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題名 呂思勉史學的趨新與守舊 II
作者 彭明輝
貢獻者 歷史系
日期 2014
上傳時間 14-Jul-2017 09:20:29 (UTC+8)
摘要 現代中國史學的發展,曾歷經一段史料無限擴張卻不讀廿五史的時期,在這段時期,新派史學工作者「上窮碧落下黃泉,動手動腳找東西」;舊派史學工作者則謹守傳統文獻的藩籬,呂思勉適巧是這樣一位舊派史學工作者。據資料顯示,他曾數度讀完廿五史,並據此撰寫其中國通史與斷代史。呂思勉的主要著作形式為教科書,但此時期之大學教師評等,係以專論、專題為主,而非以教科書為據。在此種學術風潮下,呂思勉以通史、斷代史、讀史劄記等形式為主的著作,顯然是有點不合時宜的。呂思勉治學嚴謹,注重排比史料,分類劄記,長於綜合研究和融會貫通,著作甚豐,包括各種斷代史、通史、專史等,不下千餘萬言。且在經學、文字學、文學等面向,均有獨到見解。惟與其同時代以專題、專論為尚之學術風氣略不合拍,縱使其戮力於涉獵古文獻,並廣泛閱讀從西方引進的新文化、新思想和研究方法,但似仍不為學界所重。對於這樣一位著作豐富,但著作形式與時代學術風氣立異的學者,受學界之忽略,似亦為理中之事。本文擬全面探討呂思勉史學的各個面向,包括通史、斷代史、專書、專論與讀史劄記等。試圖從呂思勉的著作中,探析、索引其史學意涵,並將呂思勉史學放到其所處時代的學術背景中,探討呂思勉史學的趨新與守舊,以論析其史學的成就與侷限。There has been a time in the development of modern Chinese historiography that scholars looked for a wide range of source materials whereas ignored the twenty-five (official) histories. While the “newfangled" scholars searched for different sorts of materials, the “conservative" historians stayed in the castle of traditional sources. Nevertheless, Lu Simian is a conservative. According to what has been known, he read through the twenty-five officials histories a few times, and wrote dynastic and general histories based on those materials. His major writings are textbook-like works. However, reviews on college teachers' academic works required those of monographs or papers, not textbooks. Consequently, those dynastic and general textbooks and reading notes he wrote did not fit the requirements. Lu is productive. He wrote more than ten words in Chinese dynastic and general histories. His had outstanding viewpoints in the study of Chinese Classics, etymology, and literature. His approach emphasized analyses and classifying of materials. He was good at synthesizing, achieving mastery through a comprehensive study of the subject. Compared to his colleagues who focused on special topics, he did not keep pace with them. Even though he endeavored to collecting materials from traditional sources, and introduced new ideas and methods from the West, it is not hard to understand that he was thought little of by contemporaries. This article will discusses Lu Simian's works, including his writing on dynastic and general histories, monographs, papers and study notes. I shall try to analyze the implications of his works, so as to real his achievements and limits in history.
關聯 國科會
資料類型 report
dc.contributor 歷史系
dc.creator (作者) 彭明輝zh-tw (日期) 2014 14-Jul-2017 09:20:29 (UTC+8)- 14-Jul-2017 09:20:29 (UTC+8)- (上傳時間) 14-Jul-2017 09:20:29 (UTC+8)-
dc.identifier.uri (URI)
dc.description.abstract (摘要) 現代中國史學的發展,曾歷經一段史料無限擴張卻不讀廿五史的時期,在這段時期,新派史學工作者「上窮碧落下黃泉,動手動腳找東西」;舊派史學工作者則謹守傳統文獻的藩籬,呂思勉適巧是這樣一位舊派史學工作者。據資料顯示,他曾數度讀完廿五史,並據此撰寫其中國通史與斷代史。呂思勉的主要著作形式為教科書,但此時期之大學教師評等,係以專論、專題為主,而非以教科書為據。在此種學術風潮下,呂思勉以通史、斷代史、讀史劄記等形式為主的著作,顯然是有點不合時宜的。呂思勉治學嚴謹,注重排比史料,分類劄記,長於綜合研究和融會貫通,著作甚豐,包括各種斷代史、通史、專史等,不下千餘萬言。且在經學、文字學、文學等面向,均有獨到見解。惟與其同時代以專題、專論為尚之學術風氣略不合拍,縱使其戮力於涉獵古文獻,並廣泛閱讀從西方引進的新文化、新思想和研究方法,但似仍不為學界所重。對於這樣一位著作豐富,但著作形式與時代學術風氣立異的學者,受學界之忽略,似亦為理中之事。本文擬全面探討呂思勉史學的各個面向,包括通史、斷代史、專書、專論與讀史劄記等。試圖從呂思勉的著作中,探析、索引其史學意涵,並將呂思勉史學放到其所處時代的學術背景中,探討呂思勉史學的趨新與守舊,以論析其史學的成就與侷限。There has been a time in the development of modern Chinese historiography that scholars looked for a wide range of source materials whereas ignored the twenty-five (official) histories. While the “newfangled" scholars searched for different sorts of materials, the “conservative" historians stayed in the castle of traditional sources. Nevertheless, Lu Simian is a conservative. According to what has been known, he read through the twenty-five officials histories a few times, and wrote dynastic and general histories based on those materials. His major writings are textbook-like works. However, reviews on college teachers' academic works required those of monographs or papers, not textbooks. Consequently, those dynastic and general textbooks and reading notes he wrote did not fit the requirements. Lu is productive. He wrote more than ten words in Chinese dynastic and general histories. His had outstanding viewpoints in the study of Chinese Classics, etymology, and literature. His approach emphasized analyses and classifying of materials. He was good at synthesizing, achieving mastery through a comprehensive study of the subject. Compared to his colleagues who focused on special topics, he did not keep pace with them. Even though he endeavored to collecting materials from traditional sources, and introduced new ideas and methods from the West, it is not hard to understand that he was thought little of by contemporaries. This article will discusses Lu Simian's works, including his writing on dynastic and general histories, monographs, papers and study notes. I shall try to analyze the implications of his works, so as to real his achievements and limits in history.
dc.format.extent 2200908 bytes-
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf-
dc.relation (關聯) 國科會
dc.relation (關聯) 102-2410-H-004-041
dc.title (題名) 呂思勉史學的趨新與守舊 IIzh-TW
dc.type (資料類型) report