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題名 智慧桌遊— 運用數據記錄與分析瞭解使用者體驗與學習歷程
Intelligent Board Game : Applying Data Analysis in understanding User Experience and Learning Progress
作者 宋如泰
Soong, Ru Tai
貢獻者 陳聖智<br>李蔡彥
Chen, Sheng Chih<br>Li, Tsai Yen
Soong, Ru Tai
關鍵詞 數位桌遊
Digital Boardgame
Digital Learning
Data Analytic
Game-based Learning
Big Data
User Experience
日期 2017
上傳時間 1-Mar-2017 17:35:14 (UTC+8)
摘要 桌上遊戲從休閒娛樂逐漸融入到學校教育,運用巧妙設計的遊戲機制引發學生遊玩意願,進而在愉悅中學習。數位桌遊,一個透過結合數位科技的優勢輔助學習與娛樂的概念隨著教育型桌遊而崛起;然而從產業、學習、娛樂等角度來思考,數位桌遊究竟應具何特性?其體驗是否良好?學習是否有效?透過這些問題,本研究旨在(1)瞭解桌遊產業與玩家對數位桌遊的需求,(2)設計一款體驗供需法則的數位桌遊,(3)評估數位桌遊的遊戲性與學習效益。
Board games in Taiwan has risen from leisure and entertainment towards teachings in schools, by introducing fascinating game mechanism and theme to enhance student motivation makes learning more fun. Digital board games, a concept combining the advantages of digital technologies to enhance learning and entertaining arose with the rise of educational board games; however, from the aspect of industry, learning and entertainment, what characteristic should digital board game have? Does it create good experience? Is learning effective? Through these question, this research aims to (1) Understand the visions and needs of industry towards digital board game, (2) Design a digital board game to learn the law of supply & demand, (3) Evaluate the learning effectiveness and gameplay.
First, the research uses the experiential cycle and constructism learning theory to design the board game Formosa Construction Ltd, then interview several industrial stakeholders to understand the needs and visions of digital board game, through the interviews concluded a design guidelines, finally the digital version of Formosa Consturction Ltd was built along with the data analysis program use to evaluate user experience and learning portfolio in game.
Experiments was conducted with 32 participants, gameplay data are collected during gameplay, participants was asked to fill in a questionnaire with flow experience and acceptance, an interview session regarding gameplay and learning will be held after the questionnaire. Results indicate that participants are satisfy with the game, and data collected from auction showed that participants were progressively mastering the price range; The data analysis program was able to find reasons for participants that did not perform well, having chance to provide advice to learners.
In conclusion, the research results are (1) Understand the needs and visions of digital board game through interviewing The Taiwan Board Game Industry. (2) Design Formosa Construction Ltd and obtain positive feedback. (3) The data analysis program showed the obstacles learners met through portfolio analysis, auction data analysis also showed participants was progressively mastering the price range, showing that Formosa Contruction Ltd is effective in learning the relation between needs and price.
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描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 陳聖智<br>李蔡彥zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Chen, Sheng Chih<br>Li, Tsai Yenen_US (Authors) 宋如泰zh_TW (Authors) Soong, Ru Taien_US
dc.creator (作者) 宋如泰zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Soong, Ru Taien_US (日期) 2017en_US 1-Mar-2017 17:35:14 (UTC+8)- 1-Mar-2017 17:35:14 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 1-Mar-2017 17:35:14 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0103462014en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 數位內容碩士學位學程zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 103462014zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 桌上遊戲從休閒娛樂逐漸融入到學校教育,運用巧妙設計的遊戲機制引發學生遊玩意願,進而在愉悅中學習。數位桌遊,一個透過結合數位科技的優勢輔助學習與娛樂的概念隨著教育型桌遊而崛起;然而從產業、學習、娛樂等角度來思考,數位桌遊究竟應具何特性?其體驗是否良好?學習是否有效?透過這些問題,本研究旨在(1)瞭解桌遊產業與玩家對數位桌遊的需求,(2)設計一款體驗供需法則的數位桌遊,(3)評估數位桌遊的遊戲性與學習效益。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Board games in Taiwan has risen from leisure and entertainment towards teachings in schools, by introducing fascinating game mechanism and theme to enhance student motivation makes learning more fun. Digital board games, a concept combining the advantages of digital technologies to enhance learning and entertaining arose with the rise of educational board games; however, from the aspect of industry, learning and entertainment, what characteristic should digital board game have? Does it create good experience? Is learning effective? Through these question, this research aims to (1) Understand the visions and needs of industry towards digital board game, (2) Design a digital board game to learn the law of supply & demand, (3) Evaluate the learning effectiveness and gameplay.
First, the research uses the experiential cycle and constructism learning theory to design the board game Formosa Construction Ltd, then interview several industrial stakeholders to understand the needs and visions of digital board game, through the interviews concluded a design guidelines, finally the digital version of Formosa Consturction Ltd was built along with the data analysis program use to evaluate user experience and learning portfolio in game.
