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題名 大方眾籌創業計畫書
作者 何浩宇
Ho, Leo
貢獻者 劉秀明
Liu, Sandra
Ho, Leo
關鍵詞 區塊鏈
日期 2017
上傳時間 3-Jul-2017 14:39:01 (UTC+8)
摘要 Transparency has been one of the most important factors/concerns affecting donations. Donors are not sure where their money goes and the difficulty of finding such information makes them hesitate on making donations. On the other hand, NPOs are haunted by lack of donation, governments scratch their heads on regulating the governance of NPOs, and academia find it difficult to collect donation-related data for research purpose.
Blockchain, the upstart technology that backs up bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, is born to solve the trust issue among different parties by providing ultimate transparency. However, adopting a new technology is never easy. Some traction needs to be in-place to engage people on technology adoption. Fortunately, the same technology that pulls people together is also the technology that will be able to build up the community and making a bigger social impact. is funded with making social impact in mind by bringing aforementioned technologies to the society.
參考文獻 • Public trust and confidence in charities 2016, Research conducted by Populous on behalf of the Charity Commission, 2016, UK government.
• “捐贈者對非營利組織課責行為之認同度與捐款意願之研究”,郭瑞坤,張玲瑜,張秦瑞,沈逸晴,張馨芸,2013年6月,非營利組織管理學刊。
• “責信認知對捐款意向之影響”,粘嘉宇,2008,逢甲大學。
• “資訊透明度對捐款收入影響之實證研究—以台灣公益團體為例”,林江亮,2009,經濟研究。
• 非營利組織的公共性與透明化,高永興,2015,[2015第三部門治理與責信學術研討會] 會議論文。
• “Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies” by Princeton University Press, Arvind Narayanan, Joseph Bonneau, Edward Felten, Andrew Miller, Steven Goldfeder, 2016.
• 九十二年臺灣地區社會發展趨勢調查(社會參與)統計結果,行政院主計處,2004。
• 公益觀察2014(,台灣公益責信協會Association of Philanthropic Accountability,2015。
• Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System, 2008, Satoshi Nakamoto.
• Honduras to build land title registry using bitcoin technology, Reuters, May 15, 2015.
• The First Government To Secure Land Titles On The Bitcoin Blockchain Expands Project, Forbes, APR 20, 2017.
• Bitcoin acceptance growing in Japan, Forbes, Apr. 7, 2017
• Nasdaq’s Blockchain-Based Securities Platform Records First Transaction, The Wall Street Journal, Dec 30, 2015
• 2016 Charitable Giving Report, Blackbaud Inc., 2016.
• flyingV 2015 年度數據回顧,,2016。
• Greater transparency would spur charitable donations: Survey, Image Canada, Nov. 15, 2016.
• 2016 年台灣寬頻網路使用調查報告,財團法人台灣網路資訊中心,2016。
• 中華民國人口推估(105至150年),國家發展委員會,2016。
• 國民所得統計摘要,行政院主計總處,2017。
• Transaction record,,
• Snapshots from website,
• “The great chain of being sure about things”, The Economist, Oct 31st 2015.
• “Donor Retention: What Do We Know and What Can We Do About It?”, Adrian Sargean, 2008, Indiana University
• Donor Retention in Online Crowdfunding Communities: A Case Study of, Tim Althoff and Jure Leskovec, 2015, Proc Int World Wide Web Conf.
• 2011~2015台灣群眾募資大事記(,群眾觀點Crowd Watch,2016
• “台灣收掉、持續中的群眾募資網站有哪些?”,Danny-UMD (群眾募資觀察),2014.
描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 劉秀明zh_TW
dc.contributor.advisor Liu, Sandraen_US (Authors) 何浩宇zh_TW (Authors) Ho, Leoen_US
dc.creator (作者) 何浩宇zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) Ho, Leoen_US (日期) 2017en_US 3-Jul-2017 14:39:01 (UTC+8)- 3-Jul-2017 14:39:01 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 3-Jul-2017 14:39:01 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0104933005en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國際經營管理英語碩士學位學程(IMBA)zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 104933005zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) Transparency has been one of the most important factors/concerns affecting donations. Donors are not sure where their money goes and the difficulty of finding such information makes them hesitate on making donations. On the other hand, NPOs are haunted by lack of donation, governments scratch their heads on regulating the governance of NPOs, and academia find it difficult to collect donation-related data for research purpose.
