would be to learn more aboutthe extent of global city transformation in the city, compared to thegeneral assumptions on an actual global city. Since this thesis has its ownlimitations both in size and data processing capability, thus it mainlyanalyzed and used second-hand sources to derive its conclusions.The main purpose of this work would be to contest the aspects ofShanghai’s global citiness. en_US dc.description.tableofcontents Abstract ........ 1TABLE OF CONTENTS ............... 21. Introduction ...............31.1. Understanding the terms: global and world cities ............41.2. Research difficulties ................................ 132. Global city formation in East-Asia ................. 152.1. What happened in Seoul and what can be learnt from its success? ............. 162.2. Application of global city theory in East-Asian context ................................ 182.3. Examining the Chinese context ............... 202.3.1.How and why do some Chinese global cities stand out among regionalcentres? ..... 212.3.2.Outlook on the social aspects of Chinese transition ..................................... 263. Shanghai’s global citiness ............................... 273.1. Fundaments and economic structure of the re-designed Shanghai ................. 273.2. Comparative advantages of the city ......... 293.2.1.Implications of city development plans ...................303.2.2.A main financial centre of an opening economy ............................................. 323.3. Global citiness and the Shanghai Stock Exchange .........333.3.1.Trading difficulties and challenges ahead ...............383.3.2.Controversy of the policies: internationalization of renminbi ......................... 413.3.3.Adaptation challenges in the post-crisis era ............443.3.4.Summary ........................................... 444. Globalization and economic freedom within Shanghai’s Pilot Free Trade Zone .... 464.1.1.Conflicts of interests between Shanghai and the state ................................... 504.1.2.Outlook and Summary ...................... 514.2. Limitations of SPFTZ and its research ...........................534.3. Other remarks on Shanghai’s transition to a global city..................................... 544.3.1.Changing mindset with educational and technological catch-up .................... 544.3.2.Entrepreneurship beyond SPFTZ ..........................565. Conclusions .............59Appendix .......................62Abbreviations ..........62List of figures and tables ............. 63Bibliography .................64 zh_TW dc.format.extent 726841 bytes - dc.format.mimetype application/pdf - dc.source.uri (資料來源) en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) 全球化城市 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 世界城市 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) Global city en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) World city en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Urban geography en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Shanghai en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Financial market en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Free-trade zone en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Urban economy en_US dc.title (題名) 多樣而分殊化全球城市之分析:以上海轉型為例 zh_TW dc.title (題名) Analyzing a diverse and specialized global city : the case of the transformation of Shanghai en_US dc.type (資料類型) thesis en_US dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Acuto, M., & Steele, W. (2013). Global City Challenges. Debating a Concept,Improving the Practise. London: Palgrave Macmillan.Ancien, D. (2011). Global City Theory and the New Urban Politics Twenty Years On:The Case for a Geohistorical Materialist Approach to the (New) Urban Politicsof Global Cities. Urban Studies, 48(12), 2473-2493.Bloomberg News. (2016, June 28). Sorry Shanghai, There`s a New China StockExchange King. Retrieved November 3, 2016, from, N., & Keil, R. (2014). From Global Cities to Globalized Urbanization.Glocalism: Journal of Culture, Politics and Innovation.Breznitz, D., & Murphee, M. (2011). Run of the Red Queen. New Haven and London:Yale University Press.Cheng, D., & Jiang, B. (2016). Reflection on the Development Strategy of ShanghaiPilot FTZ. In Z. Yuan (Ed.), New Strategic Research on China (Shanghai)Pilot Free Trade Zone (pp. 29-56). New Jersey: World Century.China