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題名 應用智慧型手機輔助視障導航之研究(2/2)
作者 余能豪
貢獻者 資科系
關鍵詞 視覺障礙者輔助應用; 定向行動能力; 戶外步行導航; 微定位導航; 使用者經驗設計; 穿戴裝置
Visually impaired; Accessibility; Orientation and Mobility training; Outdoor Navigation; iBeacon; Micro Location; User Experience Design; wearable device
日期 2016
上傳時間 17-May-2017 15:26:18 (UTC+8)
摘要 根據統計,視覺障礙者之外出人口有逐年增長的趨勢,隨著步行需求的提高,友善的道路環境與適當的輔具工具是必要的。然而,無障礙引導設施無一定的規範且缺乏管理,因此造成視障者行走時危機重重。另一方面,視障者在外行走時須依賴定向行動訓練所學,運用視覺之外的感知來探索環境,除了使用白手杖維持平衡或藉由導盲犬引路之外,隨著智慧型手機的普及,行動裝置亦能成為獲得行路資訊的重要管道。雖然市面上已有許多導航應用服務,但大多為明眼人所設計,不僅無法提供視障者所需要的近身指引,其操作與訊息提示也與視障者習慣不相符。本研究透過脈絡訪查、隨身觀察等質化研究方法進行使用者經驗研究,探討視障者於室外步行時的需求與面臨的問題。第一年提出一套利用智慧型手機及iBeacon之視障導航服務,第二年針對解決過馬路面向與直走於無追跡物區域等問題,本研究提出一藍芽穿戴式裝置GuidePin,由視障者佩戴於胸前提供面向資訊,當行經佈建有Beacon的場域時,即可透過融入定向行動概念的提示訊息建構空間
Today, we can freely travel to unfamiliar places and enjoy the convenience of navigation features on mobile devices. However, most of the current apps are presented via visually-oriented interfaces, depriving visually impaired smartphone users of the benefit of this technology. Statistics shows that the visually impaired need to go out as frequently as those having sight, yet this tremendous demand for independence and mobility remains unsolved. Our research present a new system called BlindNavi that integrates knowledge obtained from Orientation and Mobility training and the micro-location information of iBeacon to provide a point-to-point outdoor navigation system for the visually impaired. This year, in order to free hands from holding smartphones while walking, we designed a GuidePin that can be worn on the front of the users’ attire to control their smartphone and provide the users‘ current
heading. Herein, we describe our iterative design process including lessons learned through qualitative research methods including contextual inquiry, shadowing, interviews with experts, and a discussion of our findings from the deployment of the app on test routes. Finally, the visually impaired are able to move about in the public domain independently with greater ease and confidence.
關聯 MOST 104-2218-E-004-002
資料類型 report
dc.contributor 資科系
dc.creator (作者) 余能豪zh_TW (日期) 2016 17-May-2017 15:26:18 (UTC+8)- 17-May-2017 15:26:18 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 17-May-2017 15:26:18 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 根據統計,視覺障礙者之外出人口有逐年增長的趨勢,隨著步行需求的提高,友善的道路環境與適當的輔具工具是必要的。然而,無障礙引導設施無一定的規範且缺乏管理,因此造成視障者行走時危機重重。另一方面,視障者在外行走時須依賴定向行動訓練所學,運用視覺之外的感知來探索環境,除了使用白手杖維持平衡或藉由導盲犬引路之外,隨著智慧型手機的普及,行動裝置亦能成為獲得行路資訊的重要管道。雖然市面上已有許多導航應用服務,但大多為明眼人所設計,不僅無法提供視障者所需要的近身指引,其操作與訊息提示也與視障者習慣不相符。本研究透過脈絡訪查、隨身觀察等質化研究方法進行使用者經驗研究,探討視障者於室外步行時的需求與面臨的問題。第一年提出一套利用智慧型手機及iBeacon之視障導航服務,第二年針對解決過馬路面向與直走於無追跡物區域等問題,本研究提出一藍芽穿戴式裝置GuidePin,由視障者佩戴於胸前提供面向資訊,當行經佈建有Beacon的場域時,即可透過融入定向行動概念的提示訊息建構空間
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Today, we can freely travel to unfamiliar places and enjoy the convenience of navigation features on mobile devices. However, most of the current apps are presented via visually-oriented interfaces, depriving visually impaired smartphone users of the benefit of this technology. Statistics shows that the visually impaired need to go out as frequently as those having sight, yet this tremendous demand for independence and mobility remains unsolved. Our research present a new system called BlindNavi that integrates knowledge obtained from Orientation and Mobility training and the micro-location information of iBeacon to provide a point-to-point outdoor navigation system for the visually impaired. This year, in order to free hands from holding smartphones while walking, we designed a GuidePin that can be worn on the front of the users’ attire to control their smartphone and provide the users‘ current
heading. Herein, we describe our iterative design process including lessons learned through qualitative research methods including contextual inquiry, shadowing, interviews with experts, and a discussion of our findings from the deployment of the app on test routes. Finally, the visually impaired are able to move about in the public domain independently with greater ease and confidence.
dc.format.extent 3911494 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.relation (關聯) MOST 104-2218-E-004-002
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 視覺障礙者輔助應用; 定向行動能力; 戶外步行導航; 微定位導航; 使用者經驗設計; 穿戴裝置
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Visually impaired; Accessibility; Orientation and Mobility training; Outdoor Navigation; iBeacon; Micro Location; User Experience Design; wearable device
dc.title (題名) 應用智慧型手機輔助視障導航之研究(2/2)zh_TW
dc.type (資料類型) report