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題名 海峽兩岸服務貿易協議之研究 -以工程及建築專業服務為中心
A Study of Cross-Strait Agreement on Trade in Services: Focusing on Architectural and Engineering Services
作者 顏玉明
貢獻者 法律科際整合研究所
關鍵詞 海峽兩岸服貿協議;建築服務;工程服務;資格資質認定;貿易障礙
Cross-Strait Agreement on Trade in Services; Architectural Services; Engineering Services; Qualification; Class of Aptitude; Trading Barrier
日期 2015
上傳時間 2017-07-14
摘要 2013年 6月臺灣與大陸完成簽署海峽兩岸服務貿易協議,協議關於逐步減少或 消除雙方之間涵蓋眾多部門的服務貿易限制性措施、繼續擴展服務貿易的廣度 與深度及增進雙方在服務貿易領域的合作;惟迄今該協議未能經立法院通過, 輿論亦有認為該協議雖似為台灣諸多產業帶來利多,但同時亦存在對台灣業者 造成重大衝擊的擔憂。由於服貿協議對於各項服務貿易之開放程度依業別不 同,雙邊之承諾亦有差別,再加上兩岸產業結構及法規環境差異之因素,故服 貿協議對於特定產業將造成如何之影響,倘未經深入的資料蒐集及分析探討, 實難以一概而論。 本申請計畫乃出於探討服貿協議中工程專業服務項目承諾效益之動機,與 提供政府相關單位及工程專業服務業者評估判斷之材料,及為日後服貿協議可 能的調整談判提出建議三項目的,祈藉由對服貿協議條款分析、中國大陸與其 他兩岸工程專業服務相關執業規範與工程專業服務產業實務現況之全面向蒐 集、整理與評估,完整呈現兩岸服務貿易協議在各面相因素綜合作用之下,對 於兩岸服務貿易自由化之實際效益。 本申請計畫擬首先歸納外資於相關行業開放前進入大陸市場時所遭遇之貿 易原有屏障,其後依照服貿協議中與建築業相關行業(包括工程專業服務及建 築和相關工程服務等)有關條款,結合兩岸於事業資格、人員資質、業績要求 等等面向之既有法規,比較分析建築業相關行業之規範差異與產業現況,並在 此基礎上進一步綜合分析臺灣企業進入大陸市場的機會與執行上可能產生之課 題,以探究服貿協定是否利於臺灣企業進入大陸市場,為後續研究奠定基礎, 並提出建議以作為未來協商補充協議之的參考。
In 2013, Taiwan and Mainland China signed Cross-Strait Agreement on Trade in Services, devoting to eliminate the trading barriers of services providing, and broaden the width and depth of the cooperation in the area of trade in services. However, the Cross-Strait Agreement on Trade in Services has not been approved by the Legislative Yuan so far. It is criticized as a poison behind the interest-provider appearance. Owing to the various industries this Agreement regards, it makes the impacts of this Agreement in each industry varies accordingly. Therefore it is needed to have a further study in specified industry rather than general browse in discussing its beneficial result. This research is motivated by obtaining the understanding of the promises of the Agreement across the Strait, especially in the areas of Architectural Services and Engineering Services. It is aimed to provide the information to Taiwanese investors and the public authorities, in negotiating the amendment of Agreement in the future. Therefore, this research is planned to generalize current trading barriers encountered in Architectural Services and Engineering Services. After that, the examination of the effect of Agreement will be conducted by comparing the promises Mainland China provided and the current barriers. If there is any problem or potential barrier exists, it is needed to discuss if there is solution may be raised when negotiating the amendment of Agreement in the future. It is hoped to develop the knowledge of the trends, pros and cons of the practices of Mainland China’s industry, and with a deeper understanding regarding how to utilize the Agreement, and be beneficial for the users of the people in Taiwan and Mainland China.