Highlights. (2016). Shanghai Maps. Retrieved December 30, 2016, from, I., & Brooker, D. (2013). Multiple pathways to global city formation: Afunctional approach and review of recent evidence in China. Cities, 35, 181-189.Curtis, S. (2011). Global cities and the transformation of the International System.Review of International Studies, 37, 1923-1947.Csomós, G. (2015). A világvárosok rangsorolása az irányító és ellenőrző funkciójukalapján, és a formálódó új gazdasági erőközpontok. [Ranking world cities onthe basis of their command-and-control functions and the emerging globaleconomic power-houses]. Tér és Társadalom, 29(3), 115-134.Csomós, G., & Derudder, B. (2014). Ranking Asia-Pacific cities: Economicperformance of multinational corporations and the regional urban hierarchy.(D. a.-M. Szymańska, Ed.) Bulletin of Geography. Socio-economic Series No.25, 69-80.Csomós, G., & Tóth, G. (2016). Exploring the position of cities in global corporateresearch and development: a bibliometric analysis by two differentgeographical approaches. Journal of Infometrics, 10, 1.Desjardins, J. (2016, February 16). All of the World’s Stock Exchanges by Size.(Visual Capitalist Media Company) Retrieved October 26, 2016, from (2012). Stocks vs. Bonds. Retrieved October 31, 2016, from Diffen:ürrschmidt, J., & Taylor, G. (2007). Urban Worlds and Global Cities. InGlobalization, Modernity and Social Change. Hotspots of Transition (pp. 13-35). Houndmills-Basingstoke, UK and New York: Palgrave Macmillan.Eckert, C. J. (1993). The South Korean bourgeoisie: a class in search of hegemony. InH. Koo (Ed.), State and Society in Contemporary Korea. New York, Ithaca:Cornell University Press. 65Friedmann, J. (1986). The World City Hypothesis. Development and Change, 17(1),69-83.Golden, P. (2016). China looks forward to second phase of CIPS. RetrievedNovember 7, 2016, from Euromoney:, C., Wei, Y. D., & Cook, I. G. (2015). Planning Beijing: socialist city, transtionalcity, and global city. Urban Geography, 36(6), 905-926.Guan, B., Fu, C., & Li, Y. (2014). Influences on Shanghai Free Trade Zone onChina`s Foreign Trade Enterprises and Countermeasures. InternationalConference on Global Economy, Commerce and Service Science (GECSS,2014). Phuket: Atlantis Press.Haacke, O. (2016). Movement in the Free Trade Zones Signal Openings. RetrievedFebruary 03, 2017, from, G. (2015, August 25). The Shanghai Stock Exchange: where the state does itstrading. Retrieved November 2016, from Deutsche Welle:, R. C., & Kim, J. W. (2001). Global cities & Developmental States: New York,Tokyo, Seoul. Urban Studies(Special Issue).HKTDC Research. (2016, July 18). Shanghai FTZ Foreign Investment ManagementModel Set to Expand Nationwide . Retrieved February 7, 2017, from Research. (2016, December 28). Shanghai: market profile. RetrievedFebruary 7, 2017, from Kong Exchanges and Clearing Ltd. (2016). Hong Kong Exchanges andClearing Ltd., 28th October. Retrieved October 30, 2016, from, SASS. (2015). China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone and the Futureof Asia. Online:, V. (2012). China’s Headquarters Economy: A New Path towards IndustrialUpgradation. Retrieved December 23, 2016, from China Briefing:, H. (2010). The Present State of Shanghai as an International FinancialCentre. Retrieved October 29, 2016, from Frankfurt School of Finance andManagement: Stock Exchange. (2016). Main Market Factsheet - London Stock Exchange.Retrieved October 28, 2016, from London Stock Exchange:, R. (2012). Shanghai as an International Financial Center - Aspiration, Realityand Implication. Undergraduate Economic Review, 8(1).Marro, N. (2015, June 1). Foreign Company R&D: In China, For China. RetrievedFebruary 05, 2017, from, C. (2013, November). China’s Securities Regulator Prepares to Reopen IPOMarket in January 2014. Retrieved February 05, 2017, from, M. K., & Hall, P. (2003). World cities or great cities? A comparative study of fiveAsian metropolises. Cities, 20(3), 151-165.OECD. (2012). China in Focus: Lessons and Challenges. OECD report, Paris.OECD. (2016). OECD.Stat. Retrieved October 25, 2016, from Patents by Region:, K., & Yeung, H. (2011). Pathways to global city formation: a view from thedevelopmental city-state of Singapore. Review of International PoliticalEconomy, 11(3), 489-521.Parilla, J., & Trujillo, J. L. (2016). Brookings. Retrieved 10 12, 2016, from, T., & Wyly, E. (2005). Globalization and World Cities. Retrieved June 