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題名 台灣在中美洲的外援
Taiwan’s foreign aid in Central America
作者 蕾亞珊
貢獻者 劉曉鵬
關鍵詞 台灣外交援助
Taiwan foreign aid
Central America
Dollar diplomacy
Development cooperation
Taiwan ICDF
日期 2017
上傳時間 11-Jul-2017 12:13:44 (UTC+8)
摘要 大部分的台灣援助研究討論台灣外交政策,沒有太多的研究是從受援者的觀點探討台灣的發展協助成效。本研究將檢視台灣援助的西班牙語學術論文, 選擇一個個案研究,並從事訪談,以中美洲的觀點來闡述台灣援助的成效。且將分析台灣的 外交援助,特別是財團法人國際合作發展基金會從1998年到2015年在中美洲的策略。本研究質疑由國際社會先前 對台灣在中美洲的金錢外交探索,相反地,本研究將評估儘管中美洲有貪污醜聞,台灣援助在中美洲仍是有利的原因。
參考文獻 Aguilar, A. (2014). Central America in between two Chinas: From History to Pragmatism(America Central Entre Dos Chinas: De la Historia al Pragmatismo). In A. W. Soto Acosta (Ed.) Politica Internacional e Integracion Regional Comparada en America Latina (pp.257-267). San Jose, C.R.: FLACSO.
Aguilera Peralta. G. (2006). Turning our Backs to the Dragon: The relations between Central America and Taiwan (De Espaldas al Dragon: Las Relaciones de Centroamerica con Taiwan). Nueva Sociedad, 2006(203), 171-179.
Alexander, C.R. (2014). China and Taiwan in Central America: Engaging Foreign Publics in Diplomacy. New York: Palgrave.
Avendaño, R. & Dayton-Johnson, J. (2015). Central America, China and the U.S.: What Prospects for Development? Pacific Affairs 88(4), 813-847.
Castro R., F. (2012, February). IDA Executive President visits Proguata in Rio Grande Paquera (Presidente ejecutivo del IDA visita Proguata en Rio Grande Paquera). Mi Prensa. Retrieved from:
Castro, S. (2000, July). Thailand Guava with a Costa Rican flavor (Tailandesa con sabor tico). La Nacion. Retrieved from:
CENTA. (2010). Technical Guide on the Production of Guava (Guia Tecnica del Cultivo de la Guayaba). Retrieved from:
Chan, G. (1997). Taiwan as an Emerging Foreign Aid Donor: Developments, Problems, and Prospects. Pacific Affairs, 70(1), 37-56.
Chen, J. & Erikson, D. P. (2007). China, Taiwan, and the Battle for Latin America. The Fletcher Forum of World Affairs, 31(2), 69-89.
Cheng, J. Y.S. (2016). Latin America in China’s Peaceful Rise. In A. J. Castro-Rea., H. Ghany, & W.A Knight (Eds.). Re-mapping the Americas: Trends in Region-making (pp. 119-149). Surrey, England: Ashgate.
Cheng, T.Y. (1993). Foreign Aid in ROC diplomacy. In A. B.J. Lin(Ed.), Contemporary China and the Changing International Community (pp.170-184). Taipei: The Institute of International Relations.
Comité Nacional de Agricultura Familiar (CNAF). (2015).Characteristics of Family Agriculture in El Salvador, Politics and Results from 1989 to 2014 (Caracterizacion de la Agricultura Familiar en El Salvador, Politicas y Resultados Obtenidos 1989/2014). Retrieved from:
Collier, P. & Dollar, D. (2001). Can the World Cut Poverty in Half? How Policy Reform and Effective Aid Can Meet International Development Goals. World Development, 29(11), 1787-1802.
Comrural (2015). Guava changes lives in Comayagua (La Guayaba Transforma vida en Comayagua). Retrieved from:
Diaz, J. (2014, April). Guava Producers are looking for New Markets (Productores de Guayaba Buscan Ampliar Nuevos Mercados). El Heraldo. Retrieved from:
Easterly, W. (2006). The White Man’s Burden. New York: The Penguin Press.
El Pais.(2014, April). Taiwan: Passion for Agriculture (Taiwan: Pasion por la Agricultura). Retrieved from:
Esposito, J. (2016). Central America and its Relations with China in the framework of the Central American Integration System (América Central y sus relaciones con China en el marco del Sistema de la Integración Centroamericana). In A. L. Bono, L. Bogado Bordazar, & M.F. Staiano(Ed). Relaciones Internacionales y Politica Interna. La Plata: Univerisdad Nacional de La Plata.
