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題名 臺北市生活設施水準對住宅價格之影響
The impacts of the levels of community facilities on housing prices in Taipei City作者 黃麟雅
Huang, Lin-Ya貢獻者 張金鶚<br>江穎慧
Chang, Chin-Oh<br>Chiang, Ying-Hui
Huang, Lin-Ya關鍵詞 生活設施
Community facilities
The service level of facilities
Hedonic housing analysis
Quantile regression日期 2017 上傳時間 11-Jul-2017 12:01:47 (UTC+8) 摘要 住宅本身特性和鄰里環境為影響住宅價格高低之主要因素,環境特徵通因素常透過公共設施反映,設施越完善表示鄰里生活機能及可及性越高,產生正面效應使得住宅價格提升;鄰避設施產生的負面外部性導致居住品質下降,造成住宅價格降低。然現有文獻多數偏向針對特定的公共設施類型分析,相對少見到同時針對多樣設施進行全面性研究,缺乏生活設施面向的實證及設施服務水準衡量。本研究運用特徵價格理論結合地理資訊系統,界定多項重大設施與生活設施;以分群探討設施之量增趨勢對住宅總價影響,透過等級衡量生活設施服務水準,建構最小平方及分量迴歸模型,以對設施作全面性研究。本研究採用臺北市2011年7月至2015年9月不動產交易實價登錄樣本與設施資料為對象。實證結果顯示,住宅總價主要受交通便利性和開放空間效益影響,生活設施水準對總價為正向影響,顯示生活機能具有正面效益。設施影響係數依序為捷運站0.0774、主題公園0.0307、餐飲0.0283、大專院校0.0219、大型醫院0.0193、殯葬設施-0.0190、學校0.0124、市場0.0057、鄰里公園0.0042及便利商店-0.0018。本研究進而探討不同總價下的設施影響效果發現,隨著住宅總價從低到高,各項生活設施的影響下降,低總價住宅主要受到生活機能和開放空間等鄰里環境影響,設施的便利性大於可及性效益;高總價住宅以負面外部性、文教及開放空間效益和就醫便利為主要影響,設施的便利效益不顯著。
House pricing is strongly affected by its characteristics and neighborhood environment. Neighborhood characteristics are usually reflected by public facilities. The better the facilities are, the higher quality and convenience of the life results in a positive effect on housing price. The negative externalities of the NIMBY (not-in-my-back-yard) facilities lead to a decline in the quality of living and a reduction in housing prices. However, most of the existing literatures tend to focus on specific types of public facility. In this paper, more detailed study on the effects of overall facilities is proposed.In this research, the overall influence of facilities service level on house pricing is the focus. The proposed regression models are based on Hedonic price theory combined with geographic information system (GIS). Those overall facilities are categorized into two groups, important and community facilities. The provided different service levels of community facilities are defined. The clustering is used for evaluating the relationships between facility number and housing price. The real estate sales database in Taipei City from July 2012 to Sept. 2015 along with facilities is used for the evaluations. The evaluated results show that the total price is mainly affected by the convenience of transport and open space benefits, the service levels of community facilities have a positive effect. The impacts of the facilities are in the order of MRT, theme parks, restaurants, Universities, large hospitals, funeral facilities, schools, markets, neighborhood parks and convenience stores. Theme parks, the service level of community facilities and universities have higher impacts on those low-priced property while. funeral facilities, theme parks and large hospitals have higher impacts on high-priced one. One more finding is that the impacts of the service level of community facilities has declined with the increase in total housing prices. Low-priced property is mainly affected by the neighborhood environment and open space because facilities convenience is greater than the accessibility. High-priced property is mainly affected by the negative externalities, education, open space and access to medical care.