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題名 The initial stage of interactive digital TV in Taiwan (台灣數位互動電視市場導入期之探討)
作者 林翠絹
Lin, T. T. C.
貢獻者 廣電系
日期 2004-06
上傳時間 29-Jun-2017 10:30:32 (UTC+8)
摘要 中華電信2003年底推出MOD正式跨入視訊服務產業,點燃臺灣數位互動電視競爭的戰火。為避免MOD搶食一年500億元的有線電視市場大餅,有線電視業者一方面抗議政府對MOD法令寬鬆,另一方面也積極進行數位化,中嘉網路2002年推出亞洲第一家互動電視,東森數位電視也在2003年初成為臺灣首家推出付費數位電視的業者,目前市場上呈現MOD、中嘉網路、東森數位電視三強鼎立的局面。在數位互動電視導入期渾沌未明之際,本文透過文獻分析國外市場經驗與互動電視理論、深度訪談三大平臺業者,分析市場初期各家在技術、內容服務、行銷等的策略,並以新科技創新傳播的觀點分析三者優劣勢。 本文以Rogers提出新科技採用的產品創新五大特質來分析MOD、中嘉網路與東森數位電視,發現總體表現以MOD略勝一籌,尤其是在「試用性」和「觀察性」方面。資本雄厚、科技先進的中華電信必須以新事業模式經營MOD,投入更多資源在內容經營、互動服務研發與行銷上,才能在有線電視頻道眾多、收視普及率高達82.2%的現狀下,讓消費者的眼光轉向,進而改變收視習慣;而中嘉網路與東森數位電視雖佔有內容上的趨勢,但受限於數位機上盒的價格與頻道費率等限制,目前進度延宕,態度趨向保守。最後,由於數位化和互動化後的電視內容與技術呈現高度複雜性,國外市場經驗顯示資金、技術領先非取勝關鍵,唯有認清數位互動電視最主要本質是「娛樂」,創新組織與思維,並致力推廣獨特而價格合理的互動內容與服務,透過聯盟或購併壯大實力,才有可能取得明日的成功。
Much like in the US, the iDTV battle is being fought between telecom and CATV operators. Each side has distinct advantages. After getting a CATV license in late 2003, Chunghwa Telecom`s (CHT) MOD service crossed the boundry and set foot in Taiwan`s iDTV market, which ignited intensive head-to-head cometition between telecom and the CATV industry. In order to prevent MOD from capturing part of their annual $50bn. revenue, CATV operators protested that the government had made favorable policies for the telecom industry when regulating MOD; meanwhile, CATV operators are upgarding their analog systems to digital interactive TV. In 2002, China Network Systems (CNS) launched its first iDTV platform in Asia; Eastern Broadcasting Co. (EBC) initiated its digital TV pay-channel services in 2003. Nowadays three iDTV contenders, CHT, CNS, and EBC compete with each other in Taiwan. This study in the initial stage of the iDTV market, adopts in-depth interviews with executives of three platforms regarding technology, content, and marketing strategies. In addition, it analyzes data of foreign market experience and investigates the development of ITV theory. Furthermore, it takes the viewpoints of the Diffusion of Innovations theory to evaluate strength and weakness of three platforms, in order to give suggestions concerning the deployment of iDTV. In fact, telecom and CATV have different strengths and weaknesses. Even though CHT has 3-million ADSL subscribers, huge capital and advanced technology, it should run its new MOD service under a new business model and invest more resources in MOD content development, R&D of interactive services, and marketing. Only by doing so, MOD is more likely to catch the audience`s eyes and alter their viewing behavior. This is important because CATV already offers a variety of channels and reaches 82.2% of families in Taiwan. In comparison, CNS and EBC provide fairly attractive content; however, these two CATV operators have delayed their schedules, and have a conservative attitude toward promoting iDTV, due to restrictions of Set Top Box price and channel fee. Based on Rogers` five creative factors to assess a new technology`s adoption, this study finds that CHT outperforms CNS and EBC, especially in “triability” and “observability” aspects. Finally, after digitalization and interaction, the content and technology of iDTV is extremely complicated. Money and technology are not the most critical issues in this battle; on the contrary, those who can realize the “entertainment” essence of iDTV, renew their structure and ideology, and promote unique and affordable content, as well as enhance their strength through alliance or merger, will likely triumph.