Guido, Ashoff.(2010). Triangular Cooperation. Retrieved from:
Guzmán S., L. (2014, August). INFOCOOP. Retrieved from:
He, L. (2005). Rivalry between Taiwan and the PRC in Latin America. Journal of Chinese Political Science, 10(2), 77-102
Huang, K.W. (2016). Taiwan’s Foreign Policy and International Space. In A. G. Schubert(Ed.). Handbook of Contemporary Taiwan (pp.465-481). New York: Routledge
Instituto Interamericano de Cooperacion para la agricultura(IICA). (1997). Identifying the Agricultural Sector in El Salvador (El Salvador Diagnotisco del Sector Agropecuario). San Jose: IICA.
La Tribuna. (2017, March). Guava crops generate L20 million (L20millones genera cosecha de guayabas).La Tribuna. Retrieved from:
Lee, W.C. (1993). Taiwan’s Foreign Aid Policy. Asian Affairs, 20(1) 43-62.
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Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganaderia, Costa Rica. (2014). Agricultural Supply Chain of Guava (Agrocadena de Guayaba). Retrieved from:
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Mora, D. (2014, September).Paquera Producers of Guava Promote their crop (Productores de Paquera impulsan el cultivo de la guayaba Taiwanesa). Teletica. Retrieved from:
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Promotora Comercio Exterior de Costa Rica(PROCOMER). (2007). Profile of Guava (Prefil Producto Guayaba). Retrieved from:
Quadir, F. (2013). Rising Donors and the New Narrative of ‘South-South’ Cooperation: what prospects for changing the landscape of development assistance programs? Third World Quarterly, 34(2), 321-338.
Rajan, R.G., & Subramanian, A. (2008). Aid and Growth: What Does the Cross-Country Evidence Really Show? The Review of Economics and Statistics, 90(4), 643-665.
Rodriguez, M. E. (2013). China or Taiwan? The Paradox of Costa Rica and Nicaragua (2006-2008) (China o Taiwan? Las Paradojas de Costa Rica y Nicaragua (2006-2008)). Revista de Ciencia Politica, 33(2), 513-532.
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Secretaria de Agricultura y Ganaderia Honduras. (2015).Analysis of Honduras Fruit Production (Analisis Coyuntura Cultivo de Frutas en Honduras). Retrieved from:
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描述 碩士
資料類型 thesis
dc.contributor.advisor 劉曉鵬zh_TW (Authors) 蕾亞珊zh_TW
dc.creator (作者) 蕾亞珊zh_TW (日期) 2017en_US 11-Jul-2017 12:13:44 (UTC+8)- 11-Jul-2017 12:13:44 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 11-Jul-2017 12:13:44 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier (Other Identifiers) G0104926003en_US
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description (描述) 碩士zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 國立政治大學zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 亞太研究英語碩士學位學程(IMAS)zh_TW
dc.description (描述) 104926003zh_TW
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 大部分的台灣援助研究討論台灣外交政策,沒有太多的研究是從受援者的觀點探討台灣的發展協助成效。本研究將檢視台灣援助的西班牙語學術論文, 選擇一個個案研究,並從事訪談,以中美洲的觀點來闡述台灣援助的成效。且將分析台灣的 外交援助,特別是財團法人國際合作發展基金會從1998年到2015年在中美洲的策略。本研究質疑由國際社會先前 對台灣在中美洲的金錢外交探索,相反地,本研究將評估儘管中美洲有貪污醜聞,台灣援助在中美洲仍是有利的原因。zh_TW
dc.description.tableofcontents ABSTRACT i
1.1 Research Background 2
1.2 Methodology 5
2.1 International Scholars’ Perspective 9
2.2 Spanish- speaking Scholars’ Perspective 15
3.1 Taiwan’s ODA 22
3.2 Overview of Taiwan ICDF Strategies 24
3.3 Taiwan ICDF in Central America 34
4.1 Background: Fruit Market Opportunities for Central America 38
4.2 Costa Rica 39
4.3 Honduras 46
4.4 El Salvador 50
5.1 Findings 55
5.2 Discussion 60
5.3 Evaluation 63
Appendix A. Data on Taiwan ICDF Expenditure and Distribution of Expenditure 1998-2015 74
Appendix B. Interview Questions for Guava Associations 80
Appendix C. Interview Questions for Taiwan ICDF officials 81
Appendix D. Interview Questions for Embassies in Taiwan 82
Appendix E. Interview Transcript ASOFRUL 83
Appendix F. Interview Transcript Comayagua 84
Appendix G. Interview Transcript CENTA-guava farmer in El Salvador 86
Appendix H. Interview Transcript Guatemalan Ambassador in Taiwan 88
Appendix I. Interview Transcript Taiwan ICDF Technical Cooperation Director 90
Appendix J. Interview Transcript Embassy of El Salvador in Taiwan 93
Appendix K. Interview Transcript Taiwan ICDF Lending and Investment Director 95
Appendix L. Interview Transcript Director of Latin American Studies, Dr. Kung. 97
dc.format.extent 1358383 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.source.uri (資料來源)
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 台灣外交援助zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 中美洲zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 金錢外交zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 發展合作zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 財團法人國際合作發展基金會zh_TW
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Taiwan foreign aiden_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Central Americaen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Dollar diplomacyen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Development cooperationen_US
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Taiwan ICDFen_US
dc.title (題名) 台灣在中美洲的外援zh_TW
dc.title (題名) Taiwan’s foreign aid in Central Americaen_US
dc.type (資料類型) thesisen_US
dc.relation.reference (參考文獻) Aguilar, A. (2014). Central America in between two Chinas: From History to Pragmatism(America Central Entre Dos Chinas: De la Historia al Pragmatismo). In A. W. Soto Acosta (Ed.) Politica Internacional e Integracion Regional Comparada en America Latina (pp.257-267). San Jose, C.R.: FLACSO.