參考文獻 中文參考文獻王良友,2011,「鄰避設施對住宅價格影響之研究-以大臺北地區為例」,成功大學都市計劃學系碩士論文,台南市。白崑成,『105年捷運常識 (含捷運系統概述) 』,台北:千華數位文化。宋豐荃,2013,「鄰近公園有助提升房價嗎?-大小公園對高低房價影響程度之研究」,政治大學地政學系碩士論文,台北市。李春長、游淑滿、張維倫,2012,「公共設施、環境品質與不動產景氣對住宅價格影響之研究─兼論不動產景氣之調節效果」,『住宅學報』,21(1):67-87。李永展、何紀芳,1996,「台北地方生活圈都市服務設施之鄰避效果」,『都市與計劃』,23(1):95-116。李泳龍、黃宗誠、戴政安、李善將,2009,「醫學中心對鄰近住宅環境影響之研究」,『建築與規劃學報』,10(2):75-93。林祖嘉、林素菁,1992,「臺灣地區環境品質與公共設施對住宅價格與房租影響之分析」,『住宅學報』,(1):21-45。 林祖嘉、馬毓駿,2007,「特徵方程式大量估價法在台灣不動產市場之應用」,『住宅學報』,16(2):1-22。 林峰田,1997,「公共設施檢討空間分析方法」,『都市與計劃』,24(2):171-192。林楨家、黃至豪,2003,「台北捷運營運前後沿線房地屬性特徵價格之變化」, 『運輸計劃季刊』,32(4),777- 800。洪得洋、林祖嘉,1999,「臺北市捷運系統與道路寬度對房屋價格影響之研究」,『住宅學報』,8,47–67。柯柏戎,2012,「都會區購屋者對自用住宅環境設施需求之研究」,中央大學營建管理研究所碩士論文,桃園市。紀雲曜、李上妤、葉光毅,2004,「公共設施最適服務/影響距離之評估模式」,『建築與規劃學報』,5(2):150-177。莊惠雯、林憲德、沈之中,2012,「探討城鄉社區設施服務距離之差異研究」,『建築學報』,(80):131-148。曾佳琪,2011,「特定公共設施對住宅價格的影響-以台中市南屯區為例」,中興大學應用經濟學系所學位論文,台中市。陳奉瑤、楊依蓁,2007,「個別估價與大量估價之準確性分析」,『住宅學報』,16(2):67-83。楊宗憲、蘇倖慧,2011,「迎毗設施與鄰避設施對住宅價格影響之研究」,『住宅學報』,20(2):61-80。許添本、趙晉緯,2007,「人行空間服務水準綜合評估之研究」,『規劃學報』,(34):89-111。張怡文、江穎慧、張金鶚,2009,「分量迴歸在大量估價模型之應用─非典型住宅估價之改進」,『都市與計劃』,36:281-304。張景盛、陳素月、藍宜亭、黃俊英,2013,「高雄地區住宅特徵與住宅環境的重視程度對居住滿意度之影響」,『建築與規劃學報』,14(1):33-46。游適銘、張金鶚,2010,「成本法估價偏誤之探討─分量迴歸應用」,『住宅學報』,19(2):81-105。彭建文、楊宗憲、楊詩韻,2009,「捷運系統對不同區位房價影響分析-以營運階段為例」,『運輸計劃季刊』,38(3):275-296戴國正,2011,「大眾捷運系統對房價影響效果之再檢視」,政治大學地政研究所碩士論文,台北市。黃文、王正林,2015,『利用R語言打通大數據的經脈』,臺北市:佳魁資訊。中華民國住宅學會,105年上半年住宅需求動向調查,頁9-19。外文參考文獻Anselin, L.,1995, “Local indicators of spatial association—LISA”, Geographical analysis, 27(2): 93-115.Asadi-Shekari, Z., Moeinaddini, M., and Zaly Shah, M., 2013, “Non-motorised Levelof Service: Addressing Challenges in Pedestrian and Bicycle Level of Service”, Transport Reviews, 33(2): 166-194.Anderson, S. 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104257024資料來源 資料類型 thesis dc.contributor.advisor 張金鶚<br>江穎慧 zh_TW dc.contributor.advisor Chang, Chin-Oh<br>Chiang, Ying-Hui en_US (Authors) 黃麟雅 zh_TW (Authors) Huang, Lin-Ya en_US dc.creator (作者) 黃麟雅 zh_TW dc.creator (作者) Huang, Lin-Ya en_US (日期) 2017 en_US 11-Jul-2017 12:01:47 (UTC+8) - 11-Jul-2017 12:01:47 (UTC+8) - (上傳時間) 11-Jul-2017 12:01:47 (UTC+8) - dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G1042570241 en_US dc.identifier.uri (URI) - dc.description (描述) 碩士 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 地政學系 zh_TW dc.description (描述) 104257024 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) 住宅本身特性和鄰里環境為影響住宅價格高低之主要因素,環境特徵通因素常透過公共設施反映,設施越完善表示鄰里生活機能及可及性越高,產生正面效應使得住宅價格提升;鄰避設施產生的負面外部性導致居住品質下降,造成住宅價格降低。