16,2016, from University of British Columbia, Department of Geography: Business. (c2013). Development Parks for Business. Retrieved December 31,2016, from (2015, January). Banking and finance in China: The outlook for 2015. (M.Phillips, R. Yung, J. Leung, W. Yung, & R. Zhu, Eds.) Retrieved October 20,2016, from PwC: Zhong Tian LLP. (2013). Retrieved November 13, 2015, from PwC:, Y. (2016). Shanghai ranks high in financial power. Retrieved October 27, 2016,from China Daily USA:, Y. (2016). Tertiary sector growth gives the right impetus for Shanghai`seconomic future. Retrieved October 28, 2016, from China Daily Europe:, S. (2015). Difference Between Share and Stock. Retrieved October 30, 2016, fromKey Differences:, S. (1991). The Global City: New York, London, Tokyo (First ed.). Princeton:Princeton University Press.Sassen, S. (2001). Seminar web-edition. Retrieved 07 09, 2016, from, S. (2001). The Global City: New York, London, Tokyo (2nd ed.). New Jersey:Princeton University Press. 67Shanghai (Pilot) Free Trade Zone. (c2015). About SHFTZ: Introduction. RetrievedDecember 31, 2016, from Daily. (2015). China`s R&D expenditure surges. Retrieved October 25,2016, from Stock Exchange. (2009). Indices & Statistics, Retrieved November 3, 2016, from Stock Exchange. (2016). Indices & Statistics, November 3, 2016, from Stock Exchange website. (c.2013). International Financial Hub | ShanghaiStock Exchange. Retrieved October 27, 2016, from (n/a). State Level Developmental Zones. Retrieved December 31, 2016,from, P. J. (2001). Specification of the World City Network. Geographical Analysis,33(2), 181-194.Timberlake, M., & Ma, X. (2012). World City Typologies and National City SystemDeterritorialization: USA, China and Japan. Urban Studies, 50(2), 255-275.Timberlake, M., Wei, Y. D., Ma, X., & Hao, J. (2014). Global cities with Chinesecharacteristics. Cities, 41, 162-170.Tsang, A. (2016, January 7). Chinese Markets Rise After Volatile Opening. RetrievedNovember 1, 2016, from The New York Times: Shanghai. (2013). Urban Shanghai. Retrieved December 30, 2016, from, R. K., Savitch, H. V., Jiang, X., Yeh, A., Wu, W., Sancton, A., et al. (2010).Governing global city regions in China and the West. Progress in Planning,73, 1-75.Wang, J. (2016). Cross-Border Investment and Financing Reforms in Shanghai PilotFree Trade Zone. Journal of Financial Risk Management, 5, 94-100.Wang, J.-H., & Leng, T.-K. (2012). Production of Space and Space of Production:High-tech Industrial Parks in Beijing and Shanghai. Cross Currents - EastAsia History and Culture Review, 1(1), 47-76.Wang, Y., Shibusawa, H., Leman, E., & Mao, G. (2013). A study of Shanghai`sdevelopment strategy to 2020. Regional Science Policy & Practise.Wei, Y. D., & Leung, C. K. (2005). Development Zones, Foreign Investment, andGlobal City Formation in Shanghai. Growth and Change, 36(1), 16-40.Whalley, J. (2015). The China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone: Backgrounds,Developments and Preliminary Assessment of Initial Impacts. RetrievedNovember 13, 2016, from Centre for International Governance and Innovation: 68Wildau, G. (2015). Shanghai free-trade zone struggles for relevance. RetrievedDecember 14, 2016, from, Y. (2016). Shanghai aims to become world`s top financial center by 2020.Retrieved October 27, 2016, from China Daily Europe:, L. (2016). National Test: System Design of China (Shanghai) Pilot Free TradeZone. Singapore: Truth and Wisdom Press & Springer.Xinran, L. (2016, December 30). Streamlined policies boost business activity inShanghai Free Trade Zone. Retrieved December 31, 2016, from News Agency. (2011). S. Korea`s ratio of R&D spending to GDP ranks 3rdhighestworldwide. Retrieved October 25, 2016, from Yonhap News Agency:, X. (2016, May 27). Shanghai, Shenzhen stock markets tighten rules on sharetrade suspension ahead of MSCI review. Retrieved November 1, 2016, fromSouth China Morning Post:, L. Y. (2016). Winning the War for Talent in China’s “New Normal”.Retrieved February 03., 2017, from, L.-Y. (2012). Dynamics and Constraints of State-led Global City Formation inEmerging Economies: The Case of Shanghai. Urban Studies, 51(6), 1162-1178.Zhang, M. (2015, March). Internationalization of Renminbi. New Thinking and theNew G20 Series(Paper NO. 2).Zhu, S. (2014). Introduction to China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone. Coalition forPeace & Ethics Working Papers, 4(1), 1-15. zh_TW