Experiments was conducted with 32 participants, gameplay data are collected during gameplay, participants was asked to fill in a questionnaire with flow experience and acceptance, an interview session regarding gameplay and learning will be held after the questionnaire. Results indicate that participants are satisfy with the game, and data collected from auction showed that participants were progressively mastering the price range; The data analysis program was able to find reasons for participants that did not perform well, having chance to provide advice to learners.
In conclusion, the research results are (1) Understand the needs and visions of digital board game through interviewing The Taiwan Board Game Industry. (2) Design Formosa Construction Ltd and obtain positive feedback. (3) The data analysis program showed the obstacles learners met through portfolio analysis, auction data analysis also showed participants was progressively mastering the price range, showing that Formosa Contruction Ltd is effective in learning the relation between needs and price.
dc.description.tableofcontents 中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
謝誌 III
第一章、緒論 1
第一節、緣起 1
第二節、研究背景與動機 2
第三節、研究問題 7
第四節、研究目的 8
第五節、研究流程 9
第二章、文獻探討 10
第一節、遊戲式學習與桌遊 10
一、數位原生與遊戲式學習 10
二、遊戲式學習與想像力研究 11
三、遊戲式學習的評估與實踐 13
四、教育桌遊與數位桌遊 14
第二節、資料分析 15
一、學習分析與嚴肅遊戲分析 15
二、資料收集 16
三、序列分析 17
第三節、桌遊案例分析與介紹 18
一、桌遊案例一「地產大亨」 19
二、桌遊案例二「現金流101」 22
三、桌遊案例三「卡坦島」 24
四、小結—資訊經濟 26
第三章、研究方法與操作步驟 27
第一節、研究架構與方法 27
一、桌遊設計與測試 27
二、數位桌遊需求分析 28
三、數位桌遊系統開發與建置 30
四、遊戲評估分析與討論 31
第二節、桌遊設計與測試 34
一、經濟學與供需法則 34
二、遊戲核心機制與設計原理 36
三、遊戲情境與流程設計 40
四、遊戲邏輯與基本觀念 42
五、桌遊測試與改版 45
六、桌遊設計與測試心得與建議 49
第三節、數位桌遊需求分析 52
一、數位桌遊的定義 52
二、數位桌遊之市場定位 53
三、數位桌遊之開發與設計建議 58
四、桌遊數位化的反思 62
五、小結 63
第四節、數位桌遊系統開發與建置 65
一、技術應用與系統架構 65
二、桌遊數位化流程 75
三、遊戲流程與介面設計 77
四、數位桌遊系統測試 90
第四章、遊戲評估分析與討論 91
第一節、遊戲實驗設計 91
一、受測者資訊 91
二、實驗流程 91
第二節、心流經驗與遊戲接受度 94
一、心流經驗之總體評估 94
二、心流經驗之促成與干擾 96
三、遊戲接受度之分析 97
四、供需法則之概念相關操作 97
第三節、遊戲性之評估 98
一、遊戲規則與機率 98
二、資訊結構與介面操作 99
三、音效的作用 103
四、小結 104
第四節、供需法則之概念掌握 104
一、決策的關鍵因素 105
二、體驗式學習的脈絡 108
三、個案探討 115
第五節、數據分析系統之檢討 122
一、數據傳輸與穩定性 122
二、數據分析之圖表製作 122
三、學習歷程的脈絡需多角度切入 122
四、數位桌遊的數據特性 123
第五章、結論與未來展望 124
第一節、結論與貢獻 124
第二節、研究建議 126
一、桌遊設計與測試之研究建議 126
二、桌遊產業採訪之研究建議 127
三、數位桌遊系統開發之研究建議 128
四、實驗設計之研究建議 128
第三節、研究限制 129
一、實驗對象與環境限制 129
二、技術限制 129
三、美術限制 129
第四節、未來展望 130
一、遊戲的簡化與包裝 130
二、自動化教學與人工智慧 130
三、客製視覺化圖表 130
四、教學回饋與決策支援 131
參考文獻 132
附錄一、桌遊產業訪談綱要 140
附錄二、寶島建設遊戲規則 142
附錄三、遊戲參與者調查問卷 146
附錄四、遊戲參與者訪談綱要 149
附錄五、產業訪談記錄(T) 150
附錄六、實驗訪談記錄(第六組) 153
附錄七、決策與操作記錄(第8組P2) 155
中文履歷 159
英文履歷 162
dc.format.extent 7898844 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 數位桌遊zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 數位學習zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 數據分析zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 遊戲式學習zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 大數據zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 使用者經驗zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Digital Boardgameen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Digital Learningen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Data Analyticen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Game-based Learningen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Big Dataen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) User Experienceen_US
dc.title (題名) 智慧桌遊— 運用數據記錄與分析瞭解使用者體驗與學習歷程zh_TW
dc.title (題名) Intelligent Board Game : Applying Data Analysis in understanding User Experience and Learning Progressen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 中文文獻
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