然現有文獻多數偏向針對特定的公共設施類型分析,相對少見到同時針對多樣設施進行全面性研究,缺乏生活設施面向的實證及設施服務水準衡量。本研究運用特徵價格理論結合地理資訊系統,界定多項重大設施與生活設施;以分群探討設施之量增趨勢對住宅總價影響,透過等級衡量生活設施服務水準,建構最小平方及分量迴歸模型,以對設施作全面性研究。本研究採用臺北市2011年7月至2015年9月不動產交易實價登錄樣本與設施資料為對象。實證結果顯示,住宅總價主要受交通便利性和開放空間效益影響,生活設施水準對總價為正向影響,顯示生活機能具有正面效益。設施影響係數依序為捷運站0.0774、主題公園0.0307、餐飲0.0283、大專院校0.0219、大型醫院0.0193、殯葬設施-0.0190、學校0.0124、市場0.0057、鄰里公園0.0042及便利商店-0.0018。本研究進而探討不同總價下的設施影響效果發現,隨著住宅總價從低到高,各項生活設施的影響下降,低總價住宅主要受到生活機能和開放空間等鄰里環境影響,設施的便利性大於可及性效益;高總價住宅以負面外部性、文教及開放空間效益和就醫便利為主要影響,設施的便利效益不顯著。 zh_TW dc.description.abstract (摘要) House pricing is strongly affected by its characteristics and neighborhood environment. Neighborhood characteristics are usually reflected by public facilities. The better the facilities are, the higher quality and convenience of the life results in a positive effect on housing price. The negative externalities of the NIMBY (not-in-my-back-yard) facilities lead to a decline in the quality of living and a reduction in housing prices. However, most of the existing literatures tend to focus on specific types of public facility. In this paper, more detailed study on the effects of overall facilities is proposed.In this research, the overall influence of facilities service level on house pricing is the focus. The proposed regression models are based on Hedonic price theory combined with geographic information system (GIS). Those overall facilities are categorized into two groups, important and community facilities. The provided different service levels of community facilities are defined. The clustering is used for evaluating the relationships between facility number and housing price. The real estate sales database in Taipei City from July 2012 to Sept. 2015 along with facilities is used for the evaluations. The evaluated results show that the total price is mainly affected by the convenience of transport and open space benefits, the service levels of community facilities have a positive effect. The impacts of the facilities are in the order of MRT, theme parks, restaurants, Universities, large hospitals, funeral facilities, schools, markets, neighborhood parks and convenience stores. Theme parks, the service level of community facilities and universities have higher impacts on those low-priced property while. funeral facilities, theme parks and large hospitals have higher impacts on high-priced one. One more finding is that the impacts of the service level of community facilities has declined with the increase in total housing prices. Low-priced property is mainly affected by the neighborhood environment and open space because facilities convenience is greater than the accessibility. High-priced property is mainly affected by the negative externalities, education, open space and access to medical care. en_US dc.description.tableofcontents 第一章 緒論 1第一節 研究動機與目的 1第二節 研究內容與方法 4第三節 研究架構與流程 6第二章 相關理論與文獻回顧 8第一節 