關聯 Journal of Communications Management, 5(2), 46-75
資料類型 article
dc.contributor 廣電系
dc.creator (作者) 林翠絹zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Lin, T. T. C. (日期) 2004-06 29-Jun-2017 10:30:32 (UTC+8)- 29-Jun-2017 10:30:32 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 29-Jun-2017 10:30:32 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 中華電信2003年底推出MOD正式跨入視訊服務產業,點燃臺灣數位互動電視競爭的戰火。為避免MOD搶食一年500億元的有線電視市場大餅,有線電視業者一方面抗議政府對MOD法令寬鬆,另一方面也積極進行數位化,中嘉網路2002年推出亞洲第一家互動電視,東森數位電視也在2003年初成為臺灣首家推出付費數位電視的業者,目前市場上呈現MOD、中嘉網路、東森數位電視三強鼎立的局面。在數位互動電視導入期渾沌未明之際,本文透過文獻分析國外市場經驗與互動電視理論、深度訪談三大平臺業者,分析市場初期各家在技術、內容服務、行銷等的策略,並以新科技創新傳播的觀點分析三者優劣勢。 本文以Rogers提出新科技採用的產品創新五大特質來分析MOD、中嘉網路與東森數位電視,發現總體表現以MOD略勝一籌,尤其是在「試用性」和「觀察性」方面。資本雄厚、科技先進的中華電信必須以新事業模式經營MOD,投入更多資源在內容經營、互動服務研發與行銷上,才能在有線電視頻道眾多、收視普及率高達82.2%的現狀下,讓消費者的眼光轉向,進而改變收視習慣;而中嘉網路與東森數位電視雖佔有內容上的趨勢,但受限於數位機上盒的價格與頻道費率等限制,目前進度延宕,態度趨向保守。最後,由於數位化和互動化後的電視內容與技術呈現高度複雜性,國外市場經驗顯示資金、技術領先非取勝關鍵,唯有認清數位互動電視最主要本質是「娛樂」,創新組織與思維,並致力推廣獨特而價格合理的互動內容與服務,透過聯盟或購併壯大實力,才有可能取得明日的成功。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Much like in the US, the iDTV battle is being fought between telecom and CATV operators. Each side has distinct advantages. After getting a CATV license in late 2003, Chunghwa Telecom`s (CHT) MOD service crossed the boundry and set foot in Taiwan`s iDTV market, which ignited intensive head-to-head cometition between telecom and the CATV industry. In order to prevent MOD from capturing part of their annual $50bn. revenue, CATV operators protested that the government had made favorable policies for the telecom industry when regulating MOD; meanwhile, CATV operators are upgarding their analog systems to digital interactive TV. In 2002, China Network Systems (CNS) launched its first iDTV platform in Asia; Eastern Broadcasting Co. (EBC) initiated its digital TV pay-channel services in 2003. Nowadays three iDTV contenders, CHT, CNS, and EBC compete with each other in Taiwan. This study in the initial stage of the iDTV market, adopts in-depth interviews with executives of three platforms regarding technology, content, and marketing strategies. In addition, it analyzes data of foreign market experience and investigates the development of ITV theory. Furthermore, it takes the viewpoints of the Diffusion of Innovations theory to evaluate strength and weakness of three platforms, in order to give suggestions concerning the deployment of iDTV. In fact, telecom and CATV have different strengths and weaknesses. Even though CHT has 3-million ADSL subscribers, huge capital and advanced technology, it should run its new MOD service under a new business model and invest more resources in MOD content development, R&D of interactive services, and marketing. Only by doing so, MOD is more likely to catch the audience`s eyes and alter their viewing behavior. This is important because CATV already offers a variety of channels and reaches 82.2% of families in Taiwan. In comparison, CNS and EBC provide fairly attractive content; however, these two CATV operators have delayed their schedules, and have a conservative attitude toward promoting iDTV, due to restrictions of Set Top Box price and channel fee. Based on Rogers` five creative factors to assess a new technology`s adoption, this study finds that CHT outperforms CNS and EBC, especially in “triability” and “observability” aspects. Finally, after digitalization and interaction, the content and technology of iDTV is extremely complicated. Money and technology are not the most critical issues in this battle; on the contrary, those who can realize the “entertainment” essence of iDTV, renew their structure and ideology, and promote unique and affordable content, as well as enhance their strength through alliance or merger, will likely triumph.
dc.format.extent 159 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype text/html-
dc.relation (關聯) Journal of Communications Management, 5(2), 46-75
dc.title (題名) The initial stage of interactive digital TV in Taiwan (台灣數位互動電視市場導入期之探討)
dc.type (資料類型) article