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題名 客家電視台駐地記者之研究:新聞選擇與組織團隊的角度
其他題名 Understanding local correspondents for Hakka TV: A perspective of news selection and organization
作者 劉慧雯
Liu, Hui-Wen
貢獻者 傳播學院
關鍵詞 客家電視台 ; 駐地記者 ; 新聞室控制 ; 新聞室對抗
Hakka TV ; local correspondent ; newsroom
日期 2016-12
上傳時間 12-Jul-2017 11:50:23 (UTC+8)
摘要 本文試圖瞭解地方記者在族群頻道中扮演的角色。藉由訪談客家電視台現役駐地記者,本文發現,客家電視台駐地新聞已走出例行活動報導窠臼化的困境;而駐地對個案的關注,在台北編輯室的統整下,得以完成較為結構性的討論。最後,駐地與台北對於「編輯室」的功能認知不同,是客家電視台新聞部需要整合的工作。本文也發現,客家電視台新聞工作者打破地理與分工的界線,使得新聞團隊以支援分享的狀態有機地聯繫在一起。這與其之組織較為扁平有關,也與駐地記者對客家新聞的投入態度有關。客台駐地發展出對抗新聞室控制(newsroom resistance)的策略,得以在組織中發揮專長。本文也發現,客家電視台駐地記者對新聞室職權的認識,與台北有一定落差。駐地記者多視台北為編輯台(editing board),僅針對事實性錯誤提出建議;而台北卻認為自己扮演編輯室(news room),對新聞走向有主導權。
This research aims at how local correspondents of the Hakka TV make news decision, and their recognition about the newsroom mechanism. By interviewing six active local correspondents, this article shows three main findings. First, the Hakka TV news has already broken out the routinized report convention, and tries to re-contextualize events. Second, under the newsroom mechanism, Hakka TV news tends to explore news in a structural way. Finally, local correspondents ask for more autonomous role on reporting which is, however, not totally taken-forgranted by the newsroom editors. In addition, this research also finds that journalists in Hakka TV connect to each other more closely than those in commercial channels.
關聯 廣播與電視, 39, 29-58
資料類型 article
dc.contributor 傳播學院
dc.creator (作者) 劉慧雯zh-tw
dc.creator (作者) Liu, Hui-Wenen-US (日期) 2016-12 12-Jul-2017 11:50:23 (UTC+8)- 12-Jul-2017 11:50:23 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 12-Jul-2017 11:50:23 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 本文試圖瞭解地方記者在族群頻道中扮演的角色。藉由訪談客家電視台現役駐地記者,本文發現,客家電視台駐地新聞已走出例行活動報導窠臼化的困境;而駐地對個案的關注,在台北編輯室的統整下,得以完成較為結構性的討論。最後,駐地與台北對於「編輯室」的功能認知不同,是客家電視台新聞部需要整合的工作。本文也發現,客家電視台新聞工作者打破地理與分工的界線,使得新聞團隊以支援分享的狀態有機地聯繫在一起。這與其之組織較為扁平有關,也與駐地記者對客家新聞的投入態度有關。客台駐地發展出對抗新聞室控制(newsroom resistance)的策略,得以在組織中發揮專長。本文也發現,客家電視台駐地記者對新聞室職權的認識,與台北有一定落差。駐地記者多視台北為編輯台(editing board),僅針對事實性錯誤提出建議;而台北卻認為自己扮演編輯室(news room),對新聞走向有主導權。
dc.description.abstract (摘要) This research aims at how local correspondents of the Hakka TV make news decision, and their recognition about the newsroom mechanism. By interviewing six active local correspondents, this article shows three main findings. First, the Hakka TV news has already broken out the routinized report convention, and tries to re-contextualize events. Second, under the newsroom mechanism, Hakka TV news tends to explore news in a structural way. Finally, local correspondents ask for more autonomous role on reporting which is, however, not totally taken-forgranted by the newsroom editors. In addition, this research also finds that journalists in Hakka TV connect to each other more closely than those in commercial channels.
dc.format.extent 930593 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.relation (關聯) 廣播與電視, 39, 29-58
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 客家電視台 ; 駐地記者 ; 新聞室控制 ; 新聞室對抗
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Hakka TV ; local correspondent ; newsroom
dc.title (題名) 客家電視台駐地記者之研究:新聞選擇與組織團隊的角度zh_TW
dc.title.alternative (其他題名) Understanding local correspondents for Hakka TV: A perspective of news selection and organization
dc.type (資料類型) article