Aguilera Peralta. G. (2006). Turning our Backs to the Dragon: The relations between Central America and Taiwan (De Espaldas al Dragon: Las Relaciones de Centroamerica con Taiwan). Nueva Sociedad, 2006(203), 171-179.
Alexander, C.R. (2014). China and Taiwan in Central America: Engaging Foreign Publics in Diplomacy. New York: Palgrave.
Avendaño, R. & Dayton-Johnson, J. (2015). Central America, China and the U.S.: What Prospects for Development? Pacific Affairs 88(4), 813-847.
Castro R., F. (2012, February). IDA Executive President visits Proguata in Rio Grande Paquera (Presidente ejecutivo del IDA visita Proguata en Rio Grande Paquera). Mi Prensa. Retrieved from:
Castro, S. (2000, July). Thailand Guava with a Costa Rican flavor (Tailandesa con sabor tico). La Nacion. Retrieved from:
CENTA. (2010). Technical Guide on the Production of Guava (Guia Tecnica del Cultivo de la Guayaba). Retrieved from:
Chan, G. (1997). Taiwan as an Emerging Foreign Aid Donor: Developments, Problems, and Prospects. Pacific Affairs, 70(1), 37-56.
Chen, J. & Erikson, D. P. (2007). China, Taiwan, and the Battle for Latin America. The Fletcher Forum of World Affairs, 31(2), 69-89.
Cheng, J. Y.S. (2016). Latin America in China’s Peaceful Rise. In A. J. Castro-Rea., H. Ghany, & W.A Knight (Eds.). Re-mapping the Americas: Trends in Region-making (pp. 119-149). Surrey, England: Ashgate.
Cheng, T.Y. (1993). Foreign Aid in ROC diplomacy. In A. B.J. Lin(Ed.), Contemporary China and the Changing International Community (pp.170-184). Taipei: The Institute of International Relations.
Comité Nacional de Agricultura Familiar (CNAF). (2015).Characteristics of Family Agriculture in El Salvador, Politics and Results from 1989 to 2014 (Caracterizacion de la Agricultura Familiar en El Salvador, Politicas y Resultados Obtenidos 1989/2014). Retrieved from:
Collier, P. & Dollar, D. (2001). Can the World Cut Poverty in Half? How Policy Reform and Effective Aid Can Meet International Development Goals. World Development, 29(11), 1787-1802.
Comrural (2015). Guava changes lives in Comayagua (La Guayaba Transforma vida en Comayagua). Retrieved from:
Diaz, J. (2014, April). Guava Producers are looking for New Markets (Productores de Guayaba Buscan Ampliar Nuevos Mercados). El Heraldo. Retrieved from:
Easterly, W. (2006). The White Man’s Burden. New York: The Penguin Press.
El Pais.(2014, April). Taiwan: Passion for Agriculture (Taiwan: Pasion por la Agricultura). Retrieved from:
Esposito, J. (2016). Central America and its Relations with China in the framework of the Central American Integration System (América Central y sus relaciones con China en el marco del Sistema de la Integración Centroamericana). In A. L. Bono, L. Bogado Bordazar, & M.F. Staiano(Ed). Relaciones Internacionales y Politica Interna. La Plata: Univerisdad Nacional de La Plata.
Guido, Ashoff.(2010). Triangular Cooperation. Retrieved from:
Guzmán S., L. (2014, August). INFOCOOP. Retrieved from:
He, L. (2005). Rivalry between Taiwan and the PRC in Latin America. Journal of Chinese Political Science, 10(2), 77-102
Huang, K.W. (2016). Taiwan’s Foreign Policy and International Space. In A. G. Schubert(Ed.). Handbook of Contemporary Taiwan (pp.465-481). New York: Routledge
Instituto Interamericano de Cooperacion para la agricultura(IICA). (1997). Identifying the Agricultural Sector in El Salvador (El Salvador Diagnotisco del Sector Agropecuario). San Jose: IICA.