生活設施定義 8第二節 設施服務水準 10第三節 設施類型與住宅價格影響 12第四節 小結 15第三章 資料說明與研究設計 16第一節 資料處理與分析 16第二節 研究設計 39第三節 模型設計 40第四章 實證結果與分析 42第一節 生活設施水準 42第二節 住宅價格模型 54第三節 小結 60第五章 結論與建議 61第一節 結論 61第二節 建議與後續研究 64參考文獻 65附錄1 模型參數比較 72附錄2 最適分群數決定 76附錄3 生活設施水準自動分群與調整分群結果比較 78附錄4 各類生活設施水準與取對數價格箱型圖及曲線擬和結果 91附錄5 便利商店範圍、水準劃分與係數關係 97 zh_TW dc.format.extent 3154672 bytes - dc.format.mimetype application/pdf - dc.source.uri (資料來源) en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) 生活設施 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 設施服務水準 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 特徵價格分析 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) 分量迴歸 zh_TW dc.subject (關鍵詞) Community facilities en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) The service level of facilities en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Hedonic housing analysis en_US dc.subject (關鍵詞) Quantile regression en_US dc.title (題名) 臺北市生活設施水準對住宅價格之影響 zh_TW dc.title (題名) The impacts of the levels of community facilities on housing prices in Taipei City en_US dc.type (資料類型) thesis en_US dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) 中文參考文獻王良友,2011,「鄰避設施對住宅價格影響之研究-以大臺北地區為例」,成功大學都市計劃學系碩士論文,台南市。白崑成,『105年捷運常識 (含捷運系統概述) 』,台北:千華數位文化。宋豐荃,2013,「鄰近公園有助提升房價嗎?-大小公園對高低房價影響程度之研究」,政治大學地政學系碩士論文,台北市。李春長、游淑滿、張維倫,2012,「公共設施、環境品質與不動產景氣對住宅價格影響之研究─兼論不動產景氣之調節效果」,『住宅學報』,21(1):67-87。李永展、何紀芳,1996,「台北地方生活圈都市服務設施之鄰避效果」,『都市與計劃』,23(1):95-116。李泳龍、黃宗誠、戴政安、李善將,2009,「醫學中心對鄰近住宅環境影響之研究」,『建築與規劃學報』,10(2):75-93。林祖嘉、林素菁,1992,「臺灣地區環境品質與公共設施對住宅價格與房租影響之分析」,『住宅學報』,(1):21-45。 林祖嘉、馬毓駿,2007,「特徵方程式大量估價法在台灣不動產市場之應用」,『住宅學報』,16(2):1-22。 林峰田,1997,「公共設施檢討空間分析方法」,『都市與計劃』,24(2):171-192。林楨家、黃至豪,2003,「台北捷運營運前後沿線房地屬性特徵價格之變化」, 『運輸計劃季刊』,32(4),777- 800。洪得洋、林祖嘉,1999,「臺北市捷運系統與道路寬度對房屋價格影響之研究」,『住宅學報』,8,47–67。柯柏戎,2012,「都會區購屋者對自用住宅環境設施需求之研究」,中央大學營建管理研究所碩士論文,桃園市。紀雲曜、李上妤、葉光毅,2004,「公共設施最適服務/影響距離之評估模式」,『建築與規劃學報』,5(2):150-177。莊惠雯、林憲德、沈之中,2012,「探討城鄉社區設施服務距離之差異研究」,『建築學報』,(80):131-148。曾佳琪,2011,「特定公共設施對住宅價格的影響-以台中市南屯區為例」,中興大學應用經濟學系所學位論文,台中市。陳奉瑤、楊依蓁,2007,「個別估價與大量估價之準確性分析」,『住宅學報』,16(2):67-83。楊宗憲、蘇倖慧,2011,「迎毗設施與鄰避設施對住宅價格影響之研究」,『住宅學報』,20(2):61-80。許添本、趙晉緯,2007,「人行空間服務水準綜合評估之研究」,『規劃學報』,(34):89-111。張怡文、江穎慧、張金鶚,2009,「分量迴歸在大量估價模型之應用─非典型住宅估價之改進」,『都市與計劃』,36:281-304。張景盛、陳素月、藍宜亭、黃俊英,2013,「高雄地區住宅特徵與住宅環境的重視程度對居住滿意度之影響」,『建築與規劃學報』,14(1):33-46。游適銘、張金鶚,2010,「成本法估價偏誤之探討─分量迴歸應用」,『住宅學報』,19(2):81-105。彭建文、楊宗憲、楊詩韻,2009,「捷運系統對不同區位房價影響分析-以營運階段為例」,『運輸計劃季刊』,38(3):275-296戴國正,2011,「大眾捷運系統對房價影響效果之再檢視」,政治大學地政研究所碩士論文,台北市。黃文、王正林,2015,『利用R語言打通大數據的經脈』,臺北市:佳魁資訊。中華民國住宅學會,105年上半年住宅需求動向調查,頁9-19。外文參考文獻Anselin, L.,1995, “Local indicators of spatial association—LISA”, Geographical analysis, 27(2): 93-115.Asadi-Shekari, Z., Moeinaddini, M., and Zaly Shah, M., 2013, “Non-motorised Levelof Service: Addressing Challenges in Pedestrian and Bicycle Level of Service”, Transport Reviews, 33(2): 166-194.Anderson, S. 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