關聯 科技部
計畫編號: MOST103-2410-H004-045 研究期間: 103.08-104.07
資料類型 report
dc.contributor 法律科際整合研究所-
dc.creator (作者) 顏玉明zh-tw (日期) 2015- 2017-07-14- 2017-07-14- (上傳時間) 2017-07-14-
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 2013年 6月臺灣與大陸完成簽署海峽兩岸服務貿易協議,協議關於逐步減少或 消除雙方之間涵蓋眾多部門的服務貿易限制性措施、繼續擴展服務貿易的廣度 與深度及增進雙方在服務貿易領域的合作;惟迄今該協議未能經立法院通過, 輿論亦有認為該協議雖似為台灣諸多產業帶來利多,但同時亦存在對台灣業者 造成重大衝擊的擔憂。由於服貿協議對於各項服務貿易之開放程度依業別不 同,雙邊之承諾亦有差別,再加上兩岸產業結構及法規環境差異之因素,故服 貿協議對於特定產業將造成如何之影響,倘未經深入的資料蒐集及分析探討, 實難以一概而論。 本申請計畫乃出於探討服貿協議中工程專業服務項目承諾效益之動機,與 提供政府相關單位及工程專業服務業者評估判斷之材料,及為日後服貿協議可 能的調整談判提出建議三項目的,祈藉由對服貿協議條款分析、中國大陸與其 他兩岸工程專業服務相關執業規範與工程專業服務產業實務現況之全面向蒐 集、整理與評估,完整呈現兩岸服務貿易協議在各面相因素綜合作用之下,對 於兩岸服務貿易自由化之實際效益。 本申請計畫擬首先歸納外資於相關行業開放前進入大陸市場時所遭遇之貿 易原有屏障,其後依照服貿協議中與建築業相關行業(包括工程專業服務及建 築和相關工程服務等)有關條款,結合兩岸於事業資格、人員資質、業績要求 等等面向之既有法規,比較分析建築業相關行業之規範差異與產業現況,並在 此基礎上進一步綜合分析臺灣企業進入大陸市場的機會與執行上可能產生之課 題,以探究服貿協定是否利於臺灣企業進入大陸市場,為後續研究奠定基礎, 並提出建議以作為未來協商補充協議之的參考。-
dc.description.abstract (摘要) In 2013, Taiwan and Mainland China signed Cross-Strait Agreement on Trade in Services, devoting to eliminate the trading barriers of services providing, and broaden the width and depth of the cooperation in the area of trade in services. However, the Cross-Strait Agreement on Trade in Services has not been approved by the Legislative Yuan so far. It is criticized as a poison behind the interest-provider appearance. Owing to the various industries this Agreement regards, it makes the impacts of this Agreement in each industry varies accordingly. Therefore it is needed to have a further study in specified industry rather than general browse in discussing its beneficial result. This research is motivated by obtaining the understanding of the promises of the Agreement across the Strait, especially in the areas of Architectural Services and Engineering Services. It is aimed to provide the information to Taiwanese investors and the public authorities, in negotiating the amendment of Agreement in the future. Therefore, this research is planned to generalize current trading barriers encountered in Architectural Services and Engineering Services. After that, the examination of the effect of Agreement will be conducted by comparing the promises Mainland China provided and the current barriers. If there is any problem or potential barrier exists, it is needed to discuss if there is solution may be raised when negotiating the amendment of Agreement in the future. It is hoped to develop the knowledge of the trends, pros and cons of the practices of Mainland China’s industry, and with a deeper understanding regarding how to utilize the Agreement, and be beneficial for the users of the people in Taiwan and Mainland China.-
dc.relation (關聯) 科技部-
dc.relation (關聯) 計畫編號: MOST103-2410-H004-045 研究期間: 103.08-104.07-
dc.subject (關鍵詞) 海峽兩岸服貿協議;建築服務;工程服務;資格資質認定;貿易障礙-
dc.subject (關鍵詞) Cross-Strait Agreement on Trade in Services; Architectural Services; Engineering Services; Qualification; Class of Aptitude; Trading Barrier-
dc.title (題名) 海峽兩岸服務貿易協議之研究 -以工程及建築專業服務為中心zh_TW
dc.title (題名) A Study of Cross-Strait Agreement on Trade in Services: Focusing on Architectural and Engineering Services-
dc.type (資料類型) report-