La Tribuna. (2017, March). Guava crops generate L20 million (L20millones genera cosecha de guayabas).La Tribuna. Retrieved from:
Lee, W.C. (1993). Taiwan’s Foreign Aid Policy. Asian Affairs, 20(1) 43-62.
Lopez Cabana, S. (2014). Chronology and History of South-South Cooperation. Retrieved from:
Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganaderia, Costa Rica. (2014). Agricultural Supply Chain of Guava (Agrocadena de Guayaba). Retrieved from:
Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganaderia, El Salvador. (2015).Annual Statistical Book on the Agricultural Sector 2014-2015 (Anuario de Estadistica Agropecuarias 2014- 2015). Retrieved from:
Ministerio de Agricultura y Ganaderia, El Salvador. (2016). Annual Statistical Book on the Agricultural Sector 2015-2016 (Anuario de Estadistica Agropecuarias 2015- 2016). Retrieved from:
Ministry of Foreign Affairs Taiwan. (2010). Presidential Decree on International Cooperation and Development Act. Retrieved from: ‪‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‪.‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬‬
Mora, D. (2014, September).Paquera Producers of Guava Promote their crop (Productores de Paquera impulsan el cultivo de la guayaba Taiwanesa). Teletica. Retrieved from:
Morales Camacho, M.F. & Soto Acosta, W. (2015).The Visit of Cathay to Central America (La Visita de Catay al Istmo Centroamericano). Realis, 5(02), 76-92.
Morgenthau, H. (1962). A Political Theory of Foreign Aid. The American Political Science Review, 56(2), 301-339.
Moyo, D. (2009). Dead Aid: Why Aid is Not Working and How There is a Better Way for Africa. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
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Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development. (n.d). Official Development Assistance- Definition and Coverage. Retrieved from:
Pintor Pirzkall, H. (2016). Geopolitics of Development: The Cooperation between China and Latin America (Geopolitica del desalloro: La cooperacion China en America Latina). Revista Intellector, XII (24), 1-15.
Promotora Comercio Exterior de Costa Rica(PROCOMER). (2007). Profile of Guava (Prefil Producto Guayaba). Retrieved from:
Quadir, F. (2013). Rising Donors and the New Narrative of ‘South-South’ Cooperation: what prospects for changing the landscape of development assistance programs? Third World Quarterly, 34(2), 321-338.
Rajan, R.G., & Subramanian, A. (2008). Aid and Growth: What Does the Cross-Country Evidence Really Show? The Review of Economics and Statistics, 90(4), 643-665.
Rodriguez, M. E. (2013). China or Taiwan? The Paradox of Costa Rica and Nicaragua (2006-2008) (China o Taiwan? Las Paradojas de Costa Rica y Nicaragua (2006-2008)). Revista de Ciencia Politica, 33(2), 513-532.
Romero, F. (2015, February). Honduras exceeds Taiwan in the Production og Guava (Honduras supero a China en cultivo de guayaba perla). La Prensa. Retrieved from:ó-a-china-en-cultivo-de-guayaba-perla
Secretaria de Agricultura y Ganaderia Honduras. (2015).Analysis of Honduras Fruit Production (Analisis Coyuntura Cultivo de Frutas en Honduras). Retrieved from:
SIECA. (2016, June). Regional Competitiveness on the Fruit Market (Análisis de la competitividad regional del mercado de frutas). Retrieved from:
Stallings, B. (2017). Chinese Aid to Latin America: Trying to Win Friends and Influence People. In A M. Myers & C. Wise (Eds). The Political Economy of China–Latin America Relations in the New Millennium: Brave New World (pp.69-91). New York: Routledge.
Taffet, J. (2007). Foreign Aid as Foreign Policy: The Alliance for Progress in Latin America. New York: Routledge.
Taiwan International Cooperation and Development Fund (Taiwan ICDF). (2002b). Review of Technical cooperation in Costa Rica, Panama and Nicaragua (赴哥斯大黎加,巴拿馬及尼加拉瓜進行技術合作作業務監督任務返國報告)。
Taiwan ICDF. (2003b). Final Review Technical Assistance and Voluteers in Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama (赴尼加拉瓜, 哥斯大黎加及巴拿馬進行技術協助計畫, 技術團業務及志工務評估報告)。.
Taiwan ICDF. (2013b). Report on Marketing Assistance in Honduras (駐宏都拉斯技術團行銷計畫結案報告 TT-310-2011-045)。
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