Blockchain, the upstart technology that backs up bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, is born to solve the trust issue among different parties by providing ultimate transparency. However, adopting a new technology is never easy. Some traction needs to be in-place to engage people on technology adoption. Fortunately, the same technology that pulls people together is also the technology that will be able to build up the community and making a bigger social impact. is funded with making social impact in mind by bringing aforementioned technologies to the society.
dc.description.tableofcontents 1. Introduction 1
1.1. Blockchain 2
1.2. From Involvement to Engagement 4
1.3. Community 5
1.4. Crowdfunding 6
2. Market 8
2.1. Industry Trend 8
2.2. Customer Unmet Demand 9
2.3. Market Potential 11
3. Competitive Analysis 14
3.1. Competitors 14
3.1.1. Crowdfunding Platform 14
3.1.2. Online Donation Platform 15
3.1.3. Big Nonprofit Organization 16
3.2. SWOT Analysis 17
3.2.1. Strengths 17
3.2.2. Weakness 17
3.2.3. Opportunities 18
3.2.4. Threats 19
4. 20
4.1. Our Mission 20
4.2. Our Service 20
5. Marketing Strategy 25
5.1. Target Segment 25
5.2. Customer Awareness Strategy 25
5.3. Customer Acquisition Strategy 27
5.4. Customer Retention Strategy 30
5.5. Customer Journey and Touch Points 31
5.6. Business System 34
5.6.1. Blockchain Platform Provider 34
5.6.2. Social Network 36
5.6.3. Payment Processor 37
5.6.4. Fundraiser 37
5.6.5. Government Authority 38
5.7. Pricing Strategy 39
6. Management 41
6.1. Demography 41
6.2. Organization Structure 41
6.3. Operational Process 44
6.3.1. Project Checkup Process 46
6.3.2. Project Creation Process 46
6.3.3. Meetup Arrangement Process 46
6.4. Project Timeline 47
7. Financial Plan 49
7.1. Startup Expense and Capitalization 49
7.2. Financial Projections 49
7.2.1. Profit and Loss Projections 50
7.2.2. Cash Flow and Pro Forma Balance Sheet 53
8. Roadmap 56
8.1. NPO’s Sourcing Partner 56
8.2. Virtual Currency Donation 56
8.3. Micro Donation 56
8.4. AI-powered Donation Match 57
9. Conclusion 58
Reference 60
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 區塊鏈zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 透明度zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 群眾募資zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Blockchainen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Transparencyen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Crowdfundingen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) DaoFund.comen_US
dc.title (題名) 大方眾籌創業計畫書zh_TW
dc.title (題名) DaoFund.comen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) • Public trust and confidence in charities 2016, Research conducted by Populous on behalf of the Charity Commission, 2016, UK government.
• “捐贈者對非營利組織課責行為之認同度與捐款意願之研究”,郭瑞坤,張玲瑜,張秦瑞,沈逸晴,張馨芸,2013年6月,非營利組織管理學刊。
• “責信認知對捐款意向之影響”,粘嘉宇,2008,逢甲大學。
• “資訊透明度對捐款收入影響之實證研究—以台灣公益團體為例”,林江亮,2009,經濟研究。
• 非營利組織的公共性與透明化,高永興,2015,[2015第三部門治理與責信學術研討會] 會議論文。
• “Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies” by Princeton University Press, Arvind Narayanan, Joseph Bonneau, Edward Felten, Andrew Miller, Steven Goldfeder, 2016.
• 九十二年臺灣地區社會發展趨勢調查(社會參與)統計結果,行政院主計處,2004。
• 公益觀察2014(,台灣公益責信協會Association of Philanthropic Accountability,2015。
• Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System, 2008, Satoshi Nakamoto.
• Honduras to build land title registry using bitcoin technology, Reuters, May 15, 2015.
• The First Government To Secure Land Titles On The Bitcoin Blockchain Expands Project, Forbes, APR 20, 2017.
• Bitcoin acceptance growing in Japan, Forbes, Apr. 7, 2017
• Nasdaq’s Blockchain-Based Securities Platform Records First Transaction, The Wall Street Journal, Dec 30, 2015
• 2016 Charitable Giving Report, Blackbaud Inc., 2016.
• flyingV 2015 年度數據回顧,,2016。
• Greater transparency would spur charitable donations: Survey, Image Canada, Nov. 15, 2016.
• 2016 年台灣寬頻網路使用調查報告,財團法人台灣網路資訊中心,2016。
• 中華民國人口推估(105至150年),國家發展委員會,2016。
• 國民所得統計摘要,行政院主計總處,2017。
• Transaction record,,
• Snapshots from website,
• “The great chain of being sure about things”, The Economist, Oct 31st 2015.
• “Donor Retention: What Do We Know and What Can We Do About It?”, Adrian Sargean, 2008, Indiana University
• Donor Retention in Online Crowdfunding Communities: A Case Study of, Tim Althoff and Jure Leskovec, 2015, Proc Int World Wide Web Conf.
• 2011~2015台灣群眾募資大事記(,群眾觀點Crowd Watch,2016
• “台灣收掉、持續中的群眾募資網站有哪些?”,Danny-UMD (群眾募資觀察),2014.